Eternal Existence

Chapter 1001: Strange City

The three immortals came straight to Chen Feng from a distance, and bowed respectfully in front of Chen Feng.

"I've met the island owner."

"What's going on with you three?" Chen Feng's face was expressionless, but his eyes flickered.

One of these three immortals came from Donglong Island and was a fish spirit, and the other two came from Daluo Academy and Tianjian Sect. Relatively speaking, he has a close relationship with Chen Feng.

It's just that these three people looked a little embarrassed, and Chen Feng could tell at a glance that the other party was injured.

"Senior Biqing is in danger, please ask the island master to save him." The immortal who was cultivated from the fish spirit said anxiously.

"What!" Chen Feng was truly surprised.

Biqing is in danger, is this impossible? You must know that after all, you are already in the realm of high-level immortals at this time. If you get Bi Luotian's blessing, you can be promoted to the level of top immortals. In Chen Feng's opinion, it is difficult for a true immortal to kill Bi Qing, but he can't defeat him. Run?

"What exactly happened? Please tell me in detail." Chen Feng asked immediately.

"It's all the fault of the three of us." The three immortals were a little ashamed and looked a little ugly, but they still quickly explained the matter.

It turned out that these three people entered a huge ancient city. When they encountered danger, Biqing took action and rescued the three people, but Biqing herself stayed inside.

"It can't be said that Bi Qing is in danger." After hearing this, Chen Feng let out a sigh of relief.

"Although we came out at that time, we felt several powerful forces coming from the middle city, at least the cultivation level of a high-level immortal."

"Do you know what the aura of a high-level immortal is like?" Chen Feng asked urgently.

"This!" The three of them hesitated.


The aura on Huo Yunlong's body was released as soon as it was released, but the three immortals were already retreating with panic on their faces.

"How does it compare to this power?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Almost, almost."

"Exact location?"

"Two Worlds Mountains!"

"It turns out to be this place. The three of you will return to Donglong Island immediately. You are not allowed to leave without my order." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The three of them looked a little ugly, but they did not dare to refute Chen Feng's order.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and three rays of golden light penetrated into each other's body, and the three of them immediately became excited again.

"Practice with peace of mind and stabilize your strength first."

"Thank you, island owner."

This time the three of them left willingly.

"The law of immortality!" Huo Yunlong was a little surprised.

"Yes, Brother Huo, I think the next thing may be very difficult." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"How do you say that?" Huo Yunlong smiled half-heartedly.

"Two choices. First, Brother Huo goes to Donglong Island to help me guard the territory. The second is to go to the front and take a look together."

"No need to ask, I'm missing some magic weapons."


The two were moving extremely fast, leaving only faint light and shadow in the air, and the light and shadow would soon dissipate.

"Brother Huo, why do you want so many magic weapons?"

"Because I still have some partners."

"I think Brother Huo should be doing well in the fairy world, right?"

"Hey! It's far from the truth. It's not easy to get along in the fairy world."

The two were still talking while they were moving at high speed. From the conversation, Chen Feng learned that Huo Yunlong was born in the Great World of Fire, and later ascended to the Immortal Realm and joined an unpopular force. In the Immortal Realm, he was only the kind who had just established a foothold. This time he came in. The Eternal World also acts alone, but according to Huo Yunlong, there are many monks in the immortal world who have come to the Eternal World, but most of them are immortals. As for whether there are true immortals, Huo Yunlong cannot tell.

"It's just ahead." From far away, the two people saw a huge ancient city floating in the strong wind thousands of miles above the Two Worlds Mountains. The air currents were entangled and the strong wind was like a knife. They couldn't see the specific situation clearly, but Chen However, Feng saw that monks were still entering continuously.

"It's strange, where did this ancient city come from." Chen Feng's eyes swept across the city, and he could clearly detect the situation in a million miles, but in the end he found nothing.

"You'll know if you go in and take a look. It's just that the earth immortals can't enter." Huo Yunlong said. Those who can enter the ancient city are some high immortals, and the earth immortals and human immortals cannot enter at all.

"I am not an ordinary Earth Immortal, but I need to observe carefully before going in." Then the two of them quickly circled around the ancient city, found an angle and entered it.

During the process of entering the city, Chen Feng felt the blocking power emanating from the ancient city. It was very strong and could block the monks below the Immortal, but it was nothing to Chen Feng.

As soon as he entered the ancient city, Chen Feng felt that the surrounding space was fragmented. He seemed to have entered the space turbulence, and also seemed to have entered the space passage. Of course, this feeling was short-lived, and Chen Feng recovered quickly.

"This is the ancient city. It's a little different from what you saw outside, hey!" Chen Feng then realized that Huo Yunlong was not with him.

The spiritual consciousness dispersed, and it was indeed suppressed as the three immortals said before. The laws of power here were also somewhat different from the outside world. However, Chen Feng was not too worried. Since Biqing had the ability to send the three people out, Then I think it's not a big problem.

"The monks who came in have been separated. It seems that the space here should be quite big. Is it possible that there are still people here who want to come and defeat them one by one." Chen Feng observed his situation as he advanced, and his consciousness spread, sweeping across the ground, gardens, rockeries, Gardens and buildings, but Huo Yunlong's aura was not traced.

"It's quite interesting." Chen Feng disappeared into the buildings in a flash.

"Chen Feng, Chen Feng!" At this time, the place Huo Yunlong arrived was a little different from Chen Feng. The surrounding air was very humid, and waves of mist kept flooding over him. Huo Yunlong's whole body was shaken, and flames began to sweep out of his eyes.

It should be said that the power of fire cultivated by Huo Yunlong contains the original spiritual fire in the world of flames, and can even withstand the power of the soul of a true immortal. When this is released, the surrounding fog is immediately dispersed, but before Huo Yunlong can After seeing clearly what was going on around him, two black figures rushed over quickly, violently and swiftly, like two meteorites.

"What is it?" Huo Yunlong waved his hands, and two fire dragons roared out and collided heavily with each other.

Boom boom!

Two monks held swords in one hand and rushed over from the left to the right. The sword energy was strong and the sword light was dazzling, making Huo Yunlong feel a strong crisis.

"High-level Immortal! I still have a high-grade immortal weapon in my hand." Huo Yunlong's face became solemn, and with a wave of his hand, the flame war spear shook violently, sending out spear shadows that filled the sky.

This was a psychedelic feint, used to confuse the other party's judgment, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't hesitate at all and rushed in. The sword cultivator was stabbed with several holes, and the sword cultivator took the opportunity to kill in front of him. , a wisp of sword light seemed to be able to cut through the heaven and earth and cut towards Huo Yunlong.


A ball of fire exploded in Huo Yunlong's chest, and a flame dragon roared out. Although it blocked the sword light, it was split in half.

Whoosh whoosh!

Huo Yunlong took the opportunity to take action, knowing that the opponent was a high-level immortal, Huo Yunlong did not dare to be careless at all, but after several rounds of crazy fighting, Huo Yunlong felt something was wrong.

"It's a dead person!"

Huo Yunlong exclaimed. The two sides fought. The sword cultivator and sword cultivator didn't care about Huo Yunlong's attack at all. He just attacked blindly, with a lose-lose style of play.

In particular, the sword cultivator was severely injured by Huo Yunlong, but he did not care about the injuries on his body and did not even let out a muffled groan. Huo Yunlong felt something was wrong. They actually fought again, and soon realized that the other party was not a living person at all.

At first, Huo Yunlong was a little wary of this desperate fighting style, but later he began to be surprised. In this way, the opponent did not exert his full combat power, so he would have a chance.

Under normal circumstances, each sword cultivator and sword cultivator in front of him is only slightly weaker than Huo Yunlong, but the two of them should be able to defeat Huo Yunlong together, but now the other party is not a normal cultivator. The combat power is still there, but not as normal. The monk's alternative was to just kill blindly, which allowed Huo Yunlong to see an opportunity.

"It's really strange, how could there be such a thing here!" Huo Yunlong launched various secret combat techniques and quickly gained the upper hand, but it would take some time to defeat the opponent.

"This ancient city is very weird. We met an opponent of this level when we first entered. I'm afraid the situation will not be good. I wonder how that boy Chen Feng is doing?"

When Huo Yunlong thought of Chen Feng, Chen Feng was also in the same situation, and Chen Feng's situation seemed to be even more embarrassing, being chased by dozens of immortals.

"Ta, what are these?" Chen Feng, the monk who was chasing after him, felt a little headache.

Not long ago, Chen Feng searched dozens of buildings, and finally these monks appeared out of nowhere. They were all of the cultivation of immortals. After a fight, Chen Feng was sure that these were dead people. At first, Chen Feng thought these were artificially refined battle puppets, but after killing two people, he felt a little different.

Because Chen Feng did not find any traces of refining on the other party.

"It should be the power of the curse!" Ta also pondered for a moment before speaking.

"The power of the curse!" Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, but nodded again: "It looks a bit like it. If that's the case, hey, this time it will be really interesting."

Chen Feng held the Zhengtian Sword in his hand, and the longevity wings on his back were constantly vibrating. He changed directions again and again, occasionally stopping to engage in a brief fight with the opponent, and then left again.

Chen Feng did not dare to stop at all. There were twenty monks chasing Chen Feng, and several of them had the power of immortals. Fortunately, these were all dead, otherwise Chen Feng would have been unable to escape if they worked together.

"No wonder there are several powerful forces in this city. Under this situation, ordinary immortals will die if they come in. I don't know how senior Biqing is doing now, and Huo Yunlong. Did he encounter the same thing as me? What's going on?" Chen Feng guessed as he flapped his long wings behind his back and suddenly landed on a small, clear lake.

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