Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 333 Tips for borrowing money

The next three days were also sunny, and the picked corn ears were basically dried.

Because there is a warehouse, the cornrows were not turned into thick cornrows this year and were piled directly in the warehouse.

At the same time, Lin Heng also helped break corn for his eldest brother's family, and Xiulan took care of his parents-in-law.

In the blink of an eye, it was already September 20th, and the Mid-Autumn Festival was spent busy. Lin Heng's parents wanted to leave several times, but they were stopped by Lin Heng's family. They also called a Chinese medicine doctor to check their health. I prescribed some Chinese medicine.

"Oh, it rained again today, and I can't walk now." Mother-in-law Wang Zhi shook her head and sighed while eating breakfast.

"Yeah, I've been eating and drinking for half a month." Chen Changxia said with a helpless smile. In the past half month, he fully understood how good the Lin Heng family's food was.

They thought that the sumptuous meals in the first few days after arriving were provided by Lin Heng's family to entertain guests, but after eating for so many days, they realized that the food they usually eat is so good.

It can be said that there is meat, white rice and noodles, milk powder and eggs every day.

No wonder Xiulan looks so good, no wonder Xiaoxia looks so beautiful.

"Then you can stay here to eat and drink, and help thresh the rice when the weather clears up this time." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Yes, Dad, the corn and rice in the house have been harvested. You have no other work now, so just play for a few more days." Xiulan also said with a smile.

The altitude of Lushui County is much lower than here, and the crops mature earlier. Her parents had already harvested the corn and rice before arriving, otherwise they would not have time to visit.

Chen Changxia shook his head: "After the rice and corn are harvested, there are other things to do. We have to plow the land to prepare for planting rapeseed and wheat."

He had made up his mind to go back this time when the rain stopped.

"Yes, I also have to help take care of a few grandchildren. The house will be a mess without me." Wang Zhi also said that she was not going to stay any longer.

Although living here is comfortable and the food is good, she still misses her home and her grandson.

"Let's wait until then." Lin Heng said with a smile. He took his father-in-law to hunt in the mountains these days. Unfortunately, the effect was not good. In autumn, there is a lot of food and it is difficult to hunt prey.

"It's the same thing if you play for a few more days and let Lin Heng take you back." Xiulan also said.

Chen Changxia looked at the two of them and finally spoke out the real purpose of his trip: "Daughter and son-in-law, actually we have to go back early to build a house. You also know that Xiulan's three brothers and us are all crowded into the same house. Now It's getting more and more unbearable.

We have earned some money over the years, and we have borrowed a lot from here and there, so we are almost ready. One of us is here to see you, and the other is to borrow some money to build a house. "

After Chen Changxia finished speaking, he stopped talking and looked at Lin Heng sincerely.

At this time, Wang Zhi next to him also smiled and said: "Son-in-law, you are a capable person. I supported Xiulan's decision at the beginning, and now I am right. I want to ask you to help me build a house this time. Xiulan was originally pregnant. "We shouldn't borrow money, but we really have no choice. We can no longer build our house."

After the two of them finished speaking, they looked at Lin Heng, waiting for his answer.

Lin Heng already knew the purpose of his parents-in-law, but he remained silent, waiting for them to speak. If you take the initiative to help him with many things, he may feel that you owe him something, or you may not cherish it at all. Only when he asks for it in person, and then you speak again, will the value of your help be shown and he will be grateful. .

Lin Heng nodded and said with a bitter look on his face: "I know everything you said, parents, but we are actually not rich this year. The main reason is that we are raising shrimps, cattle and sheep this year, and all the money has been invested. The shrimps haven't been sold yet, and I don't have a lot of cash on me. I still need to keep it for Xiulan's pregnancy, so that if anything happens, I'll have money to go to the hospital."

He would not agree directly in one breath. Only if he talked about his difficulties first and made them understand the difficulties would it be valuable to lend the money.

If he directly agrees to borrow five hundred, then his parents-in-law may want to borrow more, thinking that he is stingy or something like that.

The two elders' faces darkened slightly when they heard this, and they had guessed this.

Without giving them a chance to speak, Xiulan stood by to help explain: "Mom and dad, don't look at the food at home, but it's all made by yourself. The meat is hunted by Lin Heng, the eggs are from his own chickens, and the milk is from his own chickens." They also come from cows, and they grow their own fruits and vegetables.”

Her words were to explain the reasons for eating well, and to tell her parents that it has nothing to do with money, so they should not misunderstand.

Chen Changxia and Wang Zhi looked a little unhappy. After a moment of silence, Chen Changxia said: "We also know these, and we won't force you. You can borrow as much as you can."

"Yes, I can help you a little bit." Wang Zhi also nodded and said with sincerity in his eyes.

"How much are you going to borrow, parents?" Lin Heng asked. After all, the money was borrowed for Xiulan's sake.

Because this is not an emergency, but whether you borrow money to build a house or build a house for your three sons, it is not for the two of you.

He had a general impression of the three uncles, and he didn't like the three sisters-in-law even more. None of them treated Xiulan well.

Chen Changxia looked at Lin Heng's wealth and originally wanted to borrow seven hundred, but now he felt a little unable to speak. He looked at Lin Heng and asked tentatively: "Can I borrow five hundred?"

"With this kind of money, it would have taken me a year or two to hunt before, but since you, parents, have spoken, I will come up with it for you in the next two days no matter what I say." Lin Heng said firmly.

He said this to let his parents-in-law know that 500 yuan is not a small amount. Normal farmers need to work for one or two years.

"Thank you, son-in-law. If you can't make it up, don't force it." Chen Changxia smiled. He didn't expect Lin Heng to be willing to make up 500 yuan.

He had prepared for the situation where Lin Heng only borrowed 100 or 200 yuan. He is really a good son-in-law, much better than those relatives who are usually good but don't lend money.

"Good son-in-law, good son-in-law." Wang Zhi also clapped Lin Heng's hand excitedly.

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head and said, "If you borrow money for treatment, I will sell cattle and sheep to get more money. Now I estimate that I can barely get 500 yuan. The investment this year is a bit too big."

"It's okay, it's okay, 500 is enough." Chen Changxia nodded repeatedly. He didn't hear the subtext of Lin Heng's words that his filial piety was limited to the two of them, not including their three sons.

And Wang Zhi, the mother-in-law on the side, moved her eyes and understood the subtext of this sentence.

"Then you can stay for two more days. When the weather clears up, I will go to the town to get some money." Lin Heng said the last sentence, which was considered the end.

After breakfast, it was still raining outside. Lin Heng could not go out, so he stayed at home to accompany Xiaoxia to read books. At noon, his parents came to play cards with his parents-in-law and tried to keep them.

The rain was relatively light in the afternoon. After lunch, Lin Heng took Xiongba to take a look at Hongfeng Mountain, fed the cattle and sheep, and ran to the mountain to see if there were any matsutake mushrooms. He still remembered that there was a matsutake nest on the mountain last year.

Now the temperature is only 18 or 19 degrees when it rains, and matsutake mushrooms have begun to grow.

There is never a shortage of red mushrooms in the forest, and there are all kinds of other unknown or not very good mushrooms.

It didn't take long for Lin Heng to find the place where matsutake mushrooms were found last year, but today he looked around here and even dug some soil, but he didn't see any traces.

"It seems that matsutake mushrooms haven't grown yet." Lin Heng shook his head with some disappointment.

"Woof woof~"

Xiongba rubbed his trouser legs and walked towards the distant forest.

It wants to go hunting in the forest.

"Then go for a walk." Lin Heng did not refuse and rubbed its dog head.

It was drizzling, and the rain was even lighter in the forest. It was beautiful to pick mushrooms.

After wandering for two hours, Lin Heng picked up five or six kilograms of mushrooms, mainly blue-headed mushrooms, coral mushrooms, and pine mushrooms.

He picked up six ganoderma lucidum, which is relatively small, but after accumulating for such a long time, there are more than one kilogram at home, which can be sold for sixty or seventy yuan.

Back to Hongfeng Mountain, he took a look at ginseng and plum fish and went down the mountain. His mother was making fairy leaf tofu again.

"Mom, why are you making fairy leaf tofu again?" Lin Heng looked at his mother and said.

"What else can I do besides eating it? It's nonsense to ask. This thing tastes so good." Lin's mother rolled her eyes and said.

"Okay, then I'll go back." Lin Heng spread his hands and turned back.

Walking back with Xiongba, Xiongba suddenly stopped on the road and looked at the thatched grass in the road.

After a few glances, it suddenly started to move slowly towards the thatch, and soon it disappeared in the thatch.

After a long while, a figure suddenly jumped out of the thatch, and then Xiongba chased it at a high speed.

After two sharp turns, Xiongba bit the prey in one bite, and ran out of the thatch with a heroic spirit.


Lin Heng gave a thumbs up. What Xiongba was biting in his mouth was nothing else but a fat gray rabbit.

He didn't find any movement at all, and didn't know how it found it.

However, Xiongba was very good at catching such small prey, and rarely made mistakes.

When he got the rabbit, his smile became even brighter. This rabbit weighed six or seven pounds.

"The rabbit's head and internal organs are all yours when you go back." Lin Heng rubbed Xiongba's head and praised.

"Woof woof~"

Xiongba was feeding Lin Heng and having fun. He liked to play with Lin Heng and liked to be praised by him.

Lin Heng returned home and opened the door and said happily: "Wife, look at my harvest today."

"Such a big rabbit, was it caught by a dog?" Xiulan, who was sitting on the sofa, smiled.

"This rabbit is good." Chen Changxia also agreed with a smile.

"Your skills are amazing."

"Dad! You are the best!" Xiaoxia was the first to rush to Lin Heng, and her little mouth was sweet.

Lin Heng handed the things to her, looked around the house a little puzzled, and then walked in with a smile.

"I didn't pick up any matsutake mushrooms, but I picked up a lot of other things." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Give me the mushrooms, I'll pick them." Wang Zhi came over with a smile and took the mushrooms.

Chen Changxia helped Lin Heng get the rabbit and peeled it. The five of them ate it in the evening. It was raining and his parents were too lazy to come over.

There was rabbit meat and dried fish that had been roasted before. This kind of small dried fish has a light salty taste and can be eaten directly or fried in oil. It can be said to be a great dish to go with wine.

After dinner and chatting for a while, Lin Heng took his parents-in-law to look at the house and rest.

After returning, Xiulan played games with Xiaoxia on the bed, and Lin Heng simply washed up and went to bed.

After playing for a while, Xiaoxia fell asleep and hugged Lin Heng's arm: "Dad, I want to listen to a story."

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you a story." Lin Heng agreed with a smile.

"Once upon a time..."

Lin Heng told a story he made up, and Xiaoxia fell asleep in his arms after a while.

Her small bed was next to the big bed, and Lin Heng easily put her in it.

Because it was raining, I didn't turn on the fan today. Xiulan was already lying down with the quilt covering her waist.

"What did your parents say to you today?" Lin Heng asked, lying on his side facing him, looking at her face.

When he came back in the afternoon, he felt that Xiulan was a little unhappy.

Xiulan touched Lin Heng's face and asked, "Do you think my mother really cares about me?"

"Sure." Lin Heng nodded.

Xiulan sighed and said: "But I feel that she cares more about my three brothers. She wanted me to lend her some more private money this afternoon. She was unhappy when I didn't agree. She felt that I didn't regard her as her mother, so she turned her elbows outward. , as if I have been filial to them every time."

"My first guess is this. She is a bit greedy." Lin Heng said, and then continued: "But I think she probably didn't mean it. She may just think that you don't have to worry about food and drink now, and the three of you I don’t even have a house, so I want to think more about them.”

"If it were the other way around, if your three brothers were doing well and you were not doing well, she would definitely try to help you out." Lin Heng added.

There must be partiality, but Wang Zhi did often help Xiulan in her previous life, she was just that kind of person.

"I thought you would tell me about my mother," Xiulan looked at him and said.

"People are very complicated. Although I think Mom's behavior is not good, I don't want you to get into trouble with your Mom." Lin Heng touched her face and said.

"What about you?" Xiulan suddenly asked.

"Come on, come on, I can dig out my heart directly for you." Lin Heng took her hand and put it against his chest.

"You're kidding." Xiulan chuckled, moved into Lin Heng's arms, and hugged him tightly.

This man is always trustworthy and understands her thoughts.

"Turn off the lights."

Lin Heng turned off the lights and prepared to rest.

"I won't lend money to my mother, otherwise she will have to borrow it again next time, so I won't open this hole. The five hundred we borrow together is enough."

Xiulan hid in Lin Heng's arms and said firmly that she actually didn't want to borrow 500 yuan now.

"This is best. We can buy things for her, but we can't just borrow money." Lin Heng nodded in approval.

If you insist on being good without limits, you will only be treated as an object of exploitation.


Xiulan agreed, turned around, hugged Lin Heng's neck, and kissed his mouth.

She feels that having such a husband who loves her is the greatest happiness in her life.

The same is true for Lin Heng. He deeply understands how lucky he is to have such a virtuous and gentle wife.

Both people love each other deeply and express their love by making love.

In the blink of an eye, the next morning, the rain had not stopped yet, so Lin Heng got up early and made breakfast.

After breakfast, he heard Wang Zhi apologizing to Xiulan from behind. She seemed to realize her mistake yesterday.

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