Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 329 Finger-guessing game - Gu family

Wang Zhi watched Lin Heng walk into the kitchen, turned her head and looked at Xiulan curiously: "Daughter, my son-in-law can cook?"

Xiulan smiled and nodded: "Yes, he cooked almost all the meals when I was pregnant, and the taste is very good."

"What a good son-in-law, you should be nice to him, don't always order him around." Wang Zhi sighed while holding her daughter's hand.

In this era, men basically cross their legs and wait for dinner when they return home, and some even ask women to wash their feet. If they can help pick vegetables, they are good men. Almost no one cooks for their wives, and they will be looked down upon by outsiders if they do.

And her son-in-law is obviously one year younger than her daughter and is so good at taking care of people. In her opinion, it is incredible. No wonder her daughter insisted on marrying him.

He is capable, can make money outside, and is so good to his wife at home.

"How can I be like that." Xiulan said speechlessly.

Wang Zhi shook her head and said earnestly: "I'm just telling you, you should treat him well. He is one year younger than you. You can't find such a man even if you look for a lantern."

"Okay, okay, I got it, mom." Xiulan could only nod and agree, thinking that she was not good to him. Not only did she do things with him, but she also cooperated with him physically to do many ridiculous things.

After talking to her daughter, Wang Zhi walked into the kitchen and said: "Son-in-law, don't cook. Go out and accompany Xiulan. I will do it. What's the matter with a man going into the kitchen every day."

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head, pushing his mother-in-law out: "Mom, you can play outside. It's not easy to come to my house. Why do you need to cook? Besides, what's wrong with a man going into the kitchen? Men and women are equal. Mom, you just wait outside."

Wang Zhi was pushed out by Lin Heng and could only go to be intimate with Xiulan Xiaoxia. She brought sugared ginger slices to Xiaoxia, which she bought with the money she saved from digging herbs.

This thing is made with fresh young ginger. It is sweet and has the unique spicy taste of ginger. It can also relieve coughs and warm the stomach for children. It is a very popular food.

Lin Heng first made a stir-fried ham with sour beans, and then a garlic-flavored river shrimp and a cold cucumber salad. When he was about to make other dishes, his mother came over and smiled at him in the kitchen and said, "You go to rest, leave the rest to me."

"Then I'll help you." Lin Heng did not refuse and said to his mother.

After a while, lunch was ready, and a large table of dishes was served. Lin's father also came with his father-in-law Chen Changxia.

Chen Changxia looked at the large table of dishes and said in shock: "This is the New Year, the dishes are so rich!"

There were ten dishes on the square table for dinner, and they were not the kind of forced ones. They were all good dishes, big fish and meat.

"Yes, there are too many. If you can't finish them in summer, they will go bad." Wang Zhi also sighed.

"Then everyone, help finish the meal." After Lin Heng sat down, he poured wine for his parents and parents-in-law. After everyone took a sip, the banquet began.

There is no doubt that the green shrimp is delicious. Shrimp meat is extremely precious at any time. The taste of the ham shocked everyone. It is much better than ordinary bacon.

"Dad, I want to eat ham too." Xiaoxia did not forget to try two slices of ham while eating shrimp.

"Here you go." Lin Heng picked ham with a little fat for her.

This kind of ham with translucent fat and ruddy lean meat is better than pure lean meat. The meaty aroma is very strong in the mouth. After careful tasting, a unique aroma of wild boar meat can be found.

He picked some for Xiulan. Like everyone else, Lin Heng would unconsciously pick up a few more chopsticks of ham to taste. A plate of meat was quickly eaten up, but the good news is that they fried a pot, so they just need to serve some more.

After enjoying the food and drink, Chen Changxia smiled and shouted, "Father-in-law, let's play finger-guessing."

"Okay, drink if you lose." Father Lin nodded in agreement, and the two rolled up their sleeves and started playing finger-guessing.

This is a popular drinking custom in Shaanxi, also known as finger-guessing, especially in rural areas. The rule is that both parties punch at the same time and shout out the number. Whoever shouts a number close to the total number of punches of both parties wins, and the loser drinks.

"Five Kui Shou, Four Fa Cai, Six Liu Da Shun, Nine Jiu Chang..."

"You lose!"

"Okay, let's do it again. The one who comes to San Yan this time will definitely be blessed for life...Three Stars Shining..."

As the finger-guessing continued, the two's voices became louder and louder, and their momentum became more and more heroic, like knights wielding swords. In this poor and backward mountain village, this is one of the men's favorite entertainment activities.

"Come on, Lin Heng, let's play finger-guessing too."

As they drank, father-in-law Chen Changxia pulled Lin Heng in.

Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand and said, "Dad, I'm not good at this."

Xiu Lan also dissuaded him, "Yes, Dad, don't get him drunk, he can't drink as much as you do."

She didn't like her parents to get drunk, especially her dad, who was prone to get drunk and crazy, and she was annoyed since she was a child.

"It's okay, I know my limits." Chen Changxia waved his hand and pulled Lin Heng to start playing finger-guessing.

"Five champions, seven puzzles..."

After calling out two tunes, Lin Heng said, "Dad, you lost."

Father Chen took a closer look and found that he really lost. He drank a sip of wine and waved his hand and said, "It's okay, let's continue."



"Dad, you lost again."

"I'll drink again"


"Dad, you lost again."

Chen Changxia stood up and stared at Lin Heng: "What, why do I always lose, didn't you say you can't play finger-guessing?"

"Puchi~" Xiu Lan next to him laughed.

Chen Changxia was even more unhappy: "You are still laughing, but you are still my daughter, so you have joined forces to lie to me, right?"

"No, dad, you were drunk and couldn't see the gestures. I have good eyesight." Lin Heng explained with a smile.

Xiulan also shook her head helplessly: "That's right, Dad, you are just guessing, but Lin Heng figured it out immediately by looking at the gestures, how can it be the same?"

Chen Changxia didn't believe it: "If you come back again, I still don't believe in this evil."

"Dad, let's stop drinking. I really can't drink you. I'll take you for a walk around this afternoon." Lin Heng persuaded. He didn't want to get his father-in-law drunk either.

If you have good eyesight, you can see and predict punching. Basically, you can tell which punch is coming from any posture.

Just like playing rock-paper-scissors, when you punch, you will unconsciously clench your fist, when you punch paper, you will loosen your fingers, and when you punch scissors, your fingers will unconsciously loosen up.

So even if he doesn't know how to guess, he can still do it, because his eyesight is good and his brain works fast.

Chen Changxia shook his head and said: "Well, let's throw a few more punches without drinking, and I'll see how good you are."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

After a few more punches, Chen Changxia was completely convinced: "You are so unreasonable. Eat, eat, eat."

He understood clearly that it was too difficult to win in a boxing match with his son-in-law.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded with a smile. In fact, his father-in-law could still win if he hid his hands, but his boxing skills were not bad, but he didn't like playing anymore in this life.

After eating, Lin Heng's father and father-in-law got drunk quickly and became drowsy. Lin Heng helped them to rest in the old house.

After coming back, my mother and mother-in-law washed the dishes and chopsticks, which was already a habit for them.

While chatting at the moment, Mother Lin introduced Wang Zhi to her experience of catching scorpions and cicada monkeys. After hearing this, Wang Zhi expressed that she wanted to go together in the evening.

Then she told Mother Lin some things about her side, and was very envious of Mother Lin's life.

"Mom, why don't you cut up a cantaloupe and eat it?" Lin Heng walked into the room and said with a smile.

"You just ate, you're not hungry." The two shook their heads.

After chatting for a while, Mother Lin took her mother-in-law Wang Zhi to visit the breeding base.

Lin Hengxiulan was left in the house, and Xiaoxia was playing in the yard.

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said, "How about letting your parents live here for half a month or a month this time? Let them eat something good to replenish their health, and by the way, they can stay with you."

Since Xiulan married him, she has had very little contact with her parents. He knows that she actually misses her mother.

Xiulan blinked at him, stretched out her hand to pick off a large piece of dandruff on his hair, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid they won't stay that long. One of them is here to see me, and the other is to keep in touch with their parents. Another option is to borrow money to build a house.”

They went back to their parents' home last year, and Lin Heng's changes had a profound impact on her dad, otherwise he wouldn't have taken the initiative to come over to play this year.

Xiulan was still very proud and happy to see that her father had completely recognized her husband, which meant that she had chosen the right man.

Lin Heng flipped her hair, nodded and said, "I know, I'll borrow five hundred yuan at my discretion when the time comes. If it's not enough, add some more to help, so your parents don't have to be so tired."

Five hundred yuan is quite a lot, enough to buy materials to build an earth house. Of course, furniture and other items are not included.

Under normal circumstances, no family in rural areas of this era would lend so much money to relatives, and there was no such amount of money to lend.

Xiulan grabbed his hand and said with a smile: "You are really willing to give up. Aren't you afraid that my parents can't afford to repay you?"

"After all, it's your parents and my parents-in-law. If I don't lend it, you can't beat me or let me go to bed." Lin Heng joked. He knew that Xiulan was not the kind of person who wanted to "subsidize" her mother's family after getting married, so he deliberately teased her.

"Then I'll beat you to death." Xiulan glared at him and pinched his handsome face in frustration.

"To be honest, after all, this is the first time for my parents to come here, and five hundred yuan is not a lot for us. It would not be so refreshing to borrow it in the future."

Lin Heng explained that the money must be borrowed. Although his father was not satisfied when he married Xiulan, he did not ask for any more gifts and gave him a large dowry.

In fact, he does not support borrowing money to build a house. It is the right way to do business or something at this time, but it is hard for him to say that. It will only make his parents-in-law think that he is unwilling to borrow money. After all, everyone has different ideas. Situations at home vary as well.

"Actually, my mother told me before, but I didn't say anything. I have to tell you about the money. I will listen to you."

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said that she knew her parents' family was in trouble, but her family's money was earned by Lin Heng running around the mountains day and night, and it was very hard work.

She would never give money to her parents behind Lin Heng's back. Even if it was the money she earned from digging herbs, she would definitely tell Lin Heng before giving it to her.

For her, the only thing she missed about her previous home was her parents, but the most important thing was the small home she and Lin Heng ran.

She understood very well that only here, only Lin Heng, was where she truly belonged and relied. After all, her parents valued her brothers more.

"She is really my good wife. Then let's let them stay for another month and a half before going back. Then we can get the money." Lin Heng pinched her face and said with a happy smile.

"That's okay. Let my mother eat more good food. She's having a hard time at home." Xiulan nodded and agreed. She felt so sorry for her mother. She ate something as dry as a cow without any oil or water.

"Don't worry, I'll ask a Chinese medicine doctor in town to come and see our mother in a few days." Lin Heng nodded. It's right to be filial to parents-in-law. If you do more, it will be beyond the line.

Xiulan suddenly remembered something and looked at him and said, "Have you hidden the ginseng?"

"I put it in the secret compartment of the bookcase. It's okay." Lin Heng said with a smile. He would not put such valuable things randomly.

"That's good." Xiulan nodded, leaned on Lin Heng and said softly, "I'll sleep for a while. Husband, you can call me later. I can't sleep at night if I sleep too long."


Lin Heng picked her up and put her on the chaise longue next to him, and turned the fan down a little.

Xiulan took a nap, and he went out to turn over the dried sweet potatoes that were dried in the morning.

These dried sweet potatoes became very elastic in the afternoon. After another sun exposure, and then steamed, the dried sweet potatoes will become soft and chewy after three steamings and three sun exposures, and the color will be bright orange and yellow.

"Eat less. Eating too much is not good for your health." Lin Heng patted his daughter's head.

"Then Dad, you can help me draw. I want to draw a chick." Xiaoxia chewed a sweet potato and said coquettishly.

"Okay, let's go in and play." Lin Heng looked at her and said, this year she walked very steadily, always liked to run outside, and her skin became wheat-colored.

But he didn't stop her. Playing is the nature of children, and proper guidance is enough.

After playing with Xiaoxia for a while, Lin Heng was a little sleepy and fell asleep while lying on the armchair watching Xiaoxia draw.

When he woke up, he found that it was 3:30 in the afternoon, and there was an extra piece of Xiaoxia's clothes on his body.

After taking a look at the coat covering his body, he said why he felt a little hot, but his daughter's action really warmed her heart.

After taking a look at the picture, Xiaoxia's graffiti chick had been drawn. When he walked outside, he found that she was also sleeping on the sofa.

"Xiu Lan, get up." Lin Heng shook her and shouted.

"Um~ pull me up."

Xiu Lan opened her eyes and yawned, reaching out to grab Lin Heng.

"It's three o'clock." Lin Heng helped her up and reminded her.

Xiulan took Lin Heng's hand and asked, "Mom, aren't they back yet?"

Lin Heng turned his head to look at Xiongba at the door. Xiongba made two howls, and he turned back and said, "Probably not."

Xiulan nodded and woke Xiaoxia up again. The three of them had just cut a cantaloupe to eat when the gate of the yard was pushed open, and Lin's father and Chen's father walked in.

"Dad, come over and eat melon." Lin Heng hurriedly greeted.

Chen Changxia walked into the house and looked at Lin Heng: "Son-in-law, I heard that you are going to Heihe to catch plum fish tomorrow to raise them?"

"Yes, I was originally planning to go, and it's okay to postpone it for a few days." Lin Heng explained.

Chen Changxia shook his head and said, "No need to postpone it. I'm good at catching fish. I'll help you."

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