Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 323 The small dam on the top of the mountain is completed

Lin Heng drank the water, looked at Xiulan and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I'm just kidding you, it's okay." Xiulan said playfully.

Lin Heng stared at her with wide eyes. She was sitting on the bench wearing a floral skirt, her white and straight legs were pressed together, and there was a hint of pride in her eyes, but she was also innocent.

Lin Heng went to get the grapes bought in the city, cleaned them, picked them into pieces and put them in front of her: "Eat it. Although these grapes have a lot of seeds, they are quite delicious."

Xiulan tasted one and asked curiously: "How do you know I'm hungry?"

"I'm a great fortune teller, I know how to calculate." Lin Heng rolled his eyes and went to separate the things he bought.

I bought some fruits, rain boots, and toiletries for my parents.

"Caiyun, this is for you. It's time to go to school, and it's hard enough for you to take care of your sister-in-law and Xiaoxia for a summer vacation."

Lin Heng handed her a pair of shoes, a set of clothes, and a set of stationery.

"Second brother!!" Caiyun looked at these things and didn't know what to say.

In her opinion, taking care of her sister-in-law and Xiaoxia is what she should do, and she does not need to be paid at all.

Even because of this, she no longer has to do the hard work of digging the ground and herding cattle.

"Take it, your second brother is not short of this money." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Under Caiyun's teaching, Xiaoxia was able to recognize more than a dozen Chinese characters at the age of three, and she could also write her own name. This was all due to her.

Mother Lin had marinated the mussel meat and came out and said, "Just take it if he gives it to you. Now who doesn't know that your second brother is a rich man? It's right to buy clothes and stationery for your sister."

"Yes, take it quickly, Caiyun." Xiulan fed Xiaoxia a grape and said.

Xiaoxia chewed grapes and ran over to take the things and stuff them into Caiyun's arms: "Auntie, give it to you~"

Caiyun looked at the gift and said movedly: "Thank you, second brother."

The second brother not only changed her destiny, but also bought her clothes and stationery from time to time, so that she would not be laughed at at school.

She felt that she would never be able to repay her second brother's kindness in this life.

Lin Heng waved his hand, turned around, picked up the remaining things, looked at Xiulan and said, "Then I'll take the things up first."

"Go." Xiulan waved her hand.

Lin Heng nodded and took his things along the mountain road to the cabin. In addition to daily necessities and food, there were also clothes bought for Xiulan, all of which were relatively loose maternity clothes.

When he finished putting things down and came down, his father also came back. He was trying on his new rain boots. He took two steps and nodded and said, "These shoes are not bad, and the leather looks thick."

"This one is durable and will not break down after being worn for two or three years." Lin Heng said with a smile. Rain boots are almost a must-have shoe in rural areas. They are very useful whether it is to prevent poisonous insects, snakes or rain.

Father Lin nodded, pointed to the two rolls of thin rope netting next to him and said, "Did you buy this for the chicken pen?"

"Yes, I originally wanted to buy a wire mesh, but it was too heavy. This rope mesh can last for two years and is relatively cheap, so I discussed it with my elder brother and bought it."

"This one will do. That barbed wire fence is very hard and difficult to install. This one can be deformed." Father Lin nodded.

"I'll get it done as soon as I can in the next few days. These newly hatched geese are too cheap. They eat the vegetables I grow every day. They also want to eat shrimps, so they can only be kept." Mother Lin walked out of the house and said .

She replaced ten goose eggs in her second nest, and five little white geese hatched out. Now there are only four left, quacking every day.

She has recently been hatching eggs and selling them to others in the village.

"Okay." Lin Heng agreed, as he could no longer keep the chickens in the back of his house.

Father Lin asked, "Then let's start work tomorrow."

"Yes, work will start tomorrow morning." Lin Heng promised.

"I've almost finished processing the clam meat. You can do it." Mother Lin looked at Lin Heng again and said.

Lin Heng nodded and walked into the kitchen to take a look. His mother did a good job, but it was still a little worse. He added some flour and washed it, and the fishy smell was basically completely eliminated.

Cut it into strips, blanch it in boiling water for ten seconds, and then take it out. Just let his mother do the rest, and he will wait to eat it.

After a while, my mother had dinner ready, and my eldest brother and the others also came over, and everyone ate together.

"The meat of this river mussel is pretty good, and it tastes delicious."

After tasting the river clam meat, Father Lin commented.

"Indeed, it tastes good, sour and spicy, appetizing." Lin Yue also said.

Mother Lin likes to use hot and sour seeds when cooking. They taste very good when fried and are also suitable for rice.

Moreover, her mother also made egg yolk soup for Xiulan for her to eat, but Lin Heng was not allowed to even try it.

After dinner, it was getting dark. There were sounds of insects and frogs chirping outside. Mosquitoes were also swarming in swarms. Xiulan, who was wearing a knee-length floral skirt, did not dare to go out for fear of being sucked dry by mosquitoes.

Lin Heng and his father went to feed the fresh shrimps. When they shined a flashlight, they saw that the water hyacinth vines were all full of active fresh shrimps, with a pair of small rice eyes glowing white.

These green shrimps are already as long as fingers. If the price increases for a while, they will be ready for shipment. It is estimated that people will be able to contact people to sell them in September.

"Are these green shrimps growing well?" Father Lin asked with a smile while spreading feed.

"Okay, it's a bit too much." Lin Heng shook his head and said, this was growing much faster than he expected. After thinking about it carefully, he probably understood that it might be because the raw materials of this era were not adulterated.

Because these raw materials now come from state-owned enterprises, the quality is very reliable, unlike later private companies that always cut corners.

"Then let's reduce the feed?" Father Lin asked.

"Well, reduce it by 5% to 10% appropriately." Lin Heng nodded and said.

After feeding the shrimp, he looked at the grass carp again. These guys are almost one kilogram in size. They grow very fast this year. They are fed feed once every three days and grass is fed at other times.

Back in the house, he took a 30-centimeter-long small shrimp cage and threw it into the shrimp pond, preparing to taste the shrimp he raised at noon tomorrow.

"Let's go home." When Lin Heng came back, it was completely dark.

"Okay." Xiulan stretched out her hand to Lin Heng.

With a flashlight, the three of them slowly walked up the mountain and returned to the cabin in a short while.

After a simple wash, Xiulan looked at the things Lin Heng bought today, and asked as she looked, "Have you finished everything at the factory?"

"Yes, I'll take you down to see it another day." Lin Heng nodded and said.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded, and then said, "When you are free, make me a few more bamboo hangers. Some of them are not enough."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded and agreed. After washing his face, he carried Xiaoxia to bed.

"Dad, I don't want to sleep yet."

She rolled on the bed and acted like a spoiled child.

"Then you can play with the car for a while, and sleep later." Lin Heng didn't force him. He wiped her toys and threw them on the bed.

Xiulan put away the pile of things that Lin Heng had put in a mess before climbing onto the bed. She leaned on the pillow and drank a sip of water, a little dazed.

Under the flashlight, her slender and straight legs were white and smooth even without stockings. Lin Heng couldn't help but touch them.

"The child is still here!"

Xiulan slapped his hand away and rolled her eyes.

"I'm just rubbing your legs." Lin Heng said seriously.

"Don't come!" Xiulan didn't believe it.

Lin Heng shook his head, went to play games with Xiaoxia for a while, and then told her a story to sleep.

Then he approached his wife with a smile: "Now I can help you massage your legs."

Xiulan ignored him and turned off the flashlight. Lin Heng took advantage of the faint moonlight to appreciate this pair of beautiful long legs.


In Hongfeng Mountain these days, because they went to bed early at night, everyone got up early in the morning.

It was just dawn when Lin Heng and Xiulan opened their eyes. He took a look at the sky outside and hugged his wife into his arms. It was really hard for her to serve him from time to time while pregnant.

"Get up, go cook."

Xiulan didn't hold him for long. She sat up and picked up the underwear that was pressed under the pillow last night and put it on, then urged Lin Heng to get up and go exercise together.

"You are impatient with me, right?" Lin Heng said deliberately.

"Yes, I want to kick you into the pit." Xiulan snorted and threw the towel in his face.

After washing up, the two of them bickered and exercised, enjoying their time together for a while before waking up Xiaoxia.

After breakfast, Caiyun came up, and Lin Heng went down to find his father.

"Third father, Lin Hai, you came so early." Lin Heng looked at Third Father and Lin Hai and said hello.

"Not early, not early, the cattle herders in the village have been out for half an hour." Third Father Lin Xutao said with a smile.

"Brother Lin, haven't you gone hunting these days?" Lin Hai asked.

"I don't have time to go because I'm taking care of Xiulan, and the prey is easy to rot in summer. It's too far to hunt." Lin Heng shook his head.

"That's right, I also said that our corn field was harmed by wild boars, and I wanted to ask you to help hunt, but forget it." Lin Hai said.

"If it's close, I can help set traps and clamps, which can also be useful." Lin Heng thought about it and said.

"That's fine." Lin Hai agreed happily.

After they finished breakfast and Brother Lin Heng also came, everyone took their tools up the mountain.

Lin Heng and his elder brother each held a three-meter-long plastic tube with a diameter of 20 centimeters.

When they arrived at the location of the small dam, everyone first began to clean up the terrain that was washed away last time, re-laying the sand on both sides and taking out the basalt at the bottom and washing it with water.

Lin Heng placed the two plastic tubes in the middle and connected them to a pool inside, so that most of the water flowed out of the tubes and the dam could be built outside. Some small holes didn't matter and would not affect the water storage effect of the dam.

"How should we build it?" Lin's father asked, and the others looked at Lin Heng. They knew how to build stone steps, but it was their first time to build a dam.

"This kind of small dam can be built in any way. For this dam, it can be built in an arch shape, and the width of two meters is enough." Lin Heng said.

This kind of small dam doesn't matter how it is built, after all, it can't store much water. And here both sides are basalt stone walls, which are unique. Making an arch will make the structure more stable.

After saying that, he took up the lime and sprinkled it in a line. After everyone saw it, they nodded and thought it made sense.

Lin Hai looked at everyone and asked, "Then I and elder brother Lin Yue will mix the cement together, and Dad and second father Lin brother, you three will build the steps?"

"Okay." Father Lin nodded, and they went to move the stones first.

Lin Heng went over to watch the two people mix the cement, gave some instructions, and then came to help build the steps. The way to build these steps is layer by layer. The mixture of stones and cement can be very solid.

The process of repairing is quite tiring. This is absolutely physical work, especially moving stones.

They started working at 7:30, and they only built the first layer of foundation at 10 o'clock, but this was already fast.


When they started to build the second layer, Xiaoxia ran over, followed by Caiyun and Xiulan.

"Just stay here and watch, don't go down." Xiulan pulled her and said.

"Okay." Xiaoxia stood under the tree and curiously watched a large group of people working. Caiyun brought everyone a cut watermelon to quench their thirst.


"So sweet!"

Everyone agreed that this watermelon was very sweet.

After eating, everyone continued to work. When it was time to eat at 12 o'clock, the second layer of the dam had just been completed, and it was thirty to forty centimeters high.

This is thanks to Father Lin and the others who had already transported all the materials such as stone, cement, etc., otherwise it would not have been possible so quickly.

"Look at this, we can finish it in two days."

After washing his face in the water pool above, Father Lin looked at the built stone ridge and said.

The third father also nodded and said: "It can be completed in three days at most."

"Almost, I hope it won't rain heavily in the next five days." Lin Heng said looking at the sky.

"Dad, come back for dinner soon." Xiaoxia pulled Caiyun over and urged again.

"Coming, coming." Lin Heng nodded, walked over, picked her up and floated her around in the air.

Lin Wei and Lin Tao are also here today. They caught green longhorned beetles in the forest and tied them with ropes to fly around. They also caught a rhinoceros beetle.

Xiaoxia took a few bites at the dinner table and then went to play with Lin Wei and the others.

"Xiong Ba, go watch." Lin Heng threw Xiong Ba a piece of meat and said.


When Xiongba heard about taking care of children, he immediately didn't want to eat. Those little boys were too scary.

But in the end, it ran to look at its little master. The little master who grew up playing with it was still a very cute child.

After dinner, they continued to work in the afternoon. Because they were afraid of rain and sun, they did not take a break, so they continued working with their hats on. We rushed until ten o'clock in the evening. Today we built a stone ridge with a height of 1.5 meters. The speed is not bad, after all, the length is 5 meters.

Before dinner, Lin Heng took his bow, arrows, iron wire and clamps to Lin Hai's cornfield. He found the wild boar's path in the nearby woods and arranged several Hell's Cranes, and arranged some clamps in the cornfield.

On the way back, he was unlucky and found a rabbit. Xiongba caught it directly without him having to take action.

"Today is beautiful. There is an extra dish tonight." Lin Hai said with a smile.

"The rabbit meat is just average. Let's just eat it." Lin Heng went home, peeled off the rabbit's internal organs and gave the head to the dog, fried it on a plate, and gave half of the rest to his third father.

In the next two days, a few people continued to pile up the dam. Brother Lin Hai and Hao Cement also came to help move the stones. On the afternoon of May 23, everyone finally completed the dam.

"It's finally done."

Father Lin sighed with emotion as the sun set.

"God bless it that it hasn't rained these past few days," the third father also said.

"Thank you everyone, we have been very busy these days." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The main body of the dam has been completed, with a height of five meters, a width of five meters at the bottom, and a width of seven and a half meters at the top.

There are also two water pipes inserted two meters above the ground. It is very convenient for eating or irrigating grass. There is no need to pressurize the water from such a high position.

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