Eternal Existence

Chapter 786 Harvest

When the transaction started, some people took a fancy to the items and began to negotiate with the owners of the items. Of course, all of this is communicated invisibly using spiritual thoughts, which is faster, more secretive and more concise.

Chen Feng waved his hand and took out a jade cup. The cup was filled with fine wine mixed with the essence of the ocean, and he began to pour himself a glass of wine, completely ignoring the Xu family immortal on his side.

"The marrow of the ocean turns out to be the marrow of the ocean." The monk from the Xu family opened his eyes wide and looked at Chen Feng in disbelief. The marrow of the ocean is a spiritual object even more advanced than the Yuanchen Crystal Water.

"Haha, I forgot about you two." Chen Feng patted his forehead and gave each of them a glass. Each glass of wine was mixed with a drop of the essence of the ocean.

After the Xu family immortal drank it, his expression changed and he immediately started practicing.

Chen Feng smiled and ignored the two of them, because at this time, spiritual thoughts began to communicate with Chen Feng.

Of course, these people were interested in the spiritual objects brought out by Chen Feng, and of course they wanted the Yuanchen Crystal Water on Chen Feng's body.

After all, if you can get what you need through exchange, it is much better than taking action. It seems that Chen Feng is a distinguished guest of the Xu family. Although Chen Feng is unhappy, it is best not to take action.

"This friend, I want to exchange Yuanchen Crystal Water."

"Friend, I'm attracted to that elixir."

"I don't know how much Yuanchen Crystal Water my friend has."

"I want to exchange ten drops of Yuanchen Crystal Water."

"Friend, I don't know how you exchanged that drop of demon fairy blood."

Facing a series of questions from everyone, Chen Feng showed a smile on his face: "It's no problem if you want to exchange. I have not only Yuanchen crystal water, but also the marrow of the ocean. As for the fairy blood, I need as much as I want, but If you want to exchange, you have to give out something of equal value. Do you think that these rags you bring out can be exchanged for my spiritual objects."

"What, there is also the essence of the ocean. Oh my God, this is a more advanced spiritual object than Yuanchen Crystal Water."

"You can get as much fairy blood as you want. Isn't this a joke?"

"Now I really want to step forward and snatch it, but unfortunately I don't have enough strength. What should I do? Hey, it seems that I have to contact some friends to come. For these treasures, it is worth offending the Xu family."

Chen Feng used the power of Taoist tools to clearly detect all the fluctuations of these people's consciousness. Seeing what these people were thinking, Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

"Friend, I have a treasure that is worth the value of Yuanchen Crystal Water, but we have to trade it privately." A thought started to chat with Chen Feng.

"Then it depends on what it is?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's the demon core of a demon god."

"Oh! Magic Core, this one is pretty much the same. That's fine, let's deal privately." Chen Feng nodded in agreement.

"My friend, there is something on me that I think you will be interested in."

"Oh, what?"

"A fragment of a holy-level exercise."

"Not interested." Chen Feng shook his head directly, joking, unless it was magic, how could he fall in love with it.

"Don't be anxious, this holy level skill is not simple. It comes from the demon world. It is said to be a skill practiced by the royal family of the demon world."

"The royal family of the demon world." Chen Feng's heart moved, but he still said: "What use can the demon world's techniques have to me? Forget it."

"Don't worry, you can take a look before making a decision."

"In that case, fine."

"Friend, I have a spiritual tree in my hand, and I want to exchange it for the marrow of the ocean in your hand."

"What spiritual tree?"

"I don't know this either."

"Um, okay, we can take a look later."

"Friend, I have a strange space stone in my hand, which contains mysterious energy. I would like to exchange some Yuanchen Crystal Water with you."

"What energy."

"I don't know, but it's just a very strange energy."

"Okay, we can take a look later."

Chen Feng felt a little funny, because half of the immortals present were secretly communicating and discussing with him.

Not long after, the barter-for-barter exchange activity ended, and some people began to leave. Chen Feng was still sitting in the box, sipping wine, and did not move. There were still some immortals who stayed behind to trade with Chen Feng again.

"Come in one by one." Chen Feng said with a smile.

A human immortal entered the box where Chen Feng was under the shroud of magic power. Generally speaking, monks who participated in such a sensation would hide their appearance, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Of course, Chen Feng had no need for this. On the contrary, Chen Feng deliberately let the other party see his appearance so that he could continue to perform the next thing.

"Take out the things." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Friend, please take a look." The monk came in and saw Chen Feng. He was a little surprised, but he quickly calmed down and took out a magic core filled with demonic energy with a wave of his hand.

After taking it, Chen Feng checked it carefully and nodded suddenly: "Well, it's not bad. How much Yuanchen Crystal Water do you want to exchange for it?"

"One hundred drops."


"Eighty drops."

"Ten drops, please."

"What, too little."

"Forget it. Although the magic power in your magic core is very strong, it cannot be absorbed." Chen Feng shook his head and said.

"Fifty drops, what do you think? There can't be any less." The monk was a little anxious.

"No, it's not worth the price."

"Forty drops, if it doesn't work, I won't change it."

"make a deal."

The second cultivator came in and smiled first: "What's your name, friend?"

"Stop talking nonsense. If you have something, take it out quickly. I don't have that much time." Chen Feng said as he took a sip of wine.

The visitor gritted his teeth in anger, but soon his eyes brightened again, because the power fluctuations of the ocean marrow drifting out of Chen Feng's wine glass were clearly the power fluctuations of the ocean marrow.

"My friend, take a look at my holy-level skills." The cultivator took out a piece of black jade and threw it to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took it and just scanned it with his spiritual sense, and a glimmer of light immediately bloomed in his eyes.

"How is my friend? Are you satisfied?" The cultivator saw Chen Feng's expression and felt a little proud. It seemed that he should have some gains this time.

"It's normal. What do you want?" Chen Feng tossed the black jade in his hand a few times, feeling a little excited. The jade was indeed recorded with the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Skill. Although it was still a fragment, it was more advanced than what he had practiced, and it was exactly what he needed.

"This, this!"

The immortal rubbed his hands, thought for a while and said: "I want ten drops of earth immortal essence blood, I wonder if my friend has it."

"Earth immortal essence blood, ten drops, tut tut, my friend, you have a big appetite." Chen Feng laughed immediately.

"So my friend really has earth immortal essence blood?" The cultivator was a little surprised.

"Ten drops are too much." Chen Feng nodded, thought for a while and then said.

In fact, this Heaven Devouring Demon Art is very important to Chen Feng. It is very valuable in itself, far from being exchanged for ten drops of earth immortal essence blood, but Chen Feng has to pretend now.

"Eight drops is fine." The cultivator gritted his teeth and said.


Getting the Heaven Devouring Demon Art is another big gain.

"What kind of spiritual bead is this? It's dry and doesn't even bear fruit. You still want to exchange the Ocean Marrow with me. I say, are you crazy? Hurry up and leave." Chen Feng was furious and threw the dry sapling in his hand out.

"Don't worry, I still have some." The monk said as he waved his hand, and a group of streams of light flew out, each of which contained a sapling.

"You are not selling flowers and plants, are you teasing me with these rubbish?" Chen Feng was really angry and was about to hit the other party out.

"Wait, boy, there are good things." At this time, Ta spoke.

"Hey! What good things?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. Ta spoke, so there must be good things.

"That one is the Yin-Yang Tree. Hey, that's a good thing. Although it is not as good as the Longevity Tree, it can be compared to the Zhoutian Tree. It's just that the energy in this sapling is a little impure. It should be derived from the branches of the Yin-Yang Tree." Ta said lightly.

"Yin-Yang Tree, no matter what, it must be a good thing." Chen Feng was also shocked. It was not easy to be compared with the Zhoutian Tree.

"Friend, take a look again, maybe there is something you like." The monk was still shamelessly unwilling to go out.

"Okay, okay, I want all your spiritual trees." Chen Feng waved his hand to grab all the spiritual trees in the other party's hand, and then waved his hand, and three drops of ocean marrow floated in front of the other party.

"Take it away, don't bother me." Chen Feng waved his hand impatiently.

"Thank you very much, thank you very much." After receiving three drops of ocean marrow, the cultivator was extremely happy, kept thanking, and then carefully put away the ocean marrow before leaving.

"Huh! Another harvest, I didn't expect these cultivators to have some good things." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Friend, take a look at my space stone, it contains mysterious energy."

A fist-sized stone fell into Chen Feng's palm, covered with dense pores, and it really looked like it came from the outer space.

However, after Chen Feng checked it, he immediately snorted and threw the stone back: "It's just an ordinary meteorite."

The other party wanted to entangle, Chen Feng waved his hand, and two sea monster guards came in and directly pulled the other party out.

"What a joke. The things are indeed from the outer space, but the mysterious energy in them is acquired. Do you think I can be fooled?"

"Friend, look here I have a piece of tortoise shell. This is left by the demon beast Xuanwu."

"Get out!"

Then Chen Feng received several more cultivators, but he didn't encounter any good things.

"Hey, this time I came to the auction house, the harvest is rich, it seems that I have to come more times in the future." Chen Feng was a little proud.

Looking at the two Xu family immortals who were still practicing, Chen Feng smiled immediately: "You deserve some benefits, otherwise I will feel bad."

After waiting for half an hour, the two immortals finished their practice and looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed.

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