Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 325 Chicken coop, water storage, sunset, rain

Xiu Lan pulled up her skirt, gathered her white calves on the bench and held them with both hands, her toes swaying slightly.

She glanced at the last red glow in the sky, turned her head and looked at Lin Heng: "Are you going to develop the mountain to grow forage grass next?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, we will grow forage grass for the time being. There will definitely not be enough food for cattle and sheep to reproduce next year. Now that the dam is repaired, there will be no worries about irrigation."

"Did you plan it a long time ago? Now Hongfeng Mountain has become a treasure land in the village." Xiu Lan asked curiously.

The soil here is relatively poor and especially drought-resistant. She was actually very confused and puzzled when Lin Heng chose this place.

She agreed because he would no longer run around.

But now, this place has been built into a gold mountain step by step by him, and no one in the village is not envious.

"I guess so." Lin Heng said with a smile while holding Xiaoxia who had crawled into his arms.

He had made relevant plans in his previous life, and he was not very satisfied with the quality of the land.

But this stream is very good, and this place is a whole, which can be fenced off to prevent others from entering and looking around.

"You are really great." Xiulan's big eyes revealed admiration.

"Dad is really great!" Xiaoxia hugged his neck as a member of the team to praise him.

"Of course." Lin Heng said with a smile, he really liked the feeling of being appreciated and recognized.

After that, he went to light a mosquito coil and asked, "It will not be so hot in September soon. Do you want to move back to the village? After all, it is more comfortable there."

In a few days, it will be September, and the weather will slowly turn cooler, not as hot as August.

Xiulan looked up and thought about it, looked at him and asked, "Do you want to go back or live here?"

"I can do either, but I think I'd better go back. It's still not very convenient here. You have to use fire to boil water." Lin Heng said.

It's not that he didn't think about pulling a wire to the mountain, but the workload was too large and it required a lot of wires.

Finally, he gave up after comprehensive consideration.

"Since you want to go back, let's go back." Xiulan blinked and said with a smile.

She was indeed a little tired of living here all the time, and the wooden house was too small. It was okay to live here occasionally, but it was a bit depressing for a long time.

"When will we move out?" Lin Heng asked her opinion.

"In a few days, I'll clean up here." Xiulan thought for a while and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, and after a little exercise to digest the food, they went into the house. There were so many mosquitoes outside that the mosquito coils were useless.

After chatting for a while and telling Xiaoxia a story, the three of them fell asleep quickly. They went to bed early and got up early now.

Because he didn't have to work anymore, Lin Heng didn't want to get up when he woke up the next morning. He stayed in bed from five o'clock to almost six o'clock, and listened carefully to the fetal heartbeats of the two children in Xiulan's belly.

"Get up, I'm hungry." Xiulan got up first with her clothes on.

"Get up, get up." Lin Heng also stretched and got up.

Because they slept long enough, people are also very energetic during the day, and they are bright-eyed when exercising.

After breakfast, Lin Heng went to see the situation at the dam, and then came back to make bamboo hangers.

This kind of hanger is easy to make. Just cut the bamboo into smooth bamboo slices, about one or two centimeters wide.

Then use fire to soften it and bend it into the shape of a hanger, and finally install a bamboo or wire hook.

Lin Heng chose all bamboo materials. The green hangers turned light yellow after being boiled in a pot. After being shaped again, the hangers were ready, which was very convenient for hanging clothes.

Lin Heng made thirty in the morning, and Xiulan watched her make it and did some needlework by the way.

At noon, Lin's father came up and looked at him and asked, "Son, your mother is clamoring for us to fence the chicken farm. Which side do you think is more suitable? Today is a good day, just suitable for breaking ground and building a chicken coop."

"Then let's go down and take a look." Lin Heng said, turned his head and said to Xiulan, and then went down the mountain with his father.

On the way down the mountain, Father Lin said again: "Our corn fields have also been harmed by wild boars. Do you have traps? Set a few in our fields."

"Yes, there are still many. Let's set traps after we finish the chicken coop. I'll see if we can catch pheasants or something." Lin Heng agreed.

When they got down to the middle of the mountain, the two of them investigated the location of the chicken coop. First of all, it can't be too far away from the house, which is easy to be targeted by weasels and other things.

It's not too close, not because of the smell, just a few dozen chickens in a one or two hundred square meters of land will not have much smell.

It's because there is no place nearby.

Finally, the two of them chose a suitable place, which is an undeveloped area between the pasture and the cattle pen.

This place is only shrubs and thatch, and the terrain is relatively flat, which is a good place to raise chickens.

And chickens can help eliminate these thatch, trampling and constantly eating leaves will kill these thatch.

"Then let's go back first, come over at two o'clock to dig holes and put stakes, and fence this place first today." Lin's father said.

"No problem." Lin Heng nodded in agreement.

After going back to eat, when the sun was a little smaller, they came here with a chainsaw, pliers and wire, and a pickaxe.

Try to make use of the existing trees, and then nail the stakes yourself.

The entire chicken coop covers an area of ​​about 150 square meters. After nailing the wooden stakes, they went back to get a rope net to surround the edge, press the bottom with soil or stones, and leave it open on top. Domestic chickens basically can't fly.

It was almost five o'clock when we finished all this, mainly because it was more troublesome to make the door for entry and exit.

Father Lin looked at the chicken coop and said, "This is considered a preliminary completion. Next, let's build a place to shelter the chickens from wind and rain, and make a few chicken coops for laying eggs."

Lin Heng said, "This is simple. Let's find a few wooden boards to make a chicken coop, and put two layers of film paper on it to protect it from wind and rain. For the chicken coops for laying eggs, I suggest digging a few earthen nests."

"That's indeed possible. Then I'll go back and get the wooden boards, and you can dig the earthen nests." Father Lin nodded and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded in agreement.

He looked around and finally found four more suitable locations. There was more yellow mud here, and there was no problem of collapse if he dug a small hole along the mountain. However, he still put some stones in to reinforce it a little.

Then he cut some thatch and laid it inside, and a simple chicken coop was done.

He dug a chicken coop. Father Lin also brought up boards and film paper, and then went to cut trees. The top was made of wooden boards, and the remaining five sides were tied up with wooden sticks.

When Lin Heng finished the four chicken coops, his father also cut a lot of wood.

"Let's make a suspended chicken coop, 30 centimeters above the ground." Father Lin looked at his son and said.


Lin Heng took a look at the four trees his father brought as pillars, roughly measured them, picked up a hoe, dug four 30-centimeter pits and buried the pillars.

After burying, put a horizontal bar at a height of 30 centimeters, and added wood one by one. Soon, a rectangular chicken coop made of wooden sticks was built.

Then use the wooden boards brought to build a roof, cover it with film paper, and press it with stones. Finally, fix the door and everything will be fine.

At this time, the sun has reached the western ridge. Because of the heavy clouds recently, half of the sky is a beautiful orange-red.

"Finally it's done." Lin Heng sighed. If his father hadn't insisted on doing it, he would have to come back tomorrow morning.

"Let's go, let's catch a few chickens first to see the effect." Father Lin looked at the chicken coop and urged.

"Then let's go down and catch them." Lin Heng nodded in agreement.

There are still three big chickens left from the parents' last year, and they are all raised here with the four geese. Because they always harm the vegetables, they are trapped under the bamboo frame.

The two went down to catch all the chickens and geese and throw them in to see if they will fly out.

Facts have proved that these chickens and geese have no intention of flying out at all. They all went into the bushes to find food.

"It seems to be okay, so let's catch the chickens over there tomorrow." Father Lin said.

"Then let's go up the mountain to set the trap now?" Lin Heng looked at his father and asked.

Father Lin shook his head: "You and your eldest brother go, I'll take a look at the chicken coop. I told him this morning that he should be back by now."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded and went up the mountain to get the bow and arrow, the clamp and the noose made of steel wire.

Xiulan asked curiously: "Have you finished the chicken coop?"

"Yes, I'm so tired." Lin Heng smiled and nodded, and said: "Now I'm going to set a few clamps in the corn field to see if I can catch wild boars."

"Dad, are you going hunting?" Xiaoxia hugged her legs. Dad always went hunting for several days, and she couldn't bear to let him go.

"It's not hunting, I'll be back soon." Lin Heng looked at her and explained.

Xiaoxia let go after Xiulan and Caiyun persuaded her.

"Be careful." Xiulan reminded.

"Don't worry."

Lin Heng waved his hand and left with Xiongba. He didn't take the road, but the path on the mountain.

As soon as Lin Heng left, Tian Yan came up the road and took some snacks she made to go up the mountain to find Xiulan and Caiyun.

After chatting with Caiyun and Xiulan for a few words, she said, "Let's go for a walk outside the forest. The sunset is very beautiful today."

"Okay, let's go for a walk, sister-in-law." Caiyun also said that the cabin was really boring.

Xiulan did not refuse, and took Xiaoxia with them out of the forest. The halfway point of Hongfeng Mountain is a great place to watch the sunset.

Tian Yan and Caiyun were discussing fiercely, and found that Xiulan was a little bored watching the mountain stream.

"Isn't the sunset beautiful?" Caiyun asked curiously.

"It's pretty good, but just take a look." Xiulan spread her hands.

Tian Yan took her hand and asked with a smile: "What if you watch it with your Lin Heng? Is it still interesting?"

Xiu Lan said without hesitation: "You can watch it, it's probably interesting."

"Oh, you really don't even pretend, Lin Heng is so good." Tian Yan laughed and teased.

Caiyun smiled and helped Xiu Lan: "Teacher Tian Yan, if you were with Brother Lin Hai, it would be the same."

"No, he is a bad chess player, not interesting at all." Tian Yan raised her chin and said deliberately.

"Then we won't call him next time." Xiu Lan laughed.

Tian Yan couldn't argue and started to play tricks: "No, no, your family bullies me, an outsider."

"What? When you marry my brother Lin Hai, we will be a family too."


The three of them were chatting and laughing here, and Lin Heng and the eldest brother had already reached the mountain and set up several traps in the cornfield that was damaged by wild boars.

Lin Yue looked at the steel wire rope as thick as an oil pen and said worriedly: "Brother, will the wild boar break the steel wire rope?"

"It's possible. Big wild boars are strong, but small wild boars under 100 kilograms should not be a problem." Lin Heng explained.

Lin Yue said happily: "That's enough. Those big wild boars ran away. Anyway, the meat will be very unpalatable."

Life has gotten much better this year, and he has begun to dislike those old porkers.

"Then let's go back and check if there are any pheasants, rabbits, etc. on the way." Lin Heng said after setting up the trap.

He was quite tired today and didn't want to run in the mountains.

Lin Yue nodded, and the two of them walked back with the dog. They saw a pheasant on the way, but it was frightened and flew away without a chance to take action.

Returning to the old house in the village, Lin Heng went inside to pick the old fruits and vegetables, and then grabbed all the twenty chickens that he and Xiulan hatched this year and put them into bags, preparing to take them to Hongfeng Mountain.

As for the remaining seven big chickens and two big ducks, they stay here. They can catch them anytime they want to eat when they come back to live.

After thinking about it, he left the little black-feathered rooster that Xiaoxia cared about very much here, and then headed to Hongfeng Mountain carrying the fruits and vegetables on his back and the little rooster.

"Did you bring these chickens over?" Father Lin asked curiously when he heard the chickens crow.

"Yes, just on my way." Lin Heng nodded.

"Then just put it in the cage. I'll let it out tomorrow." After Father Lin said that, he went to get some feed.

Lin Heng went to put the chickens into the cage, and Father Lin fed them and closed the door. Feeding them like this every night will make them know that they are back in the cage, so as not to be harmed by weasels and the like.

After it was done here, Lin Heng took a look at it, and after going down, he poured out the vegetables he had carried on his back, took some good ones to eat, and let his mother feed the rest to the animals.

After going up the mountain to eat and rest early, the sky was overcast the next morning, and it looked like rain was about to come.

Lin Heng liked to wander around after breakfast. He and Xiulan went to see the bees in the ginseng garden, and then went down the mountain to look at the newly built chicken pen. The chickens and geese kept tugging at the thatch. The originally dense thatch The tips are gone.

These guys also picked up bugs and earthworms everywhere. It was very interesting to chase each other. Xiulan and Xiaoxia were very happy to watch.

"Son, do you think the small dam can be used if it rains today?" Father Lin came over and asked worriedly.

"It shouldn't be a problem. The dam has been repaired for two days." Lin Heng nodded. He thought it would rain tomorrow.

Father Lin said: "How about taking advantage of this rain to store water directly?"

"That's what I decided too." Lin Heng nodded.

After walking around with Xiaoxia Xiulan, he put on waterproof clothing and went to the cattle and sheep pen to help remove feces.

When he went back in the afternoon, he took two plastic pipe covers and blocked the two plastic pipes at the bottom of the dam. Then the water flow slowly began to accumulate.

Although there is some small water seepage, this is not a problem, as long as the rate of water accumulation is greater than the rate of loss.

After standing on the shore and watching for a while, they found that the water flow was a little slow to accumulate, so the three of them returned to the house.

The gloomy weather lasted for several days until the early morning of the first day of September.

"It's finally raining, and it's not a little rainy."

Lin Heng, who woke up early in the morning, looked out the window and sighed.

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