Eternal food paradise

Chapter 279 Magic VS Three-dimensional (Part 2)

"Tofu, trio?"

Yakan, Zhu Qi, Lei Hua, Xiang En and Elder Guan, a total of five judges, observed the dishes served by Shao An.

The review booth is very close to the stands, and the spectators in the stands in the other direction, even if there is no large broadcast screen like the modern world of Shokuki to give close-ups of the dishes of the contestants, most of these people have special skills and are worthy of martial arts. It's not low, and the basic operation is to have good hearing and vision. You can easily see the appearance of the entire dish from a long distance away.

For a time, the atmosphere of the venue changed suddenly and subtly.


"Thickened tofu and paired with fried noodles?"

Isn't it?

On the big white plate, at the bottom, there was fried dough, and on the top, like the snow-capped peaks on the hillside, white and delicate tofu cubes were spread neatly there.

Although the combination is strange, the aura of the whole dish is inexplicably alluring.

Shiny, angular, and extremely complete cubes of tofu.

Round and smooth noodles.

Just seeing such a 'dish', including the five judges, and even Ren En, Liu Pleiades and others in the audience, couldn't help but exclaim in wonder——

"The superb sword skills and fire are all on display!"

"The "color", "smell" and "taste" that a great dish should has all of them! "

In the stands off the field, the players noticed the increasingly solemn atmosphere.

Hey, isn’t it just a weird dish to pair with?

Fried noodles with tofu…

No matter how weird the combination is, they have seen it in modern restaurants and street stalls. Is it necessary to be surprised? Moreover, where did Shao'an get the confidence to think that "weird" dishes can be constructed in three dimensions?

To be honest, the players present were skeptical.

Only one person.

Nakiri Erina, she was in the group of players, listening to the hushed discussions around her, and quietly shook her head.

These people are unscrupulous and have wild ideas, but their "vision" and "insight" are not enough after all.

She, Erina Nakiri, let’s not talk about what she gained in the "Chinese Ichiban" paradise. In the world of Shokugeki, she has accumulated the experience and level of tasting for this crown jewel with the entire Yueyue Yun.

Nakiri Erina can certainly see it.

Shao An's "Tofu Trio" is undoubtedly a complete special dish! Still the top one!

"If you can taste it with my 'God's Tongue', you can probably get a glimpse of the so-called three-dimensionality and three dimensions in that guy's mouth..." Nakiri Erina was a little discouraged and unwilling to accept it.

His eyes couldn't help but turn to Shao An's opponent.

The kitchen area there is also being finished.

Each of the five judges got a set of dishes.

The fried noodles and tofu were mixed and put into the mouth. The jaws were closed, and the surprise burst out in an instant, which moved the judges.

Xiang En: "!!?"


Her charming eyes suddenly widened, and a drop of sweat ran down her forehead.

"No way, how come it has such an amazing taste, weird?! It's like eating..."

Next to Xiang En, Lei Hua couldn't help but close her eyes.

"I heard it!"

Leihua whispered: "On the tip of my tongue..."

"There are three melodies, they are harmonious but different!"

"The timbres are deep, sweet, soft and ethereal. They turn into light snow, as they dissolve and mix with each other into one, and then dissipate and dissolve, gradually disappearing deep into the throat, and stop suddenly before falling from the esophagus into the stomach... !”

Among the judges, Elder Guan, the oldest person, had a look of enjoyment and aftertaste.

As the taste gradually deepened, the head of the Guangzhou Kitchen Federation showed shock on his face.

"I can smell the fragrance of the earth -" Elder Guan suddenly said something shocking, "That is the land of abundance, thousands of miles of fertile soil!"

Bang, bang!

A burst of loud applause sounded at the right time.

Zhu Qi, the 'Flying Great Sage' who possesses [super sense of smell], is born with a lack of taste, so his way of tasting is a bit special. He just puts small bowls and dishes under his nose and smells them, without moving his chopsticks at all. .


Zhu Qi's eyes seemed to reflect the fertile mountains and plains:

"Did the smell pass through the mouth and nose and turn into a three-dimensional fragrance of the earth? No wonder it is said to be 'three dimensions'. The tofu cubes are snow and will melt. The tofu fried noodles made from tofu are like round icicles. , and finally there is the 'third dimension' that gives people a touch of mist. This dimension is torn apart, and the complete Kingdom of Abundance can be seen from a bird's eye view!"

Zhu Qi's voice was not loud, but it echoed clearly in the ears of all the spectators.

His tasting lines are extremely informative.

The three dimensions refer to tofu cubes, tofu fried noodles and the mysterious ‘third dimension’.

Was it described by the majestic King of Darkness as something that feels like mist?

At this time, the last judge of the ‘Explosive Chef’ sub-magazine used chopsticks to pick out a thin piece of food and lifted it into the air:

"that's it!"

This piece of food that looks like meat but is not meat is confusing.

The other judges all laughed and said, "This is actually a piece of 'tofu'!"


Off the court, Ren En, Jie Qi, Hu Jun and Liu Pleiades simultaneously speculated on how this piece of 'tofu' was made.

at the same time.

Shaoan's confident and steady voice sounded:

"Strictly speaking, this piece of food is composed of tofu dregs."

"I stir-fry these leftovers, add soy sauce, bean paste and other ingredients to adjust the color and seasoning, then mix it with potato puree, knead it into a stable shape, and finally deep-fry it, so that the sweetness and texture of the meat are combined, and It doesn’t lose the smoothness and tenderness of ‘tofu’-like ingredients!”

The place fell silent.

So, is this the ‘third dimension’ that Shaoan built on the dinner plate?

Yajian sighed and praised: "This is also a very important finishing touch. Without it, the land of abundance and fertile soil seen in the mist may not have the fragrance of the earth, and the solid feeling will no longer be seen!"

The other four people didn't say anything more.

Xiang En looked fearful and glanced at Shao An from time to time.

Zhu Qi had a smile on his face, looking quite satisfied with his subordinate's performance.

Lei Hua made eye contact with Elder Guan.

This Shaoan is tyrannical and powerful...

In the stands, Ding You and Luo Tian from Yangquan Restaurant said in unison: "He is really just a hair away from the word 'lin'!"

Yan Xian, who was hiding in the crowd, kept his smile unchanged and said in a leisurely tone:

"Special grade, Lin grade, the difference is between 'painted skin' and 'painted bone'."

"They are all [broken paintings]. What a special chef wants to convey is often vague and ambiguous."

"But he doesn't know the word 'lin'. If he wants you to see the land of abundance with thousands of miles of fertile land, then you will definitely see it! Reality!"

Luo Xie, a famous craftsman sitting next to Yan Xian, chatted with a smile:

"Just like those painters, everyone has different brushwork techniques, so there are thousands of ways to 'paint bones'."

"Some people describe the character, while others focus on the finishing touch."

Mrs. Leihua's heart was racing.

Shao An, he followed the Lin Chu way, is that a touch of aura the finishing touch?

But why, it's obviously just a hair away from a real Lin-level dish, but that layer of window paper feels so out of reach!

It seems impossible to pierce forever!

Think of this.

Mrs. Leihua suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

There is obviously a big problem with the direction of the word "lin" in this "Tofu Trio". If it is on the right path, then the other contestant does not have to present the dish and can just declare Shaoan's victory.

It's basically Linchu's dimensionality reduction attack on the special level.

Fortunately, the scales have not tipped completely yet!

Suddenly, a string of unusually sharp smell floated into the nasal cavity. Leihua took a breath in surprise and heard a voice saying from far to near:

"This is my "Magic Mapo Tofu"!"

There will be another update later. This plot needs to be sped up a bit otherwise it will be too long.

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