Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 335: Untrustworthy Merchants and a Good Rice Harvest?

The weather is very good today, the sun is shining brightly and there are no clouds in the sky.


Lin Heng pushed open the courtyard door and came in. Two dogs, Xiongba and Fengshou, came to greet him, one on the left and the other on the right.

Freshly steamed sweet potato chips were drying on the bamboo dustpan in the yard. These were obviously made by Xiulan. This hard-working woman would always find something to do even when she was pregnant.

"Dad!!" Xiaoxia was surprised when she saw Lin Heng put on his shoes and ran over. Yang Qing and Lin Tao, who were playing with her on the mat, looked curious and envious.

"Come, daddy, hug her." Lin picked her up, kissed her, and touched her face, "Are you good at home?"

"I'm so good, I even helped my mother take out the trash." Xiaoxia said with her little face raised.

"That Xiaoxia is such a good child. Dad bought you pomegranates and apples." Lin put her down and said with a smile.

Xiulan came out of the kitchen and said, "Please prepare less of the August melon she just ate."

"Okay, I understand." Lin Heng nodded, took out three apples, washed them, cut them into 24 pieces, and placed them on a plate for Xiaoxia and the others to eat.

"Try it!" Lin Heng took a piece and fed it to Xiulan.

Xiulan blinked, bit off half of it, puffed out her cheeks, chewed twice, and finished the remaining half, her red lips touching his fingers.

"This apple is delicious and crunchy." Xiulan said on WeChat. She didn't like the glutinous apple very much.

"Of course, I picked it specially." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Choosing apples is very simple. Apples with white dots on the peel have a waxy texture, while apples with white stripes have a crisp texture.

"Everything dad buys is delicious~" Xiaoxia praised as she ate the apple.

"You are the best at talking."

Xiulan glanced at her with a smile, then turned to look at Lin Heng, "What are you going to do with those August melons and hawthorns? If you don't do it, they will be ruined. I'm afraid you won't be able to use them."

"I'm going to make jam. I also brought back some wild grapes and an old turtle, which were given by my parents."

Lin Heng pointed to the things on the table and said.

"Let's keep it for now. I don't want to eat it in the past two days." Xiulan picked a grape and put it in her mouth, then looked at the daily necessities bought by Lao Turtle and Lin Heng.

"Okay, I'll put it in a bucket and keep it for a while." Lin Heng nodded in agreement, sat down and took a sip of tea and said, "The Ganoderma lucidum and the accumulated furs were sold for a total of 150 yuan, and they are all in the bankbook. "

"That's not bad." Xiulan said happily.

Lin Heng took a rest, paid his eldest brother's money for selling scorpions, and then went home and started making jam.

This time he plans to make three flavors, an August melon jam, a schisandra jam, and a hawthorn jam.

It is not difficult to make this thing. He soaked the Schisandra chinensis and hawthorn in salt water, and first processed the August melon with Xiulan.

They took a basin and put it on the coffee table. The two of them sat on the bench and took out the fruits of the August melon and put them in the basin.

Three children, Xiaoxia and Lin Tao, watched eagerly, wanting to eat and help.

"You go ahead and play, you can't eat any more." Lin Heng looked at the three of them and said.

"I'm just looking at the second father." Lin Tao said, Xiaoxia and Yang Qing also nodded.

"That's okay." Lin Heng said and continued working, carrying a basket of August melon pulp filled into a half-meter-diameter high pot.

At this time, the sweet potatoes steaming in the pot were also ready. Lin Heng took them out and poured them into a dustpan to dry them into dried sweet potatoes.

After cleaning the pot, you can throw the August melon pulp into it, stir it up and cook.

With continuous cooking over fire, the August melon pulp is full of seeds, so you have to filter it with gauze after the cooked pulp and seeds are separated.

Then continue to boil the pure pulp, adding sugar and very sour orange juice halfway to adjust the taste to sweet and sour.

Lemon is a Mediterranean plant that has not yet been grown on a large scale in China at this time, so he used orange juice instead.

"This big pot of August melon turned out to be just this little bit of jam." Xiulan said, looking at the two glass bottles ten centimeters high and five centimeters wide in front of her.

The jam of the August melon is lavender in color, and it looks pretty good in a glass bottle.

"That's a lot. Most of the August melons are seeds." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"How do you eat this? Let's make schisandra and hawthorn jam next?" Xiulan asked curiously.

"You can put a little of whatever you eat. I'm going to roast some potatoes." Lin Heng took a few potatoes and put them in the pot hole to burn.

Taking advantage of this time, he and Xiulan processed the soaked hawthorn and schisandra again. Cut the hawthorn and remove the core, and pick the schisandra directly and throw it into the pot. Like the August melon, it needs to be boiled to filter out the peel and seeds. .

After finishing these and the roasted potatoes, Lin Heng peeled off the skins, crushed them slightly and put them on a plate, then added two spoons of the newly made August melon jam.

"Try it!" Lin Heng said with a smile.

"I'll eat first~" Xiaoxia ran over and said in a milky voice.

Xiulan took a spoon and fed her some. Xiaoxia's big eyes suddenly lit up after taking a bite, and she said in surprise: "It's such a good time, I want more."

She picked up a spoon and ate it herself. Xiulan tasted it and nodded: "It's really good. It's sour and sweet. It goes well with roasted potatoes."

Lin Heng also took a bite himself and said with a smile: "You can eat it with steamed buns, rice or anything else. You can also drink it with water. It doesn't have to be potatoes."

"I know." Xiulan nodded.

After eating the roasted potatoes, Lin Heng turned over the dried sweet potatoes and continued making schisandra jam and hawthorn paste with Xiulan.

These two are sweet and sour in nature, and you just need to add some extra rock sugar.

The two of them were busy for an afternoon and made another bottle of Schisandra jam, a bottle of hawthorn paste, and some hawthorn cakes.

Life is three meals a day. Although it is troublesome to make, both of them are very interested.

It was sunset when the jam was made. Sitting on the bench in the yard and watching the red clouds gradually fall in the sky was also a kind of enjoyment.

Without the parents-in-law, they live more comfortably and freely.

"Then do you think watermelon and cantaloupe can also be made into jam?" Xiulan turned her head and asked curiously. She had made soybean paste and broad bean paste, but this kind of jam was her first time.

But it felt like the door to a new world was opened.

"It is indeed possible, but the jam we make ourselves will not last long. We have to steam it in water every two days, otherwise it will go bad easily."

Lin Heng nodded and said that if he had money, he really wanted to buy a refrigerator. With a refrigerator, the shelf life of many things can be extended.

"That's okay. I'll try it myself some other day. If I can't eat it, I can give it to someone else." Xiulan leaned on his shoulder and said.

After watching the sunset for a while, Lin Heng dug a big taro and steamed it. Originally, the taro was quite unpalatable when steamed directly, but now it tastes very good with jam.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next morning. The sun had almost dried up for two days, and his rice could be harvested. Lin's father asked Lin Heng to prepare the tools for harvesting rice and asked for help.

Because his rice was also bought with seeds and fertilizers, many people wanted to see it, so they came uninvited.

At noon, Lin Heng had just finished his meal and was drinking tea when a shout came from outside: "Lin Heng, someone is looking for you."

Lin Heng walked over curiously, opened the door and saw Ge Qingshan and his father.

"Lin Heng!!" Ge Qingshan greeted him warmly.

"Uncle Ge, Qingshan, please come in!" Lin Heng smiled and invited the two into the house.

"Your home is really well done!" Ge Qingshan praised repeatedly after entering the house.

"Yes, it's good, it's romantic." Ge Qingshan's father Ge Yuanhai nodded slightly with his hands behind his back, as if he was inspecting a leader.

"It's just a mess, let's go in and talk." Lin Heng took the two people into the house, drank tea, and took them to Hongfeng Mountain, and did not let them stay here for long.

When they arrived at Hongfeng Mountain, Ge Yuanhai praised with his hands behind his back: "Your breeding base is pretty good!"

He thought that Lin Heng's here was also a few rotten water pits for breeding, but he didn't expect it to be so good, like a manor.

Ge Qingshan also said: "No wonder you like to stay in the mountains, the environment is really good."

"Let's take a look at the shrimp directly?" Lin Heng asked.

"Okay." Ge Yuanhai nodded.

Lin Heng called his father and went to collect a ground cage for them to see the quality of the shrimp.

His shrimps are of top quality, uniform in size and beautiful in body, all of which are farmed with mountain spring water.

After looking at it, Ge Yuanhai nodded and said, "The quality is OK. I'll give you 1.3 yuan per pound, and I'll take all the shrimps you raise."

Lin Heng turned his head to look at him, showing a smile and asking, "Uncle Ge, didn't we agree on 1.5 yuan in the city?"

"With this price, your quality doesn't meet the standard of 1.5 yuan, and it costs me money to transport it over such a long distance?" Ge Yuanhai said with a somewhat impatient attitude.

Lin Heng didn't say anything, but looked at Ge Qingshan, who looked calm and said indifferently, "Lin Heng, this price is not low, we have to make some money too."

"Then why did you promise 1.5 yuan at the beginning?" Lin Heng questioned.

"We said that if the quality is good, it will be 1.5 yuan, but my dad thinks the quality is not up to standard." Ge Qingshan spread his hands.

Lin Heng couldn't help but smile and deleted this person from his list of friends.

Some people are like this. They feel that they are not bad when they are playing, but they change their faces immediately when it comes to the key moment.

This price was agreed upon before, but now they both changed their minds when they arrived at the scene. He hated such people who were untrustworthy the most.

Ge Yuanhai picked up the shrimp and looked at it again, and said lightly: "Let's put it this way, I can give you 1.4 yuan at most. Without me, you can't find a buyer by yourself, and you don't even have a transport vehicle."

"Then this means that we can't reach an agreement. I'll trouble you to make a trip." Lin Heng smiled and sent him away.

"Think it over. I won't offer this price if you find me again." Ge Yuanhai stared at him.

Lin Heng nodded lightly: "Yes."

"Okay, let's go." Ge Yuanhai looked at Lin Heng for 10,000 and left with his son.

Ge Qingshan glanced at Lin Heng, a little unhappy, as if he felt that he was a little ungrateful.

Hearing the roar of the motorcycle, Lin's father said: "This is not a deal, what should we do next?"

"Don't worry, there are other channels." Lin Heng waved his hand.

Good quality things are easy to sell. This Ge Yuanhai probably saw that he was young and a farmer, and he temporarily thought of taking advantage of it.

Little did they know that Lin Heng had eaten more salt than he had eaten rice, so how could he not see through this?

"Yes, our products are so good." Father Lin nodded, and he couldn't help but worry.

Lin Heng went home and told Xiulan about this matter. Xiulan comforted him: "If these people look down on us, then don't sell it to them. At worst, we can sell it directly to state-owned stores."

"I think so too." Lin Heng nodded. He was not unhappy or angry because of this. This was a very insignificant matter to him.

After staying at home all day, he went to the fields to help with some work in the afternoon. Early the next morning, a group of people gathered at Hongfeng Mountain.

Lin Heng's third father's family, his younger uncle's family, and his older uncle were all there.

"Let's go!"

Father Lin said loudly after packing his things.

Twenty people came to the field in a lively manner, and the work had been assigned. Eight women were responsible for cutting the rice, and 12 men threshed the rice and helped carry it back.

There are two people here at Hongfeng Mountain to help with secondary screening of rice and other tasks.

"The ears of this rice are plumper than ordinary ones. It seems that the yield can really reach thousands of catties." Li Baiquan looked at the rice and said loudly.

"It's definitely possible. I'll buy some grain seeds next year and give it a try." Lin Xutao said with a smile. This year he only took a few handfuls of seedlings from Lin Heng's house to plant. Now that he compares them, he regrets it.

Lu Honghai said with a smile: "Hey, I benefited from my nephew's credit. I planted two acres of rice varieties. Although there was no fertilizer, it was much better than in previous years."

Father Lin grinned and said, "I'll ask Lin Heng to buy some for you when I plant them next year."

He was very happy and proud today, thinking that his son was really useful. He had lived a lifetime and now he was finally proud and proud in the village.

Lin Heng's aunt Lu Hongyun reminded: "Stop talking and start working quickly. We have cut so much."

"Okay, here we come." Everyone nodded, put the wooden threshing buckets away, and started to thresh the grain one by one.

This year I got two threshing buckets to make it faster.

Lin Heng's family still has four and a half acres of rice fields left, and everyone plowed half of it in one morning.

At noon, Mrs. Lin cooked a large table of sumptuous dishes, including not only pork, but also fish and shrimp. Everyone ate happily. The Lin family's food has not been bad since last year.

The most gratifying thing is the bumper harvest of rice. Last year, the Lin family could harvest six snakeskin bags of rice from one acre of land. In recent years, they have harvested twelve bags of rice from one acre of land.

There is less land to grow, but there is still more food. Although it is incredible, it is a fact.

In the afternoon, they finished plowing another two and a half acres of rice fields and recovered all the rice.

In the next three days, Lin's mother and Lin Heng helped process the newly harvested rice at home. They first dried it in the sun and then used a windmill to remove the shriveled rice, and finally left the intact rice.

On the afternoon of June 28, three days of strong sunshine completely dried the rice, and the cart was finished.

After bagging, they were weighed one by one. Finally, Lin Heng summarized all the weights. His parents and Xiulan surrounded him and watched expectantly.

"Guess how many kilograms of rice will be harvested this time?" Lin asked with a smile after finishing the calculation.

"I estimate five thousand pounds is about the same." Mother Lin said with a smile.

Father Lin shook his head and said, "I'm afraid five thousand kilograms is a bit much. Four thousand five hundred kilograms should be suitable."

Xiulan blinked and smiled: "Then I'll be bolder and guess 5,500 kilograms?"

"I only weigh 10,000 pounds!!" Xiaoxia was making trouble on the side.

Lin Heng glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "This time we harvested a total of 5,235 kilograms of rice."

When Lin said this number, everyone was stunned.


Then everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Oh my god!!"

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