Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 321 Successfully purchased an old factory

"Do you think this fish is grilled to perfection?"

Xiulan pointed to the dried fish in the bamboo grilling basket and said.

These small fish such as creek groupers and horsemouths all have a light yellow color and exude the aroma of barbecue.

Several larger plum blossoms were also cut into small pieces and grilled. The meat was crystal clear and the meat was a beautiful pink color, making them look more attractive than those small fish.


Jinbao let out a big yawn and put his front paws on the bamboo oven, looking like he couldn't bear it anymore.

"It smells so good." Xiaoxia extended her little hand to grab it without any politeness.

The next moment, her mother slapped her little hands off: "Wash your hands before eating."

"Oh~" Xiaoxia opened a pair of innocent eyes.

Xiulan shook her head, took one, tore it in half and fed it to her mouth. She had already finished washing.

Lin Heng took Xiaoxia to wash his hands and tasted a piece. He nodded and praised: "It's chewier than fried ones. It's really delicious."

As he said this, he threw some to a cat and two dogs, and they jumped into the air and caught them in one go.


Especially the two dogs who didn't taste it after swallowing it in one gulp and looked at them innocently.

"No more." Lin Heng unmoved put all the remaining fish meat into a plastic bag, leaving only a little for breakfast in the morning.

The moisture in these meats has dried out, and the salt is relatively heavy, so storing them for a month or two won't be a problem.

"What's for breakfast?" Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and asked.

Lin Heng thought for a moment and said, "Pour some milk powder and boil an egg. I'll make some stir-fried tea tree mushrooms and some potato cakes."

"I don't really want to eat potato pancakes today. Let's boil some corn. Mom brought a lot of them yesterday." Xiulan said softly.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

Then he exercised first and then had breakfast as usual. This has become his family's habit. If he doesn't exercise in the morning, he will feel uncomfortable.

Xiulan is still practicing Tai Chi even though she is pregnant, and now her limbs are becoming softer and more coordinated.

After the exercise, the eggs and corn have been cooked, and the milk powder has been prepared. Lin Heng heated up the oil in a pot and made stir-fried tea tree mushrooms. The mushrooms tasted very fragrant and chewy after being stir-fried.

After eating, Lin Heng took out the ginseng from the house and dried it under the light scattered through the leaves.

Then he sorted out the mushrooms picked up on the mountain, taking out shiitake mushrooms as the main ones, and took out some of each other, as well as the black truffles and the last few matsutake mushrooms left over from last year.

"Are you going to make mushroom sauce?" Xiulan looked at him and asked.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, these mushrooms are delicious when made into sauce."

Making mushroom sauce is very simple. Soak all the dried mushrooms in water, wring out the water and cut into small cubes. The main ingredients are ginger, garlic, chili, and lean meat cubes.

Cut a lot of ingredients into pieces, heat oil in a pot, add the ingredients first and stir-fry, then add bean paste and diced mushrooms, stir-fry for a while, scoop it up and transfer it to a glass jar to seal it.

Because it is oily, spicy and salty, it can be kept sealed for a year without any problem, so he made three kilograms of it this time. When eating, just using it with rice can make people's tongue smell delicious.

When Lin Heng was making mushrooms, Xiulan and Xiaoxia were watching. She liked to see Lin Heng working seriously.

"Wow, second brother, what did you cook so delicious?"

Lin Heng had just fried the mushroom sauce when Caiyun came up from the mountain carrying a basket and exclaimed.

"Your brother made the mushroom sauce. Let's try it at noon later." Xiulan said with a smile.

"No wonder it smells so good. Second brother, you are really skilled." Caiyun said with a smile.

Lin Heng said: "Stop eating noodles. I'll make some steamed buns at noon and let's eat mushroom sauce."

After making the mushroom sauce, the three of them picked the vegetables that Caiyun had brought in the yard. After drinking tea for a while, Lin Heng felt his ears were itchy, so he took an earpick and prepared to pick them out himself.

"Give it to me." Xiulan stretched out her white hand and said.

"I can do it myself." Lin Heng said, not wanting to trouble her who was pregnant.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up." Xiulan glared at him, grabbed the ear pick and motioned for Lin Heng to sit over.

Lin Heng sat down obediently, put his head on her lap, closed his eyes and enjoyed it. Xiulan liked to pick out his ears, and he also enjoyed the process very much.

After taking it for a while, she finally agreed. Lin Heng opened his eyes and met her watery eyes. He smiled and said, "Would you like me to dig it out for you?"

Xiulan shook her head slightly: "Wash my hair later."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, went to boil water, mixed the water temperature, and washed her hair.

He is now very good at washing hair and will no longer hurt her hair. Xiulan also enjoys his massage-style hair washing.

After washing and drying our hair, we sat on a wicker chair and drank tea together. Life was dull and simple, but as long as we saw each other, whether we were talking, busy, or bickering together, we felt happy, whether we were with other people or not. a feeling of.

"Second brother and sister-in-law, your relationship is so good." Caiyun said with a smile.

Xiulan smiled and said, "It's not bad. When I'm happy, I'll do whatever it takes to cook him delicious food. When I'm angry, I'll cook the meal he doesn't like the most and watch him finish it."

"Haha, why didn't I see it?" Caiyun laughed.

Xiulan glanced at Lin Heng: "It seems that he hasn't made me angry recently. If I get angry another day, I'll ask you to watch him eat tomato and egg noodles."

What Lin Heng hates most is the whistle made of tomatoes and eggs. He can eat either one alone, but he is extremely uncomfortable with the sour, sweet, salty and spicy feeling when they are combined.

Lin Heng: "... It seems that you used to make tomato and egg noodles on purpose."

Lin Heng suddenly recalled the memory of eating tomato and egg noodles in his previous life. It turned out that he had made Xiulan angry so many times. It turned out that she didn't know that she hated eating it, but she was deliberately punishing him.

Then he remembered the scene when he deliberately used Xiulan as a target and threw small branches at her to tease her to chase him.

Xiulan smiled slyly: "What do you think!"

"Then I won't dare to do it again in the future." Lin Heng smiled and shook his head, picked up a small branch and threw it at Xiulan, which immediately caused her to roll her eyes.

"Okay, okay, you are starting to show your affection again, let's play chess." Caiyun said hurriedly.

After playing checkers for a while, Lin Heng played a game of chess with Caiyun.

"I'm going down the mountain to have a look."

At half past nine, Lin Heng said to Xiulan, and then walked slowly down the mountain.

He went down the mountain to take a look at the cattle and sheep first. He found that his parents were so diligent that they had reclaimed the slope of about one acre near the cattle and sheep pen and planted ryegrass, which was now three or four centimeters high.

The musk deer and shrimp were also well raised, and basically there were no problems. The male musk deer's leg was completely healed, but it was still lame.

He walked around the breeding base, then opened the gate and took the hoe up the mountain, and soon saw his parents in the vineyard.

"Mom and Dad, is there only grass left in the vineyard now?" Lin Heng walked over and asked, and put down the water he brought.

Father Lin nodded and said, "Yes, your mother and I have already weeded the apple orchard. The saplings and astragalus are growing well. There are dozens of dead saplings. We will replant them when the weather gets cooler."

"Why did you run out again? Are you not taking care of Xiulan?" Mother Lin looked at him and asked.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "It's enough to have Caiyun. I'll help you. Come and have a drink of water first."

Father Lin came over and drank a sip of water and said, "Look, the grapes are growing well. Do you need to build a trellis and repair it?"

The grapes planted at home are almost not lacking in saplings, and they are growing very fast. Each plant has many new branches and is very lush.

Lin Heng lifted up the branches and looked at them, then shook his head and said, "No need now, just wait until winter to prune them. It doesn't matter if you build a rack or not. There will be no fruit next year, and the trunk will still grow."

Mother Lin looked at Lin Heng and asked, "The orchard will not have fruit next year, but the ones we planted in the back hills of our own home will always have fruit, right?"

"Of course, the red grapes in my backyard have a few bunches this year." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"That's great, we can taste the taste of the grape seedlings we bought this year." Mother Lin said happily.

After chatting about the fruit seedlings for a few more words, the three of them started to work, weeding and removing the thorny shrubs on the edge of the field to avoid being harmed.

"Hey, this wild rose stem is straight, I'll dig it back." Lin Heng said, looking at a rose stem as thick as a forearm on the edge of the field.

"This rotten thorny tree is everywhere, what do you want it for?" Father Lin stopped the knife in his hand and asked in confusion.

"You'll know when the time comes." Lin Heng dug up the root in two strokes, leaving a two-meter-high stem on the upper half.

This thing can survive if you plant it in the ground, and then graft some roses on it to make a lollipop rose, which blooms like a natural bouquet.

After a while, Lin's father saw another one and asked, "There's another one here, do you want it?"

"Yes, two or three will be enough." Lin Heng nodded. In fact, if you dig more of this thing, plant a large area of ​​hundreds or thousands of trees, and then graft them into lollipop roses, you can also sell them for money.

But he was too lazy to do it. If he had time, he could plant a circle along the Red Maple Mountain Breeding Base.

They worked until about eleven o'clock. The sun was too strong, so they took the hoe home. The rest would be done in two days.

"Son, when are you going to start repairing the dam? If you don't repair it, it will rain again. The cement, sand and gravel have been transported up." Lin's father asked on the way home.

"Start the day after tomorrow at the latest. I have to go to the city tomorrow." Lin Heng said.

"What are you going to do in the city?" Lin's mother was curious.

Lin Heng smiled slightly: "Buy a house. Xiulan will definitely go to the city to give birth to twins."

"Are you sure?" Lin's mother asked again. She knew about buying a house.

"Yes." Lin Heng didn't mention the factory. Now that he said it, his parents would definitely not understand it, so he didn't let them worry.

When they got to the highway, Lin Heng separated from them and went back home. He first looked at the fruits and vegetables in the yard. Caiyun often helped pick these fruits and vegetables, but many of them fell to the ground and rotted.

Lin Heng picked two old and ugly watermelons and cantaloupes and took them to the back mountain to feed the chickens. Then he found that many watermelons, pumpkins and cucumbers in the back mountain were also old, so he simply picked the watermelons and cantaloupes that were about to mature and carried them to the Hongfeng Mountain area to feed the livestock.

"This red grape is getting old." Lin Heng saw the red grapes that had already turned red and tasted one. It was still a little astringent, but it was already sweeter.

He went back to the house and took out some paper bags he had bought before to cover the red grapes, and then planted two wild rose poles by the stream of the fish pond in the yard. Once they survived, they could be grafted.

Actually, he could graft them directly now, but he was lazy, so he would wait until later.

Many silver clematis planted on the wall died, but five of them survived strongly, and only two survived under the orange tree.

Standing in the pavilion, he scattered a handful of feed and looked at the fish, then went to clean the house again, in addition to weeding the backyard, trimming the overly lush and deformed flowers and plants.

Finally, he carried the fruits and vegetables to Hongfeng Mountain.

When he arrived at Hongfeng Mountain, he found that Wang Kaidian and Tian Baishun had also come, and they were carrying some meat.

"Lin Heng, these meats are for you. Please ask Xiulan to braise the rest." Wang Kaidian pointed at the meat and introduced it again.

"Okay, take a watermelon back to eat." Lin Heng put down the backpack and took a big watermelon for each of them.

Although they said no, they finally accepted it and took it back.

"Tian Baishun is generous enough. The meat he sent can be five or six pounds." Lin's mother said in surprise as she picked up the pork.

Lin Heng explained, "I didn't ask for money for the venison last time. I guess he'll get a lot of meat this time. He definitely can't finish it all by himself."

"Should we take all of this up or put it here?" Lin's mother asked.

"Let's put it here. I'll bring Xiulan down to stew it in the afternoon. I've brought all the ingredients back this time." Lin Heng said.

Lin's mother nodded, "Then you can take the meat up to eat later."

"You guys can take it up. We'll eat it at noon today." Lin Heng said, and then he carried the fruits and vegetables on his back to feed the cattle and sheep.

"Wait a minute, I'll pick some out and give them to people. It's a waste to feed the cattle and sheep." Lin's mother grabbed the basket and picked some before letting him go.

Lin Heng shook his head helplessly, thinking that his mother was really meticulous. She carried the rest to the cattle and sheep pen, chopped it up and let the cattle and sheep have a good meal.

Back on the mountain, Lin Heng found that his parents and others had sat down to eat, and was surprised: "Didn't you say I would do it?"

"I did it. Come and eat, second brother." Caiyun said with a smile.

"Your steamed bun with mushroom sauce is delicious, come and try it." Father Lin said while eating.


Lin Heng washed his hands and sat down, picked up the steamed bun and put some mushroom sauce on it to eat. His appetite was really great. The fried mushroom sauce was so fragrant.

The soup was corn and pumpkin soup. The pumpkin was soft and the corn was sweet, and it tasted good.

After dinner, facing such a big sun, everyone chose to cool off on the mountain. It was much cooler here than the breeding base and the village below.

After the sun passed in the afternoon, Lin Heng did not go to weed the grapes with his parents, but took Xiulan back to his home in the village.

"Did you clean this this morning? It's quite clean." Xiulan looked at everything in the house and asked in surprise.

"Of course." Lin Heng nodded, and then said, "I'll go to my eldest brother's house first, and I'll tell you when I come back."

"Help me move the sewing machine out first." Xiulan said.

Lin Heng moved the sewing machine for her, then looked for his eldest brother and asked him if he wanted to go to the city together tomorrow.

Lin Yue readily agreed to this: "I'm just about to go to the city to buy some medicine, let's go together."

"Okay, let's leave at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, go early." Lin Heng nodded and said.

"Okay, I know." Lin Yue nodded and agreed.

After leaving his eldest brother's house, he returned to his own home. He called Xiulan to take out all the 20,000 yuan in the secret compartment under the bed, as well as the receipt with the official seal that Bai Xueqing gave when she collected ginseng.

"Then I'll go to the town first." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said after getting the money.

"Okay, be careful." Xiulan nodded and continued her needlework.

Lin Heng drove a sidecar to the town to take some watermelons and cantaloupes. These fruits were given to Grandpa Gao, and the rest were sold by Wang Zhou.

Not only did his family grow some themselves, but his parents also grew a lot on the edge of the field, so much that they could not be eaten at all.

Then he went to the credit union and deposited all the 20,000 yuan into his passbook. Because he had to go to the city to discuss business tomorrow, he couldn't just go there with cash.

It's safer to save it, and he can also withdraw it at the credit union in the city.

After saving the money, he didn't stay in the town for too long. He bought some black plums and went home.

"Wife, eat plums." Lin Heng said as he carried the plums home.

"Are these black plums?" Xiulan curiously reached out and took two and washed them with water.

"Yes, I just saw someone selling them." Lin Heng nodded.

Xiulan handed one to her daughter, took a bite and said in surprise: "I like sour and sweet."

"Then leave the rest for you, not for others." Lin Heng took a bite of the plum and asked again, "Have you finished sewing the clothes?"

"I'm done, I can go back to Hongfeng Mountain." Xiulan got up from the sofa, took her things and left.

Lin Heng put the sewing machine away and covered it, put on Xiaoxia's shoes, took a piece of bacon and left here.

After going to Hongfeng Mountain, he helped to stew the meat sent by Wang Kaidian and Tian Baishun under the guidance of Xiulan, and stewed a chicken and three pounds of wild boar meat himself.

He sent it back on the same day after finishing it, spent the rest of the time in the mountain, and cooked dinner for his parents.

The next morning, Lin Heng got up early, made breakfast and ate it, then filled up the gas for the sidecar, and went to the city with his eldest brother.

After entering the city, he quickly found Zhang Zhi, the owner of the old factory, and met another person named Liu Chao through his introduction. The three of them went to the Land Bureau and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to make the corresponding property rights changes.

With the help of Liu Chao, as the money was paid, other procedures were passed. As long as you know the connections, many things are very simple.

Then the three of them went to have a meal together. Lin Heng focused on getting to know Liu Chao and expanding his network of contacts.

He also asked him about buying a house and offered him a business deal. With this business deal, Liu Chao immediately became more friendly to him and left his address and phone number to Lin Heng, asking him to call him next time.

It was already afternoon when all this was done, and Lin Heng went to find his eldest brother. He had been waiting for a long time in Baihe after finishing his business.

"Have you finished your business?" Seeing Lin Heng coming over, Lin Yue asked with a smile.

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