Eternal food paradise

Chapter 405 The battle surrounding the mystery

"Between the Moon and the Sky" was full of people. The railings on the first floor near the main stage were stacked on top of each other and crowded with filming equipment and related staff.

The camera of the live broadcast casually swept over, and the guest seats were full of familiar faces of celebrities.

At the same time, there are also mysterious bosses who don't want to show up.

For example, in the highest stand, the ghost father Nakiri Thistle (Nakamura Thistle) is wearing a big windbreaker and big sunglasses.

For example, in the stands directly opposite Nakiri Thistle, unknown to each other, Senzaemon's biological son and daughter and the eldest princess of the Totsuki Kingdom, Nakiri Managi, had just sat on a chair.

Surrounding Nakiri Shinagi were several W.G.O executives.

The student stand is the area where the Pole Star Residence Hall gathers.

Isshiki Hui and Yukihira Soma leaned against the fence of the stands.

"Yukihira-kun, who do you think is the final winner?" Isshiki Hui saw that Yukihira Soma was not in a high mood, so she asked as a topic.

"Uh." Xingping Soma originally thought he could stand on the final stage, but now he is an outside audience. He can't feel happy. "I can't judge these three people."

"Besides, according to rumors in the school, the theme of the final was proposed to the commander-in-chief by senior Xia Yan, and it is not an area that either party in the final is familiar with."

"So among the three of them, I'm not surprised who wins."

Isshiki Hui couldn't deny it, smiled, and patted Souma Yukihira on the shoulder.

"So, Yukihira-kun, have you reviewed the semi-finals and where do you think you lost?"

Yukihira Souma put his hands on the fence, squeezed the steel slightly, and said: "It's just that I lost to a party with stronger cooking skills. My cooking skills... have been widened!"

One stage, two stages, and you may be able to easily leapfrog the battle with the so-called 'god-level understanding'.

But if it's six stars, compared to nine stars, it's almost super.

That was completely exploded.

"They are growing up too fast!" Xingping Soma released his hands, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face. "But the lead is only temporary. I am also in the chat group, and I have gained many interesting things in the paradise world. With experience, you can catch up with them soon——"

Seeing this, Isekhui said nothing more. He even felt that the words of encouragement before were redundant.

How could the Saint be defeated?

Isshiki Hui then began to worry about herself, with a certain urgency in her eyes, and thought to herself: "Xinghei-kun is right, this group of freshmen is growing up too fast, I'm okay, after all, I have joined the group, but except for me, the top ten organizations , the eldest lady, and Kuga Teruki, the others will be miserable and have to face the cruel reality of being caught up or even surpassed by the juniors."

From the loudspeaker in the venue, the host’s voice came out:

"——Please invite the judges of the finals!"


With warm applause and lights gathering at the entrance, Nakiri Senzaemon led the way, followed by Xia Yan, and then came the Golden Generation Gemini, with the wife Leonora at the back.

Seeing this order of appearance, people inside the school were fine, but people outside the school were more surprised.

A current student.

Actually has a status that surpasses the legends of the past?

Somewhere in the stands, Nakiri Hisashi couldn't help but take off his big sunglasses and stared at the young student sitting on the left side of Senzaemon, his eyes darkened, "Are you going to be seated..."

At the same time, Nakiri Shinagi on the other side no longer crossed her legs and shook her high heels. She suddenly sat up straight and cast a look of strong interest at the young man on the left side of her old father. Her red lips lightly touched her. Breath: "The man who is known as the savior of the "God's Tongue"? Then I curse the patient with terminal cancer, can you save it..."

The host continued into the microphone:

"Contestants please bring the cooking equipment into the venue. It is now 7:15 sharp, and there is still a quarter of an hour left. It is the free preparation time for the contestants! Please hurry up!"

As a result, Hayama Ryo, Tazoe, and Nakiri Alice appeared one after another amidst cheers.

Ryo Hayama was the coolest, walking to the center of the stage coldly.

Alice was smiling, quite like her mother, and kept waving to the audience on both sides as she walked out of the aisle.

Tadokoro seemed a little nervous, but it was obviously different from the blank mind and dysfunctional state in the original work. At this time, her clear sky-blue eyes showed sufficient confidence.

Perhaps, at the door of Nakiri Senzaue, something called the chef's 'spirit' has blossomed in the blue-haired girl with double braids.


"This is the special theme content of this final!"


Four staff members, working in teams of two, simultaneously moved onto two luxurious gold metal bases, and then semicircular fully transparent vessels, containing two unfamiliar materials with completely different colors, were fixed on the bases, and the light was directed away. , the metal nameplate that the staff had just placed in front of the utensils shone with a strange luster, and was close-up on the large broadcast screen:

Forget-worn grass.

Night sage.

There are a few lines of simple introduction text engraved on the front of the base, and the camera then gives a two-minute close-up.

"...The battle surrounding the "mysterious plant". "Nakamura Itachi and Nakiri Managi's faces were tense, "The new special ingredients in the finals allow students to try to cook them into delicacies... Can the students withstand this kind of test? "

A quarter of an hour later, the finals officially began.

The first choice is ingredient selection.

Hayama Ryo walked towards the semi-circular transparent glassware containing the ingredients, and took two dinner plates in his hands. There was a lot of each ingredient, and the net weight started at 100 grams.

Alice also takes both.

Tadokoro was a little cautious, her eyes stayed between the two glasses for a few seconds, and finally walked towards the one decorated with "Forget-Worry Grass".

She believes that the flavor and mysterious properties of this magical plant are most consistent with her rustic cooking skills.

Sometimes, quantity and concentration are not the measure of strength.

"What suits you."

"What I like."

"I am willing to write and use it..."

Looking at the glassware with blurred light under the light, for some reason, a fragment, a figure, and a voice suddenly flashed in Tadokoro's mind. It dates back to the first devil's training in the cat house. Now Tadokoro misses that very much. Sitting in the Dimension Restaurant, I miss those strange but not dangerous customers, the red dragon lady who always carries a bucket and takes a pile of gold coins to pay the bill.

The three finalists quickly entered the cooking storm circle.

"Hey, contestant Ryo Hayama is cutting salmon?"

"Look at contestant Alice's ingredient combination, halibut, king crab?"

Gradually, it came to the process of dealing with forgetwort and night sage. The three contestants here have completely different painting styles.

Well, Erina Nakiri acted as another key host on the field. She walked to the judges' table with a microphone in her hand and said, "Regarding the theme of the finals and the cooking methods of the two ingredients, do the judges have anything to comment on? ?”

It seemed that the person he was talking to was not targeted, but in fact, the person he was asking was Xia Yan.

Including the other four judges present, all looked at Xia Yan.

Many viewers and guests pricked up their ears.

Xia Yan cleared his throat and directed the camera to focus on the kitchen table with the fastest progress, "Let's talk about the handling of player Ryo Hayama first."

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