Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1209: Let me down

"You can not!"

This is the same sentence, but it is high, full of contempt and disdain, and it is disdain for the strongest person of the alien race.

The whole city was in an uproar, the Young Supreme Human Race of the line of Fighting Saints was too strong, and actually overwhelming the young Supreme Foreign Race, so powerful, so unmatched.

Is it really the time when the Sealed Universe rose? You must know that since this era, every time the ultimate ancient road is opened, the strongest person in the Sealed Universe has almost suffered heavy casualties, and now they have finally risen.

In a daze, he seemed to have seen the resurrection of the king of the last epoch, the invincible king of the ultimate ancient road.


King Gu Xun roared, his eyebrows sullen, and the third eye in his eyebrows was shaking, as if to open, giving people a terrible sense of crisis.

It seemed that there was some great horror in this vertical eye.

"The ants of the sealed world, you are looking for death!" Gu Xunwang's expression is as gloomy as it is. Since his debut, he has been almost invincible. Why is he suppressed by manpower, let alone the defeated and defeated sealed universe, even more so. Make him humiliated.


Ye Chen looked indifferent, without making any waves, stepping out slowly, as if stepping on an invisible ladder and marching forward in large strides, seemingly light, but his shots were as sharp as the same emperor.

This sky completely disintegrated, and he was caught off guard. King Gu Xun was beaten by Ye Chen and rushed out of the ancient city. There was a little bit of dark and dark golden blood spilling.

Ye Chen did this deliberately, because he didn't want to affect the powerful human races in the city, and he also rushed out.

Before he left, he projected Zhan Gedu in front of the leader of the ancient city and returned it to him, which is regarded as a return of the kindness of the leader of the ancient city to protect the human race.

"Commander, Wanwang will continue to protect my people in the city!" Ye Chen's voice came into the ears of the leader of the ancient city.


The Ancient City Master received the battle battle, soared into the sky, and took the **** pill, recovered, and the Qi in the Heavenly King realm broke out.

It can be said that he lost to King Gu Xun because the latter is the young supreme, the king of the tenth heaven, not an ordinary king, much stronger, and it is normal to lose, but the other strongest people may not necessarily be the king of Gu Xun. That's so powerful, enough to protect the other human cultivators in the city.

The Fifth Trial Continent is quite vast and magnificent, not inferior to Gulan Continent, and may even be even greater.

This is the fifth level of the ultimate ancient road. Anyone who wants to go to the end must pass through this place.

In the great wilderness outside the ancient city, many ancient universes and the strongest people of all races have descended here, and they will launch terrible battles from time to time, which are very fierce.

But once, all the strongest figures were shocked, because this time was particularly fierce. The conquest was not only the battle of two hostile ancient universes, but also the two young sages of the tenth heaven, enough to cause everyone's emotions.

Although everyone who set foot on the ultimate ancient road is the strongest person and the peerless arrogant leader among the young generations of the ancient universe, they are not all the tenth heaven young supreme. On the contrary, the tenth heaven young supreme is too difficult to be born. For the alien universe or the primordial immortal world, it is very rare, and it is impossible for too many young supreme of this level to be born throughout the ages.

Therefore, it is impossible for more of the strongest talents to be the young supreme of the tenth heaven, only a few of them are.

Even on the Fifth Trial Continent, the young supreme of the Tenth Heaven is definitely one of the few invincibles. This time both launched a terrible battle and attracted the attention of the strongest people of all races.

Whether it is the strongest person who is fighting or is in retreat, he is paying attention to the past at this moment, wanting to see which young supreme is the strongest.


The golden light and the black light exploded in the fifth trial continent. Wu Guang was radiant and gushing, rippling the six and eight wildernesses, not knowing how many thousands of miles it affected, and it was extremely intense.

Both of them are the young supreme of their respective ancient universes, and they are also the strongest heavenly kings. Compared with many older generations, they are many times more detached and powerful. Once a war starts, the power of that kind of power will not know how huge the scope will be.

Boom boom boom -

It can be seen that the two sides are engaged in extremely fast fighting.

Although King Gu Xun was beaten by Ye Chen and flew out of the ancient city, he didn't know why. Later, the whole person became stronger and more terrifying.

With a shriek, he took the initiative to attack Ye Chen, using the alien's speed body magic secret, and the fourteen wings behind him were flapping, and the terrible black hurricane was continuously fanned out. The speed was so fast that even the same king was also a king. It is difficult to find the trajectory of his figure, too fast.

Ye Chen is not afraid, he also has the ultimate speed, known as the world's ultimate speed, it is the secret technique of the world, and the ultimate speed body technique created by the unphased king.

And when his cultivation reached his level, he was even faster, disillusioning one step at a time, as if he was traveling through the heavens and worlds, which was unpredictable, and he deserved to be called the secret art of the world.

Boom boom boom -

Countless people couldn’t help swallowing saliva. The speed between the two young supreme beings was too swift and thunderous. It is simply difficult for ordinary people to catch their figure, or it is better than many of the strongest people who can’t see it. His face was very shocked.

The speed is too terrifying, it can be called the world's fastest speed, I am afraid that it is difficult for the big power level to chase down two people.


The endless divine light exploded once again and flooded the past. However, King Gu Xun was once again shaken off, more than once, and the Fighting Saint King stood tall in the sky, never taking such a small step backward.

This scene obviously surprised many people. Is it true that King Gu Xun is not against the Saint King?


The two crossed again, with endless golden light and black light collapsing between each other, shattering everything and falling into the verge of Whether it is the strongest person or the strange animal in the great wilderness, No foreign birds can get close.

Because the power of the collision between the two is too terrifying, not ordinary people can withstand, and will be torn apart by the whole person, and then killed.


In the void, there was a series of blood splashing, it was jet black, and there was a faint dark gold flowing in it. It was obviously King Gu Xun. He was injured, and there was a terrible wound on his waist with deep bones visible.

However, the Young Supreme Human Race on the other side stood peacefully, bathed in endless golden glory, each strand of hair flowing with brilliant brilliance, it seemed so sacred and extraordinary.

Although the outcome has not yet been fully determined, the distinction between high and low is straightforward.

Ye Chen stood tall in the sky, condescending, and his eyes fell on King Gu Xun. He shook his head, "I was disappointed. I thought you were a true young supreme. It turns out that you are not, even the tenth heaven." Never reached."

He shook his head and sighed slightly, his expression disappointed, which made the cultivators of all races startled and surprised.

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