"Yes, I bought a factory. Let's go and have a look." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Factory!!" Lin Yue's eyes widened, and he stuttered for a while.

Lin Heng smiled and explained: "It's the one we saw before. We haven't told our parents about this yet. Only Xiulan knows about it. Big brother, don't make it public for the time being."

"Really?" Lin Yue asked again, feeling a little unreal. He thought Lin Heng was joking.

"Let's go and have a look." Lin Heng started the motorcycle and said with a smile.

Lin Yue took a deep breath, got on the car and asked: "How much did you buy it for?"

"Fifteen thousand." Lin Heng whispered a number. Since he had already bought it, there was no need to hide it from his big brother. The whole family would know about it later.

"Hiss!" Lin Yue took a breath and couldn't speak for a long time.

Lin Heng first bought several large locks and a few bottles of self-spray paint, and then went to this old factory formerly known as Heluo Textile, which covers an area of ​​3,500 square meters, a little more than five acres.

Three-meter-high red brick courtyard wall, gray iron gate, Lin Heng took out the key to remove the golden lock on the gate and replaced it with a newly bought black lock.

Then he sprayed off the original information on the gate, added his own information and a phone number. This phone number is from the Huangtan Town Government. Someone will bring him a letter when he calls there.

He drove into the house. It was a bit old. There were a lot of weeds growing on the broken cement floor, and there were a lot of debris and garbage scattered around.

The buildings in the factory are two long red brick houses facing each other from east to west. Each of them covers an area of ​​about 500 square meters and is two stories high. There are also three small warehouses and a dormitory next to it, and the open space is very large.

Because a large textile city was newly built, all the small factories that were originally scattered from each other were moved there, and this place has been abandoned.

In addition, this place is at the edge of the south of the city, and outside is the suburban countryside. No one would have thought that this place would develop with the major changes in national policies three years later and become a very prosperous place.

"Such a large piece of land costs so much money, it's too expensive." Lin Yue said in shock after entering the yard.

"It's okay." Lin Heng smiled, stopped the car, and took the key to the two largest long red brick factory buildings.

The house was covered with dust. There was nothing but some rusty iron frames and messy balls of thread. It was the same on the second floor.

But the good news is that there is no sign of leakage in the house. It can be used to produce feed after renovation.

After looking at the two factories, Lin Heng replaced their newly bought locks, and then went to see the three warehouses. The three warehouses were more than 100 square meters in size and were empty.

One of them still had a leakage problem, and the tiles on the top seemed to be misplaced.

While watching, Lin Heng explained his ideas to his eldest brother, about why he bought a factory, how to build a feed factory, and his vision and planning for the future.

He had told Xiulan all these in more detail.

Similar to Xiulan's reaction, the eldest brother Lin Yue also looked astonished. He looked at Lin Heng: "Brother, are these things you think of really possible?"

"Of course, in fact, if you read the newspaper frequently, you can see this trend." Lin Heng smiled. He took advantage of his rebirth. Those who predicted future trends through newspapers and other information channels are the real bosses.

Most ordinary people are ignorant and don't think there will be such drastic changes in the future.

"I hope so." Lin Yue said with a smile. He didn't understand these things at all, and even thought that the feed would not be sold.

"Let's go and see how the staff dormitory is."

Lin Heng opened the door of the dormitory building and said with a smile. This building is 150 square meters and has two floors. The lower floor is the office building and the upper floor is the dormitory.

There are only a few worn-out tables, chairs and benches inside. Lin Heng also found a few Mao's Selected Works and ceramic teacups.

Nothing was found in the dormitory on the second floor. The iron bed was rusty, and with the broken glass, there was no doubt that someone must have come in to steal things.

Lin Yue looked around and said, "This house is pretty good. It can be lived in after cleaning. We will have a place to live when we come down here in the future."

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, this house is okay."

Compared to the factory building, this house where the leaders of the factory used to work is much more advanced. It is painted beautifully inside and outside. It is a Su-style building.

"Then why don't we start cleaning now?" Lin Yue asked.

Lin Heng shook his head: "No need. I will find a group of people to clean up inside and outside later. It will still be dirty when we use it."

"Then shall we go home now?" Lin Yue looked at him.

"That's about right. I'll buy some things and then go home." Lin Heng nodded. He planned to find someone from the village to watch over the place after a while. He could afford to pay him more than ten yuan a month.

With someone, he can get the news first if something happens.

As for when the feed factory will start, Lin Heng has not decided yet. It will be the summer of next year at the earliest and the year after next at the latest.

The main issue was money. Buying the machine required a large investment, and he didn't want to take out a loan for the time being.

They walked around the yard before coming out, locking the gate, and then drove to buy some daily necessities such as laundry detergent and toilet paper, and then drove back.

Driving on the road, Lin Yue asked: "Brother, I have saved enough money from selling 371 now. When do you think it is appropriate to open a small shop?"

Lin Heng thought for a while and said: "Next year, you have to renovate the house first, re-plan a room with a revolving door, and don't plant so many crops in the front yard."

"I don't know how to renovate this." Lin Yue said again.

Lin Heng said: "I will study it for you when I go back, and I will also teach you some selling techniques when the time comes."

Halfway through the journey, suddenly saw people arguing on the roadside ahead. A closer look showed that there were a lot of clams and fish in the baskets of these people, and they seemed to be selling on the roadside.

"Do you want to buy river clams? There are pearls in them!"

Seeing Lin Heng and the others driving the car, the villagers became more enthusiastic and waved and asked from a distance on the roadside.

Lin Heng stopped the car and asked curiously: "Is it true? Where can I get pearls from river clams?"

When he got closer, he found that these river clams were indeed much larger than the ones he usually saw. The largest one was as big as a basin, and it was estimated to be 30 to 40 centimeters long.

"I picked it up in a pond that has not been dry for decades. Young man, do you want to buy it? There are really pearls." A middle-aged man said as he took out a few irregularly shaped pearls, indicating that they were opened from river clams.

Lin Heng took it and looked at it. It was really pearls, but this thing was not so precious. As early as in ancient times, there was technology for artificial pearl cultivation. In modern times, this technology is more advanced, and freshwater pearls are not worth much.

"How much is this river clam?" Lin Heng asked. Although the pearls were not expensive, he wanted to take it back to experience the fun of opening river clams.

It doesn't matter if you can't open it. The clam meat can be eaten and the clam shells can be used to make things.

"This palm-sized river clam costs one cent each, the ones that are more than ten centimeters long cost fifty cents each, and the three largest ones cost one dollar each. The fish also costs one dollar per pound. It depends on which one you buy."

"Will you sell this pair of river clams for five dollars?" Lin Heng asked. He was not interested in buying those fish, although they looked good.

"You can add another dollar. I have sixty or seventy river clams here." The middle-aged man looked at Lin Heng and said.

"Forget it, I won't buy it."

Lin Heng shook his head and was about to drive away when he was stopped.

"Five dollars is five dollars. I'll put it in your bag for you." The middle-aged man said hurriedly. He saw that Lin Heng had money and wanted to make more money. Five dollars was not a low price.

Lin Heng paid the money, hung the snakeskin bag on the car, and drove away.

"I guess there is a possibility that none of these pearls will be opened." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter. I just bought it for fun. At least we can eat the clam meat. You can take some back to eat when the time comes. We definitely can't finish so much." Lin Heng said.

"Okay." Lin Yue agreed.

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when they returned to Hongfeng Village. Lin Heng dropped his elder brother off in the village and drove directly to the Hongfeng Mountain Breeding Base.


As soon as Lin Heng drove the car to the front of the warehouse, Xiaoxia came out of the house trotting. She would greet him like this every time he came home.

"Slow down, slow down." Lin Heng parked the car, got out and hugged her and asked, "Are you good at home?"

"I'm very good. I helped grandma water the vegetables today." Xiaoxia said with her head tilted, her little face pressed against his arms.

"That's a good child. We'll open the river clams later. Maybe we can get pearls." Lin Heng touched her little face and said.

"Wow, will there be big pearls!!"

Xiaoxia suddenly became very excited. In the stories Lin Heng told her, there were often treasures made of pearls. She knew that this was a good thing.

"Maybe." Lin Heng said as he entered the house. His mother Xiulan and Caiyun were both there, picking cowpeas.

Lin's mother looked up and asked, "Where are the river clams and the house you bought? Have you bought them?"

"Yes, I've bought them." Lin Heng nodded, and then explained how he bought the river clams.

"You really don't care about money. You spent five dollars on them." Lin's mother shook her head helplessly.

"I make tens of thousands a year, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't spend money." Lin Heng looked proud, and his mother was speechless.

Xiaoxia urged, "Dad, let's open the pearls quickly. Will there be a mermaid princess inside?"

"No, because the mermaid princess lives in a shell in the sea." Lin Heng put her down, took down the daily necessities he bought first, and finally took the river clams, opened the bag and poured them on the ground.

"So many!"

"This one is so big!"

Everyone was stunned when they saw these clams. The three largest ones were a bit unexpected.

Lin Heng went into the house and took out a basin. He took the largest river clam to him and cut it open with a 100-tempered steel dagger. After a while, the river clam was broken open by him.

Lin Heng broke it open and everyone looked inside curiously. Unfortunately, there was nothing at a glance.

"Why is there nothing, Dad!" Xiaoxia was puzzled.

"This river clam is too old, and the meat is yellow." Lin's mother said as she looked at the river clam.

After Lin Heng opened it, he looked for it with his hands. There was indeed no pearl. Looking at Xiaoxia, he explained: "Not every river clam can produce pearls..."

While processing the clam meat, he explained to his daughter how pearls are produced. The fishiest part of the river clam is the digestive organ. Cut off that piece and don't use it. Most of the others can be kept. This thing tastes very good if it is processed well.

Then he opened the remaining two 30-centimeter-long river clams in a row. When it came to the third one, Xiulan suddenly exclaimed: "This one has one, it's so big!"

"Where is it?" Xiaoxia squeezed her head in front of Lin Heng, with a curious look on her face.

Lin Heng opened the river clam completely, and an oval pearl with a diameter of about two centimeters appeared, but its color was light yellow, not the beautiful white color.

Lin Heng took it out and put it in a small bowl. After careful searching, he found three smaller pearls, all of which were also light yellow.

"This river clam is good. It actually opened a pearl." Lin's mother was shocked. She knew that the probability was very low.

"It seems that the man did not lie to me." Lin Heng grinned and opened the remaining river clams without stopping.

But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. There were still sixty or seventy small river clams left. He didn't find any pearls after opening half of them. Xiaoxia was tired and ran to play.

When Lin Heng opened a river clam of twelve or thirteen centimeters with disappointment, he was stunned.

"Oh my God, this river clam also has a pearl. This one is really beautiful." Caiyun also found it and said in surprise.

Lin Heng took it out and handed it to Xiulan. It was a large pearl with a diameter of two centimeters. It was much rounder than the previous one. The color was no longer that kind of light yellow, but a beautiful white color, which looked like a jewel.

"This can be used as a necklace directly!" Xiulan looked at the pearl in her hand with sparkling eyes.

"Indeed, it is beautiful enough." Lin's mother was also surprised.

"Let me see." Xiaoxia heard the words and ran over to observe curiously.

Lin Heng looked for it and found that there was only this one. Natural non-nucleus pearls are very rare, and there are not as many as artificially cultivated ones.

However, the five pearls dug out now are completely worth it. Then he opened all the remaining river clams over ten centimeters and did not see a single pearl.

As for those under ten centimeters, he planned to try to plant them with Xiaoxia. Maybe he could harvest some pearls next year. This can also be regarded as a parent-child game.

For the time being, these small river clams were thrown into the basin to be kept. Lin Heng took the pearls and looked at them. He smiled and said, "I will polish these two big ones a little bit. I will ask someone to make them into necklaces next time I go to the city. The small ones can be smashed and used to grow pearls."

These pearls are now soaked in salt water and can be taken out and used tomorrow.

Xiu Lan and the others had no objection to this. Lin's mother looked at a small basin of clam meat and asked, "I will marinate these meats with scallion, ginger and wine first. Will we eat them in the evening?"

"Leave some for my eldest brother, and cook the rest. If you don't know how to do it, I can do it." Lin Heng nodded.

After the clam meat was processed, Lin Heng finally had some free time. He washed his hands and sat on the bench to rest.

Xiu Lan gave him the water she had taken a sip of and said, "Drink it quickly, and then go with me to do something."

"What for?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

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