Eternal Existence

Chapter 785: Obtaining the Immortality Wood

Seeing the surprised tower in the Longevity Tower, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing again.

"Okay, I want this rotten wood." Chen Feng shouted.

"What is this guy crazy about again." Regarding Chen Feng's purchase of this wood, no one had any other extra thoughts. They didn't think that Chen Feng's purchase of this wood was really useful. After seeing Chen Feng's arrogant state before, everyone thought that Chen Feng was having a fit again this time.

"A low price of 10,000 immortal crystals." The person in charge of the auction house looked at Chen Feng and said.


The atmosphere at the scene seemed to explode, and the monks participating in the auction were extremely surprised.

"I didn't hear it wrong. A piece of rotten wood with no known use is sold for 10,000 immortal crystals. I don't think it's worth even 10,000 holy crystals."

"What's wrong with the auction house today? Are they kidding us?"

"I don't think anyone is buying it."

"We won't buy it. Didn't someone just say they wanted to buy it?"


"Maybe the auction house did it on purpose."

For some beginner immortals, 10,000 immortal crystals is already a lot of wealth. You have to know that ordinary immortals can't condense a few immortal crystals in a day when communicating with the immortal world. In addition, if they don't have some other sources of gains, then this immortal is a pauper no matter how powerful he is.

In fact, for many immortals, they usually use holy crystal-level spirit stones for cultivation. After all, most immortals who communicate with the immortal world don't have enough immortal tools for their own use.

So facing this kind of wood that doesn't know where it came from, 10,000 immortal crystals are really too expensive.

"It comes from the outer space and is hard and indestructible. These two characteristics are indeed attractive enough, but it has no substantial effect. Only a fool would buy it."

Everyone had this thought in their mind. Of course, Chen Feng was not among these people.

Because Chen Feng quickly quoted a price of 10,000 immortal crystals.

"Sure enough, he is an idiot."

"Maybe they know that this piece of wood is a treasure."


Seeing Chen Feng's offer, everyone laughed again.

"A bunch of idiots who don't know the value of the wood." While these cultivators laughed at Chen Feng, they were also laughed at by Chen Feng.

What happened next was obvious. No one competed with Chen Feng. Ten thousand immortal crystals were used to buy such a large piece of immortal wood. Chen Feng shouted on the spot in surprise.

"Hahahaha, I really made a profit this time. This piece of wood can be worth at least 10 million immortal crystals, but I bought it for 10,000." Chen Feng laughed deliberately. In fact, let alone 10 million immortal crystals, for Chen Feng, even ten, one hundred, one thousand, or 10 million immortal crystals could not compare to this immortal wood.

The person in charge of the auction house was also surprised. In fact, even the Xu family did not understand the unknown origin of this piece of wood. The price of 10,000 immortal crystals was just to raise some fame and deliberately attract the attention of cultivators, but they did not expect it to be sold so easily.

Put away the immortal wood and take out the immortal crystals, and both parties were happy.

Because he got the immortal wood, Chen Feng was happy and did not provoke, so the auction house auctioned several items smoothly.

"Master Chen, I don't know what the origin of that piece of wood is?" The immortals of the Xu family looked at each other and asked.

"I don't know." Chen Feng shook his head very straightforwardly.

"If you don't like it, why buy it? 10,000 immortal crystals is not a small amount."

"I like it, of course I have to buy it. Besides, this 10,000 immortal crystals is nothing to me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The two immortals stopped talking and began to figure out the meaning of Chen Feng's words in their hearts, but soon they believed what Chen Feng said.

Because Chen Feng made another move next.

"The next item to be auctioned is a top-grade five-element fire diamond." A fiery red energy diamond the size of a human head appeared in the auction hall, and waves of fire power were strongly and powerfully sensed by everyone.

This top-grade fire diamond, needless to say, everyone can feel the value.

"Low price, 10,000 immortal crystals."

Everyone hesitated suddenly, and the atmosphere was a bit cold. This five-element fire diamond is indeed a good thing, especially for cultivators who practice fire-based exercises or have fire-attributed spiritual roots in their bodies, it is simply a supreme existence, but the reserve price of 10,000 immortal crystals still makes everyone a little dazed.

Again, the people who came to the auction house this time were just some ordinary human immortals, who usually used holy crystals for cultivation. Now they took out 10,000 immortal crystals to buy a fire diamond, and the cultivators who didn't need it gave up on the spot.

"Hahahaha!" At this time, Chen Feng laughed again.

"Isn't it just 10,000 immortal crystals? I want it. It just so happens that my immortal palace is still missing a night-shining pearl." Chen Feng smiled and started bidding first.


Everyone wanted to spit blood again. This was too infuriating. Even the immortals of the Xu family could not bear it any longer and wanted to take out their flying swords to chop Chen Feng a few times.

Anyway, Chen Feng started, and others began to bid.

Soon, the price climbed to thirty thousand.

"I'll bid fifty thousand." Chen Feng roared again, with the momentum of a nouveau riche.

"What's the point of adding one thousand and one thousand, a bunch of poor guys, I think you should not bid, because no matter how high you bid, you can't beat me." Chen Feng laughed again at the end.

"Damn it, I'll bid fifty-five thousand." A human immortal was angered by Chen Feng, gritted his teeth and bid again.

"Sixty thousand!" Chen Feng waved his hand casually.

"Sixty-one thousand!"

"Seventy thousand!"

"Seventy-one thousand!"

"Eighty thousand!"

Chen Feng's bidding method finally frightened the others. No one competed with Chen Feng anymore. In the end, Chen Feng bought back the five-element fire diamond at the price of 80,000 immortal crystals.

After seeing Chen Feng's financial resources, some cultivators present began to make plans. Chen Feng was arrogant on the surface, but he was sneering in his heart. Feeling the vague murderous intent, Chen Feng knew that everything was going in the direction he arranged.

"Island Master Chen, you are not really going to buy this fire diamond back and use it as a night pearl, right?" The Xu family immortal asked on the side.

"Of course not." Chen Feng shook his head, holding the five-element fire diamond in his hand, feeling the fire power in it, Chen Feng was very satisfied.

"I have a pet, and it cultivates the power of fire. I think this fire diamond is just what I want to use for it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Pet!" The Xu family immortals looked at each other, and the look in their eyes was very complicated.

The pet Chen Feng was talking about was of course the sleeping Tai Gu Yan Beetle. If the Tai Gu Yan Beetle wanted to evolve, the best way was to absorb the power of fire. At this time, the Tai Gu Yan Beetle was the strength of a top demon king, but it was usually sleeping. Chen Feng felt the power of fire in the five-element fire diamond and secretly calculated in his heart that this five-element fire diamond was indeed a top-grade product. If it was completely absorbed by the Tai Gu Yan Beetle, there should be no problem in promoting it to a demon fairy.

Using 80,000 fairy crystals to buy a fire diamond for a pet is an incredible thing for other people, but it is nothing for Chen Feng, because Chen Feng has too many fairy crystals on him, so many that he can't count them. Throwing out hundreds of thousands of fairy crystals is nothing at all.

Sure enough, Chen Feng threw the five-element fire diamond in front of the Tai Gu Yan Beetle, and the sleeping universe beast immediately woke up, and the speed was so fast that Chen Feng was shocked.

Then he opened his mouth and swallowed the five-element fire diamond into his mouth, and began to slowly refine it.

The auction continued, and then Chen Feng made another bid, buying a meteorite from outside the domain at the price of 100,000 immortal crystals.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't know what the meteorite was worth. The reason for buying it was that the tower said: "This meteorite is worth 100,000 immortal crystals."

So Chen Feng bought it without saying anything. Everyone was numb to Chen Feng's financial resources, thinking that it would not be strange if Chen Feng offered a higher price.

After buying three things, Chen Feng stopped bidding and waited for the auction to end.

This auction session ended, and the second session began, that is, the monks present each took out some things and exchanged them. In fact, this session was the purpose of everyone coming. After all, the auction house auctioned a small number of things, and the competition was still very fierce. Many times, there was no thing you needed. If you exchanged things with each other, you would have a great chance of meeting what you need, because it is more flexible.

"Everyone should take out at least three things."

A famous immortal began to take out the things they had prepared. Some took out three things, some took out five things, and some took out more than ten things. The things these people took out had one thing in common, that is, there were no ordinary things. Of course, in such an occasion, if the things taken out were not of high quality, it would be embarrassing for oneself.

Everyone was ready soon. Only Chen Feng did not move. Everyone was paying attention to Chen Feng. Not to mention whether Chen Feng had good things, the Yuanchen Crystal Water alone was enough for everyone to snatch.

"Island Master Chen, it is the rule here that everyone takes out three things." Seeing Chen Feng indifferent, the Xu Family Immortal could not help but remind him.

Chen Feng nodded, and then said: "I am afraid that no one can afford to exchange the things I take out. That's all. Just take out a few simple things."

Chen Feng waved his hand and placed a total of five things in the hall.

Seeing what Chen Feng took out, some people exclaimed immediately. Of course, some people were very disappointed because Chen Feng did not take out the Yuanchen Crystal Water.

The things Chen Feng took out were a 50,000-year-old spiritual medicine, a drop of fairy blood, a holy-level elixir, a piece of emerald jade, and a thunder fruit.

Compared with the other cultivators present, the five things Chen Feng took out were already extremely precious. Of course, these things were nothing to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took out these things just for fun, because Chen Feng had already used his divine thoughts to scan the hall. Although there were many rare and precious things in the hall, he didn't like any of them.

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