Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 324 Final Construction, Roasted Whole Lamb

"Will it be able to store water if it is left to dry for a few days?"

Lin Hai looked at the small dam and said.

The third father said: "If this is to store water, it will have to be surrounded by railings, otherwise it will be easy to cause trouble due to the deep water."

"It has to be surrounded, otherwise it's not safe." Father Lin nodded and said.

Lin Heng looked at the crowd and said, "Third father and Lin Hai, you guys can come over tomorrow too. Let's finish the last bit of work and have a roast lamb and prepare to kill the lame lamb at home."

Father Lin also said: "Yes, come over and let's eat roast lamb."

"That's a good relationship." Lin Heng's third father agreed with a smile.

After tithing, everyone went back to eat.

The next morning, Lin Heng got up early. After dinner, he went down the mountain to see the lame lamb. He caught it and put it on the scale. It weighed only 24 pounds, while the other lambs weighed at least 30 pounds.

"Are you going to kill it now?" Father Lin asked when he saw him taking the sheep.

Lin Heng nodded: "Kill them now, and then let Caiyun and the others dress them into meat skewers, and we will grill them and eat them in the afternoon."

"Okay, I'll go back and get a basin to collect the sheep's blood." Father Lin nodded and said.

After he brought the basin over, Brother Lin Heng also came over, and the three of them quickly drained the little lamb's blood.

Laifu, the green wolf dog chained not far away, licked his lips excitedly, wanting to come over and drink blood.

When Lin Hai came over, he was shocked and said: "You guys acted fast enough, the skin has been peeled off!"

"Of course." Lin Heng smiled and threw the sheepskin aside, then opened the intestines and took out the internal organs. The cleaning work was left to his mother and Caiyun.

Looking at the little mutton left, Father Lin said, "Son, do you think we should just build an earthen stove and roast the whole lamb? It would be troublesome to cut it into skewers."

"I think it's okay, let's just have a roasted whole lamb." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded and said, "That's okay, but it's troublesome to build a clay oven."

"What's the trouble? Leave it to me and I'll do it." Lin Hai patted his chest and said.

"That's okay, I'll leave it to you." Lin Heng nodded.

After adding some flower knives to the mutton, he took it into the house and found a big basin, and made some onion, ginger, water and rice wine to marinate it.

Lin Hai found a place where he could dig out clay, dug out the clay and built an earth oven on the edge of the vegetable field. This required building a conical oven nearly two meters high.

But not long after, Lin Wei, Lin Tao and the others came over. They were very interested in playing in the mud and worked with Lin Hai.

Lin Heng and the others went to work on the dam. They mainly did three things today. One was to build a small well above the dam for drinking.

If you want to raise fish in a dam, there will be a lot of algae in the water, which is not suitable for eating. For a water well, you only need to dig a two-cubic pit, then plaster the four walls with cement and install the water pipes.

The second thing is to build a railing along both sides of the dam to prevent people or livestock from falling into the water.

The third thing is the final treatment of the dam, which is to plaster the dam body with cement.

"I'll dig the well." Lin Heng's third father said with a smile.

"Dad, let's mix the cement first, and then we can build the railing together?" Lin Yue looked at his father and asked.

"Okay, your brother is better at plastering walls than us." Father Lin nodded in agreement.

It was agreed that the four of them would start working separately. Lin Heng first helped his third father dig a well, and then went to plaster the wall after his father and elder brother had mixed the cement.

This job is very simple for him, because he worked for a long time in his previous life, and the wall area is not very large, so plastering does not require much effort.

It took him about two and a half hours to finish the work of plastering the wall. Looking from a distance, the small dam also looked pretty.

Because a small dam has been built, the water level behind it will rise by four and a half meters. When the water overflows, the height difference from the bottom will be eight or nine meters. It can be regarded as an artificially created small waterfall landscape.

He couldn't wait to see the dams filling up with water.

I turned around to look at the progress of my father and the others. They had just sawed the wood for the railings and were now starting to dig a hole. He looked at it and decided to come over and build a few small docks on the water's edge later, which would be very convenient for fishing and other things.

His third father has completed nearly half of his work, which is quite fast.

After taking a look, he went down the mountain to see how the oven was being built. When he came down, he found that they had finished the work and were about to light the fire and burn the charcoal.

"Brother Lin, do you think we are doing well?" Lin Hai asked with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded. The bottom of the oven is one meter in diameter, the top is 30 centimeters in diameter, and the wall is more than ten centimeters thick. It looks pretty good.

Lin Wei said happily: "Then let's light the fire and we can roast the mutton in a while."

"I came down here to marinate the mutton." Lin Heng nodded with a smile. He went into the room and marinated the mutton again. The mutton offal was already cleaned and hung on the wall.

Remove the original onion and ginger. This time the marinating mainly involves adding some seasonings, such as soy sauce, salt and pepper powder. The barbecue ingredients are added after the barbecue is completed.

After marinating, he got two wires to pass through the ribs, preparing to put them in the oven later.

Over there in the clay oven, Lin Hai had already started a fire, and thick smoke was rising. Even the oven made of clay would crack if burned like this, but it didn't matter, it would not affect the use effect.

After the firewood was burned and the charcoal was ignited, Lin Heng took the roasted lamb and hung it on a steel bar in the stove, then sealed it with a pot lid, and the roasting began.

In the remaining time, just add some charcoal fire from time to time.

After finishing here, he took Lin Hai and two nephews to the mountain. After going up the mountain, Lin Hai helped his father dig a well, and Lin Heng helped install the railings.

It was not until lunch that the foundation pit of the railing pillars was initially completed, and the well was completed very quickly.

They didn't have roasted whole lamb for lunch because it was not roasted yet. They called everyone to eat together in the afternoon. But there were lamb offal, which tasted pretty good.

After lunch, they continued their previous work. Lin Heng applied cement to the dug well and left some small holes for water to penetrate.

Then they installed the railings, and finally laid some of the remaining sand and gravel on the shore near the cabin to harden the ground so that it would not be inconvenient when fishing.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the entire small dam was completely completed.

"From this point of view, this dam is quite beautiful." Lin Hai said with a smile.

"Lin Heng, what kind of fish are you going to raise in here?" Sandie looked at him and asked.

"Plum fish or mandarin fish, I haven't decided yet." Lin Heng said that he was going to use this dam to try to raise plum fish, because the water temperature is still very low on the top of the mountain.

"I'm afraid this fish is not easy to raise." Sandie said that plum fish would die almost if they were caught alive from the water, but he has experience.

"It's not easy to raise, so I'll try." Lin Heng nodded and said, and then said, "Let's go, everyone go and have a rest first, and then we'll prepare to eat roasted whole lamb."


Lin Wei and others next to him jumped up happily: "Okay, let's eat roasted whole lamb!!"

Everyone returned to the cabin and ate a watermelon to cool off, and then Lin Heng paid them wages, but this time Sandie and Lin Hai refused no matter what, because they felt that this was just normal help and there was no need to talk about money.

If they didn't want it, his eldest brother and father would naturally not accept it.

Lin Heng spread his hands helplessly and said with a smile: "Since no one wants it, let's wash our faces quickly. Let's prepare to eat roasted whole lamb."

"No hurry, let's go back and take a shower and change clothes before coming over." Sandie said.

"Yes, I want to go back and take a shower too." Lin Yue nodded.

Lin Heng looked at everyone: "That's fine, come later, don't let me go to the door to call."

After getting their assurance, Lin Heng let them go with peace of mind.

After they left, Lin Heng looked at his wife and said: "Xiu Lan, find me a set of clothes, I'm going to take a shower."

"I've found it, it's on the bed." Xiu Lan pointed to the clothes on the bed and said.

Lin Heng walked over to get the clothes, took some soap and washing powder to the stream at the foot of the mountain, found a pool of water, took off all but his underwear and took a good bath.

The workload these days is also a bit heavy, and the cold stream water is particularly comfortable.

After taking a bath, he washed his clothes and went up the mountain.

"Xiaoxia, what are you doing!"

As soon as he got up the mountain, Lin Heng saw Xiaoxia playing next to the newly applied cement. She was leaving footprints and handprints on the wet cement.


Xiaoxia seemed to realize that this was not right, and looked at her timidly with her big eyes.

Lin Heng looked at her: "Don't do it quietly, otherwise your mother will spank you again if she finds out."

"I was wrong, Dad, don't tell Mom." Xiaoxia ran over and wanted to act coquettishly.

Lin Heng grabbed her little hand and washed it by the water, then took her back: "Don't do it next time, I won't tell your mother."

Lin Heng rubbed her little head. This was not a big deal. Leaving a little handprint was also a special mark.

"Okay!" Xiaoxia nodded and agreed.

Lin Heng asked her why she ran there, and then he found out that Lin Wei took her there, and then they ran away without a trace and left her alone.

Lin Heng hung his clothes on the rope, sat down on the bench next to Xiulan, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea, and asked, "Where are Caiyun's mother and the others?"

"They went down to braise the sheep's internal organs. The last braising soup is still there." Xiulan replied.

Lin Heng nodded, drank a sip of tea, and asked again, "Are the barbecue ingredients ready?"

"Of course, there are also mixed cold dishes, dried fish and fried shrimps." She said, went into the house and took out a small bowl of shrimps for him, "Try it, the shrimps you farmed."

The first impression of this farmed shrimp is that it is neat, unlike the wild-caught ones that are of different sizes. After frying, it is golden and crispy, and it smells delicious.

Because the shrimp thread has been removed, Lin Heng can put the whole shrimp in his mouth and eat it. It is fresh and fragrant, and it feels like swallowing his tongue.

"It is delicious, but it is difficult to remove the shell." Lin Heng sighed.

"You ordered me, didn't you?" Xiulan glanced at him, stretched out her hand to peel two shrimps and stuffed them into his mouth, saying, "Eat them now."

"Thank you, my wife."

Lin Heng grinned and sucked his wife's fingers together.

Xiulan pretended to be disgusted and shook her hand, peeling two more.

"No, no, I'll peel them for you. Mom will beat me if she sees me later."

He said with a smile, peeled two and fed them to her.

"It seems that you are afraid of mom to feed me, I won't eat it."

Xiulan blinked, closed her mouth and didn't eat, but continued to peel shrimps with her hands.

"You have to eat it even if you don't want to." Lin Heng snorted and stuffed the shrimp into her mouth, squeezing her delicate red lips out of shape.

The two of them competed, and Lin Heng suddenly stretched out his hand to tickle her and put the shrimp into her mouth.

"You are so bad!" Xiulan hit him.

After a small fuss, Lin Heng refused to let her peel it. He felt that eating it with the shell would be more crispy and delicious.

The two ate some and left the rest to Xiaoxia who ran over.

After the eldest brother and the others came over after taking a shower, Lin Heng went down to take out the roasted lamb from the oven, cut it into pieces, sprinkled it with barbecue ingredients and put it on a large plate.

Pair it with some other dishes and eat it when everyone arrives.

"It smells so good." Before they started eating, Lin Wei and others started to drool.

Even Lin Heng's third mother, Li Xue, couldn't bear it. It would be nice for her to eat bacon. For her, this roasted whole lamb was something that would never appear in her dreams.

She was jealous, envious, and a little afraid of Lin Heng. At this moment, she took Caiyun and Xiulan and talked about the village gossip, but her eyes focused on the mutton from time to time.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's start eating."

Lin Heng waited for his father to come over, then smiled and announced that he would give everyone a piece of mutton, and then the party officially started.

The men drank rice wine and the women drank rice wine.

“It smells so good!”

“This is the best meat I’ve ever eaten!”

Lin Wei and Lin Tao ate with their mouths full of oil and praised them endlessly.

"It's really delicious. The lamb meat is so tender that you can bite off the ribs and eat it." Lin Hai also praised.

Others spoke less, but they didn't stop talking, and they drank less than usual.

This roasted lamb is so delicious, chewy but not chewy, most of the bones are soft, and the mutton smell is not as strong as that of adult sheep.

Drinking rice wine and roasting lamb, you can also see the beautiful sunset at dusk, and everyone has a happy smile on their face.

Two dogs, Xiongba and Fengshou, were also waiting here, and they would eat every bone.

"I can't eat anymore, I'm so satisfied." Xiulan shook her head and handed the remaining half of the meat to Lin Heng.

The meat Lin Heng picked for her was all from the leg of lamb, which was too much.

"Then you want some more shrimp?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"Give me that piece of cantaloupe." Xiulan said.

"Okay." Lin Heng brought her a piece of melon and then finished the remaining mutton.

The middle man ate for two hours, but his fighting ability was still good. He ate all the food and there was nothing left.

At the end of a sumptuous dinner, everyone felt satisfied and full. It was extremely rare to eat meat to the full in this era.

Finally, everyone helped clean up the dishes and the place, and then they went home.

Lin Heng leaned on the wicker chair and looked at the last red clouds in the west through the trees. He turned to Xiulan and said, "Now, the construction of our Hongfeng Mountain has been initially completed."

This water storage dam is a very important part of the construction of Hongfeng Mountain.

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