Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 318: Encountering a Big Cargo Again

"Big catfish huh?"

Lin Heng guessed, thinking that it was probably this thing.

"No, it's a black stick, a big black stick." Lin Yue said in surprise.

"Black fish!"

Lin was surprised and ran over to take a look. He was shocked to see that it was a big black fish weighing three or four pounds. This was indeed rare.

"Is it a good thing?" Lin Yue said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded: "Indeed, it is really rare for this thing to be attracted."

Although snakehead fish looks ugly, it is an authentic native fish, and it only has two rows of large spines. Its meat is delicious and rich in protein.

"Catch it and keep it first. If there is enough food, how about we take it back and eat it together?"

Lin Heng asked and said that this is a good material for making pickled fish, and it would be a pity to waste it here.

Lin Yue agreed: "I think so too."

The two worked together to catch the big black fish, used a rope to pass through the gill holes, and temporarily released it in the stream.

"A lot of the fish here have been eaten," Lin Yue said after catching the black fish.

"Definitely, this guy was probably attracted by the small fish." Lin Heng nodded. Because of the black fish, there were far fewer small fish coming in than usual.

They caught all the small fish and fed them to Xiong Ba and Fengsheng. Even so, the two dogs were barely half full.

The two of them made a pot of noodles. Last night's duck was smeared with salt and sauce and smoked over a wood-fired charcoal fire. At this time of year, and there were no oil-rich trees nearby, it was impossible. Set fire to the mountains and forests.

After finishing it, the two people spread the fungi they picked yesterday on the rocks to dry in the sun. At 6:30, they took Xiongba Fengsheng and two dogs into the mountain to search.

This time they still worked together to search the mountains and forests for ginseng or other precious Chinese herbal medicines, and hunted as well.

Because wild ginseng is rare in the Qinling Mountains and not as plentiful as in the Greater Khingan Mountains, finding ginseng is entirely a matter of luck. There are very few organized groups that go into the mountains in search of it on a large scale.

Lin Heng also thought about searching nearby after discovering the century-old wild ginseng. He decided to search all the nearby mountains. If he still couldn't find it, then give up.

Finding ginseng becomes much easier as August enters. At this time, the ginseng seeds have turned red and look more obvious.

This method of searching is very slow and time-consuming. It feels like it’s already noon after we’ve only found half of the mountain.

"This ginseng is so hard to find!" Lin Yue sat down and sighed.

"That's for sure. Maybe we have all missed it." Lin Heng took a steamed bun out to eat and would not return to the shelter at noon today.

Ginseng is so hard to find, and sometimes you miss it by accident. Although ginseng seeds are red in August, they may be eaten by birds or trampled to the ground by other animals, all of which may result in missed ginseng.

There are also some that are so awkwardly positioned that they can’t be seen at all unless they are at a certain angle.

"But if it were so easy to find, people would have come in droves." Lin Yue shook his head and started eating steamed buns.

They didn't bring many steamed buns, so they only ate half a pack when they gave it to the descendants of the dog.

Xiong Ba still wanted more after eating. He squatted in front of Lin Heng and watched the bun in his hand stick out his tongue, and the big tail on his back also swayed.

Lin Heng rubbed its head: "We both share it in half. If you want to work harder in the afternoon and find a prey, I will share it with you in half."

What they harvested in the morning was Ganoderma lucidum, Coral fungus and other fungi. In addition, there were some more common herbs, such as Bupleurum, Radix Pseudostellariae, Polygonatum, etc., which were not particularly valuable.


Xiongba rubbed his head on Lin Heng's hand like a baby.

"Let's go!"

After eating, the two of them and the two dogs continued on their way.

After walking a few steps, Lin Yue called out in surprise: "Hey, Huang Jing was found here again, brother, come and help dig it out."

"It's true." Lin Heng came over and took a look. There were seven or eight in this piece, which was quite a lot.

The soft humus soil is easy to dig, and the roots of Polygonatum sibiricum are also small yellow bumps, one after another. It grows a small bump every year.

Although the one Lin Heng dug up was only about the size of a palm, it already had 15 small lumps. It was wild Polygonatum spp. that was fifteen years old.

This kind of thing does not need fertilizer, and the wild one is relatively small, but its medicinal effect is much greater than those of artificial breeding. However, the price is average. Dried wild Polygonatum japonica only costs seven yuan per pound.

But fortunately, there are a lot of these things, so it’s quite cost-effective to dig some. It’s also good to get it back and eat it yourself. This is a plant that has the same origin as medicine and food.

After Lin Heng helped dig it out, he gave it all to his eldest brother. They had already agreed that whoever found it would belong to him and would not have to divide it.

The two of them moved forward, searching for ginseng at a distance. In the blink of an eye, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and it was almost dark in the mountains.

"We're almost done searching this mountain, so we might as well do it until we get to the bottom of it." Lin Yue looked at the sky and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng agreed and moved on.

It didn't take long before they finished exploring the last area and came to the bottom of the ravine to see if there were any prey such as pheasants and golden pheasants.

But we were not lucky. We couldn't even hear the crow of chickens here, and we only saw a few squirrels.

"Let's go back and continue tomorrow."

Lin Heng shook his head and said.

His eldest brother was lucky today and dug six or seven kilograms of wild Polygonatum japonica.

He picked up a lot of fungi, including 32 red Ganoderma lucidum, and after drying in the sun, he could get one or two more.

Adding up all other items, his eldest brother's harvest was about fourteen or five yuan, and his was about ten yuan less. This was related to his disdain for some cheap herbs.

On the way back, no prey was found, not even the recent prey excrement. Logically, it should not be difficult to find after it had just rained.

However, the sun was so bright today that the stream in the canyon was reduced by more than half. The fishing traps they set were all stranded. Fortunately, the rope the black fish placed was not dry.

Back at the shelter, Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and said, "Let's have some sauce duck rice tonight. Brother, go and rearrange the fishing traps, and I'll cook."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Lin Yue nodded.

After drinking water, the two first put away the dried mushrooms, and then arranged and dried the mushrooms and Chinese medicinal materials they picked up today.

Lin Heng then started cooking while his elder brother went out to rearrange the fishing traps.

The ducks were almost smoked and roasted in the morning. Lin Heng hung one of them next to him and continued to smoke and roast. He chopped the other into pieces and put it in a pot and stir-fried it with miso. Then he added water and rice to make sauced duck rice.

When the rice was ready, his eldest brother also came back, and the two of them started eating separately.

"Today's rice is delicious." Lin Yue nodded fiercely. Being able to eat such delicious rice in the wild is an extremely luxurious thing.

"I hope I can harvest something tomorrow, otherwise I will have to eat fish." Lin Heng said, throwing Xiongba a duck bone that he had finished chewing.

"I guess there will be no problem." Lin Yue said with a smile, very optimistic, while Lin Heng was a little worried.

The two of them finished their meal with their heads down, and then went to the edge of the stream with a flashlight. These fish and eels were very stupid at night, so they caught some for Xiongba and Fengsheng to eat. They would definitely not be full if they only ate some bones.

There are many groupers and horsemouths in the mountain stream. At night, you can shine a flashlight on them and you can spot them with your claws.

"I didn't see any eels tonight. Weren't there a lot here before?" Lin Heng was a little confused after catching thirty or forty stream groupers and horsemouth.

"The water just rose, so it probably didn't come out." Lin Yue explained casually.

The two of them were talking, and when they shined a flashlight forward, they were stunned almost at the same time, and their breathing stopped immediately.

"I'll come." Lin Heng whispered and walked toward the big thing quietly.

He pinched his butt from behind and lifted it up, so that no matter how long the old turtle's neck was, it couldn't bite him.

Lin Yue opened the mesh bag excitedly: "Now that I've made it, it weighs five or six pounds."

"It's true." Lin Heng said with a smile. This kind of pure old mountain turtle can be sold for four or five yuan per catty. This one is worth twenty or thirty.

Putting the turtle into the mesh bag, Lin Yue smiled and said, "Let's see if there is anything left."

Lin Heng nodded and continued to search. The resources in the mountains were so good in this era. He still had two turtles weighing one or two kilograms that he had not eaten. They were all caught last year.

Going up, the two of them searched again. The biggest harvest was a half-pound plum blossom, and the others were some small fish.

In addition to the old turtle, the small fish weighed three to four kilograms in total, which was nothing to this stream. As long as they didn't electrocute and poison the fish and used a net, people in this stream would never be able to catch them all.

"The two hours at night are not in vain." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Of course." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The old turtle continued to be raised in the net bag, while the little fish cooked two kilograms to feed Xiong Ba and Fengsheng.

The remaining one pound of large fish were gutted, gutted, killed, sprinkled with salt, and smoked on the fire. Once dried, they can be taken up the mountain for lunch tomorrow.

Compared to yesterday, today was not too tiring. The two woke up in the middle of the night and added fire to the fish. When they woke up in the morning, the fish was all grilled and crispy, and you could see beautiful transparent shreds of meat when you gently tore it apart.

Only the plum fish weighing half a pound has not been grilled yet.

After eating a large pot of noodles, the two of them were full. They also used the noodle soup to catch fish from the fishing trap and cooked them for the two dogs.

"Let's come back in the afternoon and make two more fishing traps. The fish in this one is barely enough for dogs to eat. I also want to smoke and grill some." Lin Yue said.

"Okay, isn't there a very long pool upstream that is close to the rock wall? We can set up a trap there when we come back. It will definitely be better than down here." Lin Heng said.

The length of the stream attached to the rock wall on one side of the canyon can be hundreds of meters long. It is a large long strip of water pool formed by the low terrain.

After the dog finished eating, they set off again. They set off early today, it was only half past five, and both of them hoped to gain something.

Unfortunately, nothing was found all morning. He spent his lunch eating fish and continued searching in the afternoon. Since there was no prey and no ginseng was found, Lin Heng was so angry that he shot five big red squirrels in a row.

They are the most bullied in the forest.

At the end of the day, I searched another mountain. No ginseng was found, and the harvest of other Chinese herbal medicines was not very large. Most of the fungi found were delicious but could not be sold for a lot of money.

All in all, what the two of them gained this day was worth about five yuan.

"Let's go back and build fishing traps." Lin Heng had no hope for this place.

"Okay." Lin Yue agreed, and the two immediately stood up and walked back.

A fishing trap was set up next to the long water pool. The long water pool was an emerald-green color. It was impossible to see whether there were fish in it, but the two of them felt that it should be fine.

When they returned to the camp, they also ate the remaining roast duck. Because it had been roasted over the smoke, the duck was still intact.

Early on the third day, when they went up to check the fishing trap, they were shocked.

"Oh my god, there are so many big fish here!"

"This must be seven or eight kilograms of fish!"

The two of them looked at the plum blossoms swimming back and forth in the trap and were shocked. They all weighed half a catty, and there were more than a dozen of them.

The two of them put them in a net bag and carried them down. There were fifteen big ones in total, and they were at least half a catty, and the big ones could weigh seven or eight taels.

They fed Xiongba and Fengshou, and killed six more, cut them into slices and smoked them on the fire, preparing to make fish as dry food for lunch during the exploration.

The remaining five were kept in the water and prepared to be taken home.

On the way up the mountain, Lin Yue said: "Today is the fourth day here, and the rice and flour have been eaten."

Lin Heng nodded: "Well, it's almost time to go back. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I'll go to another place next time, this place is not good."

He really couldn't stay any longer. Today was August 16th. Even if he didn't build a dam, he had to go to the city on the 20th to discuss the purchase of the abandoned factory.

"These are the last two mountains. Don't come next time if you can't find it." Lin Yue shook his head and said, because he didn't hunt well when looking for ginseng, and the harvest was really not good.

After entering the mountain, the two continued to search as before. Lin Heng found two Ganoderma lucidum early in the morning. The only good thing was that he found a very thick yam vine on the slope and dug seven or eight kilograms of wild yam.

His elder brother was not as good as him. The mountain they entered today had a lot of weeds and vines, and it was not easy to move forward.

Lin Heng glanced at the watch. It was already twelve o'clock. He was about to ask his elder brother to stop and finish his meal, and he heard his excited but timid voice in the distance: "Brother! Damn, I found two large patches of Panax notoginseng!"

Lin Heng was immediately excited and crawled over. When he came over, he saw his elder brother standing in a patch of Panax notoginseng.

"This is Feather Leaf Panax notoginseng." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Lin Yue nodded happily: "Yes, I estimate that I can dig at least 20 to 30 kilograms, which is also a big harvest."

"Congratulations, elder brother." Lin Heng was happy for his elder brother from the bottom of his heart and walked over to help dig.

"This is all thanks to you. Brother, you can dig some too. Here you go." Lin Yue said generously.

Lin Heng shook his head: "That won't work. We agreed that whoever finds it will own it. Just take it with peace of mind. I didn't share what I found last time with you."

He kept two kilograms of special-grade Panax notoginseng for himself at home, and he didn't care about that.

"Okay." Lin Yue didn't bother about it anymore. He knew that Lin Heng didn't need this little money.

After digging it out, he weighed it and found that it weighed about 40 kilograms. If it was dried, it would weigh about 70 to 8 kilograms. Although the quality was slightly worse than what he found last time, it would be no problem to sell it for 300 to 400 yuan. It was definitely a big sum of money.

"Damn, I've saved enough money to open a store." Lin Yue said in surprise.

"It seems that there are indeed a lot of Panax notoginseng here. Let's look for it again. If we can't find Panax notoginseng, we may find it." Lin Heng said. He didn't want to rest after being treated like this. He ate the dried fish while looking for it.

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