Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 600: Rat plague

"According to a hybrid rice I saw in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and the book" Plant Grafting ", through the grafting and cultivation of different species, gene conversion and fusion between each other. Although some do not understand what the gene means , But this should be like a wild boar mating with a domestic pig, giving birth to a new herd between wild and domestic pigs. "

"I used to graft Chinese pepper and Chaotian pepper. I cultivated it no less than dozens of times before I finally succeeded in cultivating the real spicy Chaotian pepper. The grafting technique cannot be successful at one time. Failure is the most normal . "

"And this time, I grafted and crossed the Sydney tree and rice. I hope that the deliciousness of Sydney can be directly integrated into the rice. It will be crispy and sweet. It will be wonderful. I have tried it several times, Whether it will succeed depends on this time. "

The man surnamed Song murmured secretly.

He is full of expectations for the new breed that he is about to cultivate.

The mood suddenly became very good.

Once cultivated in such a variety, it is even possible for the grade of this rice seed to be directly promoted to the level of Lingmi. Once Lingmi has been cultivated, he can imagine that the entire Xuanhuang City will certainly undergo great changes. In addition, monks eat Ling rice, which is of great benefit to cultivation.

"This is a paradise for the human race. I should work hard to make Xuanhuang City stronger."

After knowing that there are spiritual foods like Lingmi Linggu in this world, his goal is how to cultivate Reiki species.

At present, there are only ordinary grain rice seeds and ordinary vegetable plants. These plants, rice seeds, are planted. Although the yield is very high, and because of the different environments, there are some variations that begin to contain a hint of aura. But this is not a reiki plant and vegetable, it's just contaminated with a touch of aura. The taste is better than before, but there is no fundamental qualitative change.

Maybe after planting and improving again and again, after years and decades of cultivation, it is possible to transform these grains into a spiritual valley. But there is a chance, who knows how long it will take, and how many improvements it will take, in order to undergo a fundamental transformation under the natural creation of heaven and earth.

It is precisely this way that he will think about how to improve the rice, so that the rice has the opportunity to be promoted to the spirit valley.

What he enjoys is the joy of success, the joy of harvesting from the process of transformation. It was full.

Lao Song is in a good mood.

Step by step to the farmland.

But when he arrived, his face suddenly changed. The whole body was trembling, only to see that in the farmland, there were actually broken straws everywhere, not one or two, but a large area was broken.

After the mutation, these paddies grew quickly, and the straw was more slender and tough, and strong. The original most common rice here, once mature, can grow to two or three meters high. Naturally more rice is produced. The yield per mu is extremely high.

In particular, the newly cultivated rice grows taller, no less than three or four meters. The resulting rice is fuller and each grain is the size of a grape. Looks like pearls. Very pleasing.

Now they are falling to the ground.

The straw was bitten and the rice was spoiled and eaten.

The three acres of good land he has planted have been mostly ruined. The same is true of other people's fields nearby.

"My Sydney rice, it's over, it's over."

"Rats, **** rats, how could there be so many rats suddenly. Is it a rat disaster?"

"My Sydney rice, it's almost mature, and it will be hit by a rat plague. After a few months of hard work, it's completely in vain. I killed you rats."

Lao Song was shaking with anger when he saw the scene of Tanaka.

All the rice has been destroyed. In Tanaka, we can see that a rat that grows so big is madly eating rice, straw, etc. in the field. There was a bloodthirsty red light in those eyes, each of which was as big as a puppy of several months. Not to mention that there are still big ones. Compared with calves, the big ones are shocking to see.

Vandalism in the fields.

These mice didn't even know where they came from, they attacked the surrounding fields as soon as they appeared, and countless fields were destroyed.

puff! !!

The **** in Lao Song's hand was very precise. He dropped his head and drew it directly on the rat's head, which was holding the straw. In a crisp sound, the blood was shining, and he directly cracked his brain. Blood shines.

"This is a beast, but it is just a beast that has just entered the first stage. Where did these mice come from? There are so many. The crop is completely destroyed this time."

Lao Song killed a mouse with a look of surprise in his eyes. He found that the rats in Tanaka not only had no fear, but stared at a pair of red eyes, and quickly rushed towards him. Very fierce. This is no longer an ordinary mouse. It's a beast-level mouse.

"Damn it, what's going on, where are so many mice, my crops."

"It's over, the vineyard I planted, it's all over, nothing, these mice, **** rats, my months of hard work, all at once."

"Rice, a lot of mice, hurry up, tell the city, and immediately ask people to kill all of them. This is a rat disaster."

At this time, other people had already left the city and came to the field. Immediately, they found that there were huge rats everywhere in the field. These mice were desperately eating the crops in the field. Everything was spoiled, and overnight nothing was lost.

Dangdang! !!

In the city, a rapid bell rang quickly.

"Hurry, there are mice. The rats are eating crops and destroying the fields. Go and kill the mice."

"Many mice are fierce beasts. They are rat plagues. Rats are hitting Xuanhuang City. I do n’t know how. They crossed the Iron Blood Great Wall and appeared directly outside Xuanhuang City. This time, the crops for several months were completely damaged. Big."

"Go kill the mice together. These are fierce beasts. They are slaughtered. They can be used to eat meat, fur, and bones. They are all useful. In the Wanbao Hall, the bones of various fierce beasts have been stored for a long time. The price has always been stable. Usually they cannot go deep into the wilderness , Now is an opportunity to kill the ferocious beasts. If the crops are destroyed, let them fill them with life. "

The news came back to the city as soon as possible. Immediately, many people in the city who were eating breakfast immediately became furious, picked up various weapons, and whistled and killed outside the city.

The hunter's hall responded almost immediately.

An urgent red task appears in the task list.

Qing Mo rat disaster! !!

A large number of fiendish rats appear in the fields outside the city, destroying the fields and eating crops, which is likely to bring about a huge plague. A plague is formed. Harm to the people in the city. Now issue a mission to kill a murderous rat. With its rat tail, you can come to the Hunters Hall to receive a bounty, a rat tail and an eternal coin. During the mission, the more you kill, the more rewards you will get.

Run, hunter! !!

"Good rewards, high bounties, mice are social animals, and they come together in groups. Once the number increases, it will become quite difficult. But as long as there are enough hunters, it is not difficult to kill ferocious beasts. The individual strength of a mouse is, by itself, the weakest among beasts. "

"I seem to see a large amount of eternal coins running towards me. Do a sum, a few days before the harvest. As long as there are enough hunters, safety is the least worry."

"These rats dared to come to our Xuanhuang City to make troubles. This is a dead throw. This is a self-injection. Go, whoever goes with me, kills the rats, and can also add meals, just need to pay the tail of the ferocious rat, other animal All belong to us. Selling it is another income. "

The bounty hunter who was originally looking for a task in the hunter's hall immediately became excited, and called friends and friends to kill them together.

But this task is not as simple as imagined.

When a large number of people arrived, they found that the rats that were constantly being destroyed in the field disappeared strangely in a short time ~ ~ On the ground, there were only some dead bodies of rats. And a messy crop.

"What's the matter, rats. Didn't you say there were rats. They disappeared."

"Damn, these mice have escaped, they must have escaped from the ground. These fierce beasts did not always have too much wisdom, and they formed rat colonies, and they were more fearless. How could they suddenly retreat. Just kill this A few mice must not be scared to run the entire rat herd. This is a little weird. Is there a rat king with great wisdom in this rat herd? "

"A lot of burrows, it really digs and escapes. It's abominable, these stinky mice gave us this hand. I thought it was a very simple task, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult.

"Find a way to force these mice out of the ground. Otherwise, it will definitely happen again. This time the trouble is so big, it must be a rat disaster if you go on like this."

These mice do not collide with you head-on. Instead, the enemy retreats and the enemy retreats.

Even the mouse will use tactics, and many people feel a bit of brain pain.

A large number of rats are hidden in the ground, which is troublesome, and it is definitely not ordinary. When it breaks out, there will be huge turmoil.

"Hey! The blood in these rat groups is naturally restrained and influenced by our rat human race. Any one of them can become a natural king. There are millions of rats in this neighborhood. It ’s all under my control. This time I want to play with these humans. "

"Break your farmland crops first, and then completely empty your granary and eat everything. I do n’t see what you do n’t have. How can you stick to it? It ’s fun. It ’s so peaceful. It's not fun. "

Under the ground, impressively, you can see that a rat-human monk wearing a black mouse costume laughed at him.

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