Eternal Existence

Chapter 757: Sober

Mingfeng Jushi himself has a good relationship with people in the fairy world. In addition, he helped everyone just now and won over a group of cultivators. Some people will certainly not succeed if they attack Mingfeng Jushi.

The Qingxin Mantra was activated, and some cultivators woke up.

After casting the Qingxin Mantra for the third time, Mingfeng Jushi also began to regulate his breath. Just now, he urged the Qingxin Mantra three times in a row, and even cultivators of Mingfeng's level were a little overwhelmed.

Almost all the cultivators got rid of the killing intent and hid far away. Although they were awake at this time, the previous situation still made people afraid when they thought about it.

However, there were still two people who did not come out of the light column. One of them was Liu Wuxiang and the other was Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang stood still on the left and right, with their eyes slightly closed, blood on their bodies, and no one knew what they were thinking.

Suddenly, the two of them attacked at the same time, and they attacked each other.

Liu Wuxiang waved his hand, and the powerful Yin-Yang Cave Heaven appeared. Two black holes attacked Chen Feng from the left and right, trying to devour Chen Feng.

Chen Feng dodged Liu Wuxiang's attack with a move of his foot, and after going around behind Liu Wuxiang, he waved his hand and a flash of lightning and a flash of blood appeared.

The two fought strangely, desperately, and in the blink of an eye, they had fought for hundreds of rounds, and the fight was very lively.

"What a joke, one is a fairy, and the other is not even a fairy."

"Humph, what do you know, you have no vision at all, you know who these two people are, and you are making random comments here."

"Haha, I would like to hear more about it."

"The celebrity fairy is Liu Wuxiang, who is considered a lone ranger, but his background is very mysterious. Some famous sects dare not provoke him easily. He should be practicing the long-lost Yin-Yang Mixed Cave Sutra, which is a fairy art. As for the Tianren realm cultivator who fought against the tower?"

"Tsk tsk, this little guy should be a native of the Eternal World. Hehe, although I don't know his origin, but Obviously, it is not simple either. "

"Low realm means low realm. He has not awakened after three consecutive meditation spells. Let's go and don't waste time on these little people."

"Hey, I'm afraid it's not that these two people are not awake, but they just don't want to come out. Liu Wuxiang is very powerful and has killed many earth immortals. This young man can fight with Liu Wuxiang. In addition to his previous moves, I think this kid from the Eternal World is the most difficult. "

"Yes, this kid is very powerful. He has killed many earth immortals before, and he used the power of immortal weapons." Someone's eyes flashed with greed.

No matter how these people talked, the fight between Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang became more and more intense. The two murderous intentions continued to rise to the sky, just like two blood-colored tornadoes constantly colliding. Occasionally, some attacks fell into the blood-colored light column, stimulating some blood-colored light waves.

"Hmph! There is nothing to see. Let's go." Although the fight between the two was very intense and dangerous, the onlookers had begun to disperse. In such a place, no one wanted to waste too much time.

Although the fight between Chen Feng and the other person was fierce, it would take more than a short time to decide the winner.

In the following time, everyone began to disperse in twos and threes, especially after the power fluctuations came from afar, the few remaining people also left.


Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang retreated at the same time. At this time, Liu Wuxiang's aura had broken through to the level of earthly immortals, while Chen Feng's aura was a little vague and chaotic, with an indescribable feeling. If the earthly immortals from all walks of life still did not leave, they would find that at this time, according to Chen Feng's aura, it was impossible to tell whether Chen Feng was real or not, and what realm Chen Feng was in.

Only Chen Feng and Ta understood that the original power of the world that Chen Feng had refined in the past had been stimulated, and the most original and ancient power was melting into Chen Feng's body bit by bit, changing Chen Feng's physique, making Chen Feng's body full of chaos inside and out.

"Haha, this little guy didn't waste my hard work." Ta naturally saw Chen Feng's situation and couldn't help but laugh with some complacency.



Liu Wuxiang and Chen Feng moved at the same time. One seemed to have turned into the most mysterious black hole in the universe, and the other was covered with the oldest source energy in the universe. The powerful energy released by the collision between the two exceeded the movement of other earth immortals fighting.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two used their own methods, constantly colliding and bombarding each other, just like two huge burning meteorites, and the earth-shaking noise seemed to be able to spread throughout the city.

Liu Wuxiang's aura increased again, getting closer and closer to the middle-level earth immortal. Finally, with a snap, it seemed that something in his body cracked, and then a trace of compressed aura struggled out. The aura on his body suddenly changed and truly became the aura of a middle-level earth immortal.

Chen Feng retreated repeatedly. Although he had the blood-gathering beads and thunder beads to protect himself, he could not stop Liu Wuxiang's increasingly violent attacks.


Chen Feng was first sucked by a black hole, and then was punched away by Liu Wuxiang. I don't know how many bones on his body were broken.

Hua La La! Hua La La!

Under the cover of the original energy, Chen Feng's injuries were completely healed in the blink of an eye.


With bloodshot eyes, Chen Feng, under the control of murderous intent, did not even think about it, and once again mobilized the power of the Sky-piercing Spear to attack Liu Wuxiang.

In the past fighting, as long as Chen Feng used the power of the immortal weapon, it would be an instant kill for other earth immortals. According to this situation, Liu Wuxiang would definitely die, but the tower did not stop Chen Feng's action, but watched with a smile, as if he had some ideas of his own.

The attack of the Sky-piercing Spear was extremely sharp. As an immortal weapon, it could easily tear the void. It was about to reach Liu Wuxiang, but he did not expect Liu Wuxiang to roar, and two black holes appeared on his chest, one yin and one yang, flowing with each other, forming a powerful beam of light, which actually blocked Chen Feng's attack.

The least that can block the attack of the immortal weapon is the immortal weapon. What kind of destructive power can be generated by the collision of two immortal weapons? It can easily destroy a planet.

Even though this Tianchen Ancient City was built by a true immortal, it still shook slightly, and the breath of the immortal weapon flashed over the entire ancient city.

All the cultivators noticed it, and they all opened their eyes wide in surprise, looking at the direction where the breath of the immortal weapon came from.

"What? It's a fairy weapon, and it's a complete one."

"Where is it? I didn't expect a fairy weapon to appear. Go quickly, don't let others take it away."

"Are you stupid? It came from the two fighting guys."

"You said it was Liu Wuxiang and the natives of the Eternal World. How is that possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. I've said these two people are not simple."


Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang retreated quickly, retreating hundreds of miles in one breath, and then stopped. Then the violent momentum of the two began to weaken, and the murderous intent on their bodies and the red light in their eyes began to dissipate. Soon, the two returned to normal, and their eyes became clear again, which was completely different from the previous killing state.

The two looked at each other, laughed at the same time, and stood side by side in a flash.



"Hahaha, hahahaha!"

"Brother Chen is really a hidden talent. It seems that my vision is not good enough."

"Brother Liu, you are polite. Same here!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this. No matter what, we both have gained something."

At this time, Liu Wuxiang's aura has returned to the level of high-level human immortals, and Chen Feng's aura has also been restrained. Although he is still in the realm of heaven and man, he gives people a hazy feeling. The more you look at it, the less clear it is.

Of course, Liu Wuxiang saw this, and his evaluation of Chen Feng has improved again. At the same time, his plan in his heart began to firm up.

"Hey! There is a change."

At this time, the blood-red light column not far from the two people began to slowly weaken, and then disappeared. Looking at the light column where it originated, it also began to disappear continuously. The stars in the corresponding universe also began to disappear. The broken space gathered again, and everything began to return to calm. Only a huge city appeared in the desert.

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang looked at each other and quickly stepped forward. When they arrived at the place, they found that there were some strange symbols and lines densely carved on the flat ground, just like a teleportation array that was enlarged countless times.

"This is an ancient spirit gathering array that can absorb the power of the stars." Liu Wuxiang took a deep breath, and then his eyes flashed, turning into two black holes, and quickly rotating, trying to record the huge spirit gathering array in front of him in his mind.

Chen Feng nodded, his eyes also became dark, and the life fire in his sea of ​​consciousness jumped, and he began to memorize everything he saw quickly.

Even though Chen Feng's consciousness was powerful and his memory was amazing, it still took him a whole hour to face the huge and complex spirit gathering array in front of him. This was just to memorize the symbols and patterns in front of him, and he wanted to take time to study them slowly after understanding them.

Looking at Liu Wuxiang again, he was already one step ahead and was now contemplating with his eyes closed.

"What a complex spirit gathering array, and it's very old. It might be left by Tianchen Zhenxian. If you can comprehend it thoroughly, it will be very useful in the future." Liu Wuxiang opened his eyes and said with some joy.

"It's very profound." Chen Feng also nodded.

"I think there is more than just one spirit gathering array here." Liu Wuxiang's eyes flashed.

"Each spirit gathering array absorbs an unimaginable amount of energy. One hundred and eight spirit gathering arrays absorb one hundred and eight stars. What is the purpose of so much energy?" Chen Feng pondered.

"Isn't it thinking of activating the Tianchen Ancient City?"

"This city is unknown for tens of thousands of years. It's still unclear whether there are living people in it. If there are living people in it, hehe, things will be interesting."

"Don't think too much, let's take a look at what's here first. Fortunately, they are all gone."

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