Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 332: A bumper harvest of grain

The next morning, Lin Heng woke up immediately after it was light. Although he was very tired yesterday and last night, he still got up early out of habit.

People will wake up naturally in the morning when they reach a certain age.

He glanced at Xiulan next to him. She was not wearing any clothes, only covered with a light blue summer quilt. Her snow-white collarbone and long legs were exposed, which was very tempting.

"Are you going to Heihe?" Xiulan asked with narrowed eyes.

"Well, let's go over and see what we can get today. The fishing traps from yesterday haven't been dismantled yet." Lin Heng whispered, covered her with a quilt and said, "You continue to sleep. I locked the door from the outside."


Xiulan agreed dazedly, turned her head and went back to sleep. After all, she was busy late last night.

Lin Heng washed his face, went to the back mountain to take a look at the cow, and unpacked a bag of silage to feed it.

Its belly has been getting bigger and bigger recently, and the delivery period is coming soon, so he basically comes to see it several times every day.

After feeding the cows, Lin Heng just drove the car onto the road, and a voice came from behind: "You got up so early?"

"I'm going to check out the fishing traps yesterday." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"I'll go with you." Chen Changxia got off the car and sat in the car.

Lin Heng drove to Hongfeng Mountain. It was 5:30 and the sun hadn't come out yet. Lin's father had already gotten up early to feed the shrimps.

"You got up really early, father-in-law." Lin's father greeted with a smile.

"This is not early at all. I used to get up at dawn to weed the corn." Chen Changxia came over to help spread the feed.

"Let's eat and then go there?" Lin's father said while working.

"No need for that. Let's go get the fish first and come back to eat it." Chen Changxia shook his head and said.

"Yes, let's eat after we finish it." Lin Heng also said that he was not polite to his father-in-law at all.

"Okay." Lin's father nodded.

After feeding the prawns, they told Lin's mother and took their tools and walked towards the Black River. Halfway through, the car suddenly stalled.

"What happened?" Lin's father asked.

Chen Changxia was also worried: "Is it broken?"

"No, I forgot to refuel. This car is a gas guzzler. Fortunately, I always put two liters of gasoline in the trunk."

Lin Heng shook his head and stopped the car to refuel. This second-hand sidecar is not bad. There has been no problem for so long. Things of this era are durable.

Driving the car, they soon arrived at the Black River. There were few people in this section of the Black River, and no one touched the trap yesterday.

The three of them took their things and went straight to the location of the fishing trap, blocked the entrance and removed the leaves covering it. They saw the water surface in the trap surging with white water, and countless small fish fry were fleeing everywhere.

Father Lin was shocked and said, "My God, this is much more than yesterday!"

Lin Heng also nodded: "This is good, this must be two or three pounds of small fish."

"That's for sure, this time it takes a day and a night." Chen Changxia said calmly.

After being happy, the three of them immediately started to catch fish, just like before, except for the plum fish, all the others were dead.

After catching the fish in this first trap, Lin Heng roughly estimated that there were more than 30 plum fish fry, and other miscellaneous fish such as white striped horse mouth added up to two pounds.

"If the other traps are the same as this one, our harvest today can exceed yesterday." Lin said happily.

"If this is the case, then today we can harvest at least more than 30 pounds of fish." Father Lin said.

Chen Changxia had already walked over to see the new trap, and when he took away the leaves, he exclaimed: "There is actually a one-pound mandarin fish here."

"Let me see." Lin Heng ran over to check it out first. It turned out to be a beautiful spotted mandarin fish. For a moment, he was a little reluctant to eat it.

"Look at the others."

Lin Heng walked over and looked at the other traps, and also found two mandarin fish, but they were ordinary white mandarin fish, half a catty, not as good-looking as the one just now.

After a while, the three of them caught all the fish in the fifteen fishing traps one after another, and the final harvest was much less than they expected.

The miscellaneous small fish added up to about 20 catties, and there were more than 400 to 500 plum fry, which were larger than those caught in the mountain stream, generally about 10 centimeters.

There were fewer big fish, three weighing more than one catty, two catfish, one striped mandarin fish, five weighing half a catty, two white mandarin fish, and the rest were plum fry.

"This is not bad." Lin's father said, although it was much less than expected, it was enough.

"Well, let's go back." Lin Heng looked at the small fish fry in a bag in his hand. He found two mutant fish fry today.

These are two mutant minnows. Ordinary minnows only have the blue-green scales on both sides of their backs, and they are only blue-green at certain angles.

The two minnows in his hand are completely different. Their entire bodies are beautiful blue-green, and they look extremely beautiful.

Therefore, they are also qualified to go back alive, and he also picked a few beautiful ordinary minnows to take back with him.

Neither his father nor his father-in-law understands the value of this thing, but in fact, this mutant native fish is very precious. After continuous cultivation, it can become a new species of ornamental fish, which can also be sold for money.

As he walked, Lin Henggang suddenly stopped. Lin's father behind him was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Look over there, is it the fish that ran away yesterday?"

Lin Heng pointed to an area in the middle of the river where a number of fish were gathered. There was a fish that shook from time to time, and the water splashed beautifully.

"It seems to be true." Lin's father was shocked.

"Let me do it. I'll swim over to catch it." Lin Heng began to take off his clothes in the east-west direction.

"Be careful." Lin's father said, but did not stop him. After all, it was such a big fish.

Lin Heng took a fish arrow, patted his limbs and chest with water, and then went into the water to swim towards the fish.

This section of the Black River is about 100 meters wide. There are two raised stones in the middle, so many branches are gathered there.

Lin Heng swam to the front and climbed onto the stone first. A closer look showed that it was indeed a huge silver carp. It was almost dead because many fishing nets were tied into its gills, and then it was caught by the branches here.

But even so, there is still a risk of escape if you catch it directly.

Looking at the fish arrow in his hand, Lin threw it aside casually, and then picked up a two-meter-long dry branch as thick as his arm.

After testing the strength of the tie again, he aimed at the head of the silver carp.

Bang! !

As Lin Heng hit it hard with a stick, the fish disappeared with splashes of water.

But Lin Heng was not in a hurry, because he clearly sensed that he had hit the fish's head with the stick, and it couldn't be alive.

After waiting for about half a minute, a white fish appeared five meters away, which was naturally the silver carp just now.

Lin Heng swam over excitedly, passed the rope through it and brought it back to the shore.

"What a cold water!" Lin Heng shuddered when he got ashore.

"This fish looks bigger than the one yesterday, it must be thirty kilograms." Lin's father said excitedly.

This silver carp is one meter long when lifted up, a real giant.

"This big head, the chopped pepper fish head is very beautiful." Chen Changxia nodded and said.

"Go home, go home." Lin Heng said excitedly while holding the fish, his fierce stick had ended the life of the fish.

When they got to the highway, Lin Heng tied the silver carp directly to the back of the car.

After taking other things into the car, the three of them returned home happily.

They met many people on the road, and they all showed envy when they saw the big silver carp behind their car.

When they returned to the village, many people asked them how they got such a big silver carp.

"Hey, you got such a big silver carp."

On Hongfeng Mountain, Lin's mother asked in shock.

"The one that escaped yesterday was caught again today." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then we really can't eat it all now. We haven't eaten the black fish we caught yesterday." Lin's mother had a happy worry.

"It's okay. We didn't kill the big fish today, and we brought it back alive after oxygenating it." Lin's father said.

"That's okay." Lin's mother was immediately happy.

Lin Heng first threw the minnows, catfish, and mandarin fish he brought back into the hatching pond.

This place has been empty, and now he uses it to raise these fish. It doesn't matter if they are separated from each other.

After going up the mountain and taking a look at the small waterfall, Lin Heng poured the plum fish fry into the breeding cage.

Now, he has more than 1,100 plum fish fry and 42 adult plum fish.

There is no problem with breeding so many fish. For the time being, he feeds them with shrimp feed, which the plum fish like to eat.

He left after taking a look at the fry. The main thing for the remaining half of the year is to study how to feed them. Artificial breeding will have to wait until next year.

After going down the mountain, Lin's father had already killed the big silver carp. Seeing Lin Heng, he said, "It weighed 32 kilograms. How do you eat this fish?"

"We ate the fish head at noon. I'll take another five kilograms of fish meat back to make fish balls for Xiaoxia. The rest can be given away by you. Silver carp is not delicious when made into dried fish."

"Okay, let's eat here at noon. Let's move corn today to see how much the new variety of corn can produce per mu." Lin's father said.

"No problem." Lin Heng nodded in agreement, holding a piece of fish cut by his father, and took another ten kilograms of small fish.

He planned to go back and kill it clean and dry it with charcoal fire, without adding so much salt to dry it. This kind of dried fish tastes better and can be eaten directly.

As soon as Lin Heng opened the door of his house, Xiaoxia and his mother-in-law spoke.


"Son-in-law, come and eat, I made leek dumplings."

They were eating breakfast in the house. Today's breakfast was leek dumplings made by Wang Zhi, in addition to Hami melon and porridge.

"Come, come, we have a big harvest today. The fish that ran away yesterday was found." Lin Heng walked into the house and put the fish in the basin and said.

"Found it, then you have a good harvest today." Xiulan was surprised.

"Yes, the big silver carp is 32 kilograms, and there will be chopped pepper fish head for lunch." Lin Heng nodded, touched Xiaoxia's head, and came over to eat.

The leek dumplings tasted very good. After eating, drinking porridge and having a Hami melon was perfect.

After dinner, Lin Heng put the small fish on the table after clearing the bowls and chopsticks, and asked Xiulan and mother-in-law to help kill them.

He took a knife to scrape the fish wool to make fish balls. When they finished these tasks, it was already nine o'clock.

"Dad, I want to eat fish balls." Xiaoxia looked at the cold fish balls that had been cooked in clear water and said coquettishly.

"I'll give them to you when I come back at noon. Now we're going to pick corn."

Lin Heng rubbed her head and said.

But seeing her eager eyes, he finally had no choice but to give her one to try.


Xiaoxia said with puffed cheeks.

Lin Heng took her out, and on the other side, his mother-in-law Wang Zhi had already put the fish on the bamboo grill to grill.

She took the snakeskin bag and drove the three of them to Hongfeng Mountain.

Coming here, there was already a pile of corn on the cement ground in front of the warehouse.

"The corn cobs are so big, they are indeed bought corn." Wang Zhi said in surprise.

Although their Lushui County is relatively flat, they have not bought corn seeds for planting.

"I don't know how many kilograms per mu can be produced." Xiulan was also curious. Farmers always have a special feeling when they see crops.

"I'll go to help first."

Lin Heng said with a smile, drove out, parked the car on the road, and went into the cornfield to pick corn.

His family only had three mu of corn this year, all on the roadside, and they picked it, put it in bags, and carried it back.

With the help of the eldest brother, the four men picked almost one mu of corn in one morning.

When they returned home at noon, Xiulan and Lin's mother had already peeled the corn husks, and the golden corn cobs were placed on the cement ground to dry.

"This acre of land is definitely more than the two acres of land last year. The corn seeds and fertilizers we bought are really good." Father Lin was so happy looking at the corn all over the ground that he couldn't close his mouth.

He had never had such a good harvest in his life of growing corn. This made him so excited.

"It's really effective. The fertilizer is expensive for a reason." Chen Changxia nodded.

"The meal is ready." Mother Lin came out of the house with a smile on her face.

For farmers, there is nothing more joyful than a good harvest.

At lunch, Father Lin and others were a little too excited and drank a lot of wine.

Lin Heng caught the chopped pepper fish head and kept enjoying it. After dinner, he went home to look at the roasted dried fish and turned it over.

When the sun began to set at four o'clock, the four people harvested another acre of corn in the afternoon.

They harvested the corn at home early the next morning, and the golden corn cobs filled the cement floor near the warehouse.

That afternoon, many villagers came to watch, picking up corn cobs and looking at them again and again, either in admiration or shock, and simply couldn't believe it.

There was no need to weigh them at all. People who often grow crops could tell at a glance that it was definitely more than 3,000 kilograms, and it might be close to 3,500 or 600 kilograms.

"It's amazing, this yield per mu!"

"Let's try to buy some seeds next year."

Many people asked about seeds and fertilizers. In spring, many people were disdainful, and they firmly believed that it was impossible.

But when the facts were in front of them, these people were dumbfounded and shocked, and they experienced the horror of technology for the first time.

At the same time, they all thought about buying seeds. If rice and wheat also had this yield per mu, they would not have to eat coarse grains in the future.

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