Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 334: A bumper harvest of wild fruits

Lin Heng glanced at the falling rain, went into the study and sat down. After reading for a while, Xiaoxia ran in and pulled him and said, "Dad, let's go feed the turtles."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded and carried her out.

He went to the bucket and caught two river groupers and threw them into the wooden basin where the turtles were raised. Now there are four turtles in it, in addition to the yellow mutant box turtle, there are three ordinary small grass turtles.

After throwing the fish in, these turtles started to fight for food directly. Now they are completely unafraid of people. The main reason may be that they eat less, otherwise they will be gone.

But because of this, Xiaoxia can see these turtles eating and giggle happily.

After looking at the turtles, Lin fed the goldfish again and observed the ecology of the fish pond. The giant salamander lived surprisingly well here and ate a lot of fish. It can be seen that Lin Heng's pond is still very good.

Back in the house, Xiulan and her mother Wang Zhi were making clothes with a sewing machine. This year, she did not do anything else except making clothes and reading books at home.

The skin is white, and the mountain air is gradually removed. There is an elegance and tranquility brought by culture and books. This is the kind of change that comes from reading a lot of books. There is no change in appearance. It is a temperament that radiates from the inside out.

Reading is magical. Even if you forget what you have read, your conversation and temperament will change. This is probably because you have learned about the warmth and coldness of human feelings from the book, seen all kinds of things in the world, and understood the true meaning and significance of life.

Knowing too little and thinking too much will cause troubles. After gradually understanding everything through books, you will be transparent and calm from the inside out, thus adding a different temperament.

"What are you going to eat for lunch?" Lin Heng came over and asked.

Xiulan looked up at him and suggested, "How about corn stir-fry?"

The so-called corn stir-fry is corn paste cooked with crushed corn. The more you stir, the thicker it becomes, and it is called stir-fry in the local dialect.

"That's OK. I haven't eaten it for a long time." Lin Heng nodded and said.

"Then I'll help you make it. I know this." Wang Zhi said with a smile.

"I'll go pick some vegetables." Lin Heng nodded. There was nothing to do at home on a rainy day. His father-in-law Chen Changxia had gone to Hongfeng Mountain to play.

The watermelons and cantaloupes in the yard had completely withered. When the weather cleared up, he could pull out other plants.

He picked some green vegetables and eggplants. Just after picking them, Lin's mother came over and brought a lot of fairy tofu.

"Xiu Lan, look at the fairy tofu I made yesterday." Lin's mother came over with the fairy tofu and said.

"This one looks good." Xiu Lan looked at it and nodded.

Lin's mother was immediately happy to be praised and said she would help make lunch.

After lunch, the rain gradually stopped in the afternoon. It was unexpected that the rain did not last as long as before. After all, it was autumn, and autumn rain was the most continuous.

Lin Heng did not go out in the afternoon because there was too much mud outside and he hated to step on mud. Xiaoxia wanted to go out to play, so she went out with her grandmother.

"It's the best weather after the rain, cool and refreshing." Xiulan said while sitting on a bench and looking at the sky.

At this time, the sky is blue, with a few cotton candy-like white clouds scattered around, which looks particularly beautiful.

"Yes, if it weren't for the yellow mud outside, I could take you out for a walk." Lin Heng said while pulling the vines of watermelon and cantaloupe.

"The yard is fine." Xiulan shook her head. She didn't have much yearning to go out.

Lin Heng put all the vines of fruits and fruits into the basket and said: "Recently, August melon, Schisandra chinensis, and wild plums are ripe. I'll pick some to eat tomorrow."

"I've wanted to eat it for a long time." Xiulan smiled and nodded, and reminded: "And remember to go to Sanyegou to see the hawthorn tree and bring it back to make hawthorn cakes or something."

There are quite a few wild hawthorn trees in the mountains, but there are fewer close to them.

"I know." Lin Heng nodded.

After cleaning the melon vines and dismantling the racks, Lin Heng basically had nothing to do. He went to the back mountain to look at the cows and let the chickens out for a walk.

Then he looked at the melons on the back mountain and the saplings that grew in spring and summer. Most of the original acorn trees and other miscellaneous trees were killed by him using black plastic bags to cover them, and only a few were still alive.

These newly planted fruit trees in spring are growing very well, and the tallest is two meters and a half high, because these are all grafted seedlings that can bear fruit next year. It will be even more perfect if they are dwarfed at that time.

After looking at the fruit trees, Lin Heng was just about to go home when his eldest brother came back with the cow and said hello: "Brother, I was just about to look for you. Do you want to go to Sanyegou to pick wild fruits tomorrow?"

After Lin's father gave this cow to his family, he took care of it himself. He would put it aside when he was free, and cut grass to feed it when he was busy. He also planted half an acre of grass seeds he harvested before.

"Go, how about going tomorrow afternoon?" Lin Heng asked.

"I'm going to go this afternoon, too." Lin Yue nodded in agreement.

Lin Heng went back to his room, and sat in the study, writing a diary and reading a book.

It was almost dark when Xiaoxia came back, carrying a small bamboo basket of one liter that her grandfather had specially made for her, which contained the berries that her grandmother had picked with her in the afternoon.

"Mom and Dad, grandma and I picked berries for you, they are delicious." Xiaoxia walked the small bamboo basket to Lin Heng and Xiulan and tilted her head and said.

There were about one-third of red and black berries in the basket, each of which was only the size of a little finger, and it took a lot of effort to pick so many.

"Xiaoxia is really amazing, thank you, dear." Lin Heng touched her head.

"My daughter is the most filial. This thorny rose is so beautiful." Xiulan leaned over and put her face close to her. Although her trouser legs were covered with mud, she did not blame her for it.

Xiaoxia was praised by her parents and danced with joy. She caught a thorny rose and fed them personally: "Mom and Dad, eat quickly~"

Lin Heng and Xiulan were both fed by her. The thorny rose tasted sour and sweet and was very good.

"I'll make thorny rose yogurt for you with the rest of this." Lin Heng looked at Xiaoxia and said.

Although there was no milk to make yogurt, there was still a bottle of old yogurt that I bought, which could be used to make yogurt thorny rose.

"Okay, I like yogurt~" Xiaoxia said excitedly.

This is also very simple to make. Pour the thorny rose into a basin, soak it in salt water, wash it clean, drain the water, put it in the yogurt and stir it evenly.

After it is done, put it aside and let it stand. At night, simply cook noodles and add the leftover dishes from lunch to make a cold dish.

After dinner, yogurt thorny rose became a dessert after dinner. Everyone ate a little, and Xiaoxia left the most.

In the evening, the sun passed through the cotton candy-like clouds, and the sky showed golden clouds.

The next morning, you can still see this beautiful scenery, but one is the sunset and the other is the sunrise.

After breakfast, Lin Heng rode a horse to the town and "collected" 500 yuan.

The sky had just cleared up, and there were many puddles on the road. Riding a horse was much more convenient than driving.

The morning breeze was cool, and riding a horse was very comfortable.

"Brother Lin!"

Wang Zhou saw Lin Heng and greeted him with a smile.

"Is the wedding date set?" Lin Heng looked at him and asked.

"It's set, it's set on the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month." Wang Zhou nodded and said.

"Congratulations." Lin Heng said with a smile, and then asked: "What are you going to do after getting married?"

"I haven't thought about this yet, I can live in my old house for the time being." Wang Zhou scratched his head and said that he had no money to build a house now.

"Okay, I got it." Lin Heng patted him on the shoulder, looked at the business in the store, and went to the credit union to get 500 yuan and exchanged it for small wrinkled notes.

He must not take the new money back directly to make a complete show.

After the money was exchanged, he went to the river to play again and found that Grandpa Gao was fishing for catfish and yellow thorns by the water.

This muddy water after the rain is the best for fishing catfish and yellow thorns. Lin Heng went to see that Grandpa Gao had already caught three or four pounds of yellow thorns.

He just went to see and went home. He didn't have time to fish today.

When he got home, Lin Heng found his father-in-law and mother-in-law and gave them the money in public: "Mom and Dad, this is 500 yuan."

Chen Changxia took it with a smile and counted it twice, then said: "Thank you, son-in-law, it will take about three to five years to pay you back."

"It's okay, you can use it." Lin Heng waved his hand and said.

He didn't expect them to pay back the money soon.

Chen Changxia wrapped the money in several layers of cloth and put it close to his body, then said goodbye again.

"Let's do this. I'll drive you back tomorrow morning." Lin Heng looked at the two of them and said.

After some politeness, it was confirmed. After lunch, Lin Heng went to Hongfeng Mountain to take a look.

In the afternoon, he took a bow and arrow, a backpack, and took Xiongba and his elder brother to Sanyegou.

In the summer and autumn forests, the leaves and vines are dense, and you can only see a corner of the sky when you walk in it.

"This year, the Schisandra chinensis is very abundant." Lin Yue said with surprise.

Looking up, the Schisandra chinensis vines are all full of beautiful Schisandra chinensis, just like a bunch of red grapes.

There are also some vines with purple-red August melons like pig kidneys hanging on them, which look very tempting.

"There's no rush for these. Let's go see the hawthorn tree first." Lin Heng said. There are patches of Schisandra chinensis and August melons in the mountains, so there is no need to rush to pick them. Instead, the hawthorn tree is more precious.

"Let's go." Lin Yue nodded, and picked a bunch of red Schisandra chinensis and ate them one by one.

Schisandra chinensis has no disadvantages except thick skin and large seeds. It tastes sour and sweet. Lin Heng has never been tired of it since he was a child.

Even compared to the greasy sweet wax gourd, this Schisandra chinensis is more palatable.

"This year's wild hawthorn tree is not very good." Lin Heng was a little disappointed when he came to the hawthorn tree.

This kind of wild hawthorn is also called Shanlihong. It is a plant of the same genus as hawthorn. They all call it wild hawthorn in their local dialect. Shanlihong is more cold-resistant than hawthorn, and the fruit is also a little bigger.

"It should be no problem to get thirty or forty kilograms." Lin Yue nodded. These fruits are indeed not as good as last year's, much less, but the grains are relatively large.

At this moment, they are all red, and many of the treetops have been damaged by birds.

"Woof woof~~" Xiongba circled around the tree, very happy.

Lin Heng and his elder brother surrounded the tree with sticks, stones and other things. It was a slope, and if they didn't stop the hawthorns from falling, they would all roll down the ravine.

"I'll go up the tree and beat them, and you watch." Lin Yue said, and climbed up the tree. When he stood up, Lin Heng handed him a bamboo stick.

As Lin Yue kept hitting with the bamboo stick, the red hawthorns fell like rain, and soon covered the ground.

Lin Heng picked up all the hawthorns, good or bad, and basically finished beating the tree. He picked up about 30 kilograms, which was a good harvest.

"Let's go pick Schisandra and wax gourd." Lin Yue said with a smile as he walked down the tree.

"I want to pick more wax gourds this time." Lin Heng said.

Lin Yue was puzzled: "You can't sell that thing for money, why do you pick so many?"

"Make delicious food, and I'll bring you some when I succeed." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Yue couldn't help but look forward to it. His brother had a lot of strange ideas and often made some strange but delicious food.

Then the two of them kept picking Schisandra and wax gourd. Both of them are vines. It's easy to pick them by cutting down the trees they climb.

On the way back, Lin Heng got a full basket of wax gourds and a bag of Schisandra, which he put on the basket and tied up to carry back.

Unfortunately, the two didn't catch any prey in the afternoon, but they heard a few calls of yellow muntjacs, but the distance was too far.

Lin Heng pushed open the door, and Xiulan was shocked to see him carrying a large basket of wax gourds: "Oh my God, why do you get so many wax gourds? How many days will it take to eat them all?"

"Use it to make delicious food, I feel that this is not enough." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"What to eat?" Xiulan was curious again.

"You'll know when I make it." Lin Heng kept it a secret.

"Forget it." Xiulan pouted and asked, "Did you pick the hawthorns and plums?"

"Yes, there are not many hawthorns, and the plums are too sour, so I picked a few."

Lin Heng took out the hawthorns and plums. The hawthorns weighed 31 kilograms, and his elder brother took a few kilograms for the children to eat. He was going to pick a large number of hawthorns in the mountains in a few days to make hawthorn paste and hawthorn cakes.

"It's really sour!" Xiulan couldn't stand it after tasting a plum.

There are two kinds of wild plums, one is purple-red when old, and the other is bright yellow when old. The one Lin Heng picked today is purple-red.

"I have to wait another half a month to pick it, and I can eat it after a few days." Lin Heng nodded, and the plums made his teeth sour.

"Hawthorn and Schisandra are delicious." Xiulan nodded, and sat there and ate several hawthorns in a row.

When Xiaoxia came back, she was almost full from eating hawthorn and wax gourd.

In the evening, Lin Heng and Xiu La cooked a sumptuous meal together, called their parents over, and treated their parents-in-law well.

The next morning, after breakfast, Lin Heng filled up the sidecar with gas and sent them home.

The three brothers-in-law learned that their parents had borrowed money, and happily kept him for breakfast.

After dinner, Lin Heng did not stay for long, and drove to the downtown area of ​​Taibai City. His main purpose was to find a channel to sell green shrimp. He asked about several channels he knew, including private resale and state-owned stores.

The one who offered the highest price was Ge Qingshan's father, who said he would come to see the situation. Lin Heng agreed on a time with him.

Then he asked Liu Chao about buying a house. In the past few days, Liu Chao also found a lot of good houses for Lin Heng, and they could be transferred smoothly through his hands.

However, Lin Heng didn't like any of the houses and hadn't decided yet. He treated him to a meal and bought some daily necessities to go home.

He couldn't wait to try making new delicacies, and now that the ingredients were bought, everything was ready.

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