Eternal food paradise

Chapter 229 Communicating with the Female Elf (Part 2)

Vegetarian meatballs.

Not an ounce of meat.

It's just crushed mushrooms and wild vegetables kneaded into balls.

And precisely because of the minced wild vegetable leaves, the balls made out of them are all green, not the native earthy color of mushrooms, which is really good-looking.

Besides, the vegetarian meatballs are not just thrown into the oil pan and fried.

It’s the same as Japanese tempura.

Even if you use Chinese food or Chinese cuisine techniques, "coat" is indispensable.

This is also equivalent to a protective film that prevents the ingredients in the dough from coming into direct contact with the hot oil.

So, even though the surface of the 'vegetarian meatballs' was fried to a crispy golden color, one by one, when Xia Yan took the chopsticks and placed them on the dinner plate lined with kitchen paper, the strong aroma wafting out filled the atmosphere. The natural fragrance is refreshing, not the unpleasant smell of fried food.

A pot of Fardaniya's mushroom soup is still simmering on the earthen stove.

She was attracted by the smell, and her eyes were fixed on the green pigment balls on the pure white kitchen paper, and she couldn't move her eyes away.

"The amount of oil is controlled very well!" Fardaniya glanced at the kitchen paper. Although there were more than a dozen fried meatballs that were still steaming shortly after being taken out of the pan, the oil stains and oil marks on the paper were still there. Very light.

"Is it the protection of the 'golden' shell outside?"

Faldaniya keenly captured a key point, pursed her lips, and stared straight at Xia Yan with her emerald eyes, "Can I take one and take a closer look?"


"It's all about criticizing each other."

Hearing this, Fardaniya was not sloppy at all. She took off her chopsticks and held a plain pill in front of her face. She flipped it back and forth several times. She breathed in and murmured as if to confirm something: "Sure enough, there is such a thing." The 'shell' with no dead ends and no gaps will not absorb too much grease when food is thrown into the oil pan. Not only that, it isolates grease and prevents excessive penetration while only releasing 'heat' and 'hot air'. Go in, so the meatballs are cooked from the outside to the inside..."

She immediately put the meatball down on the dinner plate, holding a chopstick in each hand, and divided the meatball into two halves by mistake.

The golden eggshell-like protective layer shattered in response.

The completely emerald green interior was completely exposed to Faldaniya's eyes. The moment it burst open, it was stunning, and it was even more radiant than her clear emerald eyes.


Quietly, the aroma accumulated in the "shell" was released to its fullest.

Fardaniya sniffed non-stop, her face suddenly became dementia. At this time, there was only one unbelievable thought in her panicked mind:

“So rich!”

“Can we create such a gorgeous taste just by relying on ‘green’ vegetarian food?!”

Yes, it is a pure vegetarian food. Faldaniya can accurately name all the ingredients, including "elven mushrooms", and can easily point out the skillful cooking methods of the elven mothers.

It contains no beans, no eggs, and no meaty taste at all.

Even the oil used for cooking is pressed from plants and is absolutely natural.

This is a completely different "green vegetarian" dish than the "Tofu Steak" that Faldaniya had from the previous Cat House manager before she encountered any changes in the 'Cat House'.

The "Tofu Steak" is a relatively complicated dish. It uses soy milk to make steak-shaped tofu, as well as a series of vegetable and fruit side dishes, and paired with sauces, it is a very standard set meal and set meal in the restaurant.

And what about this ‘fried vegetarian meatballs’? Is it simple?

Faldaniya recalled all the processes that Xia Yan had just done, chopping mushrooms and chopping wild vegetable leaves.

Make batter.

Pour oil and fill a small pot.

that is it.

It seemed that if it were her, she would be able to proceed smoothly to the end without gasping for breath.


"I can't do it! I really can't do it!"

Faldaniya shook her head violently, and her emerald eyes reflected the plain meatballs split into two pieces. From the outer shell to the center of the circle, there was no trace of the art of frying with any firework flaws.

If Fardaniya had never known that "fire work" and "fire" could be so mysterious and powerful before, then this was the first time she had experienced it, and suddenly, a new world opened up. Like the front door, the view of the sacred temple of food in my mind is much wider.

Eat and see!

Fardaniya picked up one of the broken balls with her chopsticks, threw it into Tan's mouth, and chewed it with her teeth.



Directly in front of the camp, the ruins of the ancient elven empire that had sunk in the night suddenly lit up in Faldaniya's field of vision. A round of scorching sun rumbled towards the ruins, and the ruins covered with rubble were The green vines and green vines burned in the blink of an eye because of the high temperature, and the fire spread overwhelmingly.

The entire magnificent ruined city was engulfed in flames.

The plants are burning and evaporating, and the natural essence of the vegetation turns into a patch of emerald green light. The steaming atmosphere is like a group of fireflies. With the sea of ​​fire as the background, it is breathtakingly beautiful. Even the round is still hanging in the sky. The scorching sun on the ruins was rendered into a "green sun"!

Countless and endless flavors of mountain treasures are just mixed, rolling, and raging.

Fardaniya subconsciously stretched her arms towards the ruins, opened her arms, raised her chin slightly, and blurred colors reflected in her emerald eyes.

in reality.

The female elf's chopsticks quickly threw all the meatballs on the plate into her mouth and chewed them.

With every pill you eat, your clothes become more torn.

In the end, Faldaniya returned to her newborn state, naked. Her white body was covered with burning traces of green fluorescence. Her hands and feet were curled up into a ball, as if she had returned to the eggshell gestation. Her delicate and clean face was written Full of the tranquility of deep sleep.


Putting down her chopsticks, Fardaniya yawned. Heavy sleepiness came over her, and her consciousness fell into darkness before she could react.


Seeing that she was staggering and about to smash her head into the bonfire, Xia Yan stepped forward to intercept and found Fardaniya lying softly on his shoulder. He couldn't help but patted the female elf's face seriously with a black line on his face. .

His breathing was steady and there was no sign of waking up.

Xia Yan: "???"

The medicine is really gone.

This was something Xia Yan didn't expect and couldn't understand.

Not to mention that "elf mushrooms" are the staple food of the elves. Shouldn't the resistance to the slight and weak "toxins" in the food after such long-term consumption be written in the blood genes of the ethnic group?

Xia Yan tried his best to resist the urge to immediately find out what was wrong with his 'fried vegetarian meatballs'. He first carried Faldaniya like a corpse and dragged him back to his tent for placement. When he returned to the bonfire, the female elf's The 'mushroom soup' is boiling.

Sitting down and drinking hot soup by himself in the middle of the night in the wilderness, Xia Yan commented loudly: "The recipe framework is very simple, but the flavor is not bad!"

The next day, around noon.

A group of diners who had been "drugged" woke up from their slumber one after another, yawning as if they hadn't slept enough, and gathered in the open space in front of the tent area. Then Sarah, Tatsugoro and others all looked towards the end of the tunnel. Tent of Fardaniya.

Miss Elf was outside, stretching her waist, her cheeks were flushed, and she murmured to herself in a charming voice: "So comfortable——!"

Alphonse, Aldorius: "???"

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