Eternal gate

Chapter 556 Husband


The Sixth Elder of the Devil's Nest screamed and struggled violently.

However, the seals have been placed, and they have been carved into runes one after another, carved into his limbs, bones, internal organs, meridians and eight meridians, and his Dantian has also been sealed. Since he is the inheritance of the Demonic Land, he recognizes that these seals have made him three quasi-celestial beings. Working together, he can't break away.

"Move, why can't you move?"

The third elder snorted coldly and threw a big mouth at him.

Over the years, there have been no more than 800 members of the Demon family buried in the hands of the Sixth Elder of the Demon Cave, including the First Elder’s wife and children. The reason why they did not kill this guy with a single palm was because they wanted to pry him out. Some secrets, for example, the location of the Demon Cave's lair. Even if they couldn't find the lair, they wouldn't mind finding some Demon Cave strongholds and defeating them one by one.

"The Demon Cave will not let you go."

The Sixth Elder of the Devil's Nest howled like a mad dog.

The third elder of the Demon Clan was always very direct when it came to this person. He raised his hand... and slapped the sixth elder of the Demon Clan with a big mouth. His mouth was filled with blood, and a few teeth flew out.

This time, he changed his partner.

The so-called target is Mr. Zhao.

He had recognized that it was Ji Hen of Tianzong. If it hadn't been for the instant kill and the Demonic Wheel Blood Sacrifice to severely injure him with one sword, he wouldn't have been sealed so easily, and he might have been able to escape.

Apart from being furious, he was also in disbelief.

Ji Hen was actually with the Demon family. Unless he saw it with his own eyes, no one would believe it.

Zhao Yun was silent, and the Long Yuan in his hand was buzzing and trembling. Those who chased the Zhao family that night were also the Sixth Elder of the Devil's Nest. To be honest, he really wanted to kill this guy with one sword, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it. The Demon Cave Elder in this realm must know a lot of secrets. He wants to kill him, but not tonight.

"Fight quickly."

The great elder of the Demon family snorted coldly, suppressed his murderous intention, and went straight to kill someone.

"I'll settle the score with you when I get back."

The second elder and the third elder cursed and raised their swords to attack.

Behind him, Zhao Yun and Mo Zi stood on the left and right, still targeting the Xuanyang realm.

puff! puff!

Three quasi-heaven realms participated in the battle, which was even more bloody.

The already one-sided situation suddenly turned into a one-sided massacre.

The Demon's Cave suffered a disastrous defeat. It was hard to resist the Demon Family's offensive and fled in all directions. The six elders who were supporting the scene were all blocked. What's more, the Demon Family was obviously well prepared. If they fought again... they would be seeking death.

"Where to go."

The strong men of the Demon family followed closely and became a killing god, harvesting lives.

Screams and wails filled the dark night again, and murdered corpses lay scattered across the fields.

I don’t know when, the roar was annihilated.

The demon family won a great victory.

As for the Demon Cave, except for a few who escaped, everyone was killed.

"There must be a treasure...find it," the second elder said immediately.

With the order, all the strong men from the Demon Cave returned to the ancient city. It was an ancient city, but it was better said to be a ruins, which had been blown up by strong crossbows. The ruins were stained with blood and looked like a slaughterhouse.

The Mojia is very professional in technical tasks such as cleaning the battlefield. How professional is it? Not only were all the treasures of the demon cave dwellers stripped away, but their clothes were also stripped off, leaving only a pair of flowery underpants.

"Kill me if you dare."

Not far away, the Sixth Elder of the Demon Cave screamed again.

This guy is actually a man. He knows that he is doomed. He is extremely tough, grits his teeth, and is full of violence. With his disheveled hair, he really looks like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you entertained."

The three quasi-celestial beings of the Demon Family said coldly and cast a secret method.

What a secret! The Sixth Elder of the Devil's Cave was adamant about the soul-searching technique, so it was most direct to use the soul-searching method. This technique was very mysterious and few people understood it. Fortunately, Zhao Yun had already understood it and passed it on to them.


The Sixth Elder of the Devil's Nest groaned, his face twisted in pain.

The three elders looked expressionless and searched his soul forcefully.

"Will there be treasure?"

Here, Demon is carrying the magic sword and knocking it all the way.

Zhao Yun took off his shoes and walked back and forth with his bare feet, silently reciting his determination in his heart, and using the earth's magic spell to sense that if there was a universe under the ground, or an underground palace hidden, it would be impossible to escape his prying eyes.

I have to say that the earth magic spell works really well.

Not long after, he was seen standing on a ruins.


Zhao Yun said and hit the ground with a Shanshan fist.

With the roar, a big hole was made in the ground.

In other words, it is a secret passage that leads directly to the ground. Just say it! There must be an underground palace hidden in the stronghold of the Demon Cave, most likely to store treasures, and there must be a lot of them.

Everyone rushed out and went down the tunnel.

At the end, there was a stone gate blocking the way, which was blasted open by the fourth elder's palm.

The stone door is cracked and there is light shining.

It is indeed an underground palace, and there are indeed treasures hidden in the underground palace. Gold bricks, silver cakes, gems, spiritual beads, silver coins, weapons, ancient scrolls... everything is available in huge quantities. Who knows how much the Devil's Cave has plundered over the years. The property, however, was used to make wedding clothes for the Demon family.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Zhao Yun walked in with small steps and looked left and right.

After careful inspection, no unusual treasure was found.

"What are you looking at? Move somewhere!"

The sixth elder of the Demon family stood on the high platform and said hello.

Hearing this, the strong men of the Demon family all rolled up their sleeves. They felt more in love with the money than with their own mother. The Demon's Cave is quite impressive, with just one stronghold, it can store so much gold and silver, estimated to be tens of millions.

Zhao Yun took a look and left the underground palace with Mo Zi.

Compared with the gold and silver treasures in the underground palace, they want to pry out the secrets from the Sixth Elder of the Demon Cave, such as the location of the Demon Cave's lair, and the whereabouts of Wang Yang. If that guy is allowed to develop in a wretched way, his magic power will skyrocket, and there will be more. Innocent people were buried.

They are not saviors, but they still have good intentions.

"Holy Son, there is a dungeon there."

As soon as they left the underground palace, they saw an elder from a demon clan approaching.

"You can lock people up."

Mako asked, as if he had expected it.

Every stronghold in the Demon Cave must have a dungeon, which is not for holding criminals. Most of them are captured from the Demon Cave for Wang Yang to absorb. The evil in the Immortal Demonic Body Technique is not ordinary bloody.

"It's still a lot if you're locked up." The Demon Chief said.

No need for him to say anything, Zhao Yun and Mo Zi also saw it.

Not far away, a group of ragged people were being taken out from an underground prison. They were all men, women, old and young. They were in ragged clothes and had sallow complexions. They were afraid that they had been captured and had not even had a full meal. Some of them Many people were covered with wounds. They were all frightened when they saw the demon family. The most important thing was the number. They were thousands. They had to be locked up in the dungeon before. Otherwise, with the power of the crossbow, they would definitely explode. If they are all broken into pieces, they will suffer a great evil.

"Spare your life, spare your life!"

Thousands of people were begging and their bodies were shaking with fear.

Among them was a child, hiding in his mother's arms and crying, which touched the hearts of the Demon family. Once upon a time, they were just like refugees, hiding in Tibet while being hunted. How humble they were.

"Erase the memory and let them go." Mako took a deep breath.

In fact, the powerful ones from the Demon Family are already doing it.

For example, these people are not martial arts cultivators. In terms of Forgetting Water, one drop is enough. I would like to take them in, but there are too many. Again, they are not saviors, and what they can do is limited.


Zhao Yun said suddenly, stepped forward and stood in front of a person.

It was a woman. Different from other refugees, she was wearing a wedding dress. Because of this, she was particularly eye-catching and attracted Zhao Yun's attention. Her wedding dress was very shabby and her hair was quite disheveled. , even covering his cheeks.

Zhao Yun subconsciously reached out and brushed away her messy hair.

When he saw her true appearance, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, "Wonderful...wonderful words?"


When Demon Zi heard this, he frowned slightly, making sure he had never heard it before.

The strong men from the Demon Family present also looked confused.

"How can it be."

Zhao Yun frowned and his eyes flickered.

The demon family didn't recognize the witty words, but he did.

That night, he and Qing Yao were captured by the hag and taken to a tomb for a ghost marriage. The hag wanted to marry Qing Yao to her dead son and to marry him to her deceased daughter. That's the punchline. If the Rashomon killer hadn't broken in and disrupted the underworld marriage, he and Qingyao would have been buried in the grave.

No one except him and Qing Yao knew about this matter.

But Punchline... is clearly dead, so why is he here.

"got the wrong person?"

Zhao Yun subconsciously took a step closer and scanned up and down.

Wan Yu seems to be in a state of confusion, with a dull look and empty eyes. She just lowers her head and lowers her eyes. At first glance, those who don’t know her might think she is a puppet. But she does have breath and is a living person.

"It's definitely her."

Zhao Yun murmured again, but this is impossible! How come the long-dead witticism is alive again? Could it be that someone used the method of summoning spirits to bring the witty words back to the earth?

"Why, do you recognize it?" Mozi poked Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun nodded lightly, really not knowing how to explain all this.

"Hmm... She is a beauty." Mako touched his chin and looked up and down with a strange look in his eyes. You said, how can such a beautiful girl look like a puppet? Invisible to human emotions.

"You boy, you have good taste."

After a few moments, Mozi patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder.

"It's exciting but not exciting."

Zhao Yun also glanced sideways at this guy.

While speaking, Miaoyu actually raised her eyes slightly, twisted her neck stiffly, ignored others, and only looked at Zhao Yun in front of her, with empty eyes and a flicker of eyes. She didn't recognize Zhao Yun, but Zhao Yun's aura made her quite familiar. I feel very friendly and his words are extremely familiar.

"Ms. sir."

She opened her lips slightly and called softly.

The devil was stunned when he heard these words.

This call to Mr. Xianggong was not called him, but Zhao Yun.

Not to mention him, even the demon elders around him were confused.

The most shocked person was Zhao Yun, who looked confused.

"Ms. sir."

The tranquility of the scene was broken again by a call of witty words.

Everyone in the audience looked sideways and looked at Zhao Yun with strange eyes, "You kid can do it!" Very philanthropic! In addition to Liu Ruxin, the main wife of your family, how many other wives do you have?

"Don't make trouble."

Zhao Yun laughed dryly, the dark marriage does not count.

"What do you mean, you won't admit it when you get into bed?" Demon raised his eyebrows.

"Did you see me sleeping with her?" Zhao Yun cursed.

"Everyone calls you my husband."

"If I call you husband, it will prove that we have slept together?"

"I like women."

The two of them spoke to each other as if they were talking in cross talk.

The elders present said with serious expressions on their faces: "These two are so funny."

"Ms. sir."

Wan Yu spoke again, shouting the same two words.

Mr. Zhao was a little confused. He had still figured out how to revive Miaoyu. This sentence, "Mr. Hu," really caught him off guard. He was so happy to have an extra daughter-in-law for no reason.

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