Eternal food paradise

Chapter 404 What scares the Xia Demon King

A few days later, "between the moon and the sky."

It was evening, the doors of the venue opened, and teachers, students and guests from outside the school entered in an orderly manner.

In the waiting room of the venue, the judges were also arriving one after another. Xia Yan knocked on the door and heard a gentle "come in". When he opened the door, he found his wife Leonora smiling, sitting on a double sofa, asking He waved and patted the seat next to him.

Apart from Leonora, there were three people in the room.

Dojima Gin, Nakiri Senzaemon, and "Shura" Saiba Joichiro.

Am I the last one to be late?

Xia Yan complained and looked around, surprised by the luxurious jury lineup that was different from the original work. Well, including him, this "seat on the bench" who never appeared in the original work.

The twins of the golden age.

Mr. Senzaemon, who represents the board of directors.

Leonora, a wife who represents the Nakiri and Totsuki family and the most cutting-edge gourmet scientific research power.

"Sit here." Hearing the sound of the door opening, Dojima Gin was on the phone in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. When he turned around and saw Xia Yan, he cut off the phone communication, patted a single sofa, and rested his hands on the back of the sofa. , putting on a smile similar to that of the wife Leonora.

However, the kind smile is just Dojima Gin's unilateral opinion.

His smile.

In front of Leonora, a goddess-level wife, she is not worth mentioning.

Hey, who wants to sit under the arms of a big bastard?

Is there still a choice? Xia Yan sat down next to Leonora, who was smiling brighter. Opposite the coffee table, Mr. Senzaemon, who was sitting with his arms folded, opened his eyes in time and nodded.

"Have you brought the information?" The old man's eyes were full of curiosity.


Xia Yan put the documents in his hand on the coffee table. There were 5 files in total, including his own.

"Shiomi Laboratory?" Saiba Joichiro came closer and saw the printed text on the portfolio, "Hey, it turns out that the content of your special 'proposal' has been entrusted to Jun Shiomi and her laboratory. "

Dojima Gin was surprised and showed an unexpected expression, "Haha, very good, I heard the commander-in-chief said that the content of the proposal is closely related to 'herbs' and 'spice'. In short, it is in the direction of natural plants. After researching and searching all over Tokyo and Neon, there may be no more suitable and trustworthy candidate than Professor Shiomi Jun."

They opened the bags one after another and looked through the files in the research room.


The most suitable environment/terrain for growth: swamps, warm forests

Appearance description (picture): A tall, blue-green pitcher plant

Study description:

1. Pollen has a mint smell and will trap small insects into the flower sacs where they will be killed and digested.

2. Pollen/flower buds are the condensed essence of the whole plant. Other parts have no research or edible value and are no different from ordinary plants.

3. The attached strips, pollen/buds must be completely dried before use.

4. Continuing from the previous article, please note that excessive intake will produce unpleasant side effects and cause confusion in thoughts and memory.

5. Continuing from the previous article, there have been cases of successful use in cooking (Appendix - Recipe "Forget-Soul Cake"), which was kindly tested, experimented and proved by the collaborator of this research, Mr. Xia Yan.

"Night Sage"

The most suitable environment/terrain for growth: any jungle

Appearance description (picture): Dark purple to black flowers and plants.

Study description:

1. When mature, it will bloom at night, so the quality after picking and developing at night is higher.

2. Note that the developed product cannot be ignited at night or in a dim environment, otherwise phenomena that cannot be explained by science will occur, including but not limited to hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and daydreams.

3. Following the above article, its preparation must be used and cooked under sufficient light or direct sunlight.

4. Follow the above article and strictly follow the instructions for use. Its preparation will produce a light smoky smell, a natural and pollution-free smell that makes people feel peaceful.

5. Continuing from the previous article, the case of successful cooking (Appendix - Recipe "Flavored Smoked Duck") is a friendly test, experiment and proof by the collaborator of this research, Mr. Xia Yan.

A well-illustrated food research archive.

After reading it, Nakiri Senzaemon's eyes flashed with strange colors: "Wangyou grass, night sage."

Well, the old man's mood was indescribably complicated and happy.

The complicated thing is that two kinds of magic plants that are far stronger than the "alienation level" are right under his nose, within the territory of the Yuanyue Kingdom. It was not until they were thoroughly studied that the old king received the complete information. It's a bit of a slap in the face.

Happily, these two ingredients will soon be unlocked in the store section in the group chat.

If he hadn't been a judge for the finals, Senzaemon would have wanted to go back home, lock himself in a special cooking room, and start studying new ingredients.

"I heard that a week ago, after the commander-in-chief agreed to your proposal, sufficient 'consumables' were distributed to the three contestants participating in the finals?"

Dojima Gin raised his head and looked at Xia Yan with bright eyes.

Saiba Joichiro put the information back into the folder. This was a benefit for the judges. If he didn't know anything about the upcoming finals and the theme, how could he comment on the students' dishes.

"Tsk, a week of research and experimentation is provided for free." Saiba Joichiro looked at Xia Yan in the same way.

There was some resentment in the eyes of the Golden Generation Gemini.


Transform into lemon essence.

Ever since the quarter-finals of the autumn election, these two legendary graduates felt that they had been ruthlessly abandoned by the times. They couldn't understand and couldn't access all the ingredients, and they were itching to wait until the finals.

This is when resentment broke out.

Dojima Gin's sunny and healthy smile suddenly cast a dark shadow:

"Xia Yanjun."

"How do I hear that in recent times, apart from me and Joichiro, who have graduated for twenty years, others who have graduated ten years ago, such as Shinomiya, and Taki Kadozaki, who just graduated, Mujiuzhiyuanguo..."

"They all seem to have joined some tea party or club organization?"

Saiba Joichiro nodded:

"Yes, I've already received the news."

"Well-known graduates, they go to that new Internet celebrity restaurant "Dark Castle" every two days. "

These two golden twin stars, you say a word and I say a word.

What to do.

This is a double act!

Xia Yan was not frightened by the offensive looks of resentment from the two of them, and spread his hands: "To be honest, this is indeed the case, but it is not a tea party or a club organization. You can think of it as a chat group."

"Ah?" Leonora, the married woman next to her who was always smiling and never exerted any pressure, suddenly wrapped a delicate hand around Xia Yan's arm, and her soft body came close to her.

"Does the 'chat group' really exist?"

"No wonder I often hear Alice muttering about group chat information and group chat files these days."

Auntie, it is forbidden to hit someone with the ball here. It is a serious foul.

Xia Yan didn't expect that before the finals started, he would be besieged in the lounge by the three bosses from the luxury jury. They were even worse than the contestants who were about to appear on the stage, and cold sweat began to form on his forehead.

"Don't worry, you are all members. I will invite you after the finals."

Only then did Dojima Gin and Saiba Joichiro look back with satisfaction.

But Leonora didn't seem to be planning to let go, and breathed in Xia Yan's ears, "Alice, this kid, has improved her cooking skills so quickly. Is it because of the influence of this chat group?"

There was a hint of urgency in her voice.

"My cooking skills have been at the top level for a long time."

"What should I do? As a mother, I have to be chased by my naughty daughter. The sense of crisis in the family status, ugh."

The beautiful wife was beside her, rubbing her eyes falsely, and her words contained a little sob.

Xia Yan opened her mouth and glanced over, but she only saw the spectacular two pieces of the low-cut dress. Even if the precious gem necklace hanging around her neck shone, it seemed far less white and smooth than that.

Opposite the coffee table, Mr. Senzaemon returned to his statue state of sitting with arms folded and eyes closed at some point.

I can't stand it anymore, old man, your wife is more like a fairy than Alice.


The speaker in the lounge suddenly sounded:

"Good evening everyone, this is the scene of the finals of the 43rd Autumn Selection Competition. First of all, I would like to thank my friends outside the school for their enthusiasm, and then to the teachers and students inside the school..."

Xia Yan stood up as if he was saved.

"I'm going to the bathroom first."

Watch him open the door and leave.

Dojima Gin and Saiba Joichiro looked away, and then cast "horrible" looks at Leonora on the sofa.

Actually made the mighty Xia Demon King feel afraid?

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