Eternal gate

Chapter 557: Strange state

The moonlit night is dark and the stars are dim.

The ruins of the ancient city are full of people.

The elders of the Demon Family were also interested. They were stroking their hands and stroking their beards. They were gathering together to watch the monkey. The young master, the monkey, was surrounded by everyone. There were so many people. He was restless, sometimes reaching out and pinching his little arms and legs.

As for the punchline, that’s not it anymore.

In other words, he has been taken back to the dungeon by the female elder.

What a good girl, she's all dirty and needs to change her clothes.

“If you confess, you will be treated with leniency, if you resist, you will be treated with severity.”

Mako's words were quite deep, as if he was interrogating a prisoner.

Zhao Yun was silent and glanced sideways at the devil and all the old guys. If there was a catastrophe, he would think about surviving it here. Some people would be dishonest without being struck by lightning.

"When did you find it? It was quite a secret!"

The devil had a smile on his face, but his expression was a little timid.

Zhao Yun buried his head, unable to explain some things.

Not long after, the female elder was ready to say something witty again.

Look! A man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. After changing into clean clothes, the witty saying is that he is really a different person. His body is exquisite and beautiful. What the ghost woman said is true. Her daughter is really beautiful. Now, although the moonlight is dim, it reflects on him. There was still a dream-like mood on her body. The only drawback was that her expression was still dull and her eyes were still empty, like a puppet.

"Anyone with a bad heart will die a good death."

The female elders also gathered together, speaking intentionally or unintentionally.

After that, he still glanced at Zhao Yun, his eyes a little slanted.

Zhao Yun took a deep breath and only looked at the punchline.

He was confused and wondered how Punch was resurrected.

Also, his aura has changed a lot, and he has become a child again. Can Punch recognize him?

"You underestimate ghost marriage too much."

Luna glanced at him with a meaningful expression.

Some things are just so mysterious.

Such as a marriage in the dark, it is not a simple wedding. It has become a contract in the dark. Miaoyu can recognize Zhao Yun because of this connection. As for the son of Qingyao and Gui Pozi, there is no such thing. The reason for the contract is that her son's physical body is broken. Even if there is a ghost marriage, the contract is not formed. This is very different from the innateness of Wanyu.

If you ask how the moon god knows, there are many ways.

She is a god! You can read Zhao Yun's memory at any time.

As for the underworld marriage contract, she had already seen it clearly.

"Worship heaven and earth."

"Two bows to Gaotang."

"Husband and wife bow to each other."

"Send it to the bridal chamber."

There are many talented people in the Demon family, but they are all buzzing.

Especially the last sentence, the howl the loudest.

I don’t know, do you really think this is a wedding?

Zhao Yun buried his little head again, what should he say?

"Sister-in-law, he can grow up."

Mozi also came up and called her sister-in-law kindly.

The so-called ability to grow up refers to Zhao Yun's current size. Even if he is sent to the bridal chamber, he can't seem to do anything else except suck milk. It would be embarrassing if he never grows up in his lifetime.

Look at the punch line, as quiet as a statue.

It seemed like everything in the world had nothing to do with her.

From the beginning to the end, there was no emotional change in her. She only showed tenderness when calling Zhao Yun, Mr. Zhao. Perhaps it was due to the contract, which made her feel more cordial and tender like a woman.

"Her condition is very strange!"

"Obviously he is a living person, but why do he feel like he has no soul?"

"She has a very strong Yin energy."

All the elders of the demon clan murmured in secret.

After so long, it seems that something is wrong.

It's a pity that none of them saw the reason.

Zhao Yun was also watching, and even opened his heavenly eyes. Wan Yu's state was really like a living dead. He obviously had breath, but his expression was dull; he could obviously move, but he had no emotions.


While everyone was watching, they suddenly heard a scream.

The sixth elder of the Devil's Nest couldn't bear the severe pain of searching for souls. He fainted and was bleeding from all his orifices. He lay on the ground convulsing. The three Zhuntians forcibly searched for souls, and his mind almost collapsed.

"very good."

The great elder and the others had stopped their hands and were all sneering.

Obviously, they found the secret from the memory of the Sixth Elder of the Demon Cave. There is no demon family's nest, but there are strongholds in the Demon Cave, and there are more than one. In this way, they have to deal with them one by one.

"Who is this....."

When they saw the witticism, the three of them were stunned for a while.

After being stunned, the three of them narrowed their eyes again.

No one, including Zhao Yun, said anything.

Those in the quasi-heaven realm have a very high vision, so they should be able to see something.


After a long time, I heard the great elder murmur softly.

The second and third elders beside him also frowned. The girl's state was really weird. After taking a peek, they couldn't even tell whether she was dead or alive.

"She is Zhao Yun's wife."

Demon son was considerate and whispered.

As soon as these words came out, the three elders collectively looked sideways and looked at Zhao Yun with extremely pleased eyes. This little thing is good! He is good at flirting with girls! Such a beautiful cabbage, I can't help but love it.

"Can you save her?"

Zhao Yun was too lazy to ramble and went straight to the point.

The word "save" is used very accurately.

Punchline is sick, and her weird state is her disease.

"Let's take her back to Qianqiu City first." Dachang ordered.

There are no clues for now, so I have to go back and check the secret volume carefully.

Under the order, the two female elders came out of the team, bringing witty words to go first. Also taken away by them was the Sixth Elder of the Devil's Nest. That guy has been sealed and is now unconscious, but this cannot cover up his evil deeds. He has to go back. Clean it up well, since it is a blood feud, blood will be needed to pay for it.

"The secret has been found."

After the female elder left, the sixth elder asked.

The great elder took the map casually and pointed to two locations one after another. They were both strongholds hidden in the Demon Cave. They had forcibly searched them out. The east and west were far apart, thousands of miles away.

"How about... fight here first?"

Zhao Yun stretched out his hand and pointed at one of them.

The main thing is that the stronghold of the devil's cave there is relatively close to the tomb of the hag, but when I went to take a look, everyone was dead, and they actually ran out by themselves. I have to find out, maybe I can get the mystery.


The great elder collected the map and was the first to set off.

All the powerful men also followed suit, destroying the corpses before leaving.

"I'm so handsome, why doesn't anyone like me?" Along the way, Mako was restless. He took a small mirror and looked at it again and again, and sometimes used a comb to comb his long hair.

"If I were a woman, I would marry you."

Zhao Yun held his hands and spoke in a deep voice.

Look! At critical moments, you have to watch your brothers.

In fact, there was another sentence he didn't say: I will castrate you during the wedding.

"I... like women."

What Mako said was very straightforward.

He also has a lofty ideal: to serve as many cabbages as possible.

Zhao Yun disagreed and continued to meditate.

Afterwards, everyone was extremely silent along the way.

In other words, they are all recuperating their auras and devouring spiritual liquid in order to return to their peak state in the shortest possible time. There is still a battle to be fought, and they must either not fight or be destroyed.

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