Eternal food paradise

Chapter 472 The King of Heaven bows his head

I come.

I'm on my own.

When Xia Yan heard what the majestic "Spice Queen" said, he didn't feel the slightest bit frightened or oppressed. Instead, he secretly thought, now the mission is safe.

When Mira stood in front of the kitchen counter eager to try, Xia Yan thoughtfully handed the second set of ingredients and two plates that had been prepared to the stove that was easily accessible to Mira's right side.

Then, Xia Yan took a step back with a smile.

From the perspective of several bystanders.

The "friendly" smile that Xia Yan showed at this time was extremely warm, just like the amiable young teacher in the cooking class.

But in fact, it was "Flying Great Sage" Zhu Qi whose expression gradually became subtle.

When he saw Xia Yan's smile, his immediate reaction was that his whole body twitched, his heart tightened, and he intuitively sensed the danger.

What's more, when Xia Yan asked him to find Mila, Zhu Qi was already worried about this pure white-hearted colleague of the "Five Tiger Stars" beforehand.

The results have just arrived, a nominally special spice lesson.

This female colleague is the Dragon Chef and the Queen of Heaven, who is well-known in the entire Chinese food industry.

Sure enough, with this first step, I stepped into a deep pit!

The bottomless kind.

Zhu Qi couldn't bear to look directly at him and wanted to cover his face with his hands.

The King of Heaven was "educated" by Houlang.

He is also a colleague of the King of the Five Tigers.

Zhu Qi felt an inexplicable sense of shame in his heart.

"Here are the complete training materials for the class. A complete set. If that's not enough, there is a second set, as long as you are willing to practice many times and over again." Xia Yan stood next to the stove and said to the Spice Queen thoughtfully.

Mira did not take action immediately, but stayed quiet for a minute or two, probably digesting the new recipe copied by her "super vision" ability.

“Using the character materials of rice grains, tea leaves, and sugar, and surrounding the ‘new materials’, did you create a wonderful and balanced formula?”

After digesting it for a while, Mila felt secretly terrified.

What do you think?

I quickly deduced the complete and error-free recipes in my mind, especially the familiar formula construction method, that shadow...

It looks like the dark stunt of "Spice Inequality"? !

Not to mention Mila, who was in a suspicious state and did not take action immediately. At the kitchen door about three or four meters behind her, Lu Yi and Lan Feihong's attention at the moment was completely focused on the dishes Xia Yan had just placed on the table. .

"This dish..."

The two geniuses took a deep breath.

Judging by the taste.

Compared with the so-called "plain grilled white roast" that was presented in the three-party war not long ago, it seems to be a bit more awesome!

Why do you think so?

Vegetarian roasting is the best way to restore the original taste of high-end ingredients.

Regardless of whether it is intentional or not, it is very consistent with the profound meaning and principle of "ingredients are the origin" pursued by Long chefs.

But the scary thing about the smoked meat that Xia Yan puts on the table now is——

The formula constructed on the dinner plate does not cover up the simple and simple meaning of "ingredients are the starting point".

To use what Lu Yi said in the previous comparison, after the ingredients reach the ultimate state, they will naturally use the ingredients as the canvas. Not only will other seasoning materials not affect the "canvas", but it will affect every stroke and every stroke of the chef himself. , are real colors added to the canvas.

Lu Yi and Lan Feihong couldn't help but look at each other in shock.

What is this...

What a freak!

So we just had a fight with the "freak"? !

Not only did he put the meaning of "original ingredients" on the plate, he also went a step further, probably going further than those veteran dragon chefs.

Starting from the starting point and starting a new journey of exploration? Mountains are mountains, water is water, mountains are not mountains, water is not water...

And so on.

"I want to try it!" Lu Yi murmured in a low voice, his eyes burning.

Lan Feihong nodded silently. The two geniuses were shocked. After calming down, they became more inspired and eager to catch up.

Suddenly, a strange and frightening wave swept over from the depths of the kitchen.

The two people at the door seemed to be standing at the entrance of a deep and bottomless cave, blown by the dark wind from the bottom of the Nine Netherworld.

There were goose bumps on his arms.

what happened!

what happened!

Their attention finally shifted from Xia Yan's smoked meat dish to Mira and the stove in front of her.


In the suddenly contracted pupils, a large black iron pot burning with inexplicable flames was reflected.

Nowadays, iron pot kitchen utensils are seen every day.

It was as if it was covered with something unspeakably filthy and evil, making Lu Yi and Lan Feihong feel suffocated like never before.

Never uneasy, heart racing.

Started to panic.

It seems to be... a dynamic process of the SAN value falling.

But the native genius obviously doesn't understand what the SAN value is and what it means to have one's mind affected and his defense broken.

The source of all this so-called abnormality and chaos is undoubtedly the strange vanilla plant that has been mixed with rice grains, sugar and tea leaves in the big iron pot.

Dry plants are burning.

A faint smoky smell instantly filled the room.

The Spice Queen, who is eager to try to restore or rather copy all the processes of Xia Yan's dishes, has a deep confusion in her clear blue eyes.


"Is it like this?"

The bottom of the iron pot is the smoked material illuminated by the flame. Of course, this is the bottom of the pot.

Upward, there is a metal isolation net.

Place the meat slices here.


Mila's vision blurred, and she caught a glimpse of something jumping out of the dark bottom of the pot.

However, when she looked around, she found that the scene she saw was not a dim kitchen room.

This is a deserted hill.

Whispering, the heart-stopping night wind blew the hair beside my ears.

Under the strange moonlight, this hilly area is covered with a plant that is dark purple and almost black.

Some are blooming slowly, while others have withered as if they have reached the end of their lives.

Even the flowing wind and air are filled with a strange smoky smell.

Peace of mind.

Eyelids are fighting.

Mila wanted to lie down on the sea of ​​flowers and become one with the hills, and she did just that, lying down and closing her eyes.

The picture gradually freezes.

People, enter the painting.

The sudden "click" sound promptly stopped the sinking process of the Queen's soul.

The land was broken open, and the front half of the huge magic insect poked out of the tunnel.

It's not a frost bug, but a huge evil thing that seems to have been "contaminated" by this sea of ​​flowers. The ice crystal spines on its original shell have changed from translucent to dark purple.

Mira was caught off guard and was swallowed by the magic insect.

Suddenly, the whole person entered the hot and humid intestines.

Infinite slide——

The body is covered with thick liquid——


When Mira opened her eyes, she found that her delicate body was lying in a reliable arm.

The owner of the arm said in a leisurely tone:


"Are you sighing because you didn't finish your class assignment well?"

Mira blinked her eyes, a little confused, but she quickly stood up straight from the arms. She didn't have time to show any shyness or purity, and stared directly at the smoked ingredients at the bottom of the iron pot with her blue eyes.

The mixture of rice grains, tea leaves, and sugar was burned into a black mess.

The meat slices on the quarantine network are completely dark.

Mira's eyebrows twitched obviously.

The memory of this "dark cuisine" and that dark style was already very vague in her mind. Perhaps it can only be seen in the memory of the clumsy girl when she first learned cooking.

Anyway, it feels very bad to have distant memories reappear.

Mira took a breath.

"I failed." She admitted simply.

After saying that, he found that Xia Yan's smile had never changed and he just looked at her.

Mira's eyes were full of curiosity: "You were sure that I would fail from the beginning?"

"of course."

This unthinking answer made Mira choke.

Affirming and anticipating the failure of a king...

Mira continued to inhale: "Actually, the formula you constructed in the smoked ingredients is not complicated."

Seeing Xia Yan nodding and encouraging her to speak boldly, Mira said in a tone of dumbfounding:

"Is it strange that rice grains are one of the components of smoked ingredients? No, there are many more strange ingredients than rice grains. Their role in the formula is nothing more than to change the single 'smoky flavor' and make it The aroma composition is more three-dimensional and deeper.”

"Simply put, the presence of rice grains will dilute the smoky smell and give it a refreshing aroma."

"As for sugar, it is a necessary material for spreading on the bottom of the pot to create burnt smoke. Needless to say, tea leaves are also one of the common smoking ingredients..."

Mira expressed her understanding of the ingredients used in the formula constructed by Xia Yan.

Analyze them one by one.

"I understand all of this. There is no secret in all the processes in my eyes, but I just failed."


Mira raised her head, looked at Xia Yan's face, and said seriously and slowly:

"There is only one possibility, and that is the last vanilla material, which contains something I cannot understand!"

Xia Yan nodded, "You can't understand it yet, and you can't control it."

Mira sighed:

"I'm not as good as you."

"At least you can really be my teacher when it comes to this mysterious high-level material that is enough to subvert the field of spices and open up a new world."

This is not the way of spices in the ordinary sense.

It’s the way to use high-end spices in the new world.

Mila lamented that he was inferior and was willing to call the master his teacher.


[The goal of option two is achieved and can be settled and submitted]

Xia Yan glanced at the system information that popped up immediately, and silently praised his operation. Look, in front of the mysterious material, it was so simple to convince the king-level dragon chef.

Regarding Mira's performance when she first came into contact with the mysterious spice, Xia Yan could only describe it as horrific.

Even worse than some of Totsuki's Tama Generation members.

Of course, this is why Xia Yan laid out a trap and waited for his prey to take the bait. You must know that the members of the Jade Generation strictly follow the cooking guidelines, and Mira's poor performance was defeated by her self-confidence as a king, and even more by " "Super Vision".

Without pedigree/gourmet skills, hard-top cooking is taboo, so try to control it 100% perfectly.

That's the result.

Even king-level characters are irreversible.

"Super vision" cannot give Mira any kind of food cell ability out of thin air.

The conversation between the two people sounded like thunder in the ears of others.

Lu Yi and Lan Feihong's heads were buzzing, and they felt dizzy:

"King Mila, do you bow your head and submit?"

Zhu Qidu was a little dumbfounded: "I should have expected it! It really turned out to be a good lesson in spices? A lecturer who asked the "Queen of Spice" to bow down and learn skills again? "

"I'm such a good guy! I really belong to you!"

When Mira continued to stare at the burnt black things in the pot, her pretty face turned red.

Zhu Qi took the opportunity to secretly give Xia Yan a thumbs up, his mouth seemed to be saying:

Do you know that you are so cool and cool?

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