Eternal gate

Chapter 558 Ancient Cemetery Palace

Reflecting the dim starlight, everyone stood still in a group of mountains.

Yes, it’s still mountains.

This has been expected by everyone. The things that Yuanyin Devil's Cave does are basically shady. For example, plundering living souls, or making blood pools, or being sucked by Wang Yang. People who know about such activities are more likely to The less you poop, the better. Deep mountains, old forests, and mountain nooks where birds don’t poop would be a good choice. The stronghold that was destroyed earlier is the best proof. After capturing so many living people, don’t you have to find a remote place? Here!

Now this second stronghold is probably the same.

You don't need to look inside to know that there is an underground palace used to store gold and silver treasures, and there must be a dungeon where living people are imprisoned.

In addition to this, there is the gathering of intelligence.

Most of the places where people gather, such as ancient cities and small towns, have their spies. The information collected will be sent to the stronghold, and then reported to the headquarters.

On this point, all the major inheritances of Demonic Land are similar.

However, the Demon Family has done a better job. Who makes them the descendants of the Ninth Demon General? His specialty is intelligence.

"Will there be a stronghold here?"

"It's so desolate that it's hard to see even a bird, let alone a human figure."

"You can't be mistaken!"

The elders looked at everything they said to each other, and there was nothing surprising about it.

"Don't be fooled by appearances." The great elder said calmly.

"There is an underground palace hidden in the depths." The second elder added.

"Since the boss said it, it can't be wrong."

The elders laughed and followed the pace of the great elder.

Zhao Yun and Mozi walked to the left and looked at each other.

Especially Zhao Yun, who took off his shoes again and walked barefoot, with his little head like a rattle, looking here and there, and occasionally he would raise his eyes to take a look at the night sky. To be precise, he was looking at the stars.

These mountains may seem like nothing at first glance, but in fact they have something going on inside.

Qiankun here refers to the terrain, which, in conjunction with Feng Shui and the stars, is an excellent place. Building a tomb in such a place can breed treasure energy. This is what the Xuanmen Heavenly Book says. When ancestors pass away, they choose a place to be buried. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to it, and it can affect the luck of future generations.

This statement is very mysterious, but there is truth in it.

"Be careful not to touch the restrictions."

The great elder wore a black robe and affixed a masking charm, and he was reminded all the way.

There was no need for him to say it. The elders of the Demon Clan also picked up the guys. As they gradually went deeper, they realized that these mountains were extraordinary and there were many restrictions in the dark. If they were touched rashly, they would be warned.

I don't know when, but the Great Elder first settled down and pointed to one side.

Everyone looked with his hand and could see two towering mountain peaks, and what the great elder was pointing to was between the two peaks. There was a lush jungle with lush plants and towering ancient trees, and it was dark.

"The underground palace is right there." The third elder said.

"I'm afraid it's not an underground palace, it should be an ancient tomb!" Zhao Yun suddenly said, looking around the terrain and looking up at the image. According to the Feng Shui here, there is probably a tomb.

"Can you see this?" The second elder raised his eyebrows.

"Just a guess." Zhao Yun chuckled.

"Your guess is not bad at all." The great elder said with a smile, "This second stronghold of the Demon Cave is indeed an ancient tomb. The Demon Cave Dove occupied the magpie's nest, robbed the ancient tomb, and then transformed it into an underground palace. This One thing, it is clearly shown in the memory of the Sixth Elder of the Demon Cave."

"Whose tomb?" Zhao Yun asked casually.

"It should be a prince from the Warring States Period." The great elder said.

"This will damage your moral character." Zhao Yun coughed dryly.

The elders didn't say anything. They all scanned the thing up and down. They could tell at a glance that there was a tomb here. Could it be that this guy was also quite accomplished at tomb robbing? Or do you mean that you have gained experience after digging many graves? Not only does he have the talent to find treasures, he also has the talent to find graves?

"My eyes can see through." Zhao Yun pointed to the Sky Eye.

As soon as these words came out, all the old guys present felt a chill all over their bodies. They felt as if they were naked in front of Zhao Yun, especially the handsome female elder, whose eyes were not very kind, and could I told you about perspective earlier!

It's still Mozi's wit that keeps it airtight.

"There is a quasi-heaven realm inside."

Zhao Yun coughed dryly and hurriedly changed the topic, "Let's see!" Certain things cannot be kept in the open, as it would hurt feelings. If he said he didn't peek, most of these old guys wouldn't believe it.

Bullshit is bullshit, business still needs to be done.

"No quasi-heaven realm."

The Great Elder was very dedicated. As he spoke, he also took out a map. To be precise, it was the structural map of the underground palace. Through the memory of the Sixth Elder of the Demon Cave, he had already drawn it on the way here. Where is the entrance and how many exits are there? They are all clearly marked, and if they are to be beaten, they will all be killed.

"You, you, and those others, come with me." The third elder pointed at a few people at random, then disappeared into the mountains and forests, heading straight for the major exits of the underground palace, just to wait and see.

"Follow the rest."

The first elder and the second elder are on par with each other. The main combat power is still placed at the entrance. Without the quasi-heaven realm, there is nothing to fear. The lineup is absolutely crushing. There is also the ancient tomb mechanism, which was also touched through the memory of the sixth elder of the Demon Cave. Transparent.

"Do you often dig ancestral graves?"

Mozi followed at the end and poked Zhao Yun with his hand.

Zhao Yun didn't answer, his eyes explained everything: I am that kind of person.

Mako glanced sideways, and his eyes said: Isn't it?

whispering sound!

Zhao Yun disagreed. He had entered many graves, such as the Tomb of the King of Yinyue and the Ancient Tomb of the Barbarian King, but he did not rush to dig graves. Xiu'er once said, don't run to the graves if you have nothing to do. Once you provoke the evil spirit, , it may cause karma in other years.

Ahead, the great elder had settled down and found the underground tunnel.

Like most tomb passages, there is a stone door at the end.


The second elder was so forthright that he was beaten to pieces with one palm.


There was loud shouting and a surge of true energy in the tomb.

"Your uncle."

The response of the strong men of the Demon Family was surprisingly unanimous.

"Kill, leave no one behind."

The first elder and the second elder shouted violently. One of them was carrying a magic knife, and the other was carrying a magic sword. They all rushed in. They only met each other and killed the two demon cave Ksitigarbhas. The elders who entered afterward did not play any fancy tricks. , the move is an extermination attack.


"Demon family?"

Seeing the intruder, the strong man in the Demon Cave suddenly changed his expression.

The main reason is confusion, how did the Demon family find this place, and when did the first elder and second elder of the Demon family advance to the quasi-heaven realm, and where did the Demon family come from so many Ksitigarbha realms.

It was because of his confusion that he was caught off guard.

puff! puff!

Blood is everywhere, and the battle situation is one-sided. Not to mention other things, just the two quasi-celestial beings are enough for the devil's cave. When the killing general passes, he will be like a wolf among the sheep, unstoppable. The demon elder behind him is responsible for picking up the leaks. , a powerful man from the Demon Cave fell in a pool of blood.


The strong men in the Demon Cave were not that big of a deal. When they saw something was wrong, they turned around and ran away.

such a pity! The major exits were guarded by strong men from the Demon family, and they were filled with ballistae, and they came out to destroy each one.

"We two seem to be in love with each other."

Mozi laughed dryly and followed with his sword in hand. All he saw were corpses scattered everywhere. The strong men of the Mo family killed them too cleanly. They had been pushed horizontally. No matter whether they were in the Ksitigarbha realm or the Xuanyang realm, no one survived. No need to pick it up.

"It's just soy sauce."

Zhao Yun Hui casually walked in the tomb passage and looked at the totem on the wall. The totem should be a kind of ferocious beast, with three parts resembling Taotie, six parts resembling Qiongqi, and the remaining part resembling a Taotie.

"Judging from the totems, it should be the Han Dynasty." Mo Zi was also looking at it, "I just don't know if the person buried in this tomb was the king of Han Dynasty. Even if not, at least he must be at the level of a prince. Such a big tomb Most people can’t build a tomb.”

"King of Han Dynasty."

Zhao Yun murmured in his heart that he had heard the name of this person. He was the emperor of the Hanjiang Dynasty. He was truly in the Tianwu realm and could be called the strongest in an era. When the Hanjiang Dynasty was powerful in all directions, King Yinyue had not yet been born.

At that time, Daxia and Dayuan were just small countries.

According to ancient legend, when the King of Han Dynasty was in power, he almost unified this land. For some reason, during the most critical battle, the King of Han Dynasty disappeared, and the dynasty was defeated. From that day on, the country's fortunes declined and prosperity began. It began to decline, and to this day, most of them have lost their inheritance.

The torrent of history is cruel.

No matter how powerful a dynasty is, it will eventually fall.


When the two of them looked at each other, they suddenly saw a dark shadow passing by.

Zhao Yun and Mozi closed their eyes and looked at each other: There are still fish that have slipped through the net.

"Where to go."

The two men snorted coldly and chased along the tomb passage.

The tomb passage is a maze. The person who built the tomb must be familiar with Qimen Dunjia. The tomb passages are all very evil. However, Zhao Yun and Mozi have both seen the structure diagram and know which is the gate of life and which is the gate of death, and the black The figure probably also knew that the person running all the way was the Shengmen.

"Corpse Clan people."

During the chase, the two men murmured in unison.

The aura of the Corpse Clan is easy to identify and has its own Yin Qi. The person they are chasing falls into this category. His cultivation level is not too high. He is only at the sixth level of Ksitigarbha. He is covered in a black robe and cannot see the honor clearly. Zhi is an old man.

"Has the Demon's Nest formed an alliance with the Corpse Clan?" Zhao Yun raised his eyebrows. Otherwise, such a secret stronghold would not have allowed the Corpse Clan to come in. He even suspected that the people buried in this tomb had been given to the Corpse Clan by the Demon's Nest.

For this reason, most of the corpse clan will give the Devil's Nest what it wants.

After all, it is still profit.

He has a very good mind and his guesses are accurate.

The Demon Cave and the Zombie Clan are indeed in alliance, they have been in alliance a long time ago.

As for the benefits of exchange, it is also simple.

The Corpse Clan wants dead people, and the Demon Cave wants living people;

One wants a dead person to refine a puppet; the other wants a living person to suck the essence and blood.

A certain transaction is decided happily like this.

Since they are allies, it is not surprising that there are one or two Corpse Clan members in the stronghold of the Demon Cave. Unfortunately, the Demon Clan suddenly attacked, and the Demon Cave was caught off guard. The Corpse Clan was also caught off guard, and when they were escaping, they met Zhao Yun and Mo Zi. These two talents.

"Little Xuanyang, dare to chase me?"

At the corner of the tomb passage, the old man in black robe shouted loudly and turned around.

When it was over, the Yin Qi surged into a sea and swept towards Zhao Yun and Mo Zi.


Mozi activated his fire escape, forming a sea of ​​fire and burning out the Yin energy.

Beside him, Zhao Yun was like a stream of light, blasting out with a single blow. Although this guy was small, his fist power was domineering. Even the black-robed old man in the Ksitigarbha Realm felt a state of mind, only to realize that Xuanyang was at the seventh level. The blow was so fierce, and its vitality, blood and life spirit were not as strong as usual.

People cannot be judged by their appearance.

This little thing is definitely not an ordinary person.


As he spoke, Zhao Yun's fist arrived.

The old man in black robe groaned, and was knocked back half a step by a punch. The corpse clan members are cunning, and I am not good at fighting. I rely on the power of the corpse puppet, most of which are group fights. In terms of physical body and fighting, he is far weaker than the same level.

And Zhao Yun is a monster.

Even though he was in the Xuanyang realm, his punch was still very powerful.

"Are you...Ji Hen?"

The old man in black robe calmed down, his old eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's such an honor to be recognized by senior." Zhao Yun carried Long Yuan and breathed a sigh of relief. After finishing, he wiped it with his sleeve. As long as he was not at the peak of Ksitigarbha, he could face hard steel, let alone the side of him. There is also a demon who cooperates.

Look at Mozi, he is also cleaning his sword.

These two guys really have a tacit understanding.

The expression of the old man in black robe was more fearful.

He had heard of Ji Hen's evil name before. Danhai, Wuhun, the power of regeneration, and instant death were all enough to disgust him. What he didn't expect was that the disciples of the Tianzong actually got together with the Demon family.

Without thinking much, he immediately made a seal with his hands.

Suddenly, two sarcophagi came out of the ground, and he summoned the corpse puppet.

"Get down here."

Zhao Yun snorted coldly and used the coffin sinking technique.

He has learned the essence of this method, and it is aimed at the corpse clan. However, it is a reverse coffin. However, it is not useful for everyone. It also depends on the background. For those with poor background, such as the old man in black robe, he will This method can be used to limit it, but if the opponent is at the peak of Ksitigarbha, it will be very difficult to be effective.


Both sarcophagi trembled, and just as they popped up, they sank again.

The old man in black robe suddenly changed his expression. He could actually do something like this?


At this moment, the devil was not idle, and pierced the rainbow with his sword.

The old man in black robe gritted his teeth and flew away. The seal in his hand changed again, and a shield formed in front of him. It was black and translucent, and filled with Yin Qi. The grimace carved on it was particularly sinister.

pound! Click!

Mako's sword is so domineering that he can penetrate the shield with one sword.


The old man in black robe stepped forward and penetrated with one finger.

"Do you think I'm just a decoration?"

Zhao Yun scolded him coldly and used the secret method of restraint. The restrained old man's movements froze.

Demon Zi took advantage of the opportunity and used the magic dragon's tail to throw the old man over.

"The Art of Killing Immortals."

Zhao Yun was as fast as a startling light, and his Immortal Killing Technique was unparalleled in power.

The old man in black robes immediately started to bleed, his body-protecting essence was broken, and a bloody hole was poked in his chest. The Immortal-killing Jue had a terrifying sword power, and the sword intent invaded the body and destroyed it at its foundation.

seal up!

The devil gave a sonorous drink and cast out the runic net.

The ban imposed by the Demonic Land inheritance was still very overbearing. The big net was cast down to cover the black-robed old man, and the runes were engraved into his body, imprinted on the bones, and the meridians were sealed.


The old man in black robe shouted violently and struggled desperately.

For this reason, he also opened a forbidden technique, carved an ancient pattern between his eyebrows, and his aura suddenly increased. Even his shape changed. A horn actually appeared on his forehead, and there were also bone spurs protruding from his back. It looked like A monster.

"Ignore me again."

Zhao Yun curled his lips, he had to find a sense of presence.

The so-called sense of presence is a domineering secret technique, a perfect slash to the sky, which made the black-robed old man stagger for a while. Because he was distracted in the fight and failed to hold the seal, he was banned on the spot.

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