Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 599: Spicy hot pepper

[The second day is not necessarily there today. The weather is too hot, and it has not rained for a full month. It was going crazy, and the air conditioners didn't work. Very irritable. 】

If you can't forcibly capture the front, use secret means.

Although the secret means may not be able to collapse the entire Xuanhuang City, it can disturb the hearts of the people. Once the people's hearts are in turmoil, it will naturally be impossible to talk about development. Turbulence in the people's heart is easy, but to recover, it takes ten times as much effort. It is not necessarily irreparable.

The turmoil of the people's heart and the natural inadvertent production have conceivable consequences.

"Rest assured, as long as you give the right price, everything else is not a problem, but it is a city of human beings. To be confused, it is a breeze for my Shadow Devil. We want to make this mysterious city No matter how chaotic, you can be so chaotic, let them die, just die. Poisoning is too low-level. Only the kind of playing with people's hearts and controlling everything is the most wonderful moment. "

The Shadow Demon Clan hiding in the cloak gave out a cold, weird laughter.

For them, killing is really too simple. Instead of killing, they pay attention to it, but a process of playing with people's hearts. This process makes them most intoxicated and addicted.

Even among Shadow Demon clan, they often exchange experiences with each other. Who can do better in the task, and make people's hearts play better, is even more famous and sought after by others.

They are killers, black hands hiding in the dark.

"Very well, there are brothers of the Shadow Demon shot. This time, the plan is a step closer to success."

The scorpion smiled coldly.

"Although the use of poison is shameful, in this world, as long as it can achieve its purpose, all actions are secondary. The humans in Xuanhuang City have become our confidants, a great enemy, and we should not be strange to the enemy."

The Rat-Music powers showed their coldness.

He doesn't have any taboos about poison. Anything can be used as long as it achieves its purpose.

Several people looked at Xuanhuang City, which was still brightly lit. The eyes in the eyes became very cold, it was a feeling like seeing prey.


Xuanhuang City is very lively at night.

In the city, in general, work is done during the day, and at night it is a time of rest. But for the people in the city, almost all of whom are monks, the time required for daily cultivation is only a few hours, and other times can be freely controlled, especially after becoming private ownership, one by one, starting for their own future. Efforts also continue to purchase various items to improve the quality of life.

The bounty hunter during the day turns into the most luxurious guest at night.

Even in Xuanhuang City, Mummy has taken the lead in setting up several green houses.

In this regard, Yi Tianxing did not stop, and Huang Chengyan did not stop them.

The Qinglou culture has long run through the history of human development. No matter in any era, there is no way to eliminate it. If there is a demand, it will naturally appear. This is the attraction between the opposite sex. It is something in human nature.

In ancient times, Qinglou was not an industry that was explicitly forbidden. The government generally prohibits it, but it is forbidden to force the Qinglou to be a good man. It is not forbidden that the Qinglou is not allowed to open.

In the past, among the literati officials, going to the Qinglou and drinking flowers and wine was almost the most direct way to connect feelings. Friendship was good. Among the literati, Lin Zhong, there is no taboo about the blue house.

Even proud of it.

As a normal male, after living and working in peace, there must be physiological needs, but it is still rare for men and women in the city to have a real relationship to re-establish a family. Most men, even women, are still in a process of communication and mutual understanding. There is still a long way to go before getting married and forming a family.

This is not uncommon.

Moreover, in the city, bounty hunters face a variety of tasks every day, dangerous, and very nervous. At night, you need to vent and relax to relieve your high tension.

At this time, the appearance of the Qinglou is naturally the best choice.

A woman's body is often the best way to alleviate it.

Of course, the appearance of the green house is unstoppable, but when Yi Tianxing first set out rules, he was not allowed to force women to sell themselves, and he was not allowed to be a good man. Everything is a resource. Women of human races, among the green houses, do n’t sign a contract. In the blue building, come and go freely. Do not force or block.

This is like, the blue building is a stronghold, but the woman in the blue building is not the property of the blue building, but only a cooperative relationship. There is no restriction on the sale of personal bonds, and freedom to come and go. To a large extent, the safety of the woman in the blue building is guaranteed. With freedom. It is a kind of human respect. As long as you don't want to do it, you can stay away from it and not be harassed.

Of course, living like a normal person is difficult. After all, there is always an inexplicable discrimination against women in the blue house.

When you see it, there is a different color.

But this right of choice lies in itself. No one is forced, no one is left, what choices they make, and what the outcome is, they all have to bear on themselves. To bear.

Even if you understand this, although there are not many women in the youth house, there are not many, but some are originally engaged in this industry in their own world. shackles. The situation is far greater than before. You can leave at any time.

The reason for their re-entry into the blue house is simple.

Originally a girl in a blue house, she entered the industry again. There are no obstacles in her mind, and she becomes a monk after cultivation. As long as it becomes stronger, even a woman in a blue house can live well. Even some women in Qinglou have selected the proper dual practice methods in the Tibetan Classics Pavilion. In the blue house, this is a kind of cultivation process, and even, the speed of practice is faster than normal monks.

Not just picking up the yang and replenishing the yin, but just the normal double repair, which can also play a huge role.

This kind of female cultivation is an extreme enjoyment for men.

It can be said that each is required.

The nightlife in Xuanhuang City is extremely rich.

Almost never sleeps.

Restaurants, restaurants, are always closed at night.

Also, in the dark, get the guidance of the Enlightenment Lamp. There are also many new wanderers arriving. Into the city.

Quietly, the bustling night gradually passed, the sun rose to the east and dispersed the endless darkness.

Early in the morning.

Many people have eaten breakfast and have begun a new job of the day.

A bounty hunter was ready to enter the wilderness. Some people are carrying tools and heading to the mine. Some stay directly in the city and earn money with their own skills. Let yourself survive.

"Lao Song, you have to go out again. Have you succeeded in planting the new rice. If it succeeds, you can save me a bit, rest assured, I will pay for it."

"Yes, but now a lot of people are waiting for you to cultivate successfully, cultivate new rice, buy some seeds, and specialize in planting the new rice you cultivated. The spicy Chaotian pepper that you cultivated last time was all the rage in town, I don't know how many people buy it, many people go into the restaurant and eat this spicy hot pepper. "

In the city, there are fast-track inspections.

Zhang Yue personally led a team inspection. During the inspection, a middle-aged man walked out with a hoe. With a smile on his face, he opened his mouth to say hello.

For the man in front of him, he also knows well that in Xuanhuang City, he is famous.

It looks like Svenven, but he likes to work in the ground.

He is not like other peasants who sell deadly farming, but is willing to use his mind, and is farming with his heart and mind. He does not cultivate ordinary species of vegetables, but prefers to study by himself. fathom.

Before, a unique chili pepper was cultivated. In Xuanhuang City, it can be said that it is all over the city.

It is said that he bred a new variety by using pepper and Chaotian pepper in a hybrid way. Not only the spicy of Chaotian pepper, but also the spicy of Chinese pepper. Together, it's amazing. This creation made it famous. Moreover, the money earned is not uncommon. UU reads Do not know how many people like to eat this spicy hot pepper.

And this old song is even more selfless, the seeds of the spicy hot sky pepper have no meaning to hide. It will be announced directly, and anyone who wants it will give it. Of course, it is not free, and it will collect some money. However, obviously, this is just meaning. In the future, it will be worthless if others plant it. Anyone can plant.

It's a spirit of dedication.

If he kept the seeds under control, the value he created would be absolutely amazing.

Of course, this also allowed him to get a great position in the city, with a high reputation and respect.

Now, I heard that this old Song has begun to study new rice seeds. Once successful, obviously, it will cause another rage. Sought after.

"It's about to succeed, it's about to succeed."

The man named Song said with a smile. His face was thick and peaceful.

Let people see, unconsciously want to give birth to a touch of closeness.

"Hehe, then Mr. Song, please hurry up. If you can succeed, we whole people will benefit together. This is a good thing, a great thing. If there is any need, despite saying that Zhang must try his best to satisfy, I can't do it, and You can report to Lord Lord. "

Zhang Yue said with a smile.

He has a very good attitude and always respects those who have the ability.

Lao Song smiled and went out with a hoe.

Come to the area dedicated to planting outside.

Because of privatization, many people will be able to allocate part of the land if they are willing to choose to cultivate it. But this land does not belong to them. The ownership belongs to Xuanhuang City. They have the right to cultivate. All other powers have the right. Only the right to buy and sell is not allowed.

Old Song waited until a field.

Now walking towards the field.

As I walked, I thought in secret.

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