Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2010: Streaking Project

Isn't King Gu Xun the real Tenth Heaven?

He clearly has traces of the tenth heaven on his body, how could it not?

Even the strongest figures in the ancient universes were shocked.

"Yes, King Gu Xun is not the true young supreme of the tenth heaven, but the pseudo-tenth heaven. It can be seen that his tenth heaven is a bit bleak, not as solid as the other nine heavens. Obviously there is Defects." Some of the other strongest people said, explaining in this way made many people realize.

King Gu Xun is very powerful, and it can even be said that he is infinitely close to the realm of the tenth heaven, but after all, he is not the real perfection of the tenth heaven and has defects.

It is important to know that even in the universe of the real heavenly perfection, the ten heavens are rarely born, because this type of character cannot be born after ten days, and it needs a chance.

After all, it is really too difficult to achieve the true Tenth Heavenly Perfection.

King Gu Xun was able to achieve this step is quite remarkable.

"Huh!" Gu Xunwang coldly snorted, his expression suddenly gloomy many times. Although he is not the real Tenth Heaven Supreme Tianjiao, he is also a generation of strongest Tianjiao. He almost reached that point. He was extremely powerful and came from the emperor. , Is definitely a strong king among the younger generation of alien races, who is so despised by others.

"Human race, I have been suppressed by our realm. Have you forgotten the pain of your world's cosmic defeat in the last epoch?" King Gu Xun also said coldly, wanting to be defeated by the cosmic defeat of the previous epoch. Hit Ye Chen.

In the ancient city, many Terran cultivators changed their colors one after another, and secretly criticized King Gu Xun for being mean.

It's just that Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, shook his head, and said, "Sure enough, you will only mention the bravery when waiting for the alien race. If you mention it now, can it change the fact that you failed?"

"Ah! Ant race, you hurry to die!"

King Gu Xun roared angrily, and was so angry that he also shot his hand, soaring into the sky, and he swung the pitch black divine sword at Ye Chen directly.

Ye Chen also shot. He stepped out and stepped on the void, but when he acted, his whole person attacked like a **** of war, attacking with his fists and feet. This is the most powerful weapon that can crush Cangyu and annihilate everything. , To break all imprisonment.

Boom boom boom -

The two young supreme fought again, and the battle was fierce, but the result had already become established.

The real tenth heaven divine aperture appeared in Ye Chen's body, and immortal divine magic flowed out. It was added to his body, all laws were not invaded, all evils were not invaded, and the golden blood was exploding in an all-round way. .

He is like the same immortal war fairy, coming out of the world, impacting away, and the whole person is attacking with the endless surging fairy light.


King Gu Xun was very powerful, but Ye Chen was even more powerful. He displayed the four-pole sacred style, showing the four great holy spirits, attacking and sweeping the sky.

It can be seen that King Gu Xun was completely crushed, and his whole person was flying upside down. The Young Supreme Human Race also rushed over, using his fists and feet together to sweep and suppress.

This is an astonishing battle. Falling from the sky in the great wilderness, each other is the strongest person, and they can fight thousands of times in an instant, and there are many magical skills, and the glorious sky rushes into the sky.

It’s just that anyone can tell that King Gu Xun looked very embarrassed during the battle, and was always chased by the young supreme of the human race. There were all kinds of strong supernatural powers in it, which directly suppressed the king of Gu Xun. Continuous bleeding.

King Gu Xun was very angry and kept roaring. During this period, he used his blood to burn again and again to increase his combat power. However, what made him desperate was that every time he improved, the opponent increased his combat power once, and he was always stable. The force of the earth pressed him, making him very aggrieved.

But I have to be jealous. The opponent is a veritable young supreme, and a line of fighting saints, just like the second unphased king, which is not comparable to him. Now even defense is already very difficult, almost using All the tricks.

However, looking at the opponent's face not flushing or breathing, he clearly didn't use his full strength and appeared relaxed and relaxed, making him amazed how much strength the opponent had retained.

"Say, which emperor and old fellow in your clan is still alive? How many young supreme and emperor in your clan came to the ultimate ancient road." During the period, Ye Chen went to war and suppressed while on the other side he was forcing and asking questions. Important information about aliens.

"Go to hell!"

King Gu Xun was very violent and didn't want to answer at all.

However, Ye Chen was not angry. He knew that the other party couldn't just say it so easily. He just smiled. However, he never stopped the war and continued to take action, steadily suppressing the other party.


With a slap shot, most of the armor on King Gu Xun's body shattered, revealing the strong muscles of his upper body.


With another slap, most of the armor covering the legs shattered and fell off.

"What are you going to do?" King Gu Xun resisted, but the other side faintly changed color, vaguely aware of the other side's thoughts.

"It's nothing, since you don't say it, I will let you try the feeling of running naked, depending on whether you say it or not." Ye Chen smiled and said, it is harmless to humans and animals, but the strongest people all have a chill. Especially King Gu Xun's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly rose from the sky to escape.

If he was really streaked and exposed to everyone, he would rather die.


However, Ye Chen's speed was faster, and he was blocked in front of him, making him unable to escape smoothly.

"Don't go, don't you say, I will not kill you, let you take off a few clothes, how nice, if you are willing to take off naked and run naked, I will never suppress you, nor kill you, but give you a way out , How?" Ye Chen smiled and groaned, but fell in the eyes of King Gu Xun, who was more devil than devil.


At the time of the first thousand eight hundred and sixty-five moves of the fight ~ Ye Chen clapped his palms and shot out a brilliant golden light, which spread to King Gu Xun like lightning.


I saw that most of the armor on his body was detached, only a small part was left to protect the most important part of his waist.

This made others stunned. The Young Supreme Human Race really wanted to strip King Gu Xun naked and run naked. It was too cruel and too abnormal.

"Human, don't force me." Gu Xunwang's face was pale, and the vertical eyes in his eyebrows were beating, as if he was about to open completely.

Even Ye Chen felt a terrible sense of crisis, as if once opened, it could ruin the world.

However, it can be seen that the opponent's third vertical eye cannot be opened arbitrarily, which has great restrictions. Ye Chen continued to shoot, and he coughed up blood, vowing to carry out the enemy's plan of running naked.

"Go to death!" Gu Xunwang roared, the third vertical eye in his brows suddenly opened, a terrible eruption!

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