On September 8, Lin Heng's family lived a normal life as usual.

Get up early to exercise, eat breakfast, and then do some chores in front of and behind the house. When they are free, they eat melon and read books. There is nothing special.

Corn and rice can be harvested soon, but because the land is not dry yet, there is not much work to do in the past two days.

The two of them mainly washed the sweet potatoes this morning, peeled them, and selected the "inside and outside yellow" to make sweet potato chips, which is a delicacy made every year in the countryside.

Dried sweet potato chips can be stored for one or two years without going bad, and the taste is still very sweet. They are very popular with children and are one of the most popular snacks for rural children.

The porridge cooked with sweet potato chips is also delicious, and almost every family eats it in summer.

In the kitchen, a huge bamboo steamer is placed on a black pot, with steam rising from it, and sweet potatoes are being steamed.

Xiulan stood in front of the chopping board and cut the sweet potatoes into strips. She likes to do some work, especially with Lin Heng, otherwise the day will be a bit boring.

She often reads some books, but she can't concentrate if she reads too much.

"How about I do it, you take a rest." Lin Heng came over and said with a smile after adding more fire. The kitchen is too hot, and it feels like being in a sauna.

Xiulan shook her head slightly, put her head in front of him and said softly: "Your hair is blocking my eyes, let me lift it."

She has hands, but she likes Lin Heng to lift her bangs.

Lin Heng reached out and lifted her bangs behind her ears, revealing her smooth forehead covered with fine beads of sweat. He wiped her with paper and couldn't help pinching her pretty face.

"Oh, your hands are so oily~" Xiulan complained with a pout.

"I pinched, not only pinched, I kissed!"

"I hate it, wipe your saliva off~"

"I won't wipe it, but get some on my face!"

"Stop it, I still have to cut sweet potatoes, it won't be good if Xiaoxia and the others come in and see~"

"Then just kiss me, forget it."

"mua...you can get out now~"

"And here..."

Xiaoxia was having fun with her good friends Yang Qing and Lin Tao outside, and Lin Heng and his prosperous couple were also having fun in the kitchen, teasing each other as if they had just confirmed their relationship.

"Dong Dong Dong!!"

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door outside, and Xiaoxia and the other two who were playing stopped. Xiaoxia shouted into the house: "Dad, someone is knocking on the door."

"Here it comes."

Lin Heng agreed, pulled Xiulan up and said: "Go out and eat some melon before coming in, it's too hot here, or you can put it on the coffee table and cut it."


Xiulan nodded and let him pull her, her big eyes as gentle as spring water.

Xiulan's fingers are very slender. She used to have calluses from farm work, but now they are white and tender, soft and warm to the touch.

Let Xiulan sit down, Lin Heng cut the watermelon into small pieces, and then went out to open the door.

The moment the door opened, Lin Heng was stunned, because the person who came was completely beyond their expectations.

Chen Changxia outside the door breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "It's really Lin Heng's house. We didn't believe it when others pointed it out to us."

"Yes, this newly built house is so beautiful." Wang Zhi also nodded in agreement.

The last time they came to the Lin family, the whole family was crowded in a dilapidated old house, but this time they were told that this house with white walls, red tiles and a tall porch belonged to their son-in-law, which really made the two of them a little unbelievable.

Lin Heng came back to his senses and smiled: "Mom and Dad, what brings you here? Please come in."

As he said that, he invited the two elders into the house. Xiaoxia in the yard recognized them and greeted them very warmly: "Hello, grandpa and grandma."

Wang Zhi looked at her fair-skinned granddaughter with great love: "Oh, Xiaoxia is so tall now, and she doesn't speak fluently. She grows up so fast."

Both of them were a little surprised at Xiaoxia's cleverness. She was so well-behaved and sensible at the age of three.

"Yes, she grows up so fast." Chen Changxia also sighed.

And Xiulan in the house had already walked out, looking excited: "Mom and Dad, why are you here!"

"Hey, Xiulan, you are pregnant, why is your belly so big!" Chen Changxia said in surprise. Not only was he shocked that Xiulan's belly was so big, but he was also shocked that his daughter looked so good, as if she had grown older, and she looked even fairer and more beautiful than when she got married.

"Stop running around and take a good rest." Wang Zhi hurried forward to support her daughter and looked at her with concern.

Xiulan smiled and shook her head, holding her mother's hand and said, "It's okay, mom, I'm only five months pregnant, less than six months."

Wang Zhi was puzzled: "How can you have such a big belly in just five months?"

Chen Changxia was also full of doubts. This situation must have been at least seven or eight months.

Xiulan looked at her parents and then looked at Lin Heng, and said with a smile: "Because I'm pregnant with twins, my belly is bigger."

"Twins... twins!" Chen's father was shocked.

Chen's mother Wang Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then took her daughter's hand and smiled: "This is a good thing. Not everyone can get pregnant with twins. You and Lin Heng are both blessed people."

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Mom and Dad, come in quickly, let's sit down and talk slowly. Xiulan really misses you. This time she comes to stay for a while."

Bring the two elders into the house and sit on the sofa, and pour them tea and take the cut watermelon and the remaining bunch of red grapes.

However, the two of them were not in the mood to eat or drink for the time being. They looked at the decoration of Lin Heng's house with shock in their eyes. The house was so beautiful, and the sofa was so comfortable and soft.

Before coming, they couldn't believe that their daughter lived in such a house. After looking at it for a while, Chen Changxia asked curiously: "Daughter, didn't you say it was a loess house last year? How come it is so beautiful?"

"It's a mud house, Dad. Lin Heng renovated it bit by bit." Xiulan told the process of Lin Heng decorating and renovating the house step by step.

After listening, the two felt that this was the history of Lin Heng's fortune, which was a bit shocking.

Before coming, they were a little worried whether Lin Heng was just pretending to be rich last year, because their three daughters-in-law said this from time to time in the past year, which subtly influenced them.

When they really came to see it this time, the two realized that Lin Heng and Xiulan did not show off last year, but were very low-key and humble.

Just like this house, it is obviously better than many brick houses, but it is just a mud house with simple decoration.

Chen Changxia looked at the two and said, "We didn't know Xiulan was pregnant, so we brought some dried fish vermicelli and rice wine. If we had known, we would have brought the yellow flowers from home."

"Dad, what are you talking about? Your presence is the biggest surprise." Lin Heng said quickly. Although the gift looks simple, the specifications are very high, and each one is not cheap in this era.

The few people chatted for a while, Xiulan's parents drank tea, tasted watermelon and grapes, and then the two elders wanted to visit other houses, and Lin Heng accompanied them to see them.

After seeing the dark wood furniture, sewing machine, and garden-like backyard in Lin Heng's house, the two were shocked again, and they really felt the wealth of the ten thousand yuan household. Many things they had never seen.

The two looked at Lin Heng from time to time, and they couldn't believe that such an idle person in the past could earn such a large family business.

Lin Heng has always been very humble about this. Although his house is not bad, it is not luxurious in his eyes, but only comfortable.

It was far from the truly luxurious houses he had seen. One of his small goals was to let his family live in a truly top-notch mansion.

While his parents-in-law were in the bathroom, Lin Heng smiled and teased, "Fortunately I didn't let you continue working in the kitchen, otherwise I would not be able to wash myself clean if I jumped into the Yellow River."

Xiu Lan rolled her eyes at him and said, "Go take the steamed sweet potatoes out to dry quickly, they will be rotten in a while."

"Oh my God, I almost forgot." Lin Heng hurried to the kitchen to take the sweet potatoes in the steamer out to dry.

When drying the sweet potatoes, he obviously found that there were fewer sweet potatoes in the bamboo dustpans before. It was obvious that Xiaoxia and the others had eaten them.

He usually wouldn't say such things. He just took some snacks because he was greedy. As long as it wasn't stealing, there was no need to make a big deal about it.

"You didn't dry sweet potato flour this year?" Chen's mother Wang Zhi asked with a smile after returning from the bathroom.

Xiu Lan smiled and said, "No, I haven't finished eating what I made last year. It's enough for next year."

"Is that so? Then I'll help you later." Wang Zhi said with a smile.

Chen Changxia also nodded: "Yes, if there is anything we can help, don't be polite, we are all family."

"Mom and Dad, don't worry, we will definitely not be polite if you need help." Lin Heng agreed with a smile.

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Heng looked at his parents-in-law and said: "Mom and Dad, you drink tea first, I will go to the breeding base to pick up my parents."

Chen Changxia asked curiously: "Is it the place where you raise shrimps?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, there are some cattle and sheep there now."

"Then I will go with you to take a look, I haven't seen it yet." Chen Changxia stood up and said.

"That's fine." Lin Heng nodded and agreed.

Mother Chen stayed to take care of Xiulan and reminisce about the past. The mother and daughter hadn't seen each other for a long time. Lin Heng took his father-in-law to Hongfeng Mountain.

On the way, the two talked and laughed. Chen Changxia found that although his son-in-law was young, his prestige in the village was not low at all. Many people took the initiative to greet him when they saw him, and they were envious when they learned that he was Lin Heng's father-in-law.

This made him feel very proud. No one in their village respected him so much.

When they arrived at Hongfeng Mountain, Lin Heng smiled and explained: "This is Hongfeng Mountain. Now it has been changed into a breeding base. The shrimps have been raised. Dad, you can try it at noon."

"This place is so grand!!"

After entering the breeding base, Chen Changxia was shocked again.

He thought it was just a few rotten puddles and a bunch of rotten cow sheds, but he didn't expect it to be paved with cement, green grass, and houses.

Is this really a breeding base?

He originally thought that Lin Heng was a little unfilial to let his parents live here, but now it seems that he underestimated Lin Heng's strength.

Even if he is willing to live in such a place forever, he dare not even think about it.

"The sanitation conditions for breeding must be good, and I hate mud on rainy days, so I hardened them all." Lin Heng smiled slightly.

Chen Changxia patted his shoulder and said with emotion: "It's amazing. Xiulan didn't make a mistake back then."

"If it weren't for Xiulan, I wouldn't have this family business. Thanks to you, Dad, for teaching me such a virtuous and smart daughter." Lin Heng's good words came out of his mouth.

He always knew that his father-in-law was a face-conscious person. He had earned enough face for him, and he would be proud wherever he went in the future.

Lai Fu's call in the breeding base made Lin's father, who was working at home, come out. He was stunned for a moment, and then he recognized him and walked over quickly: "This is... my father-in-law, come in and sit down!"

"Hahaha, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I'm sorry to bother you this time." Chen Changxia said with a smile.

The two of them obviously had more topics to talk about. After entering the house, they lit cigarettes and drank tea, and immediately started chatting enthusiastically. Lin Heng couldn't get a word in.

He simply told the two that he would go back to prepare the meal and asked them to come over later.

Lin Heng caught two kilograms of shrimps here and picked some fresh vegetables to take back. Because they were planted late, the vegetables here are in full fruiting period.

After Lin Heng left, Lin's father took his father-in-law Chen Changxia to look at the cattle pen, pasture, chicken pen, dam ginseng garden, etc., not including the musk deer that he had forgotten.

After seeing it, Chen Changxia's brain was a little insufficient. He felt that Lin Heng's family might not be as simple as an ordinary ten thousand yuan household.

More than a dozen cows and more than fifty black goats, how much money would these be worth.

And the ginseng garden, I heard that there is also an orchard, which made him feel incredible.

The Lin family has changed too much. He used to think that they were marrying up, but now it seems that his little daughter has found a potential stock.

On the other side, Lin Heng returned home with vegetables and shrimps, and Xiulan and his mother-in-law were drying sweet potatoes.

"Mom, do you think the shrimps we raised are good?" Lin Heng asked with a smile while holding the shrimps.

The mother-in-law nodded and praised: "These shrimps are very beautiful, all of them are top-notch, but why do you get so many? Just taste a little."

"There are not many, there are many of us."

Lin Heng said with a smile, handed the shrimps to Xiulan to remove the shrimp threads, and ran back into the house.

After a while, he brought out a 30-jin ham: "This ham has been pickled for a year, just open it today to see how it tastes."

Wang Zhi saw the ham Lin Heng was holding and hurriedly stopped him: "Shrimp is enough, don't open the ham anymore, it will go bad if you can't finish it."

Xiulan stopped her mother and explained: "Mom, don't worry about it, just help with peace of mind, we usually eat it often."

"Okay, okay, I don't care, you don't know how to cherish things at all." Wang Zhi looked at her and shook her head speechlessly.

Xiulan spread her hands and didn't explain. Her mother couldn't accept it if she said too much.

Lin Heng burned the ham, cleaned it and cut it open. He was shocked.

Inside was beautiful blood-red lean meat, with some white filamentous fat evenly distributed, accompanied by a strong meaty aroma that made people salivate.

"It smells so good, Dad!"

Xiaoxia squatted beside and swallowed her saliva. She was already confused by the aroma.

"This ham is of good quality." Wang Zhi was also a little shocked.

"It's made from the hind legs of wild boars. It seems to smell better than domestic pigs."

Lin Heng smiled and nodded, took a knife and cut a piece off for lunch.

After repeated tasting, he has summarized the way to eat wild boar meat, and it seems more suitable to make bacon and ham.

This method can not only remove the heavy fishy smell of wild boar meat itself, but also retain part of its unique taste and flavor.

"Let's make a simple fried ham." Lin Heng took the prepared ingredients into the kitchen. Good ingredients will taste very good no matter how they are made.

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