As the fry entered the water, they all swam excitedly, very lively, with only four or five turning white and swimming on their backs.

Mother Lin looked at him and asked, "You haven't had breakfast yet, do you want to eat some of the potato pancakes I just made?"

"No, I have to hurry over there and pull a few more times."

Lin Heng shook his head and walked down the mountain with the bag. He was racing against time now. If it got hot at noon, these fish would not be transported back.

The Qinling salmon is most afraid of heat.

Mother Lin shouted loudly from behind, "What time should I make breakfast for you?"

"Let's talk about it when we come back."

Lin Heng's voice came from the foot of the mountain, and he had already ridden on a sidecar.

He stopped in front of his house while driving, opened the door and walked in. Xiulan, Caiyun and Xiaoxia were having breakfast.


Xiaoxia saw Lin Heng and rushed over very coquettishly.

"You came back so early, where are Dad and the others?" Xiulan asked in confusion.

"I went to Hongfeng Mountain to deliver some fry. Dad and the others are still fishing in Heihe." Lin Heng said, holding Xiaoxia for a while and then put her down.

Then he handed the killed soft-shelled turtle and plum fish in his hand to Xiulan: "These were caught last night. You can handle them after they are killed. There is the turtle liver that you like the most."

Although Xiulan doesn't like to eat pork liver, she likes the liver of soft-shelled turtle very much. She thinks it tastes very good, and Lin Heng always leaves some for her.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and handed her milk powder to Lin Heng, "You drink it. I'll make some more later. When Caiyun finishes eating, you can send her to town."

Caiyun shook her head repeatedly and said, "No, no, I have an appointment with friends. It's not good to leave like this."

Lin Heng knew who she had an appointment with, drank the milk powder in one gulp, and then comforted Xiaoxia and drove away.

The whole way was almost full of speed. The rural dirt road was very bumpy, but he was used to it.

It was only 6:40 when I arrived at my father's place. The sun had just reached the top of the mountain, and the golden morning sun was particularly dazzling.

"Dad, how did you catch it?"

Lin Heng shouted from a distance.

Chen Changxia shouted, "I had bad luck this morning. Just when I was about to catch a big silver carp weighing 20 to 30 kilograms, it ran away."

Lin's father also said, "It's really infuriating. The silver carp got tangled in a piece of fishing net and ran away."

"How did it get away?" Lin Heng felt like slapping his thigh after hearing this. Such a big fish actually ran away.

"No way, bad luck, but the fish can't survive, and it's still tangled in the fishing net." Chen Changxia shook his head.

"The harvest of the second net is not bad. I caught 20 to 30 half-jin plum fish in one net. Come over and help pick them." Lin's father squatted by the river and raised his head and said.

"That's really good. These fish can be taken back as breeding fish." Lin Heng nodded and said.

Even though it weighs only half a pound, this fish is definitely sexually mature. There is no problem taking it back as a breeding fish for next year.

"There were five one- or two-pound plum fish in the previous net, which is better." Chen Changxia said.

Lin Heng nodded and asked again: "What about the fishing traps? How are the harvests in the remaining ten traps?"

Lin's father shook his head and sighed: "Don't mention it, those ten traps are not good either. They are all some white stripers, river groupers and minnows. The plum fish fry add up to less than 200."

"The only big harvest is that a black fish got into one of the traps, weighing about one pound." Chen Changxia said.

Lin Heng was slightly disappointed, and then said: "It doesn't matter. Let's throw some more bait in today and get up early tomorrow morning to see."

This is very normal. Even if the resources are good, it is impossible to have a big harvest all the time. Moreover, the resources in Heihe are declining year by year, and they are getting worse and worse.

"This is OK." Lin's father and Chen Changxia nodded repeatedly.

With Lin Heng's participation, the three of them quickly picked up the fish, and then sorted out the harvest. The most they caught this time were various small fish, weighing about 14 or 15 jin.

There were too many white stripes, horse mouth, stream grouper, minnow, and ground tiger.

The rest were plum fish, 200 fry, 28 of about half a jin, 6 of more than one jin, one black fish, and two jin of yellow eels caught in the ground trap.

After sorting, Lin Heng put all the plum fish in plastic bags and flushed them with oxygen, and the rest were all drained of water and taken back with the dead ones.

"What else do we need to do? I've also taken down the tarpaulin." Father Lin asked while holding the folded tarpaulin.

"Let's cut some leaves and mugwort and throw them into the fishing trap, otherwise there won't be enough fish for the birds to eat." Lin Heng said after carrying the things into the car.

"It really needs to be like this. Fish are willing to go in if there is something to cover them." Chen Changxia nodded.

Immediately, the three of them took a knife to cut a large bundle of fresh branches and covered the fishing trap.

After finishing these, he packed the things, called Xiongba to get in the car, and the three of them and the dog went back to the house.

Lin Heng was afraid that the fish would die of heat, so he walked very fast. He returned home at 8:30 in the morning, and the sun was already very hot.

Looking at the plum blossom fish in the plastic bag, Lin Heng breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the fish is not dead."

"This will tire your father-in-law." Lin's father said with a smile.

Chen Changxia waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, don't say those polite words."

Lin Heng was too lazy to be polite, and smiled and said, "Let's go up the mountain and release the fish quickly. Let's take a good rest for a while and eat turtle for lunch to replenish our body."

After going up the mountain, the fish were temporarily kept in cages. The fry were divided into two cages, and the adult plum fish were divided into one cage.

It was not that Lin Heng was afraid that the fish would run away. There were wire meshes everywhere at the water outlets, and the fish could not run away.

The main reason was that Lin Heng wanted to study the habits of these plum fish, accumulate breeding experience, and prepare for the reproduction of plum fish.

Only by fully mastering this technology can it be possible to make money from it.

As the plum fish were put into the water, Lin Heng breathed a sigh of relief. These guys are really difficult to raise. The oxygen requirements are similar to those of white stripes, and the requirements for water temperature are also very high.

Chen Changxia took a look at the plum fish and said, "This is a little too few fish in this 150-60 square meter water surface."

"It's a little too few, but it's enough for now." Lin Heng nodded.

Father Lin washed his hands and said, "Let's go, go down to wash and have breakfast."

"Eat, eat." Lin Heng stopped looking at the fish and turned to walk down. He was so hungry yesterday that his intestines were thin.

After going down the mountain, the three of them took a bath by the water. After returning to the house, Lin's mother also cooked noodles. They didn't cook any vegetables in the morning, just a simple pickled cabbage noodle.

But this was not bad in Chen Changxia's opinion. They often ate cornmeal cakes in the morning, which was much more unpalatable than noodles.

"Son, how long do you plan to keep those river clams? They are still in the basin." Lin's mother looked at Lin Heng and asked.

"I forgot about it. I'll deal with it in the afternoon. I'm too tired in the morning." Lin Heng took a look and said.

After dinner, he helped feed the shrimps and cattle and sheep, and then went home directly. The small fish were left to his mother and his mother-in-law.

As soon as Lin Heng opened the door, Xiaoxia came over and hugged him: "Dad, you are finally back!"

"I'm back." Lin Heng picked her up and turned around twice, even though he was very tired.

In the house, Xiulan stopped wiping the table and turned her head to ask: "Have you eaten?"

"Mom cooked pickled cabbage noodles and ate them." Lin Heng nodded.

"That's good." Xiulan nodded.

Lin Heng put Xiaoxia down and said, "I'm going to sleep for a while. If there's anything, leave it there and I'll do it after I wake up."

"Go ahead." Xiulan agreed.

Lin Heng went into the room and lay on the bed to rest. He didn't sleep well last night. His father-in-law snored too loudly, but he was embarrassed to say it.

After taking off his clothes, Lin Heng lay on his back on the bed. The fragrance of Xiulan filled his heart and nose, and he gradually fell asleep.

When she woke up again, the light outside the window was already very dazzling. It was obviously noon.

Turning his head, he saw Xiulan lying next to him. Just as he remembered, she turned over and hugged his arms.

"It's only twelve o'clock, so sleep a little longer." Looking at the watch, Lin Heng lay down to rest. Xiulan's long hair fell on his face from time to time, itching him so much that he couldn't sleep.

After thinking for a while, he stretched out his hand to tickle Xiulan. After a long time, she woke up and stared at him with a pair of big eyes: "What are you doing?"

"Do you want me to wash your hair?" Lin Heng pinched her face and asked.

Xiulan opened her eyes wide: "How did you guess it?"

Lin Heng pointed to his cheek, and Xiulan blinked and kissed him directly on the lips.

"Now tell me." Xiulan looked at him.

"Secret." Lin Heng grinned and got up.

"You are annoying." Xiulan bit her lip and stared at him.

Lin Heng stretched out his hand and said, "Let's go."

Xiulan was pulled out of bed and followed Lin Heng out. She was still curious about how he guessed it.

"Tell me, please."

Lin Heng turned his head and smiled: "Because you wash your hair once every three days on average, today is the third day."

"It's that simple." Xiulan pouted.

"Yes, it's that simple." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Putting the wash basin on the shelf and getting the water ready, Lin Heng helped Xiulan sit down and slowly washed her hair.

He was already familiar with this job and basically would not hurt her.

After washing, Lin Heng was about to change the water and rinse, but Xiulan said, "Press it again, it feels so good."

"I'm your slave." Lin Heng pinched her face.

"Oh, your hands are wet." Xiulan rolled her eyes and said in a tender voice, "Press me quickly, brother, it feels so good."

Women who act like a spoiled child have the best life. Lin Heng could not refuse at all. He pressed her for a long time, rinsed her, applied conditioner, and then washed her clean.

"Thank you, husband, you are so nice." Xiulan smiled after drying her hair, with deep love in her big eyes.

Lin Heng smiled and asked again: "How did you deal with the turtles this morning?"

Xiu Lan looked at him and said: "The big ones were chopped into pieces and marinated with onion and ginger water, and the small ones were not chopped and marinated. I guess you prepared one stir-fry and one stew."

"That's what I thought. It's a pity that we didn't catch the mandarin fish this time, otherwise we could make another stinky mandarin fish." Lin Heng said. The stinky mandarin fish that Xiu Lan made last time had already been eaten.

"Let's catch it next time. The plum fish is also delicious." Xiu Lan said.

Lin Heng nodded, and after entering the house, he asked Xiu Lan to take out the pearls and look at them.

At this moment, they have been completely processed. One is fluorescent white and the other is light gold. These two are the most beautiful, with a diameter of about two centimeters.

Lin Heng took away three small ones and said: "You keep the remaining two big ones, and I'll use the small one to try to grow pearls."

Xiu Lan showed the jade pendant on her neck and looked up and said: "I have this, do you want to take it to make a necklace for mom?"

This is Lin Heng's birthday gift for her. She wears it all the time except when she goes to bed.

Lin Heng shook his head: "I'll give Mom something else on her birthday. Take this. I'll make you a pair of pearl earrings later."

"Then I won't be polite." Xiulan smiled gently, picked up the things and put them in her small box.

Lin Heng first smashed a few pearls into small pieces with a small hammer, and then cut a two-centimeter-wide bamboo piece and took it to Hongfeng Mountain.

Here, his mother and mother-in-law have already cleaned the small fish, strung them into strings and hung them in the sun.

"Mom, where are my dad and the others?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

"He went out for a walk. I don't know." Lin's mother shook her head.

"Okay, let them come over for dinner when they come back." Lin Heng said.

"I know." Lin's mother nodded.

After that, Lin Heng went into the house and began to plant pearls artificially. He used a bamboo piece to pry open the shell by two centimeters and then cut the edge of the skirt with a knife. Finally, he just threw the broken pearls in.

He was not very good at growing pearls, but he had seen others grow them in his previous life, and he didn't know if he would succeed, so he simply threw a few grains of sand in.

It took him nearly an hour to grow the pearls, and he didn't know the effect. He would know it at this time next year. He took all the shells and temporarily kept them in the incubator. When they recovered, he would find a special place to keep them.

After doing all this, Lin Heng went up the mountain to look at the plum fish, and found another dead one. Fortunately, the others were alive and well.

"Mom, I'm going back after I finish this." Lin Heng said as he walked down the mountain.

"Okay." Lin's mother waved her hand without looking up.

Lin Heng returned to the house and first stewed the turtle soup in a casserole, and then prepared other meals with Xiulan.

After it was done, he called people to come over for dinner, and today he also called his eldest brother to come together.

"You really eat a lot of fish and meat every day." Chen Changxia shook his head.

"Just some fish caught today, it will go bad if you don't eat it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After everyone was seated, Lin Heng first put the turtle liver into Xiulan's bowl, and then started eating with everyone, chatting and laughing.

Wild turtles are delicious in any way. When stir-fried, the meat is firm and strong, and the aroma is rich.

In addition, there is steamed plum blossom fish, which is very popular with children. Lin Heng steamed three at a time, which is enough for the whole family.

The meal was quickly finished and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. They had nothing to do today, so they took their parents-in-law around the village.

Unknowingly, it was already evening. After dinner, the parents-in-law were arranged to live in the old house of the Lin family. After Lin Heng returned to the house, the three of them were in a daze for a while.

At half past nine, after telling a story to coax Xiaoxia to sleep, Lin Heng turned and went to bed. As soon as he lay down, he found Xiulan's little hand reaching out.

"What are you doing?" Lin Heng turned his head and looked at her.

"Nothing." Xiulan said softly, while approaching him, her little hand climbed onto his strong chest.

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