Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 320 The best way to comfort Lin Heng

"It's right on the edge of Sancha Valley. I tracked it for several days before we found it." Wang Kaidian said with a smile, and then looked at Lin Heng, "Didn't you hit it this time?"

Tian Baishun even mocked and said, "Yes, Lin Heng, you sometimes miss the mark."

Lin Heng spread his hands helplessly: "There's nothing I can do. I'm not good at catching fish, so I caught a few fish. You guys are so good."

After hearing Lin's words, many people showed happy expressions on their faces, as if being better than him was a very happy thing.

Some people even gloat in their hearts and feel very happy.

But what they didn't know was that although Lin Heng didn't catch any prey, the wild ginseng he dug was unmatched by any prey.

"Yeah, I'm not lucky this time." Lin Yue also agreed, but he was happy in his heart.

"It's okay. There are times when everyone can't catch it. I'll give you some wild boar to try later." Wang Kaidian said with a smile.

He was still thinking about Lin Heng's wife's cooking skills, and wanted to take advantage of them again.

"No, no, you can just eat." Lin Heng waved his hand quickly.

Wang Kaidian said with a smile: "What's the matter? I'll give you some from my share. If you feel bad about it, just help me braise the pig's head."

Old man Tian also nodded and said: "Yes, Lin family boy, I will get you some meat later, and ask my wife to braise some meat for me."

Joking aside, he still remembered Lin Heng's kindness to him.

"That's fine. Just come to Hongfeng Mountain when the time comes." Lin Heng grinned and did not refuse.

After chatting for a while, Lin Heng waved his hand and said, "Then take your time, we'll leave first."

The two of them walked out of Gaoyuan, and Lin Yuecai laughed softly: "There were a few people laughing at us just now. They have no idea what we have in our bags."

"Just laugh." Lin Heng grinned, not caring at all.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at Red Maple Mountain and go directly to the backyard of the cabin from the path in the forest.


Lin Heng wanted to surprise Xiulan Xiaoxia, but two dogs exposed them. Seeing the dog, Xiaoxia immediately ran towards Lin Heng as fast as flying.

"Stop falling."

When Lin Heng saw her warning like this, he quickly ran over and picked her up.

"I miss you so much, Dad!"

Xiaoxia hugged Lin Heng's neck and said coquettishly.

"I miss you too." Lin Heng smiled and kissed her, then walked towards the cabin with his things.

"Big brother and second brother, it took you a long time to go into the mountains this time. How was the harvest?"

Under the tarpaulin in front of the house, Caiyun asked curiously.

Lin Yue took the lead in explaining: "It doesn't look like much, but it is very valuable, especially your second brother, he dug a ginseng tree."


Hearing this, Caiyun Xiulan was shocked and all looked at Lin Heng.

Lin Heng smiled slightly and said, "I'll tell you slowly after I take a break. Only our own people know about this, so please don't spread it outside."

He first put Xiaoxia down and took out the things one by one.

"So many things, the harvest is not bad, there is also a black fish and an old turtle." Caiyun said in surprise.

"You can use Xiulan's mandarin fish to make stinky mandarin fish." Lin Heng pointed at the nearly two kilogram mandarin fish and said.

"It's easy. It will ferment in three or four days in summer." Xiulan nodded with a smile.

Lin Yue also showed off his Sanqi, which surprised the two of them.

Finally, everyone looked at Lin Heng, and he stopped being pretentious and took the ginseng out of the bag.

"so beautiful!"

"What a strong medicinal smell!"

The two of them were surprised when they looked at the wild ginseng, especially Caiyun. It was the first time for her to see wild ginseng of this year.

"The preliminary estimate is that the ginseng is seventy or eighty years old." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then, second brother, you have made a fortune again this time?" Caiyun was a little shocked.

"That's right." Lin Heng smiled and went to bring a basin of mountain spring water, cleaned the ginseng with a toothbrush, and then hung it with a red string in the window to dry.

This thing cannot be exposed to the sun, as it will affect the efficacy of the medicine.

When it's almost dry, lightly dry it in the morning sun, then put it in a glass bottle and seal it for storage.

After chatting for a while, his eldest brother got up and walked back. Lin Heng gave him the old turtle, took the black fish for himself, and divided the killed plum blossoms and river groupers equally.

The same goes for honey.

Caiyun followed her elder brother Lin Yue down to deliver the good news to her parents.

Lin Heng sat down, drank a glass of water and asked, "What have you been doing these days?"

Xiulan looked at him and said, "I'm not doing anything. I just sleep, eat and take Xiaoxia with me, and occasionally go to the breeding base below."

After filling Lin Heng with water, she added: "In addition to feeding shrimps, cattle and sheep, my parents have been weeding the orchards and medicinal materials, plowing up sweet potato vines and other things these days. Because you didn't come back at the dam, we It’s never been repaired.”

Lin Heng nodded, walked to her and squatted down, looking up at her face: "You haven't been feeling well these days, are you?"

"It's been fine, nothing uncomfortable." Xiulan nodded first, then patted his face and said with a smile, "Go take a shower, it stinks."

"I'll listen to the child's heartbeat first." Lin Heng grinned and put his ear against Xiulan's belly.

Because they are twins, her belly is already about seven or eight months old as a single baby, but in fact she is not even halfway through her pregnancy.

Seeing that Lin Heng remained silent for a long time, Xiulan picked off the twigs on his head and asked softly: "Did you hear that?"

"I heard it. There were really two weak heartbeats." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

"Mom, I want to listen too." Xiaoxia also ran over with a curious look on her face.

"Don't touch your mother." Lin Heng looked at her and said.

Xiulan smiled and said, "It's okay. You can go in and take a shower. I can take her with me."

"I originally said I would take you fishing in the Heihe River these days, but I didn't expect that it took a long time to find ginseng." Lin Heng looked at her and said apologetically.

Mainly because he didn't expect the twins' bellies to grow so quickly.

Xiulan looked at him and shook her head: "Just wait until next year to go again, there is still a long time."

Lin Heng looked at her and said, "I won't go into the mountains and stay for several days anymore. I will take care of you until the child is born."

Xiulan smiled knowingly and said, "Go and take a shower. I'll find clothes for you and put them under the pillow."

Lin Heng nodded, entered the house, closed the door, fetched water and took a quick shower. In fact, he took the soap and washed it in the mountain stream last night before going to bed. It was just that his clothes were dirty and he was sweating during the day.

Now it just needs a simple wash before you can put on your clothes and go out.

After taking a shower, Lin Heng came out wearing clean clothes, looked at Xiulan and said, "By the way, we met Wang Kaidian and the others on the way. They shot a big wild boar and wanted to ask you to help braise the meat."

Xiulan smiled and said: "Then I can only command you, I can't do it."

"I think so too." Lin Heng nodded and pointed to the marinated fish next to him and asked, "How do you want to eat these fish? I'll cook them for you. Call your parents up at noon."

Jinbao, who was tied up in front of the tree nearby, started meowing when he smelled the smell. He is very sensitive to the smell of fish.

Xiulan took Lin Heng's hand and stood up. She looked at the fish and said, "I'll teach you how to pickle the smelly mandarin fish first. You can make the black fish into pickled fish for dinner at night. The one you made last time was pretty good. The rest is left. The small fish should be fried and eaten, and the larger plum fish should be sprinkled with some salt and baked into dried fish. "

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, pulled Xiulan into the house and started handling the fish.

After the mandarin fish was marinated, he cut the black fish into slices and marinated it with green onion and ginger. Then he went to the stove outside to light a fire. While the charcoal was burning, he set up a pan to fry small fish such as Xi Shi, Zebra Mouth and so on.

Finally, the larger plum blossoms were baked over charcoal fire as Xiulan said and made into dried fish.

After finishing these things, he ordered himself some noodles to eat. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and his intestines were so hungry.

As soon as he finished his meal, Mother Lin and Caiyun came up with a basket of vegetables. Mother Lin first ran to take a look at the hanging dried ginseng, then looked at Lin Heng and said, "You have done a good job this time."

"It's okay, okay," Lin Heng said modestly.

Then Mother Lin said again: "Pack this thing away. Don't go out to show it off. No one can tell anyone, and the wealth cannot be leaked. This is much more precious than your father's ginseng that has been around for more than ten years. Outsiders can come and steal it if they know it." It’s not impossible to steal.”

"I know." Lin Heng nodded. He told his eldest brother sternly about this matter. What he was most afraid of at home was his sister-in-law Liu Juan and his eldest brother's three sons.

His sister-in-law is a bit loud and can't keep secrets, but the three nephews may leak it because of their childish words.

Xiaoxia was safe by following them all day long.

Mother Lin looked at the ginseng again, and then started to help cook. They also brought some river shrimps.

After six o'clock, dinner was ready. Lin's father also came up. After looking at the ginseng dug by Lin Heng, he gave a thumbs up: "Awesome, your luck is much better than mine."

"Dad, where did you find that ginseng? If you have time, you can go look around nearby." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Father Lin shook his head and said: "I found it on the birch cliff after climbing three beams in Baishigou. I searched nearby at that time and later, but found nothing."

He was there to dig herbs, and that place was far away.

"Then when we have time to go take a look together, maybe we can find something else." Lin Heng said, he thought he might be able to find it.

"Okay, I want to go again. There are a lot of medicinal herbs there. But wait until next year. Don't run around this year." Lin's father said.

After Mrs. Lin finished frying the last dish, she came over and said, "It's time to serve the dishes for dinner. When it's on the table, you guys talk slowly."

"Okay." Lin Heng stood up and went to help serve the dishes. Among these dishes, he cooked the pickled fish and the others were given to his mother and Caiyun.

They were the only family after dinner today. I originally called my eldest brother, but his father-in-law went to his house as a guest and couldn't come.

Xiaoxia couldn't eat spicy food, so the pickled fish he made was slightly spicy. Black fish was indeed the best ingredient for making pickled fish. Everyone was full of praise after eating it, but in the end even the pickled fish was eaten.

After finishing the meal, it was getting dark. His parents, Caiyun and the others went down the mountain. After Lin Heng fed the dog and took a while to cool down, he and Xiulan Xiaoxia went back to the house to rest.

"Dad, you have to tell me a lot of stories today to make up for what you have done before." Xiaoxia lay in Lin Heng's arms and acted coquettishly.

"Okay, no problem." Lin Heng touched her little head, lay down comfortably and told her a story.

The bed at home is much more comfortable than on the mountain. With my daughter on the left and my wife on the right, I feel very happy.

Just when she started telling the third story, Xiaoxia fell asleep. Lin Heng put some more in her and lay down on her back.

As soon as he lay down, Xiulan leaned over and put one hand on his chest. She also missed Lin Heng, and only when she leaned on him to sleep could she feel at ease.

"You have wounds all over your body from thorns. It's been too hard to find ginseng these days. Don't be so anxious, just take your time." Xiulan said softly.

She had long noticed the wounds on Lin Heng's arms and face from thorns. Seeing his proud and happy expression when he took out the wild ginseng, she understood that he was probably trying to find ginseng again these days to make her feel at ease.

"The main thing is to make more money so that our children can have a better future." Lin Heng said with a smile, and hugged her in his arms.

Of course, he believed that Xiulan would not have any emotions because he spent money, but he was panicked because he suddenly lost his savings, so he was in a hurry to find ginseng.

"These are all minor injuries on your body, it's not a problem." Lin Heng said again.

"You will feel bad if you come back." Xiulan said, wrapping her jade arms around Lin Heng's neck and suddenly kissing him.

She felt that this should be the best way to express her longing and relieve Lin Heng's fatigue. Lin Heng felt sorry for her, and she felt sorry for Lin Heng, too. It didn't matter if her belly was a little bigger, as long as Lin Heng did what he did during sex.

Lin Heng only felt that he was surrounded by gentleness, and forgot how he fell asleep. He woke up a little after six the next day, and the call of the thrush outside was very pleasant.

He was also refreshed as never before, and felt that everything was unobstructed. He felt that he really couldn't hold it in for too long, because it was not good for his body.

He turned his head to look at Xiulan, and the thin summer quilt couldn't cover her naked body. Her soft and white skin was breathtaking. She became whiter during pregnancy.

He just moved twice, and Xiulan woke up, rolled her eyes at him, and said shyly: "Help me put on my clothes quickly, Xiaoxia will wake up in a while."

"It's okay, Xiaoxia won't wake up so easily." Lin Heng hugged her and wanted to sleep for a while.

Xiulan symbolically resisted, and half of her body was pressed against him. He rested in silence for a while until a ray of sunlight shone into the hut from the window.

"I'm getting up." Xiulan said, taking away Lin Heng's hand on her waist and supporting him to sit up.

Xia Liang slipped off her body, exposing a more amazing view. Lin Heng's eyes made her ears red, and she quickly picked up the bellyband next to her and put it on.

Because bras are a bit stuffy and tight in summer, she made a small bellyband with the silk she bought, and Lin Heng also felt a different feeling when wearing it.

Lin Heng smiled and tied the thin straps on her back. Xiulan put on the jade Buddha he gave her, put on the rest of her clothes and got up.

Lin Heng also put on his clothes, called Xiaoxia to get up, and took her to the toilet first.

The toilet here was dug next to the ginseng garden, the septic tank was covered with cement slabs, and a pipe was connected from the squat toilet. After using the toilet, flush it with water, and there was almost no smell.

Lin Heng pulled Xiaoxia back, and Xiulan waved at him: "Come and see."

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