Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 330 A surprising night arrest

"Dad often fishes at home, and his skills are very good."

Xiulan also said.

Lin Heng nodded immediately and said: "Okay, I'll bother Dad tomorrow. We mainly went to catch plum blossom fry and bought some seine nets and sticky nets."

Chen Changxia thought for a while and said: "Little fish fry, it's best to set some traps to catch them alive, and it's best if we set them now. We can catch a lot tomorrow morning."

Father Lin shook his head and said: "This is not good. You finally came here to play, how can I let you stay up late?"

"Father-in-law, please don't treat your mother-in-law and mother-in-law. We are all working people, so it doesn't matter at all. I suggest you arrest us and leave after eating for a while."

Chen Changxia smiled and waved his hands. He couldn't wait to show off his fishing skills.

Watching the two people talking, Lin Heng could only nod and agree: "Okay, then the three of us will be together."

"That's right." Chen Changxia nodded with a smile, and sat on the sofa with Father Lin to drink tea. The fine Longjing that Lin Heng bought was very suitable for him.

Lin Heng looked at his watch and it was almost half past four. He turned to look at his father Lin and said, "Dad, then I'll go to Hongfeng Mountain to get some tools. Let's go fishing in the evening."

"I'll go get it and feed the cattle, sheep and shrimps by the way." Father Lin put down the teacup and said.

"Then I'll go with you and see how you raise and feed cows." Chen Changxia stood up and said.

Looking at these properties of Lin Heng's family, he was also a little moved. He wanted to learn more about them and see if he could imitate them when he returned home.

Although he had already seen it once, he was still shocked when he came to Hongfeng Mountain again. He thought that Lin Heng relied on a buying station, but he didn't expect that they had such a big industry.

On the other side, Lin Heng waited for his father and the others to leave. He turned to look at Xiulan and said helplessly, "I can't take you with me now."

"Let's wait until next year. It's not convenient for me to go out now." Xiulan shook her head. She was also afraid that something would happen to her accidentally.

Lin Heng looked at her and nodded: "Okay, I'm going to cook."

"I'll help you." Xiulan stood up and said.

Lin Heng didn't refuse. He scooped up the rice and cooked it in the rice cooker, and asked Xiulan to cut the vegetables.

After the vegetables were cut, he added fire to cook, with Xiulan guiding him. First, I made fried fatty meat with sour beans and fried lean meat with mushrooms. I also made stir-fried green vegetables, cold cucumbers, and a dried fish and winter melon soup.

"Your skills are getting better and better." Xiulan tasted it and said with a smile, her red lips were shiny.

"Compared with my wife, there is still a gap." Lin Heng grinned and pulled her out again, "Go outside to cool down, it's so hot."

The sun has set by now, and the yard is getting cooler. Xiaoxia, Yang Qing and other children are playing house in the yard and pulling a lot of grass to cook there.

At half past five, Father Lin and Mother Lin all came over. When they saw the dishes on the table, Chen Changxia sighed: "There really is so much meat for every meal."

"It's going to be bad if you don't eat the summer food. Dads, please sit down quickly." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Because they were going to the river, they didn't drink at night and started packing their things after dinner.

In addition to the three of them, Xiong Ba was also brought along. Originally, his eldest brother wanted to go, but because there were oxygen bottles, fishing nets, fish cages and other things on the car, there was no room for four people, and it was difficult to bring even a dog with him.

"Then let's go. Caiyun, you can sleep with Xiulan tonight. I won't come back." After finishing cleaning, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and Caiyun and said.

Caiyun nodded in agreement: "I understand, second brother, please pay attention to your safety."

Xiulan warned: "Be careful of poisonous snakes and don't go into the water."

Lin Heng made a gesture of understanding, went out, and drove the car towards the destination of Heihe.

The sun had already set by now, and there was only a trace of blood-red sunset on the horizon. The wind in the valley was very cool while driving, and the three of them moved forward quickly.

Chen Changxia felt very novel while sitting in the car. He looked around and asked some questions about the car from time to time.

All the way forward, by the time we reached our destination on the Heihe River, the last remaining clouds had dissipated, perhaps intoxicated by the sun. At this moment, the starry night seemed to have a hint of red.

Chen Changxia looked at Bian Sanlun in front of him and sighed: "We have walked thirty kilometers, this car is really fast."

"It's quite slow because I don't dare to drive too fast at night." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Oh, it's great to have a car here." Chen Changxia said with emotion.

Father Lin looked at the winding river valley in front and asked with a smile: "My father-in-law, do you think this place is suitable for fishing?"

Chen Changxia nodded and said: "It looks okay, but we need to conduct on-site inspection for details."

After parking the car on the dirt road, the three of them went to the riverside with flashlights to check the situation. If it didn't work, they would find another place.

At this moment, the eels and turtles haven't come out yet by the dark river, but you can see a lot of small fish, everywhere.

After roughly inspecting it, Chen Changxia nodded and said: "This place is not bad, there are a lot of fish fry."

"Then let's set up camp here." Lin Heng said immediately.

The three of them turned around and moved back a lot of things.

They first used tarps to build a temporary shelter in a willow forest by the river. It was still quite cold in the early morning in summer, and the dew was heavy, so sleeping outside was definitely not possible.

Compared with using branches and grass on the mountain, it is much faster to build a shelter with a tarp, which can be done in ten minutes.

The bed they slept on was also very simple. They cut some lush mugwort, spread it on the ground, and covered it with a tarpaulin.

After the simple shelter was built, they went to the river to set up fishing traps.

"There must be fish hiding in this place, set one here." Chen Changxia, as a veteran fisherman, kept guiding.

After choosing a good location, they began to set up fishing traps. It was still very fast to shovel sand to make traps one by one, which was much faster than moving stones one by one.

After it was done, they sprinkled a few handfuls of shrimp feed into it to maximize the temptation for fish.

After setting up the river bend, they continued to walk up a little. Because the Black River is a cold water river, the water temperature is only 18 or 19 degrees in summer, and it is a bit cold to walk in the water.

Lin Heng took a bow and arrow, but he didn't see many big fish in the shallow water area by the river. He wanted to shoot fish but had no target.

As they were walking, Father Lin suddenly stopped and pointed ahead, saying, "Look over there, what a big turtle!"

"It's really a turtle, but it's hard to catch in this half-meter-deep water. It will run away if someone goes there." Chen Changxia said as he looked at the pale yellow turtle in the water.

This guy didn't move when he saw people, as if he thought people didn't find it.

"Then it can only die." Lin Heng said with a smile, and he drew his bow and shot an arrow. With a swoosh, the sharp arrow penetrated the water surface and shot into the water.

As waves of white bubbles dissipated, everyone found that the turtle was shot through and was swimming towards the deep water area.

However, it was destined to be unable to escape. Lin Heng's arrow for shooting fish was modified by himself, with barbs, and it was connected to a nylon line.

The turtle didn't run far before Lin Heng pulled the line back. He weighed it in his hand and smiled, "This one is not bad, it weighs two kilograms."

"Awesome!" Chen Changxia gave a thumbs up. His son-in-law's bow and arrow were really accurate.

"Let's see if we can catch two more tonight." Lin Heng took the turtle off and put it in the bag, and everyone continued to move forward.

Going forward, we saw a few large salmon, but they ran too fast and we didn't have a chance to shoot arrows.

Coming to a place where the water was clear and flowing fast, Chen Changxia said, "This place is good, suitable for setting up a sticky net, I think we can catch a lot of big fish."

"Then set it up, I got two nets today." Lin Heng nodded and said, the water here is more than one meter deep, the three of them set up a sticky net near the edge and sprinkled some bait.

After setting it up, continue to look for other good places, explore on the way to see if you can catch fish.

It's not easy to catch live ones, and there are a lot of dead ones. Lin Heng shot three half-pound scallops and a one-pound small turtle.

They worked until eleven o'clock, and they set up two sticky nets and a total of 15 fishing traps. Even three people are exhausted.

"Go back and rest. Get up early tomorrow to see the results." Lin Heng said. There was probably no hope to continue exploring. They had walked up the river for almost two kilometers.

"Okay." Lin's father had no objection. It was too late and there was nothing to explore.

On the way back, Chen Changxia went to the stream that merged into the main river with a flashlight. After a while, he exclaimed: "You want to catch plum fish fry, come here, look at this place. There are so many."

Lin Heng and his father were originally looking for big fish. When they heard the sound, they went to check. They were really shocked. There were many three or four centimeters long fish fry in this not-so-turbulent stream. They were all plum fish fry.

"There are indeed many. I estimate that there are forty or fifty in this pool." Lin's father nodded.

Chen Changxia asked: "Then should we catch them directly or use traps?"

"Then catch them directly and see how much we can get." Lin Heng said, holding up the scoop net and fish guard in his hand.

The three of them immediately started to catch fish fry. Lin Heng set up the net, and his father and father-in-law chased the fish. They caught fish from the stream up to eight or nine hundred meters, and then came back to catch them again.

In addition to the fish fry, a small grass turtle was also found. Lin Heng also caught it and took it back for Xiaoxia to raise for fun.

"It's already two o'clock." Lin Heng was shocked when he looked at the watch. He was so happy to catch fish. He always had a harvest and didn't feel the passage of time.

"It's really late, but we have caught four or five hundred fish fry, right?" Chen Changxia asked with a smile. The fish fry weighed four or five kilograms.

"Of course, plus what we caught in the trap tomorrow morning, it will definitely be enough." Lin's father nodded.

After looking at the fish fry by the water, the three of them returned to the shelter quickly. These fish fry were thrown into the more turbulent water beside the Black River.

But there was still a task before going to bed, which was to kill the three fish and clean the two turtles. The internal organs would easily go bad if they were not covered.

After finishing all these, it was almost three o'clock. The moon was about to rest, and only the stars were motionless.

"Let's sleep."

Leaving Xiongba to watch, the three of them lay down and fell asleep quickly.

In the wild, whether it is winter or summer, it is almost impossible to sleep late, because the birds will chirp as soon as the sun rises, and it is impossible to sleep in such an environment.

"Ah, let's go and see the harvest." Father Lin yawned and said.

Chen Changxia rubbed his arms and said with emotion: "It's still quite cold this morning. It's much colder on the mountain than below us."

"If you go to the top of Changbai Mountain, you have to wear a cotton jacket in summer." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The three people and the dog quickly came to the water, washed their faces briefly, and then ran to see the fish fry caught last night, and made sure they were all fine before they felt relieved.

Father Lin exclaimed in the distance: "Oh my god, these are all minnows, whitebait and river grouper, there are not many plum fish."

"Look at how many wheat ears there are, and other small fish can be eaten." Chen Changxia said.

Lin Heng was not surprised by this. He walked over to take a look and caught the small fish with a fishing net. There were no big fish in the trap in the shallow water. The largest one was a crucian carp weighing about 2 taels.

After a rough estimate, the total weight of the fish in this trap was more than one jin. After picking up the plum fish, there were only more than 30 plum fish.

After cleaning up all the five fishing traps in the river bay, there were only 180 plum fish fry.

Lin Heng looked at his father and father-in-law and said: "How about this, I will drive to transport them first, and you continue to collect other fish here."

Because they had to bring them back alive this time, they had to use plastic bags with oxygen to transport them back, which took up a lot of space and they would definitely not be transported all at once.

"Okay." Father Lin nodded.

Lin Heng went back and got a thickened plastic bag for fermentation and storage, filled it with one-third of water, poured in fifty fish fry, then opened the oxygen cylinder, flushed the remaining two-thirds of the space with pure oxygen through the tube, and finally tied the bag.

Basically, few fish will die if you take it back like this.

There is another reason for transporting it back so early, that is, plum fish is a cold water fish, and the strong sun at noon will soon scald the water temperature, and these fish will die directly.

In addition to the more than 500 plum fish caught in the creek last night, Lin Heng transported more than 700 plum fish fry back this time.

It was only half past five when he left, the sun had not come out yet, and the grass on the roadside was full of dew. Lin Heng's speed was also very fast, and it took him half an hour to get back to Hongfeng Mountain.

"Why did you come back so early?" Lin's mother had just gotten up to wash her face and was a little surprised to see him.

"I'll send the fry back first, you help me get it." Lin Heng stopped the car and said with the fry.

"Okay." Lin's mother wiped her face and helped Lin Heng carry the remaining fish fry up the mountain.

The small waterfall on the mountain is now a landscape. It can be seen from a distance at the foot of the mountain. As you get closer, the roar of the water becomes louder and louder.

Now that the sky is clear, the mountain stream water has become clear and you can see the bottom. The same is true in the small dam. Even if the water is deep, you can barely see the bottom of the water.

The mountain spring water has a low temperature and few algae. It will not have a lot of algae like the river water, and it will not look very green.

There are three small docks near the dam on the side of Hongfeng Mountain. There is a three-square-meter net cage near each dock. This was originally a net cage for raising green shrimps and shrimps. Lin Heng took it and put it here.

Lin's mother asked: "Just pour the fish fry into this net cage?"

"Yes, just pour it in for now." Lin Heng nodded.

The water temperature of this dam has been measured. It is about the same as that of the Black River. Even on such a continuous sunny day, it is only 18 or 19 degrees. The bottom temperature is even lower. It is no problem to raise plum fish.

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