Eternal Existence

Chapter 732 Origin Fragments

"We don't need your Tianjian Sect to investigate our Wuqing Tianzong's people."

"Yes, your Tianjian Sect has no right to investigate our disciples." The immortal from Zhanwang Pavilion also stood up.

"Really? You have no say in this matter."

"We had an agreement before entering. It seems that some people are still doing something behind the scenes. Today's incident has already challenged the dignity of our Tianjian Sect. Don't say you don't agree. Even if the earthly immortals behind you show up, these people will have to accept our investigation."

"Take them all away."

The immortals from Tianjian Sect began to take action and restrained the 23 cultivators one by one. Jian Xiaotian and some cultivators did not resist, but some of them burst out with some tyrannical aura.

"Hey, it's a holy weapon, a magic weapon that can resist the power of transmission. It's really exposed."

"Tianjian Sect, you are going to go to war with all our sects." The immortal from Zhanwang Pavilion strode forward.

"If we really go to war, I'll kill you first."

Just when the two sides were about to clash, a tall young man suddenly tore through the void and appeared in front of everyone.

The young man did not release a strong aura, but as his feet landed on the ground, the ground and the surrounding mountains seemed to shake.

The human immortals of the War King Pavilion showed surprise on their faces.

"Greetings to the old ancestor of the battlefield."

It turned out that the person who came was the earth immortal of the War King Pavilion, a real master who had been practicing in seclusion for hundreds of years and had not appeared.

"Please take charge, old ancestor." The human immortal of the War King Pavilion immediately stepped forward and wanted to tell what had just happened.


At this time, two more people suddenly appeared. These two people, like the old ancestor of the battlefield, directly tore through the space and appeared in front of everyone.

"Greetings to the old ancestor!"

"Greetings to the old ancestor!"

The human immortals of Wuqing Tianzong and Shenmo Cave stepped forward to salute, and at the same time, these people were also puzzled. They didn't understand why the earth immortal predecessor who had been practicing in seclusion for many years in their sect suddenly came out, and it didn't look like he was here to cause trouble.

"You all retreat, there is nothing for you to do here." The old ancestor of the battlefield of the War King Pavilion waved his hand, and the human immortals who wanted to approach him retreated one after another.

This is not the end. Several more cultivators appeared next. These cultivators were all earth immortals. What a scene it was when a group of earth immortals appeared together. You should know that in the Eternal World, a sect with an earth immortal in charge is a first-class sect.

So many earth immortals gathered together, enough to shake the entire cultivation world.

"What happened?" The human immortal led a large number of disciples to retreat to a distance, and each of them secretly guessed.

"Something must have happened."

"You just came out of the human immortal battlefield, you should know what happened inside." At this time, some immortals began to secretly ask the disciples who came out.

A sky curtain composed entirely of sword energy extended from a distance and fell directly in front of these earth immortals.

"Everyone come here." A voice came from the other end of the sky curtain to these earth immortals.


Although several earth immortals showed dissatisfaction in their eyes, they still raised their feet to the passage formed by the sky curtain.

The earth immortals and the sky curtain disappeared at the same time.

"Okay, now it's time to talk about your business." The human immortal of the Tianjian Sect said coldly.

This time, the human immortals of various sects changed their faces and did not step forward to stop them.

Not to mention the situation on the Tianjian Sect side, Chen Feng was still practicing in the Changsheng Tower at this time. As for the expiration deadline and the place where the earth immortal had pulled him, it had no effect on Chen Feng at all.

Even Chen Feng didn't know about this, because Chen Feng had been practicing all the time.

"I practiced for a total of two months this time, and the one-year deadline has come. I don't know if Jian Xiaotian has been teleported out."

"My current strength should be enough to survive the thunder tribulation, but I still have to wait and see the situation."

"Tower, how is your practice going?"

"Hehe, my body's scars have been repaired a lot, and my strength has been improved. I'm about to break through to the Dao weapon level. I just hope that the next source of power is enough." The tower appeared in front of Chen Feng and laughed excitedly.

Then the tower pointed a finger at Chen Feng, and a wisp of flame drilled into Chen Feng's body, and then split into two, drilling into the Five Elements Fire Point and Zhoutian Fire Point in the body respectively.

After these two strands of flames entered the acupoints in Chen Feng's body, they were honest enough, but the fire power emitted at will still made Chen Feng scream, and there was a feeling of getting angry.

"This is the fire power I extracted from the core of the earth fire. The fire poison in it has been extracted by me. The purity is extremely high, even exceeding the original power you absorbed before. Hehe, you can slowly refine it in the future. This is a very powerful force. If you can completely refine and comprehend these two strands of fire power, you may be able to try to comprehend some of the power of the origin of fire." Ta said with a smile.

"The power of the Tao, isn't this a realm that only earth immortals can peek into?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"That's what I said, but nothing is absolute. Some geniuses can comprehend the essence of the laws in the realm of human immortals, and even some cultivators with spiritual bodies and spiritual roots can comprehend the power of the Tao earlier, such as some people with natural fire attributes or water attributes. These people are born to be in harmony with the Tao, born to sense the Tao, and some can comprehend the power of the Tao in childhood."

"So abnormal." Chen Feng was a little shocked.

"Of course, there are still very few geniuses like this. Okay, kid, your cultivation has improved during this period, and I have also obtained the core of the earth and fire. Now it's time to look for the original power. As for whether it is the original power of the world, the original power of the planet, or the original power of the universe, you will know it when you find it."

Next, Chen Feng did not come out, but watched the Changsheng Tower constantly changing its position. Sometimes it was traveling in the magma, sometimes it moved into the void, and even traveled through layers of space.

Chen Feng just took a look and felt dizzy and his consciousness was floating. He knew that this level was not something he could understand now. In the end, he decided not to look at it, but to close his eyes and rest, waiting for the result.

I don't know how long it took, I just felt the Changsheng Tower shook, and Chen Feng knew that the place was here.

Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah!

This was the sound of the ban being broken, followed by a series of roars. Even in the Changsheng Tower, Chen Feng felt a boiling blood.

"I didn't expect that this piece of origin fragment was actually deep in the magma of the earth's core. No wonder the power of the earth's fire here is so strong. However, it seems that there should be more than one core of the earth's fire here."

"Hehe, let's not talk about other things first, let's collect this piece of origin fragment first."

Then the Longevity Tower was like a huge eternal mountain, and it shook violently. The natural restrictions surrounding the origin fragment were broken and turned into nothingness. Then a huge passage was revealed at the bottom of the Longevity Tower, just like a monster opened its mouth and began to swallow.

The process was very simple and fast. Not long after, a fist-sized, crescent-shaped, colorful object appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"This is the origin fragment. It seems to be a little different from the previous one, and it looks much smaller." Chen Feng said curiously.

"What do you know." The tower came to the origin fragment in a flash, stretched out his finger and pointed at the origin fragment. Suddenly, the colorful origin fragment burst into a more dazzling light, but Chen Feng could see that streams of energy were flowing along his fingers to the tower.

"This should be a fragment of a life planet, but only a small part of it. I don't know why it appears here. It's really strange. Maybe it flew over from the broken life planet."

"Also, don't underestimate this fragment. The source energy contained in it is more than a hundred times stronger than what you got before."

"No way, so I can cultivate into a chaotic body."

"Not even close."

"Boy, I only need to devour 80% of this source fragment, and the rest is yours. What a pity, what a pity. If this source fragment is complete, I can restore some of my own source laws. Hey, once I can restore some of the source laws, it is not impossible to restore to the peak in the future." Ta said with his eyes shining.


It seemed that a drop of water flew out of the source fragment and then drilled into Chen Feng's body. Suddenly, a supreme breath enveloped Chen Feng's whole body. Chen Feng felt as if he was immersed in the spiritual liquid condensed by the immortal weapon.

No, it is ten thousand times more comfortable than being immersed in the spiritual night.

All the cells in the body became active, the true qi circulated automatically, the blood was boiling, becoming more and more pure, and the sea of ​​consciousness began to vibrate in waves. At this moment, Chen Feng only felt that his sense of consciousness was ten times stronger, and he could clearly feel everything in his body.

"You can't refine a large amount of origin fragments now, but this drop of origin spirit liquid is extracted from it by me. It contains all the power of true water, which is just right for improving your physique. When you absorb this drop of extracted true water, your physique will be better than most people with spiritual roots."

"Boy, experience it well, maybe you can experience the origin law and the truth of the universe from it, so that you can comprehend the power of the great way faster."

The voice of the tower was transmitted into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness word by word, and Chen Feng had entered a wonderful realm, as if there were ten thousand hungry monsters hidden in his body, constantly devouring the energy from the outside world, but Chen Feng was extremely comfortable, only feeling that his soul and body were constantly advancing, but it was different from the pain of being reborn before.

"It would be nice if cultivation was always like this." Chen Feng thought to himself.

But as soon as this thought flashed through his mind, a sharp pain began to rise from the depths of his soul, and then a chain of pain spread throughout his body, and soon it spread to his entire body.


This pain enveloped his body and soul, and even though Chen Feng had experienced many battles and endured many painful tortures, he couldn't help but scream.

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