Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 327 Xiaoxia, the self-taught

Xiulan patted Lin Heng and said, "Get up, pack up and go back to the village."

"It's time to get up."

Lin Heng yawned, sat up and got dressed. Xiulan dressed herself and woke Xiaoxia up.

Opening the door to the room, you can see the blue sky through the gaps in the leaves, and the rising sun that has just climbed to the top of the mountain in the morning and is not yet warm.

The forest is filled with mist, and through streaks of dappled sunlight, one can see the diffusion and movement of countless gases.

At first glance, the ground was full of small red mushrooms, but Lin Heng had no intention of picking them up.

After exercising and washing up, Lin Heng made breakfast, while Xiaoxia was playing with mushrooms nearby, giggling happily.

Xiulan wanted to pick it up, but her belly was already so big that it was not suitable for walking in the slippery forest.

After a while, Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said, "The things are almost packed."

"Let's take some of the more important ones today, and put the rest on the mountain temporarily. When the weather clears, I will take them slowly." Lin Heng said, looking at a lot of things.

Xiulan divided them again, pointed to the small pile of things she finally picked out, and said, "Then take this."

Lin Heng nodded and said, "Okay, let's go back to the village first, and then I'll pick up the things."

Xiulan nodded and shouted to Xiaoxia: "Let's go Xiaoxia."

"Okay, I'm here, mom." Xiaoxia trotted over with a small basket, followed by two dogs, Xiongba and Fengshou, one on the left and one on the right.

After running a few steps, her feet slipped and she sat on the ground, spreading germs all over the floor.

Xiaoxia was stunned for a moment with her big eyes open, and then she got up on her own, watching her parents' little hands trembling uneasily.

"You're a good boy when you get up by yourself. Come into the house and I'll change your clothes."

Xiulan held out her hand to her, not angry that she had soiled her clothes.

Xiaoxia finally let go of her worries and picked up the scattered fungi and brought them over.

"Mom, I picked up a lot of fungi." Xiaoxia showed off her harvest.

"Xiaoxia is really awesome, but you can't eat these. The fungi you eat can only be picked up when you grow up. Eating them now will cause death."

Xiulan touched her head and said.

"I won't eat." Xiaoxia shook her head repeatedly. She already understood the meaning of death and did not want to be separated from her parents.

"Come on, let me change your clothes."

Lin Heng pulled her into the house and changed her clothes, then locked the door and supported Xiulan, and the three of them walked down the mountain.

The small waterfall on the dam side flows gurglingly, washing away all the sand and stones below, forming a pool of four to five square meters. If it weren't for the hard basalt below, the pool would be even bigger.

"It's such a big water. Dad is the best." Xiaoxia waved her little hands and admired Lin Heng. She knew that her father built it.

"This can be called flying down three thousand feet. It is suspected that the stars are falling from the sky..."

Lin Heng took the opportunity to teach her a poem, and together with Xiulan told her not to go near the water.

At this time, you can understand why their parents took the trouble to warn them not to go into the river or go to the cliff when they were young.

That's because the love is too deep and you are afraid that something will happen to your child.

This is how raising a child is, you have to teach her all kinds of knowledge, and only by repeating it from time to time can she remember it. Don't blame the parents for being verbose.

However, unlike her parents who directly use sticks to strictly prohibit her, Lin Heng and Xiulan are relatively gentle and will tell her the pros and cons. When Xiaoxia thinks about the dangers of getting close to these dangers, she will pay attention to it herself.

They had been beaten when they were children, so they had no desire to continue this kind of education for their children.

Obviously using love and warmth can have the same effect, but most people choose to use the simplest physical punishment to save trouble, and enjoy the feeling that this punishment controls the fate of their children.

Later, when I got older, I started complaining about my children being unfilial, and I never thought about my own reasons.

Of course, sometimes if it doesn't work after saying it several times, Xiulan will let her know why her butt hurts.

Fighting is definitely necessary, but not as soon as it comes up.

Lin Heng would ask Xiaoxia why she did what she did every time. Only when she understood the reason would she decide how to deal with her, instead of not asking anything and just hitting her if it didn't go her way.

He felt that it was this patient education method that made Xiaoxia so cheerful and sunny, and her intelligence was several times higher than that of children of the same age in the village.

The three of them watched the waterfall for a while, then went down the mountain facing the rising sun.

Father Lin was squatting in front of the door eating noodles when he saw them shouting to Xiaoxia: "Xiaoxia, have you had breakfast? Do you want some noodles?"

"We ate the potato pancakes and boiled eggs made by our father." Xiaoxia said as she walked up to her grandfather and looked at them before running away. The smell didn't taste good.

Father Lin laughed, walked into the house, took a bunch of roasted corn and said, "Come, grandpa will roast the corn for you."

"Thank you, grandpa." Xiaoxia looked at the browned corn and ran over again.

Father Lin gave her the top unburnt piece and doted on Xiaoxia very much.

"Grandpa, let me feed you." Xiaoxia peeled off two with difficulty and gave them to her grandpa first. She had learned to please her elders at a young age.

"Thank you, my dear granddaughter."

As expected, this move immediately made Father Lin laugh so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

Xiaoxia ate two pills and shared them with her parents.

Lin Heng ate two pills, turned around and asked with a smile: "Did you teach me this?"

Xiulan smiled and said, "She is self-taught."

Xiaoxia took two bites and then went to tease Jinbao. Jinbao had been raising him here at the foot of the mountain for the past two days. He had plump orange hair, was about the same weight as Xiaoxia, and was about the same height when he stood up.

Except for Lin Heng locking him in the house this year when he was in heat and howling a few times, he wouldn't leave after chasing it for the rest of the time.

"Son, when will we lay the water pipes when the weather clears?" Father Lin stood up after eating and asked.

There is still one last project on the dam side, that is, the water pipes have not yet been laid. After this heavy rain, the strength of the dam has been recognized.

"Let's wait until the weather is drier tomorrow. It's too wet today." Lin Heng thought for a moment and said, not in a hurry.

"That's okay." Father Lin nodded and agreed.

After saying a few words, after Xiulan and Lin's mother finished chatting, Lin Heng took her back to the store.

Opening the house and entering the house, the green-gray slates were clean and tidy. The melons and fruits nearby were full of branches. Many of them had fallen to the ground and rotted. The seeds had sprouted due to the rain.

"I haven't been back for a long time, and I really miss it." Xiulan said with emotion as she walked into the yard.

Lin Heng opened the door, and Xiong Ba and the two dogs got in first, followed by Xiaoxia.

Xiulan reached out and touched the coffee table: "There doesn't seem to be much dust in the room."

"I'm sure. I cleaned everything when I came back yesterday. I can't let you clean with a heavy stomach," Lin Heng said with a smile.

"That's awesome." Xiulan said with a smile, taking a step back and sitting on the sofa, feeling the long-lost comfort.

"Then you rest first, I'll go to the mountain to get something." Lin Heng sat down and looked at her and said.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded in agreement.

Lin Heng went to Hongfeng Mountain with a backpack on his back, and ran back and forth twice before transporting everything back, except for some less important items.

Naturally, this also included ginseng. Lin Heng placed it in the bookcase. Quicklime bags for drying were always kept in this cabinet, so it was not easy to cause problems here.

After finishing this, he and Xiulan went to the bedroom to tidy up the bedroom. After tidying up, Xiulan looked at the unused tub and said, "I haven't taken a bath for a long time."

"You can take a dip if you want. I'll boil water for you." Lin Heng said with a wink.

Xiulan smiled slightly: "Let's talk about it later."

Then the two of them went to the backyard to take a look. Lin Heng cut off part of the lush lotus leaves again, and trimmed some other flowers and plants.

Although it was sunny today and it was a good time to pick up fungi, he didn't really want to go. Mainly because there weren't any good fungi during this period, and matsutake pine fungi wouldn't be available until October.

Xiulan opened the back door and looked at the mountain behind. When she came back, she looked at the bunches of grapes on the grape rack and asked curiously: "Can these be eaten?"

"I'll pick one and have a look." Lin Heng stepped on a stool and took out the paper bag of grapes. The grapes inside were already a beautiful purple-red color, full and round.

Lin Heng picked one and tasted it, his eyes lit up: "It's completely edible, it's very sweet."

As he said this, he handed one to Xiulan.

"It's indeed sweet." Xiulan nodded in surprise.

Lin Heng went back to the house and took scissors to pick out all five bunches of red grapes. The red grapes were full of grains and each bunch weighed four to five kilograms.

"I don't know how many grapes will be harvested next year." Xiulan said with emotion as she looked at the grapes that had climbed all over the shelf.

Especially the grafted red grape grew too luxuriantly, and the root system of the wild grape was too strong, so that the huge peak did not grow very well.

"About twenty skewers should be fine."

Lin Heng said with a smile and carried the red grapes into the house. He first picked a bunch of berries into small pieces, cleaned them and put them in a small bamboo basket.

“It’s delicious~”

When Xiaoxia saw it, she got off the small wooden car, took the red bag and stuffed it into her mouth.

Xiulan waited for her to eat for a while before stopping her. She couldn't eat too much grapes at one time.

After Xiaoxia went to play in the yard, the two of them started tasting. Xiulan sat on the sofa, and Lin Heng lay directly on the sofa, with his head on her soft and white thighs.

Xiulan was originally wearing trousers, but she changed into a skirt after entering the house because she was stained with mud. The temperature at the foot of the mountain was not too low even if it was sunny.

Xiulan looked at him, stretched out her hand and fed a red grape.

"You go ahead and eat, I'll lie down for a while." Lin Heng stopped eating after two pills and preferred to lie down facing his lap.

Xiulan shook her head, not quite understanding, wondering if this leg tasted better than ordinary.

But, if he wants to do this, then he will do it. Who would let this be the man he loves deeply.

After lying down for a while, Lin Heng got up and went to the back mountain to feed the chickens, ducks and cows, and picked the ripe melons back.

Then I picked the vegetables and melons in the yard, kept some for myself, and carried the rest to Hongfeng Mountain to feed the livestock. I also took a bunch of Zihong to my eldest brother and parents.

"The grains are so big, no wonder you said the grape variety you bought is good."

Mother Lin looked at the red grapes and said in surprise, these are much bigger than the local small green grapes.

"Not only is it big, it's also delicious." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Mother Lin tasted one and nodded: "It's really delicious. It seems like I can keep more next year."

"You eat, I'll go back first."

Lin Heng said this, turned around and left, and did not continue to wait here.

Lin Heng happened to bump into the village party secretary when he returned to the village. He smiled and said, "What are you doing, Uncle Tian?"

"I'm still looking for you. I just happened to meet you!" Tian Dongfu said with a smile.

Lin Heng was confused: "Uncle Tian, ​​what do you want from me?"

"Let's go, let's talk while we walk." Tian Dongfu said as he and Lin Heng walked towards his home. They had a cup of good tea and ate some grapes at his home.

The matter he was talking about was not a big deal. It was just that the leaders of the town wanted to visit his breeding base, and there was a meeting in the county at the end of the year to invite him to attend.

Lin Heng naturally did not refuse. The leaders in the town were all very nice. Just come and see. It was also good to be able to advertise for free in the newspaper.

After lunch, the slipperiness of the ground was slightly better in the afternoon, and many people in the village went to the mountains to pick mushrooms.

"If you want to pick mushrooms, go ahead." Xiulan looked at him and said.

Lin Heng shook his head: "I won't go. I'll take a break and clean up the fruits and vegetables in the yard. The green bean vines can be pulled out."

After a break, Lin Heng went to work. Xiulan also helped in the yard, and Xiaoxia made things worse from time to time.

These early green beans, cowpeas, etc. have reached the time to leave the garden, and they can be pulled out and planted with other vegetables.

After pulling these things out, Lin Heng picked the red peppers. Unlike the humid south, the peppers here are generally not spicy, and they are fragrant.

After working for half an afternoon, the two finally finished the work. There was not much work to do, so they sorted the vegetable garden and picked vegetables, but they worked slowly because there was no need to rush.

After finishing, they cut a cantaloupe to share, and gave the unfinished ones to the children in the village. Lin Heng was quite generous to those children who were not particularly bad, and although they were young, he remembered who was good and who was bad very clearly.

In the evening, the eldest brother and his friends sent a lot of mushrooms, all of which were freshly picked today. Lin Heng fried them with bacon and ate them that night.

After breakfast the next day, Lin Heng left home and came to Hongfeng Mountain. He and his father dug out the trench for burying the water pipes first. The water pipes had been bought a long time ago, and they just had to wait to be buried.

The temperature here is still relatively low in winter, and the water pipes will not freeze if they are buried in the ground.

It took the two a day to dig the trench, and then it took another day to connect the water pipes and bury them.

On the afternoon of the 7th, Lin's father looked at the laid water pipes and smiled: "Let's go up and drain the water."

"We each take care of one." Lin Heng nodded, and his mother was responsible for watching the faucet here.

Without a water pump, draining the water is also very simple. First, unplug the joint and fill the lower half of the water pipe with water. When it is almost filled, you can plug it in, and the siphon effect will automatically suck the water down.

"Here it comes, the water pressure is good!"

Hearing Lin's mother shouting below, Lin Heng and his father wrapped the exposed water pipes here and went down the mountain.

When the faucet was turned on, the water flowed out immediately, and the huge pressure made people's insteps hurt a little.

"Okay, this water pressure is much better than the pool halfway up the mountain before." Lin's father said with a smile, high water pressure makes everything convenient.

After looking at the faucet, Lin's mother asked curiously: "Son, didn't you say before that you were going to raise fish in the small dam?"

Lin Heng nodded and said: "Yes, I'm going to catch them. If things don't work out, I'll go tomorrow."

After returning home, he discussed this with Xiulan. Xiulan didn't refuse and wanted to go with him.

Lin Heng thought about it and decided to take her with him. When the weather cleared up and the road was hardened by the sun, they would drive to the Black River to play. As long as they drove slowly, there would be no problem.

But what the two didn't expect was that at noon the next day, several unexpected guests suddenly came to their house.

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