Eternal Existence

Chapter 1000: Sword Carved Talisman

"Bullshit, I won't die even if you die." Chen Feng took a long breath, and his injuries recovered quickly.

"You block it first, I'm going to perform a secret technique." Chen Feng thought for a while and then said.

"Secret technique, does it work?"

"How should I know, this is my first time using it."


"Trust me, hold on for a while." Chen Feng said as he took out the Zhengtian Sword and began to draw. The sword energy was grim, and it appeared in front of Chen Feng but did not dissipate, but formed a strange pattern.

"I hope your secret technique will work, and I can't hold on for long."

Chen Feng no longer answered, but concentrated on waving the Zhengtian Sword. At this time, Chen Feng looked solemn and focused, like an art master painting in the void, and like a stone carving master carving on the rock.

The pattern that Chen Feng drew with the Zhengtian Sword was exactly the soul-soothing in the Soul-Soothing Talisman. This was the first time that Chen Feng used this method. In the past, it was condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness. This was also a new attempt. In Chen Feng's opinion, the effect of the Soul-Soothing Talisman carved with the power of the Zhengtian Sword would definitely be improved by at least ten times.

However, this requires a process, not as instant as before, and Chen Feng did it for the first time.

Fortunately, everything went well, and a Soul-Soothing Talisman completely condensed by sword energy appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Huh!" Chen Feng sighed, which consumed a lot of Chen Feng's energy.

"Did it succeed?" At this time, Huoyunlong was almost unable to resist.

"Hold on a little longer." Chen Feng seemed safe in the fire barrier.

Chen Feng waved the Zhengtian Sword again and continued to carve. This time, he carved the Soul-Locking Talisman. The speed of the sword energy was much faster than before, and it was more fluent and lively.


A black vine with a flame barrier drilled towards Chen Feng's forehead. The opponent had already noticed what conspiracy Chen Feng was brewing, and the attack became more fierce.

"I can't stand it anymore." Huoyunlong shouted and was thrown into the air by the whip.


At this time, Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Soul-Suppressing Talisman condensed by the power of Zhengtian Sword flew up, and then suddenly became larger, emitting an unparalleled power.

With a snap, Huoyunlong fell to the ground first, and then the whole secret room seemed to be still in space, time stopped passing, and the black soul power that was still violently rolling before all solidified.

"Forget about this." Chen Feng even shot, and Huoyunlong woke up and regained his freedom. After figuring out what was going on, he looked at Chen Feng with horror.

"What secret technique is this?" At this time, Huoyunlong's heart was already full of fear. If Chen Feng had killed him in the situation just now, he would definitely be dead.

"Why are you still standing there, do it." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"Oh oh!" At this time, Huoyunlong also reacted, and immediately urged the flame to start burning randomly.

"Stupid, go deal with that skeleton and dismantle it." Chen Feng was a little helpless, thinking that this person's brain was not smart, and he didn't know how he could practice to this level.


The soul-locking talisman that had just been completed expanded again, and the soul power that had begun to resume its flow calmed down again. The previous one was a suppression, and the current lock was enough for the other party to eat a pot in Chen Feng's opinion. Of course, Chen Feng did not stop, and waved the long sword in his hand to carve again.

This time he carved the soul-condensing talisman.

At this time, Huoyunlong had come to the skeleton, and with a spear, he broke the opponent's bone armor. When he was doing a few more times, he found something hidden in the skeleton, and reached out and grabbed a round bead in his hand.

"It's the soul-enriching bead! Sure enough, there is such a good thing." Huoyunlong was a little surprised.


At this time, Chen Feng's soul-condensing talisman was also completed. Under the power of the talisman, the soul power around him quickly gathered and soon condensed into a black bead. He casually attached an ordinary talisman and threw it into the Longevity Tower.

This black bead is equivalent to one-tenth of the opponent's soul power. If it were Chen Feng, he would probably have to practice for at least a thousand years.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to make another move, the soul power that was fixed suddenly boiled up and began to roar towards the direction of Huoyunlong.

"Huoyunlong, get out of the way." Chen Feng and his team activated the Longevity Tower at the same time, and another soul power was pulled over.

Snap, snap, snap!

The bone armor that was just broken up by Huoyunlong began to piece together quickly again, and returned to normal in the blink of an eye, and then all the soul power drilled into the dark eye sockets, like two black dragons.

"Open it for me!" Huoyunlong ignored Chen Feng's warning and stabbed the skeleton with his spear again.


A black light flashed, and Huoyunlong screamed and flew back, and was caught by Chen Feng.

"Are you okay?" Chen Feng asked. At this time, Chen Feng had gained enough benefits and was thinking about whether to leave like this.

"I'm fine!" Huoyunlong shook his head. He looked embarrassed just now, but he didn't suffer any damage.

"I'll try it again." Chen Feng said as he quickly stepped forward and slashed the Zhengtian Sword in his hand. Hualala! The skeleton that had just condensed scattered again, but Chen Feng also kept retreating, and his situation was much better than Huoyunlong.

However, the scattered joints returned to normal. Chen Feng shook his head helplessly. The Zhengtian Sword in his hand was a top-grade immortal sword. One sword only broke the bone armor and did not cause substantial damage.

Finally, all the power of the soul entered the head, and then a thick black substance flowed out from the eye holes, and soon flowed all over the body. The skeleton turned into a monk wearing black armor, standing up, extremely strong, and his eyes also flashed black light. With a wave of his hand, a long spear appeared out of thin air and swept towards Chen Feng and Huoyunlong.

Bang bang!

Chen Feng and Huoyunlong, who were somewhat confused by this situation, fought back at the same time, and then were swept away.

"The opponent is powerful and can't be stopped."

"Let's go!"

The two looked at each other and made up their minds. The opponent's attack just now seemed to be more fierce than the soul attack, and they immediately thought of leaving.

However, the black-armored monk did not let the two go. With a stab of the long spear, the gun flowers bloomed, and he attacked Chen Feng and the others again.

A series of collisions, Chen Feng and Huo Yunlong secretly groaned, the opponent's attack power was strong and steady, but it also carried soul attacks, making the two of them uncomfortable to join forces.

"Let's go."

"I'm afraid you can't get away, use that trick again."

"Do you think I have time?"

Although he said so, Chen Feng still cast a soul-soothing spell, the effect was minimal, but it was enough for the two of them, and they escaped from the secret room in half a blink of an eye.

But then the black-armored monk chased after them again, and the long spear extended infinitely, piercing through the space to attack the two.

"The ghost is still there." Huo Yunlong waved his spear to resist continuously.


Chen Feng waved the long sword in his hand, splitting the space, and the two escaped from the palace at the same time.

"I took the opponent's soul power, and you took the opponent's treasure. I don't know how long the opponent will chase us." After coming out, Chen Feng still did not relax, but kept beating the power in his body.

"Hey! The other party didn't catch up." Huoyunlong said in surprise.

"It really didn't catch up. Strange, strange, can't the other party leave this palace? Impossible."

"Don't worry about it, leave here first."

After Chen Feng and Huoyunlong left, the black-armored monk quickly returned to the secret room, and then a black airflow emanated from his body. Soon, the power of the soul filled the entire secret room again, and the skeleton that had restored its original appearance was still sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Damn it, I was taken advantage of by two juniors. When I recover my strength, I will devour the spirit of all the monks in this world."

Along with this voice, the huge palace shrank rapidly and finally drilled into the ground. When it came out again, it was already billions of miles away.

"Brother Huo, let me see the Soul Orb." Chen Feng said.

"Take it." Huoyunlong hesitated for a moment and took out the Soul Orb and threw it to Chen Feng.

"High-level immortal weapon, or soul weapon, congratulations Brother Huo, I would like to exchange it with you with the Zhengtian Sword." Chen Feng smiled and returned the Soul Orb to Huoyunlong.

"I'm willing to exchange it." Huoyunlong said immediately.

Chen Feng smiled and stopped talking. This magic weapon is really good. After refining, it can enhance the power of the soul. It is a very rare and top-grade soul weapon. In the hands of those who need it, its value is higher than the Zhengtian Sword. However, Chen Feng still has no intention of exchanging it. First, Chen Feng is reluctant to part with the Zhengtian Sword. Second, Chen Feng has a lot of soul-enriching pills on him, which have the same effect. Third, Chen Feng's practice of the Changsheng Sutra has a very fast growth rate of soul power, and does not necessarily require soul-enriching beads.

"Brother Huo, I don't know how many opportunities there are in the entire Eternal World now. I think we will definitely have great gains if we join forces." Chen Feng suggested.

You must know that Chen Feng also has his own ideas and plans. Huoyunlong is a high-level immortal after all. The cultivation in front of him is also a high-end combat force. It is also a great help to win him over to his side.

"It has been agreed before. I am now a cultivator of Donglong Island. Why, little brother, are you still worried that I won't keep my word? I'm really afraid that you won't give me the Heaven Devouring Demon Art."

"Haha, how could I forget this." Chen Feng said as he passed the formula of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art to Huoyunlong.

"It is indeed a fragment, but I don't know if I can practice it." Huoyunlong frowned and thought for a while.

"I don't care whether I can practice it or not. This is something that can only be practiced by the royal bloodline of the demon world. As for why I can practice it, maybe it's a physical problem." Chen Feng laughed.

"Next, you lead the way. I'm not familiar with this world."

"Don't panic! Someone is coming to find me." At this time, Chen Feng suddenly stopped and looked up.

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