Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 336 It is already late autumn and the cows are having a difficult birth

"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

Father Lin still couldn't believe it. This number was far beyond his expectations.

"Yes, son, calculate it again." Mother Lin also felt that it was a bit too much.

Lin Heng calculated it again in public and confirmed: "I didn't make a mistake. It's this much."

Father Lin was shocked and said: "Then the yield is really high, close to 1,200 kilograms per mu."

The yield of rice per mu used to be only 300 to 400 kilograms, which has almost tripled.

"We don't need to buy rice for these grains this year." Mother Lin said with a smile. Since last year, Lin Heng has bought a lot of rice and noodles, otherwise the family would not be able to have white rice and noodles every day.

This year, rice can be completely self-sufficient.

"It's mainly because the climate is good this year, and God has given us rice to eat, otherwise there would not be such a good harvest." Lin Heng explained with a smile.

This year's rice yield is generally high, with fewer pests and diseases, and the climate is still very good.

Xiulan looked at the grain piled in the warehouse and said, "Then let's go get some new rice tomorrow to see how it tastes."

"I'll drive there tomorrow." Father Lin nodded.

Looking at the new rice again, they tied the bags and put some of it on the shelves in the warehouse, and pulled some back to the old house and put it in the big cabinet.

Although the warehouse was very dry and there were rats and other things caught by the blue wolf dog Lai Fu, Father Lin still habitually poured the rice into the big cabinet for storage.

He also wanted to make two more big cabinets and store food in the warehouse in Hongfeng Mountain.

While Lin Heng and his father were moving things, Lin's mother asked Xiulan how to make jam.

Lin Heng had made a bottle of August melon jam before and gave her a jar, which had been eaten.

She was going to go into the mountains with others to find wild hawthorns these two days, pick them and make hawthorn cakes to eat.

Mother Lin liked to make these things and enjoyed it.

The big cabinet in the old house was full, and Lin's father asked with a smile: "Do you want to move some more to your house?"

"No, I can just go and get it myself when I want to eat." Lin Heng shook his head.

"Okay, let's go back." Lin's father nodded and said that they would have dinner at Hongfeng Mountain tonight.

The two walked there, and someone who was enjoying the cool under the ginkgo tree asked from a distance: "Lin Xuan, I heard that your family harvested 5,000 kilograms of rice this year?"

"No, it's only 4,500 kilograms, which is 1,000 kilograms per acre." Lin's father grinned and habitually said less.

"That's enough, Lin Heng, please buy us some rice seeds next year, and I want the variety you grow." Someone said.

"Buy some for me too."

First corn and then rice, the super high yield immediately stimulated the villagers to buy rice seeds.

Many families in the village are not without money, but they are used to saving money and are unwilling to invest in unknown things. Now that there is an example, they all want to buy it.

"You go find the secretary, and I'll buy it next year after you've counted it." Lin Heng said with a smile, and he didn't refuse this.

After saying a few words, they left quickly. These two days, the village was full of people threshing rice, and his family's super high rice yield also caused heated discussions in the whole village.

This feeling of being noticed made Lin's father feel very proud.

"Dad, let's go pick up eggs~"

As soon as Lin Heng returned to Hongfeng Mountain, Xiaoxia ran over with a small basket and hugged her legs.

The chicken pen here is very large, and the old hens lay eggs in the holes dug by Lin Heng. He took Xiaoxia there once, and she liked the feeling of treasure hunting.

"I'll go with you after I drink a sip of water."

Lin Heng touched her head and said.

After drinking a sip of water, he took Xiaoxia to the chicken coop.

These chickens are very powerful. The lush thatch in the chicken coop has been eaten and trampled to the point that there is not much left, and even the leaves under some shrubs have been pecked away.

But the thatch is also very powerful. After a rain a few days ago, many green grass leaves emerged again, and the roots were connected together. The chickens couldn't do anything.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo!"

Lin Heng fed the chickens first, and then took Xiaoxia in to pick up eggs.

He carried the basket, and Xiaoxia was responsible for searching.

The chicks hatched this year weighed only more than three pounds and were not ready to lay eggs. Only a few old hens laid eggs.

The two picked up four eggs in total, and Xiaoxia was very happy anyway.

After picking up the eggs and sending Xiaoxia back, Lin Heng went to help feed the cattle and sheep, and looked at the musk deer again, and then took the bow and arrow to the area behind Hongfeng Mountain to see if there were any golden chickens or bamboo chickens.

The plum fish in the dam are doing well. If it is sunny today, the water will become clear and transparent, the mountain spring water is cold, and there are few algae.

In recent days, there have been more clouds in the sky. Today's dusk is a beautiful fire cloud, and most of the sky looks orange-red.

While walking in the woods, he suddenly heard a sound from above, and soon saw three women coming over.

One of the women with a beautiful appearance was familiar to Lin Heng, and it was Jin Yan.

"Lin Heng, did you catch anything while hunting?" Li Yan, who was walking in front, asked.

"No, you got enough Schisandra chinensis." Lin Heng looked at the three people's tall backpacks and said.

"It's okay."

After chatting for a while, Lin Heng continued to explore without staying for too long.

When Lin Heng walked over, Li Yan and others couldn't help but discuss again.

Jin Yan didn't regret it as much as before, because she had already gotten along with Zhao Hu, the son of the village chief. After listening to what Zhao Hu said, she felt that Zhao Hu would definitely have a better future than Lin Heng in the outside world.

In the future, there will be Lin Heng and Chen Xiulan who envy her.

Lin Heng had no idea about these, nor was he interested. He explored the forest, listening carefully and watching in all directions, paying attention to any movement related to prey.

Following him was Lai Fu, a blue wolf dog.8 Its search ability was far inferior to Xiong Ba, and the harvest was slim.

"Let's go home."

Lin Heng shook his head after taking a look at the increasingly red clouds.


Lai Fu called out and trotted ahead. Although it was not as smart as Xiong Ba, its appearance was not bad, second only to Xiong Ba.

Lin Heng estimated that it should be in heat again recently, and then it could mate with Xiong Ba to see what level its offspring would be.


Lin Heng was about to walk out of the forest when he heard the call of a grouse in the distance.

"It's over there in the ditch!"

Lin Heng quickly determined and walked towards the edge of the ditch. Not long after, he saw a grouse looking for food under the forest.

"It's a precious hazel grouse."

Lin Heng was a little excited. He hadn't had much hunting recently, and the traps in the cornfield didn't catch any wild boars.

The noose traps set in the forest didn't catch anything except squirrels and mice.

This grouse was the first flying bird he encountered this month.

He took out his bow and arrow, aimed and shot an arrow. With a sound of breaking through the air, the grouse 30 meters away was killed by him.


Lai Fu was still good at picking up prey, and soon came back with the prey.

Lin Heng lifted the hazel grouse weighing more than one pound and turned back to Hongfeng Mountain.

At the warehouse at the foot of the mountain, Xiulan and a group of people were outside enjoying the cool air. They were a little surprised to see him carrying a grouse back.

"You're lucky today. You even shot a grouse." Xiulan praised.

"I met it in the ditch behind the mountain. I'm lucky." Lin Heng said happily.

"The meat of this hazel grouse is delicious, but it's a pity that the food was cooked in the evening." Lin's father said with a smile.

"Then let's eat it tomorrow morning. I'll stew it into chicken soup for all of us." Lin Heng said with a smile. The hazel grouse mushroom soup tastes delicious. You will always miss it after drinking it once.

Lin's mother said, "Hurry up and eat. I'll make oil residue steamed buns tonight, and the soup is corn, red bean and sweet potato soup."

Lin Heng nodded and said, "Okay, take it out and eat it."

He was not in a hurry to stew the hazel grouse.

They lit a few mosquito coils made of wormwood powder, brought the table and took out the food to eat in the middle of the yard. With the sky full of fire clouds, the gentle breeze in the mountains, and the leaves that have begun to turn yellow and red, everyone ate dinner happily.

The oil residue steamed buns have a strong aroma of oil, and the corn, red bean and sweet potato porridge with only a handful of rice is extremely sweet. The family ate while watching the beautiful sunset and listening to the chirping of insects and birds during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After dinner, Lin Heng took a bundle of fresh grass home with Xiulan Xiaoxia. After harvesting rice and corn, there was not much other farm work left. As for planting wheat and rapeseed, it would take some time.

The focus of the next construction is to reclaim the more than 100 acres of shrub and weed hillside on the hillside of Hongfeng Mountain, develop it and plant grass, and prepare for the expansion of cattle and sheep in the future.

At present, there is enough food for cattle and sheep. There are not only grass, but also crop straw such as corn stalks and soybean shells. The expansion of grass planting is mainly to prepare for the breeding of cattle and sheep next year.

Back in the house, Lin Heng processed the hazel grouse and hung it on the wall of the main room. One or two will not deteriorate.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival passed, the weather became colder and colder. The average temperature reached more than 20 degrees, and it could drop to 17 or 18 degrees at night. The storage time of things also became longer.

After coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep, the two whispered a few words and fell asleep.

There was nothing big the next day. Lin Heng took Xiaoxia to Hongfeng Mountain to wash clothes and see the small waterfall. Compared with the complex environment of Shiban River, the stream of Hongfeng Mountain has been transformed very well. The road is flat and pregnant women can walk.

These two days, Lin Heng also took time to go to the mountain to pick some Schisandra chinensis and wild hawthorn. He also picked a lot of wax gourds and made some jam.

In a blink of an eye, it was October 1st. The weather was gloomy and there was no rain, but Lin Heng's Hongfeng Mountain welcomed several leaders to visit.

They were very satisfied with his construction here. It was clean and tidy, and the construction was well-proportioned. It was very beautiful to take pictures. I was even more satisfied when I heard what he said. I felt that Lin Heng was completely different from those other farmers who engaged in breeding.

In the end, he was labeled as a model of rural prosperity in Huangtan Town, and he was on the newspaper. He was asked to go to the county town to attend a commendation meeting a few days later.

Lin Heng is very happy to contact these people, whether they are officials or businessmen. Whenever he has time, he will contact and get to know those who will rise in the future, drink tea and provide some help within his ability.

Maybe you can't see anything now, but after five or six years, or ten years, he will have a large number of powerful connections. In addition to his success in his career, the entire Taibai City business circle will have to look at his face and do things here. He will be able to do things like a fish in water.

After seeing them off, Lin Heng said something to his parents and went back home. After knocking on the door for a while, no one opened it. He walked from the small road to the back mountain and found that Xiulan and his eldest brother and sister-in-law were standing far away outside the cowshed.

Lin Heng immediately understood something and asked in a low voice: "Is the cow giving birth?"

"Yes, Dad." Xiaoxia agreed.

Xiulan looked at him and said: "The calf's legs came out first, and it was a bit stuck and couldn't come out for a long time."

The cow had been giving birth for a while, and because Lin Heng was busy, she didn't let anyone disturb her.

"It's difficult to give birth again. Let me take a look." Lin Heng walked over to the bar and took a look. He found that there was indeed a problem. He quickly went back to wash his hands and brought some rapeseed oil.

He slowly helped pull it out. It was difficult at first, but surprisingly, the calf was born smoothly after a while as the other leg came out.

Lin Heng got rid of the mucus in its mouth and nose, and the cow licked the fetal fluid off its body. It took about two or three minutes for it to stand up.

"Brother, corn mush prepared for the cows." Lin Yue came over with a basin. In addition to the corn mush, there were also many fruits cooked in it.

Lin Heng fed something to the cow, waited for the afterbirth to fall off, and picked it up. All was well for the time being.

"Second dad, what are you doing with the rapeseed oil?" Lin Tao, who was watching around, asked curiously.

In fact, he was not the only one who was confused, Xiulan and others were also confused.

"It's lubricated. If the tripe can't come out, just lubricate it, and then try to help pull it out." Lin Heng said with a smile. There is no biological lubricant available now, so it is better to use oil.

"That's it."

Everyone looked like they were suddenly enlightened.

"Then will there be fresh milk to drink next, Second Dad?" Lin Tao asked again. He had been craving for milk for a long time.

"Yes, the peak milk production period for dairy cows will come next. The calf will definitely not be able to drink it all by itself." Lin nodded and said. During the peak period, they can produce more than ten kilograms of milk a day, which is too much for both humans and cows to drink.

"That's great, there's milk to drink!" Lin Tao cheered.

"This is my cow, I'll drink it first~" Xiaoxia and Lin Tao started to argue.

Xiulan took Lin Heng's hand and asked, "Is the baby giving birth to a heifer this time?"

"Yes, it's a heifer." Lin Heng nodded with a smile. A heifer means that it will be able to produce milk and give birth to calves next year, which is much better than a young bull.

"I can't finish the milk now, and I won't be able to finish it in the future." Lin Yue said happily.

"You can sell it if you can't drink it all." Lin Heng said with a smile. In the future, if you raise more milk, you can build a milk processing factory to produce milk.

But this is all for later. The temporary goal is to open a feed factory and build a super-large modern pig farm, and strive to accumulate enough capital within ten years. It will be easy to enter other industries by then. .

Lin Heng said a few words to his elder brother and sister-in-law, then helped Xiulan back to the house, and then took tools to renovate the cowshed in the back.

First, the original grille was removed and the cow pen was made larger, and then a windproof tarpaulin was added to the upper part. It was mainly because it was a bit cold at night and the young cows were afraid of getting sick.

As for big cows, it doesn't matter. Dutch cattle are a breed that can withstand cold but not high temperatures.

"Brother, it's already late autumn. When can we go hunting again?"

While working, Lin Yue asked with a smile. The autumn air was crisp and the prey in the mountains were fat and strong. It was a good time for hunting.

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