Eternal Existence

Chapter 758: Immortal Fighting Spirit

As soon as the two of them memorized the spirit gathering array, the pattern symbols on the ground disappeared completely, and then a huge platform rose up, and then a passage appeared in the middle, and the layers of stone ladders led to nowhere.

"Let's go!"

The two looked at each other, and without saying much, they quickly entered the passage. To their surprise, countless runes were engraved on the walls on both sides of the passage, and the runes glowed with a little light, making the entire passage bright.

The two of them descended slowly, and as they entered the passage, the passage above began to disappear, and finally even the passage at the top was closed. After the passage was closed, the huge platform landed again and was embedded on the flat ground.

The passage above disappeared, and Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang naturally noticed it. The two looked at each other and laughed.

"I don't know if this is good or bad, only the two of us are coming down."

"There will be less competition this way."

"I hope there are some good things down there."

"There will definitely be danger."

"Hahaha!" The two laughed at the same time. It was a bit strange to say that the two had only cooperated with each other from the beginning, and even now they each had their own calculations, but after a period of contact and communication, both of them had to admit that the relationship between the two was constantly getting better.

"Maybe we can really become friends in the future." Both of them had this thought in their hearts.

This row of stairs was very long and monotonous. At first, the two of them moved forward step by step, and then they simply accelerated. The whole passage was extremely quiet. Except for the sound of the two talking and the sound of the wind, there was no other sound.

After half an hour, they finally reached the bottom. The two secretly calculated and found that they had entered the underground for more than 100 miles, which surprised them.

During the descent, the two had been releasing their spiritual consciousness to observe the surrounding situation, but there was a suction force on the walls on both sides of the passage. The soul power released by the two was swallowed up as soon as it touched the wall. After several times, the two dared not try again.

"I forgot that there is a spirit gathering array above us. Our energy is just to add some food to the other side."

"With our strength, we can't destroy this spirit gathering array. We can't destroy the things left by the true immortals."

"That's not necessarily true! Haha."

At the bottom of the tunnel is a wide square. The ground is paved with unknown materials. It is smooth and transparent, and can reflect shadows. These can't attract the attention of the two. What attracts the attention of the two is a tall monk sitting not far in front of them.

This monk is naked, with a leather skirt made of animal skin around his waist, bare feet, and long hair covering most of his face. His appearance cannot be seen, but his strong upper body shows that he is just a monk full of youth and vitality.

"It's not a living person."

"It should be the same as the one we met before. I'm afraid there will be another fighting spirit. It's better to be careful."

"Looking at the appearance, it is somewhat similar to the cultivators in the Savage World. Whether it is dead or alive, I have already felt a strong sense of crisis."

"I feel it too."

Neither Chen Feng nor Liu Wuxiang dared to be careless. They moved their feet, one on the left and one on the right, staring at the naked monk in front of them.

"Is it a fairy?"

"Not a terrestrial fairy."

"It's troublesome. Should we retreat?"

"Haha, what can the fighting spirit of the fairy do? We can't deal with it alone, but we should be able to fight it together."

"The result is hard to say."

"The benefits are also huge."

While the two were discussing, the cultivator sitting on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, and the hair covering his face flew up without wind, and two eyes flashed in the air like lightning.

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang only felt a light in front of them, and a thunderbolt struck them.


Chen Feng used the immortal step to dodge, but even so, he was touched by the light, and a piece of flesh disappeared instantly.

Liu Wuxiang stretched out his hand and hit the Yin-Yang Cave Heaven. The black hole rotated, as if it could swallow everything, but under this light, the black hole was easily shattered. When Liu Wuxiang retreated, a blood hole was pierced through his palm.


"It's just a look, but it's so powerful."

"It seems that there will be trouble next. The fighting spirit of the immortal is not easy to deal with, even if it can only exert 30% of its strength."

"If only I could be promoted to a human immortal. Now facing the immortal is not only reluctant, but maybe not a match at all."

After the two glances flashed, the sitting cultivator stood up suddenly. Originally, this person was as tall as a normal person when sitting. At this time, when he stood up, the whole person was like a giant, covering the sky and the sun, and a strong breath rushed around.

Bang, bang, bang, bang! Bang, bang, bang!

The opponent hadn't made a move yet, but the aura emanating from his body had already made Chen Feng and the others retreat. The opponent was too strong, and the mental oppression alone made them unable to think of resisting.

The two looked at each other and immediately smiled bitterly.

"We really have to fight to the death now."

"I'm afraid that even if we fight to the death, it won't work."

After the man stood up, he revealed his own face. He looked like a middle-aged man, with a simple face, eyes as bright as stars, and facial features that seemed to be cut by a knife and an axe, giving people a feeling of firmness.

The two of them immediately felt that the other's gaze had penetrated through them, and everything in their bodies was clear.

"Too weak, but there are good things on them. Well, let's just leave it like this. I don't know when it will end if I wait any longer."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, a ray of light came out from the top of his head, and quickly formed an identical middle-aged man in front of him. The two of them stood together like twins.

However, Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang knew that this was the fighting spirit transformed from the spirit of the middle-aged man before. Once the spirit came out, the previous body had become an empty shell of little use.

"It's a fighting spirit, fortunately, it can only exert 30% of its strength."

"For an immortal, 10% of its strength can easily kill an earthly immortal."

"No way, is it that powerful?"

"Of course it is, this is an immortal, who has broken free from the shackles of heaven and earth, and is already an existence in his own world. Killing the two of us is as simple as pinching two ants to death."

"In this case, isn't it a dead end? Let's find a way to escape."

"I'm afraid we can't get away."

"The two little guys are really talking nonsense." The middle-aged man said that he had already arrived in front of Liu Wuxiang, and punched out like lightning.

The moves are very simple, without any extra tricks, and there is only one feature, that is, fast.

Before the voice fell, Liu Wuxiang was blown away. At this moment, Liu Wuxiang felt that the opponent was not only fast, but also the power contained in the attack almost tore him apart.

In the half blink of an eye after Liu Wuxiang was blown away, Chen Feng was also punched away, and a stream of blood spurted out of his mouth before he landed.

"Ahem, Brother Liu, it seems we can't escape."

"Then let's fight."

"Fight, that's easy to say. I was knocked away in one encounter, and I couldn't even see the opponent's attack clearly." Chen Feng shook his head and said, the dark magic pupil was running, and the whole person's spirit began to improve.

"Dark magic pupil! There is also the power of the origin of the world. Not bad, kid, your body is not bad either." The middle-aged man's figure, which was originally rushing towards Liu Wuxiang, suddenly paused, and then attacked Chen Feng. It was still a simple attack, just a naked punch, but it made Chen Feng feel that he couldn't resist it and immediately knelt down to beg for mercy.

The mental gap between the two was really too big.


Chen Feng shouted loudly, his tongue burst into spring thunder, and layers of lightning blocked in front of him.

Pa pa pa pa pa!

Where the fist passed, the lightning in front of Chen Feng also exploded in a series, and the fist fell on Chen Feng's chest without any pause.

"Yin Yang Mixed Hole!"

At this time, Liu Wuxiang's attack also arrived. Liu Wuxiang exuded the aura of an earthly immortal at this time. His attack power increased several times, and he attacked with all his strength right away.


A ball of blood light exploded in front of Chen Feng.

A ball of black light exploded behind the middle-aged man.

Chen Feng's figure flashed a few times, and the whole person stood in the distance in an extremely embarrassed manner. His chest was bloody and his blood was gushing out. His energy was released, and his injuries recovered quickly, and he soon recovered as usual. But Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat, because the recovery speed just now was a little slower than before.

As for Liu Wuxiang's attack falling on the opponent, it only made Chen Feng shake slightly, and even the skin on his body was not broken.

"Haven't you seen it yet? I am an immortal. My use of power exceeds the level you understand. You can't stop me with just two Taoist instruments." The middle-aged man said lightly.

"The other party may really come from the Savage World."

"This is not important, Brother Chen, don't hide it, it seems that we have to use the immortal weapon."

"Hey, I'm afraid that the immortal weapon can't deal with the other party."

"Then we have to try it. The difference between the two is too great. If we don't use the immortal weapon, there is only one way to go."

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang communicated secretly. Before they finished communicating, the middle-aged man attacked again. He stood in place, stretched out his hands, and grabbed Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang respectively.

This attack method is simply contempt for the existence of the other party. Chen Feng's mind moved, and a thunder knife hit the other party's palm heavily. The thunder flower exploded, and the other party's palm was safe and sound.

Liu Wuxiang's Yin-Yang Cave Heaven was also easily crushed by the other party's palm. Whoosh, the big hand grabbed the necks of Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang respectively.



The aura of two immortal weapons collided with Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang, and the phantom of a war spear and the phantom of a long sword fell on the middle-aged man's arm at the same time.

This time, Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang were not disappointed. Both arms were chopped off at the same time, and Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang regained their freedom.

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