Eternal food paradise

Chapter 480 Dragon Level Gathering

"Ju is coming downstairs——"

When Zhu Qi and Mila rushed to the designated location of the mission.

Ju walked downstairs to the main entrance. A man and a woman in cloaks were standing on the carpeted main entrance of the store, looking around the spacious lobby on the ground floor.

"Bei Fairy."

"Liu Maliu."

The man with the mask on his face whispered two names and then fell silent.

On the other hand, "Mother Yaksha" Sun Erniang snorted: "There is no need to recall or even fear anything. They are a Sichuan cuisine emperor and a Shu fairy. One has lived in seclusion and the other has died of illness. Now the shopkeeper of Ju downstairs is their elder. Girl, a yellow-haired girl who hasn’t even reached the special level!”

This female Phoenix chef seemed to have some unknown hatred in her tone.

The masked man was obviously not young either. He belonged to the previous generation. He had heard the bloody stories about Sun Erniang and Yu Qilin in the past. Hearing this, he just put his hands behind his back and said:

"The girl has already entered the backyard in a panic, so let's wait for him to come out."

Sun Erniang laughed and said sarcastically: "What if that person chooses to hide?"

The masked man tutted:

"The golden signboard of 'Chrysanthemum Goes Downstairs' will probably be shattered into the smoke of history starting from today."

"I said it, you said it too."

"Nothing can stop us in this Shu land today! Not even the legendary kitchen utensils and their owners!"

The words trailed off.

There was the sound of mixed footsteps in the store, which was empty of customers.

A large group of guys came from the back kitchen.

The two people leading the group happened to be a man and a woman.

Zhu Qi.


This can be regarded as the young king who is the second generation of Sun Erniang and the masked man.

Seeing them, Sun Erniang and the masked man looked at each other and said, "Is this really the case?"

Sun Erniang spoke slowly:

"I'm just wondering, why does the majestic Spice Empress stand on the side of this generation of "Garuda Sword" wielder? Not that Kaiyu coveted the two knives among the eight legendary kitchen utensils. How could he allow his general to stand at the enemy's side? "

Zhu Qi stopped and thought to himself, this woman is so powerful. He couldn't help but glance at her scary breasts. Isn't that so stupid?

If it were originally said, one sentence would be enough to shake Mira's position.

But it's a pity.

"I have...a reason to fight!" Mira's reply was so sharp. Her blue eyes were different from their usual clear and plain appearance. At this moment, they were like a frozen lake, showing an unspeakable coldness.

Facing this look, Sun Erniang immediately became solemn, and her leisurely demeanor completely disappeared.

As an older generation of dragons who have experienced battles for a long time.

Sun Erniang knew that any verbal attacks would be unnecessary and could not shake her resolve.

And start a duel.

Facing the "Spice Queen" who will definitely go all out...

Sun Erniang took a deep breath.


As for Zhu Qi, regarding the answer given by his fellow empress, he praised it in his heart as "awesome".

"Uh, well, I have a reason to fight~" Zhu Qize simply aimed his sight at the remaining masked man.

The two men's eyes met.

Before the masked man opened his mouth to accept the challenge, Zhu Qi suddenly smiled:

"How come this look is so familiar? Ha, I probably know who you are."

Hearing this, the masked man's eyes darkened slightly.

The Chinese cuisine world is very large and vast in a sense, with countless diners lingering here and countless chefs advancing in this wilderness.

But it is also very narrow in a sense.

Because, the further we advance, the fewer and fewer people we travel with.

At the dragon level, even if you count the seniors, the previous generation, the previous generation, the number is pitifully small.

Zhu Qi opened his mouth slightly, with a confident expression, and softly uttered one word:


The masked man was suddenly shocked.

Zhu Qi didn't say much else, but looked at the masked man with unspeakable teasing in his eyes:

"It turns out that there is such an unknown story behind the disappearance of the former orchid shopkeeper."

In other words, it was designed by Shopkeeper Lan to provide a cover for him to join the Tai Chi cooking world.

After all these years, no one has unmasked him.

All I can say is that they did a great job.

Of course, Zhu Qi is purely a melon-eater. If Lan Qilin, Shopkeeper Lan, who is already half-stepped as an imperial chef and a dragon chef, heard that his father was a Phoenix chef, he fled to Juxia downstairs and was protected by Fairy Bei. A past incident was actually all a calculation.

How would Lan Feihong react?

And obviously.

The masked man, who was the shopkeeper of the Lan family in Shu, saw Zhu Qi's greedy look and instantly grasped the king's mentality.

His temples bulged, and he wanted to scold his mother. He even wanted to commit murder and bury him on the spot.


Spit out a mouthful of white mist.

Shopkeeper Lan's breath dropped slightly, and his sharp edge showed:

"Then I'll defeat you first, and then we'll talk in detail!"

Zhu Qi was not surprised and laughed: "Very good, only the winner is qualified. Those who demand this and that, defeat and weakness are the original sins!"

As he said that, they both spoke at the same time:

"Compared to what? What is the theme and content?"

A female voice said with a sweet smile:

"Why not, let's compare the palace dishes."

Several people looked at "Mother Yaksha" Sun Erniang in surprise.

This top female chef from her previous generation stretched her waist in front of everyone, and perfectly displayed her seductive figure without minding that her clothes were almost torn.

Bang bang bang...

A string of crisp applause came from elsewhere.

At the front door, Yan Xian appeared quietly.

The "Prodigal Son" was not alone. Next to him, stood a beautiful lady who was no weaker than Sun Erniang in terms of body and posture.

she is……

"Yizhangqing" Xiang En.

In response to the sudden appearance of these two people, Sun Erniang and Shopkeeper Lan looked as usual.

Zhu Qi and Mila, on the other hand, couldn't help but look at each other helplessly:


Yan Xian Juebi also received the task!

"Mission?" Zhu Qi couldn't help but ask.

Yan Xian smiled and nodded.

Zhu Qi said dullly: "I'm sorry, one of these two people is my chosen opponent, and the other is destined to fight with Mila. There is no room for you to interfere!"

Yan Xian's expression turned strange:

"Uh, that."

"I'm not too embarrassed."

"My 'mission' is different from yours."

"You must catch each other and fight to expel them, and I am...ahem! Invigilator, the inspector of your duet dishes!"

In an instant, the lobby on the ground floor of Ju went downstairs, and there was silence.

Zhu Qi's expression changed several times.

From green to white, and from white to blush.

"Fuck!" He couldn't help but shout out a bilingual catchphrase he learned from the alien player.

But Sun Erniang and Shopkeeper Lan were completely confused.


Task, what task, who gave it to me?

Who can order and assign these three kings at once? Kayu? A mission from a mysterious master?

At this moment, these two Phoenix chefs who came to the door with great momentum finally understood why the players unanimously denounced the so-called "Riddler" group. In recent days, not only the food circles such as Shu and Guangzhou, but also all over China. Similar slogans were heard——

The Riddler gets out of XX city or area.

At the moment, Zhu Qi, Mila and the newly arrived Yan Xian have vividly demonstrated what the Riddler's hatefulness is!

And when it comes to Xiang En, why come with Sui Yan first?

Time, back to about a cup of tea.

Lan's Teahouse.

Yan Xian calmly closed the group chat interface and looked intently at the woman who had been looking for a table for a long time and had been standing at the tea table for a while.

"Do you have anything to do with me, Messenger?"

"Yizhangqing" Xiang En encountered a weak point in the title when she came up, but she was not angry.

Nowadays, no one in the world knows that she has betrayed the dark world and escaped from Kaiyu's clutches.

Calling her the old name of Xiangshi is just weird.

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