Eternal food paradise

Chapter 479 Good reason to attack

There was a "ding" sound.

Zhu Qi and Mila were shocked.

"This voice actually comes from your head?"

The anomalies beyond the worldview go beyond this.

A floating interface that produced wonderful water ripples unfolded in their field of vision.

After the main interface became clear, Zhu Qi and Mila saw the group chat system information on the public screen:

[Welcome "Flying Great Sage" Zhu Qi to join the group chat. 】

[Welcome "Spice Queen" Myra to join the group chat. 】

And it is followed by system information.

A group member who had not yet changed his ID and title, with the full title of "Explosive Chef", suddenly popped up on the public screen and said:

"Ah, are you here too?"

In reality, when Ju went downstairs to the back house, Zhu Qi and Mila were immediately confused.

"Prodigal Son" Yan Xian:

"Welcome newcomers, scatter flowers!"

"Iron Lady" Leihua:

"Hey, is there a ceremony to welcome the newcomers?"

"Prodigal Son" Yan Xian:

"Yes. Please read the "User Manual" in the group chat file column carefully. One of the clear items is to care for and care for newcomers..."

"Iron Lady" Leihua:

"Oh, King Yan, you are so smart. You actually mastered the correct way to use group chat so quickly!"

"Prodigal Son" Yan Xian:

"(_)! It should be!"


Asia Magazine:…

Zhu Qi and Mila, who had just joined the group and were still confused, couldn't believe that this was King Yan Xiantian.

In reality, my mind barely broke free from the main interface of the group chat.

Zhu Qi and Mila looked at each other, speechless.

"Is it a dream or reality? You can check the ingredients store in the group chat and you will have the answer." The mysterious Mr. Qin left these words and fled quietly.


The whole person was like a bubble in a dream, suddenly turning into air.

Witness this scene.

Zhu Qi and Mila were both shocked.

No method is as real as the magical force! Impactful!

Apart from their cooking skills, the two of them are not at the bottom of the "Five Tiger Stars" in terms of force value. In other words, except for Kaiyu, the other four kings have never fought to the death, so strictly speaking, their force values ​​are the same. On the front line.

Master meets master.

Who would have thought that this 'Mr. Qin' would be as high as the clouds and the skyline.

Fortunately, after quickly browsing the food store mentioned in the group chat, Zhu Qi's three souls and six souls returned, patted his chest and exhaled: "Maybe he is one of his own?"

"One of our own?" Mira was silent for a moment. She saw "Night Sage" in the store, "Then tell me, is it the 'Mr. Qin' who has the invitation authority, who has a higher status, or Xia Yan..."

"Of course it is..."

Zhu Qi immediately got stuck and had nothing to say.

"Besides, Xia Yan is not in this organization called group chat." Mira glanced at the group member list again.

"Maybe, he's on a higher level group chat?"

After saying that, Zhu Qi noticed that Mila looked at him strangely.

I couldn't help but feel annoyed:

"Is there a problem?!"

"The group chat we just entered already has four members of the Five Tiger Stars, plus a female chef who is as famous as the former Fairy Bei. Madam Leihua, do you think an organization of this size is top-notch or even transcendent? How much higher can it be?”

Well, Zhu Qi was speechless, but he glanced at the line of words at the top of the main interface of the group chat——

"China World Exchange Group".

Can't help but chew: "Chinese world?"

"Is this the name of our world?"

So Zhu Qi had an idea in his mind that shocked him:

"Xia Yan, maybe he's in a chat group in another world? Is he a visitor from another world?!"



On the other side, there is another courtyard less than a hundred meters away.

Xia Yan himself was in the room, looking at the sudden appearance of 'Mr. Qin'. After completely gathering his consciousness back, he was amazed at the sudden dull change of the vest trumpet.

"It's a pity. If it weren't for the purpose of maintaining the group chat administrator's sense of distance and superiority, I would rather open my own account and invite Zhu Qimi and the others in person."

"In this case, their reaction will definitely be more exciting than before!"

After a quick operation, Xia Yan was generally satisfied.

At least, the five members of the "Zhonghua Ichiban World Chat Group", Mila, Yakan, Yan Xian, Zhu Qi and Leihua, have established a super strong framework.

With this foundation in mind, he imagined that the so-called "Group Chat Food World" destined to be rooted in the deepest part of the world of "Chinese Ichiban" would be by no means weaker than those Phoenix chefs in the Tai Chi cooking world from the beginning.

As for the newly created group chat organization, or club, is there a question of whether it has combat effectiveness?

Xia Yan was not worried at all.


Driven by group chat tasks, group points are equivalent to a universal currency for purchasing materials.

So, is it surprising that the kings of heaven have become workers?

"Dong dong."

Liu Keling knocked on the door outside, her voice full of anxiety, "Two customers who call themselves Phoenix chefs came to the store..."

Before she could finish speaking, the door opened.

"So, what is Phoenix Chef's slogan?" Xia Yan asked with a strange expression.

"Let, let you go out, either follow them, or give the "Garuda Sword"..." Liu Keling said weakly, her eyes full of worry.

It is true that she has achieved great growth while running Ju Go downstairs, but the bad customers and difficulties she encountered have never been as thrilling as hearing the title of "Phoenix Chef".

Phoenix Chef, that Chen Longtou, including her mother Bei Xiannu, must deal with every role carefully.

"It's impossible to follow them."

"It is absolutely impossible to hand over the legendary kitchen tool "Garuda Knife". "


Turn around and retreat into the house.

Liu Keling, who originally thought he was going to take one step forward and face the enemy forcefully, was stunned for a long time.

"I try to dismiss them."

Liu Keling pursed her lips, "You... shouldn't be very rational in refusing."

The girl was turning around.

A funny voice came from inside the house and said:

"It's not a rejection."

"But... it's not my turn to take action at all! It's not necessary, why don't you do it!"

Liu Keling paused:

? ? ?


The sounds in the room were completely silent.

Liu Keling turned back three times and found that Xia Yan did not continue to explain. She left the courtyard and just reached the corridor outside, but she almost ran into Zhu Qi and Mila who were walking dully.

"Hey, you guys?"

Zhu Qi stopped and faced the surprised look of the current female shopkeeper from the top of Ju downstairs. He coughed: "I have a reason why I have to face Chef Phoenix."

Mila's blue eyes flickered for a while:

"For a broader, more wonderful new world of spices..."

The two kings of darkness both carried sealed food boxes, leaving a strange fragrance on the ground.

Liu Keling couldn't help but look up and look back at the courtyard where Xia Yan was:

"Hey, did he have plans beforehand?"

Arrangements are made.

But Mila and Zhu Qi were so impatient and eager to try that they almost rushed to the store to meet Chef Phoenix...


The group chat they just joined actually started a mission!

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