Eternal Existence

Chapter 733: Incident

"This is more painful than a complete transformation." This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

"Hey, that's natural. This is a higher level of transformation. Hey, speaking of a war that year that caused your spiritual roots to be damaged, and so much time has passed in between. Hey, if you don't use some fierce means, how can you face the big enemies in the future? Boy, you have big enemies, and I have big enemies too." These words only appeared in the tower's mind, and he didn't tell Chen Feng.

"Hey, speaking of it, this kid's cultivation speed is also very fast, but it's not enough. It would be great if he could cultivate to the level of earth immortal, or even a high-level human immortal. In this way, he can leave this world and venture out of the domain. Only in the domain can I collect some treasures and energy that can restore my strength." Thinking of this, the tower sighed again.

"There is no way, I can only use some methods of pulling up the seedlings for growth." At this point, another drop of energy flowed out from the origin fragment, but this time it was not the origin true water, but the origin true fire that the tower specially extracted from it.


This drop of original true fire exploded in Chen Feng's body, just like a ball of millions of degrees of fire falling into a pool of icy lake water.


Ah ah ah ah ah!

Chen Feng could no longer bear it. If Chen Feng could still hold on just now, now under the impact of two opposing forces, he felt that his whole body was about to explode, and even his soul seemed to be cut into fragments.

"You want to kill me." Chen Feng screamed, and his skin had cracked. Under the conflict of the tyrannical force, the protective armor that was integrated into Chen Feng's skin was broken inch by inch. Part of the essence was re-integrated into Chen Feng's body, and some impurities shot out from the cracked wounds, and some directly turned into nothingness under the tyrannical force.

You must know that this protective armor has been promoted to the level of a third-grade holy weapon, but now it is as fragile as a piece of thin paper.

"You should have taken off this so-called armor long ago. You must know that the most powerful thing is still your own body." Ta said lightly, not caring about Chen Feng who was roaring.

Miserable! Miserable! Miserable!

Chen Feng's condition at this time looked shocking and very bad. His whole body was covered with wounds, his skin was torn and there was no good place. Even his hard bones had dense cracks, and then the bones began to shatter. If it weren't for the energy wrapped around him, Chen Feng would probably have disintegrated directly.

"Ta, you bastard." Chen Feng cursed, except for his eyes which were still dark and bright. When he closed his eyes, blood flowed from his mouth at first, and then energy began to gush out.

Chen Feng simply couldn't control the situation in front of him.

"Hey! It's still not working." Ta sighed, stretched out his hand and pointed at Chen Feng, and then Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness began to flash with golden light, shining brightly, and words began to float up one by one. Each of the golden words had magical power. As soon as they appeared, they stabilized Chen Feng's chaotic sea of ​​consciousness, and then flew out of the body, circling around Chen Feng. The body that was about to break apart began to recover quickly, and soon returned to normal, but the two powers of the true water and true fire of the origin still existed, and became more ferocious.

"It's the Changsheng Zhenjing!" Chen Feng was shocked. He didn't expect that the Changsheng Zhenjing would change like this on its own.

"This is the secret art of running the heavenly body. You can't practice it at your current level. Now you are forced to practice it. Experience it well. When you reach a higher level, you will understand what kind of a peerless book the Changsheng Zhenjing is." The voice of the tower exploded in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, shaking Chen Feng's head.

"How can it be like this?" Chen Feng was a little depressed. Originally, his cultivation level had improved too fast during this period of time, and his foundation was already unstable. The tower had laughed at him before. It's only been a few days, and he actually took the initiative to use this trick on himself.

But soon Chen Feng didn't have the mind to think about other things, because his physical condition was not very good at this time. Although he was controlled just now, it was only temporary. Chen Feng could clearly feel the increasingly fierce energy colliding in every cell of his body. If he didn't practice and refine it quickly, I'm afraid the situation just now would happen again.

So Chen Feng began to use all his energy to practice the secret art of Zhou Tian Run. It was somewhat different from what Chen Feng had imagined before. As soon as he practiced, Chen Feng was surprised to find that this was actually an extremely profound breathing and luck art, which contained the Zhou Tian truth. During the practice, every time Chen Feng ran, he felt that his cells became stronger, and the violent water and fire power in his body began to weaken. Not only that, even Chen Feng's Zhou Tian eight acupoints began to move, like breathing.

In the valley of Tianjian Mountain Range, the cultivators here have almost dispersed, leaving only four immortals from Tianjian Sect stationed.

These four immortals are Jinshi, Chihuo, Fengliu, and Riyue.

At this time, although these four immortals each occupied one side of the valley, they were constantly communicating with each other with their divine thoughts.

"It has been a year since you guys came out of there, hehe, are you a little impatient?" Jinshixian said with a smile.

"Yes, we have gained almost nothing here, we are not as good as Senior Jinshi, who got a treasure as soon as he entered and left in style. Of course we are envious."

"I heard that Senior Jinshi got a Taoist weapon, is it true?"

"Why did I hear that Senior Jinshi got a fragment of an immortal weapon?"

Except for Jin Shixian who is a mid-level human immortal, the other three are all primary-level human immortals. Jin Shixian is usually generous and never puts on airs in front of the younger generation, so these people have no scruples when they speak.

"Haha, it is true that there are some gains, but what you said is not right." Jin Shixian laughed, a little proud.

"What good stuff is it, senior, take it out for us to see."

"Yes, let us see it."

Unable to withstand the entanglement of the three people, Jin Shixian finally nodded and took out a somewhat gray stone.

"What is this, is it a rare ore?"

"I don't think it's a magic weapon."

"You watch carefully." Jin Shixian said as he input some power into the stone, and then this inconspicuous stone began to emit a trace of golden light, and the gray color disappeared, and what appeared in front of everyone seemed to be a crystal that had never been seen before.

That's not all, there seemed to be words flashing on this crystal, giving people a psychedelic feeling.

"What is this?" The three Red Fire Immortals looked at it with some confusion, but still didn't understand what it was.

"This is a fairy art." Jinshixian said proudly.

"Fairy art!" The three exclaimed.

"Of course, this is what I got after surviving a near-death experience in the fairy battlefield. This kind of gain is enough. Besides, it is not necessarily safe to stay in there. I haven't figured out how to practice this fairy art specifically." Jinshixian said.

"I don't know if the news is true."

"It should be true, but Chen Feng has not made any movement until now, which is a bit strange."

"Chen Feng is not simple, his current strength should exceed mine."

"No way, this guy is so powerful."

"Let's not talk about this for now. I heard that another earth immortal went in some time ago, and the predecessors of our sect who traveled outside the domain are said to have been summoned back."

"If this news is true, it will be bad for our sect. Ah! I thought it was a good thing to find this space battlefield, but I didn't expect such a change to happen."

"Not bad, at least our disciples have also gained some benefits."

Just when these immortals were talking, the space in the valley suddenly fluctuated violently, and a huge passage opened its mouth like a monster in the abyss.

"Hey! Someone is coming out, who could it be? Could it be the three disciples who didn't come out before?"


Just when the four people were guessing, the space passage that suddenly appeared suddenly exploded, and the impact force generated spread, turning the entire valley into ashes, and as for the teleportation array in the valley, it disappeared without a trace.

The four immortals were also blown away by the shock wave.

"Oh no, something has happened, go and inform the headmaster."

"Hey, there's someone there."

Several people stepped forward and soon found a dying cultivator in the mud. After seeing the man's appearance, they all exclaimed.

"It's the old ancestor Zhan Di, how could he be so miserable!"

"He won't die."

At this time, the old ancestor Zhan Di struggled to sit up, with a gleam in his eyes, and the strong pressure forced several people to retreat again and again.

"Call your headmaster, no, call the earth immortals of your sect."

Not long after, the old ancestor Zhan Di was taken away by the earth immortals of the Tianjian Sect. If it were in the past, seeing the old ancestor Zhan Di so miserable, the earth immortals of the Tianjian Sect would have planned to add insult to injury, but the news brought by the old ancestor Zhan Di stunned several earth immortals present.

"Several people have died, and I also survived a narrow escape to get out." The wounds on the old ancestor Zhan Di had disappeared, but his face was still very pale.

"It's really someone from the Immortal Realm."

"Not only that, there are also people from the Demon Realm, the Underworld, and perhaps other worlds. I was injured by a thing that is neither human nor ghost. It may be a ghost immortal from the ghost world." The Battlefield Ancestor said.

"What!" Everyone was shocked. Although the Eternal World is a very ancient world, far superior to some other life worlds and life planets, it is far inferior to the world mentioned by the Battlefield Ancestor. It can even be said that it is not at the same level at all.

"How could this happen? Why are there so many beings from the world entering this immortal battlefield?" These earth immortals are all high-ranking figures in the Eternal World, but now their faces are a little ugly.

"Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe it's time for this immortal battlefield to come out."

"By the way, I also got a piece of news. This immortal battlefield is called Tianchen Battlefield." The Battlefield Ancestor said.

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