"No wonder it was a bit cold last night!"

Xiulan leaned her face against Lin Heng's strong chest and looked at the rain outside.

Lin Heng pinched her pretty face: "So this is the reason why you two took away all the quilts?"

It was already cold in the mountains, but it got colder even more when it rained. Fortunately, he was strong and was fine even if he was half covered with a summer quilt.

"Then you blame your baby daughter. I even warmed half of your body." Xiulan snorted softly.

Next to her, Xiaoxia slept soundly and peacefully, wrapping herself very warmly.

"Come on, I can't afford to offend either of them. Why don't I just leave?" Lin Heng shook his head and sat up to get up.

Xiulan pushed him and said softly: "Husband, go get me black underwear. I want to change."

Lin Heng stood up and brought over a set of black underwear hanging on the shelf, and helped Xiulan get out of bed after changing.

Opening the door, Lin Heng stood leaning against the door, Xiulan holding his arm.

"It's not raining heavily. It's probably going to rain for a while." Xiulan said, looking at the misty rain outside.

"It's going to take a while. It won't stop for a while." Lin Heng nodded.

He went to the back to get some firewood, threw it into the stove, lit it, boiled the water, then poured water from the electric kettle and washed his face.

He also washed her underwear with the extra hot water. Xiulan couldn't bend down now, so he was doing all these tasks.

Compared with the last time she was pregnant, Xiulan felt very happy now. Lin Heng washed her clothes and cooked for her.

Everything she eats every day is carefully arranged for her, and she enjoys this feeling of being arranged.

After finishing breakfast, Lin Heng looked at the wild ginseng in a glass bottle.

The ginseng had long been dried in the shade, and he stored it in a glass bottle, with quicklime wrapped in a cloth as a desiccant at the bottom.

After observing its condition through the bottle, Lin Heng felt relieved. This was the most valuable thing in his hand now, so he couldn't help but be careless.

"Aren't you going to sell this?" Xiulan looked at him and said.

"We won't sell it for now. We'll wait until we're short of money." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He now likes to hoard some valuable items for future generations, such as stamps, Angong Niuhuang Pills and other things.

These things are not precious and cheap now, but they will be valuable treasures in future generations.

Buying it and putting it at home is also a kind of foundation. If the family goes through any major changes in the future, the descendants can use it in exchange for money and they will not be too poor.

"I also think it's good to keep it." Xiulan nodded and said.

Lin Heng looked at his wife and daughter and said, "How about I take you down the mountain to play? It's raining here and there's not much to do."

"Okay, okay!!" Xiaoxia was the first to agree. She couldn't sit on the swing even if it rained. She didn't like it here at all.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and said, at least the house down there is big enough.

"That's okay."

Lin Heng nodded and found two umbrellas and a raincoat.

Xiaoxia asked her to hold her own umbrella, while Xiulan put on a raincoat and held an umbrella. It would be very troublesome for pregnant women to catch a cold.

"This dam will be full soon." Xiulan said with a smile as she passed by the dam.

"We can only wait until the afternoon to see it again." Lin Heng glanced at the dam and said.

Now the water surface is still more than one meter away from the overflow mouth, and the water flowing down to form a waterfall will not be visible for a while.

"Let's go." Xiulan said and walked down.

After a while, the three of them came down. Mother Lin looked at the three of them and said, "Why are you down?"

"It rained and there was nothing to do up there, so we came down." Lin Heng explained, and then asked, "Did my dad drive Caiyun to school?"

"Yes, we just left not long ago and the cows haven't been fed yet." Mother Lin nodded and said.

"Then let me do it." Lin Heng nodded and arranged for Xiulan Xiaoxia, and then he went to the cattle pen to feed the cattle and sheep.

On the way back, he ran to see the chickens he put in the chicken coop yesterday.

On rainy days, these guys would squat under the chicken coop, picking at thatch leaves from time to time to eat, and a few of them would stare at the moderate rain outside in a daze.

When Lin Heng came back, Lin's mother was peeling young corn with Xiulan. He asked curiously: "Mom, are you cooking corn porridge or making glutinous rice buns?"

"To make the glutinous rice buns, beat them with a grinder for a while." Mother Lin said, she likes to eat some glutinous rice buns every year.

"Okay." Although Lin Heng doesn't like eating, it's okay to help cook a little.

He quickly cut off the corn with a knife, then he changed the grinder to a sieve with a smaller mesh, and used the machine to beat the corn kernels into a light yellow corn paste, which is pulp, in a few minutes.

Compared to grinding slowly with a stone mill last year, the crusher is many times faster.

Stone grinders are not bad, he likes to use them for making tofu.

"When it gets a little sour tomorrow, I'll make some steamed buns for you." Mother Lin said, holding a bucket.

Xiulan smiled and agreed: "Okay, I haven't eaten for a long time."

A few people were chatting, and just as Mother Lin said she was going to knead dough to make hand-rolled noodles for lunch, Lin Wei's roar and Laifu's cry came from outside.

"Brother Lin, a wild boar has been trapped, come and help!!"

Lin Hai's voice was extremely excited.

"Have you trapped a wild boar?" Lin Heng was startled and quickly walked out and opened the base door.

Lin Hai ran in wearing a raincoat and said excitedly: "Brother Lin, come with me to kill the wild boar in the field. If you are late, the guy may run away."

"How big is it?"

Lin Heng was not very surprised. As long as the wild boar went to harm crops again, the probability of being caught was still very high.

"I estimate it to be at least 50 or 60 kilograms. I was going to break corn to make steamed buns, but I heard the noise and was sure that I was trapped, so I ran to find you immediately." Lin Hai explained.

"Then let's go to the mountain to get bows and arrows." Lin Heng said, and turned back.

After explaining it to Xiulan and her mother, they ran quickly up the mountain, fearing that the wild boar would run away if they were late.

When passing by the small dam, the water had overflowed and shot out through a slightly upturned slope made by Lin Heng, turning into a beautiful white waterfall.

But now Lin Heng was not interested in appreciating it. He ran into the cabin in a few steps, took the bow bag and arrows and walked out.

He also trotted down the mountain, and it took more than ten minutes to reach a cornfield near the river and the forest.

"It's over there." Lin Hai pointed to the fallen corn not far away and said.

Lin Heng approached step by step, and suddenly with a roar, the wild boar that had been motionless rushed towards Lin Heng, and the tree where the clamp was tied was pulled all over the place.

"Not bad."

Lin Heng took a look at the black-haired, high-backed, long-nosed wild boar, drew his bow and shot an arrow. With a swish, the sharp arrow pierced its chest, and its lungs began to bleed profusely.


After struggling more violently for two times, the wild boar fell down.

"Brother Lin, you are awesome!" Lin Hai ran over and admired.

"Be careful, it's not dead yet."

Lin Heng reminded him and shot another arrow. When he found that it didn't move, he took out a dagger and walked over to cut the aorta and drain the blood.

"How many pounds can this be?" Lin Hai said excitedly.

"About 60-70 kilograms, little wild boar." Lin Heng roughly estimated and patted his shoulder again: "Thanks to you for discovering it, this wild boar meat has half of yours."

Lin Hai waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, Brother Lin, just give me some, the clamp was originally yours, and the wild boar was killed by you."

"I said so, so it's divided." Lin Heng shook his head and said, "Come and help tie it up, we'll carry it back to your house and kill it."

"Okay." Lin Hai came over to help tie up the wild boar, and then the two carried it back.

At Lin Hai's house, because Lin Hai hadn't come back for a long time, his mother Li Xue was already complaining, and his father was trying to dissuade him.

As the two were talking, they suddenly saw Lin Heng and Lin Hai walking in one after the other.

"Third mother and third father." Lin Heng greeted with a smile.

Often, they would shout loudly: "Mom and Dad, boil water and scald the wild boar."

Third mother Li Xue stammered: "How did you catch it?"

"Do you need to ask? It must have been caught by the clamp. Look at that leg, the bones are exposed. Let's boil water quickly."

Third father Lin Xutao saw the clue and clapped his legs and said.

"Is that so? Then I'll boil water." Li Xue wiped her hands excitedly and ran into the house.

"Lin Heng, sit down and drink tea and have a good rest." Lin Xutao helped to take the wild boar and said with a smile.

Lin Heng sat down and drank a cup of tea. Lin Hai couldn't wait to explain the experience of hunting the wild boar to prove that he was a useful person.

Because he had a sense of accomplishment with this wild boar.

Lin Heng also emphasized his contribution, and he didn't care much about it.

"The water is boiling." Li Xue came out and shouted after a while.

"Okay, third mother, I'll make the pig soup right away." Lin Heng stood up and said.

They found a wooden basin, poured boiling water into it, and added a little cold water to make the pig soup.

Because there was no stone made of volcanic stone to smash the pig hair, they could only scrape it with a knife, which wasted a lot of time.

After scraping the pig hair clean, they weighed it and found that it weighed 68 kilograms, which was a good little wild boar.

Lin Heng was already familiar with cutting pork, and he was no worse than the butcher. He quickly cut the pork into pieces.

"Hengwa, you have good skills." The third father praised.

The third mother also smiled and agreed: "It's better than the butcher."

"Not bad." Lin Heng smiled.

When it came to dividing the meat, he was not polite. Although it was divided in half, he picked what he liked.

A pig head, a hind leg, large intestine, pig tongue, pig fat, and the rest were also better to make up for the weight.

After Lin Heng finished picking, his third father took another front leg and handed it to him: "Take this pig front leg too. There is no meat on the pig's head. You are at a disadvantage."

"No, no, third father, you helped me work before without asking for money. If this pork is like this again, I will be angry."

Lin Heng shook his head, tied the bag, took the things and ran away.

Seeing Lin Heng running away, his third father chased him out and said: "Wait a minute, if you don't want to take it, forget it, eat your meal and then leave."

"Let's talk about it next time."

Lin Heng didn't even look back, wearing a raincoat and walked quickly. He preferred the hand-rolled noodles at home.

Seeing Lin Heng coming back, Lin's father couldn't wait to ask: "Son, how big a wild boar did you kill?"

"Sixty-eight pounds, I only took half." Lin Heng threw the bag into the basin and said.

Father Lin took it out and looked at it, then nodded and said, "Except for the pig head with too many bones, everything else you took is pretty good."

Mother Lin said, "I like this pig fat. Let's make dumplings with the fat residue."

"The previous stewed soup is not bad yet, so it can be used to stew the pig head." Xiulan looked at the pig head and said.

She was also very satisfied with the large intestine, and she and Lin Heng both liked it very much.

No one had any objection to Lin Heng giving half of the meat, as his third father and Lin Hai helped a lot these days.

"Just because you brought the meat back, I'll go fry a dish for us to try." Lin's mother said, and turned to cook.

Lin Heng and his father further processed the meat. In summer, smoked meat is useless and will inevitably go bad. They can only add salt and dry it into jerky.

But wild boar meat jerky is not delicious. The last solution they thought of was to make some of it into jar meat and stew the rest. After a day, stew it again and again to extend the shelf life.

Give some to his eldest brother, and the problem is almost solved.

"Why do you cut off all the pig skin?" Lin's father looked at his son's operation and didn't understand.

"Making pig skin jelly is like donkey glue gel makeup." Lin Heng explained.

When he said this, Lin's father understood and was a little curious about his production method.

"It's time to eat." At this time, Lin's mother shouted in the kitchen.

"Eat, eat."

Lin Heng was also hungry a long time ago. He put down his work and ran into the kitchen first.

Lin's mother's hand-rolled noodles are very chewy. The whistle is a mixture of wild boar meat fried with sour beans and sour and spicy sauce, mixed with a little garlic and chili, and the taste is also very tempting.

"It's delicious. My mother is very skilled." Lin Heng gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Of course." Lin's mother raised her head and felt very comfortable.

Lin Heng finished two large bowls of noodles. After eating, he continued to make pig skin jelly. After scraping the fat and hair from the two pig skins, they can be thrown into the pot to cook.

When it is almost melted, add some salt and soy sauce for seasoning, pour it out and put it in a basin on cold water to cool, and the gel-like Q-elastic pig skin jelly is ready.

Add a little vinegar and oil to the chili and stir it, and a delicious dish is ready.

"I want to eat it!"

Xiaoxia kept shouting after tasting it, and was fascinated by the deliciousness.

"I'll eat the rest in the evening."

In the end, her mother took action to stop her.

After Lin Heng made the pork skin jelly, his father also peeled off the pig head. After processing, he threw it into the marinade pot with pork and other ingredients.

In addition to the marinated meat, there was a pot next to it to boil lard. Lin Heng liked to throw some lean meat in and fry it for a while. It tasted very fragrant.

When he was a child, he and his elder brother would gather around and wait for food every time his mother boiled lard.

Seeing Lin Heng enter the house, his mother habitually gave him a piece of fried lean meat, even though he had grown up.

It was raining outside, and the fragrance was floating in the house. Fortunately, there was no one else nearby, otherwise I would be drooling with envy.

For the next three days, the rain stopped and stopped, and it never cleared up. Lin Heng's family had meat on the table every day, and it was a rare sight to see the ingredients.

There was no way. After making so much pork in the summer, it was still raining, so the only solution was to eat it.

After eating it in different ways, there was not much left, but the whole family was a little tired of this pork.

Early in the morning of September 4th, the blue sky appeared, and the sun finally stopped asking for leave.

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