Eternal food paradise

Chapter 303 Snapper Snapper Sees Snapper Again (Part 1)

What kind of style will a dish that brings together the "culinary skills" of top late-night chefs look like?

Xia Yan, who had no clue at first, suddenly became interested after hearing Sigong's speculation.

Chaos, disorder?

Style can be like this.

But what about "drugs"? Won't those "noble phantoms" that give a dish its characteristics conflict with each other? As the head chef, how should Saiba Chaoyang solve the problem of incompatibility between water and fire?

Xia Yan was too lazy to think more. After a while, the ready-made answer would be right in front of him. Whether it was wrong or right depended on Caibo Chaoyang's ability to integrate.

Of course, Xia Yan is very optimistic about Caibo Chaoyang.

The dignified medicine brother.

His talent is unlike any other late night chef.

You must know that in the original work, Brother Yao has the useful "Intersecting Blade", equips himself with many late-night chef's treasures, and then wears a krypton gold divine outfit to have a final showdown with Yukihira Soma, and then loses magnificently. .

Therefore, Brother Yao has the ability to gather all the "Noble Phantasms" and use them at the same time without conflict.

"I hope you will work together to at least touch the corners of the 'Pseudo-Lin', otherwise it will be too boring..."

Xia Yan waited for the task to pop up, but there was no response from the system at all. He could only whisper and smile, turned his back to Shinomiya, Erina and others, waved his hands, and went to the ingredients warehouse of "Akita Village" by himself and started to select. Ingredients, prepare his most powerful dishes.

Pseudo Lin?

Shinomiya Kojiro grasped this word keenly.

Regarding the word 'lin', Erina knows more about it than Shinomiya, who has graduated for many years. This is also due to her knowledge in the paradise world.

In particular, the battle at the Yiren Pavilion, where Guangzhou's storms gathered, had just ended, and in this battle, "pseudo-lins" appeared on the stage one after another, and then fled in despair.

Shao'an, flowers bloom in spring...

All these names flashed through Erina's mind.

As a result, a strong look of suspicion appeared in the girl's eyes, "Can the dishes cooked by this group of people really reach the level of 'Pseudo Lin'?"

Hearing her tone, Kuga Teruki and Yukihira Soma were shocked.

"You seem to understand what this word means?"

Erina found that all the Shinomiya were staring at her closely, and she couldn't help but smile, "Of course!"

"The Pseudo-Lin are essentially a group of people who have taken the road to 'special level' to the end."

"In other words, it's the ultimate special grade."

Shinomiya Kojiro's eyes sparkled with desire and enthusiasm, "Then..."

"Special grade, and the so-called 'Lin'... What is the real boundary that distinguishes these two groups? I only know that special grade must have dazzling qualities... Generation after generation, this is summed up as a broken painting."


At this time, Erina was stuck, and the smile on her lips stopped.

It just so happens.

Xia Yan turned a corner from the food warehouse of "Akita Village" and turned back. When he saw the tsundere hesitating and turning red in embarrassment, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

It’s rare that in terms of cooking skills, ‘God’s Tongue’ also has moments of confusion.

Actually, you can’t blame Erina.

I am afraid that the ghost father who locked her up in a small dark room, and Nakiri Itachi, who has already caught up in the footsteps of Gin Dojima and Ichiro Saiba, only realized the word "lin" after leaving the Nakiri family for many years.

As for the old man Senzaemon, it is impossible for him to instill in the young girl knowledge that far exceeds her level of cooking skills.

"The dazzling quality is the interpretation of a 'broken painting'. If you go deeper, Senior Shinomiya, think about it. Is the dazzling light you want to see a blur of holy light, or a majestic wave coming towards you?"

Shinomiya Kojiro's body was shaken.

The "dazzling" he expected was definitely not the Holy Light, but...

In the past, when I was a child, when I ate at a French restaurant on holidays, my mother tasted the chef's cooking, and her face lit up with a smile of joy!

"It doesn't need to be grand." Shinomiya pushed up the frame of his glasses and raised the corners of his mouth. "It just needs to see a smile that sweeps away fatigue and comes from the heart. Such a face that I want to see is enough..."

He was talking to himself, completely ignoring the students at Totsuki who looked strange next to him.


After temporarily ending the quarrel, Caibo Chaoyang, who had probably assigned their respective tasks, turned to look for Xia Yan. He had just caught a glimpse of Xia Yan going to the food warehouse, but now he took a closer look and saw that Xia Yan only had a fishing net in his hand.

A 'Sakura Snapper' struggled and jumped from time to time in the aquarium's net.

"Just a snapper?"

Caibo Chaoyang was confused, "Don't you need other materials?"

Xia Yan shook his head, "I only look for the main branches of the dishes, and let my assistant cook find other trivial ingredients."

As he spoke, he found a pen and paper, wrote a list, and scanned the people he brought:

"Erina, go ahead."

Miss Yuanyue suddenly felt a sense of trust, her eyes brightened a little, and she ran away, carrying the wind with her steps very neatly.

Kuaga Teruki, who was about to reach out to take the list, was happy and free, but a little sour for some reason:


"You said that this eldest lady has exchanged souls with the new secretary. Why is she so attentive and feels like a dog licking her? Anyway, only wild dogs have always licked the crown pearls!"

Caibo Chaoyang watched Xia Yan write down the list one stroke at a time.

Except for the snapper.

It’s weird ingredients like cabbage sum, spring bamboo shoots, and crab roe.

Oh, right.

There was also a special note on "spring roll dough" and the substitution:

If you don’t have spring roll wrappers, prepare flour.

"Commander Caibo——"

At this time, Caibo Chaoyang, who was entangled and thinking, was woken up by the late-night chef.

"The ingredients have been prepared."

"Take a look."

Shaqi, the "gunsao" with long-legged style, opened a special box for alienated ingredients. Inside was a kind of alienated ingredient that was very familiar to teachers and students of Yuanyue——

Wagyu beef with snowflake patterns!

"very good!"

Caibo nodded to Yang.

"Akitaso" is the headquarters of the organization. It is true that there are higher-grade alienated materials than 'alienated Wagyu beef' and comparable to treasure-grade fish roe. However, the more advanced the ingredients, the higher the requirements for refined processing, which is not suitable at all. The occasion when the alliance eats halberds.

here we go!

Everyone moved to the third floor.

There are no shops here, the entire floor is dedicated to the kitchen area.

Brand-new stainless steel tables were arranged one after another, the overhead lights were turned on at the same time, and the floor tiles were shining with a dazzling luster.

On the central kitchen table, there is a fresh piece of beef with ribs and blood stains.

And the late-night chef was the first to step forward and stand in front of the counter.

Nicknamed the ‘Red and Black Executioner’.

This is a man with a chemistry geek style, with a cold expression and holding a special kitchen utensil in the shape of a needle in his hands.


Two needles were pierced into the fine texture of snowflakes.

Hey, hey, hey...

The sound of sucking echoed in the empty kitchen.

Kuaga Teruki and Yukihira Soma both stared wide-eyed, shocked by the changes in the beef on the table, "The layer of melting! Disappearing!"

"Is this extracting the fat from the ingredients?"

Shinomiya Kojiro had a strange expression on his face.

He knew that one of the problems in processing this kind of 'alienated Wagyu beef' was the excessive snowflake fat layer, but he never thought that the fat could be separated so roughly, which was a bit similar to the direction of molecular cuisine.


The sound of mechanical gears starting to move.

"It's my turn."

A slender female voice, but with an irrepressible violent aura.

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