Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1561: Open the sky!

Tianguan, see Tianguan again!

Ye Chen was shocked, he never expected to be able to see an immortal pass here.

For a long time, he thought that the immortal heavens were all in the sealed universe, after all, they were mainly seen in the sealed universe. Even the immortal heavens of the prehistoric immortal world had a great relationship with the sealed universe.

But now it's obviously not.

Legend has it that there are nine levels in the sky, with different levels.

There are a total of nine immortal heavens between heaven and earth, but for now, most of them appear in the sealed universe, one is in the prehistoric immortal realm, and one is now in the ancient universe of the ultimate ancient road.

It's just that the appearance of the Immortal Pass, which represents a lot, shocked Ye Chen, and also speculated. Does the so-called Emperor's Road Open refer to the Immortal Pass? If this is the case, it would be difficult to understand.

At the very least, Ye Chen knew that the Immortal Pass was difficult to open. It was built by the emperor and the emperor, or the Supreme Immortal, and like the tenth emperor pass, it was not just a supreme building, it needed several people, even Beings with the strongest emperor, immortal king, etc. personally took action, with incredible power, even with the supreme emperor's soldiers, they can't do their work, and it is difficult to open the immortal pass.

It's just the rumored combination of the nine tripods and the opening of the emperor's road, which probably refers to the Immortal Pass.

Staring at the Immortal Pass in the opening passage of Jiuding, a strong Dandi clan headed by Yidanchen slowly let out a sigh of excitement.

Because of so many experiences, Jiuding finally gathered and opened!

Especially the emperor, her whole body is surrounded by wisps of fairy mist, and the green silk is floating, and the whole person has a kind of ethereal charm of the road, like a nine-day mysterious girl in the world, not eating the fireworks, but at this moment Looking at the Immortal Pass in the distance, there was a kind of special excitement. The power of the supreme bloodline in the body was surging, and it was greatly drawn and boiled.

Because after that Immortal Pass, she felt a familiar Qi, a Qi of the same origin.

"Father, are you on the other side of the sky?" The emperor muttered to herself in tears, her eyes hazy.

The appearance of the majestic and extraordinary Immortal Sky Pass obviously shocked everyone in the field. They would never expect that the Jiuding appeared, the Emperor Figure appeared, and eventually it would penetrate the sky, and an unimaginable sky pass would appear.

The heavens and stars all seem so small in front of this Tianguan.

It can also be seen that this immortal pass is so extraordinary, in which countless wars are intertwined, with stars inlaid on it, with immortal ancient soldiers inserted in the city pass, and there are blood that has never dissipated through the ages. Sprinkled on it, it records the extremely glorious battle history of this immortal pass, and now stands silently at the end of the horizon.

"Tianguan, the immortal Tianguan in the transmission, unexpectedly appeared!"

"There are nine levels in the sky, and the levels are different. I didn't expect to see an immortal sky level here!"

In the field are the strongest people in the entire ancient universe standing on the top of the pyramid. They are naturally knowledgeable and understand the various aspects of the Immortal Pass.

Among them, there are a few people who are Primordial Kings, the supreme supreme, and the emperor can't come out. The entire ancient universe is their great age. They know the ancient and the modern, and the most terrifying light beams are shot from their eyes, looking at the Immortal Pass.

As powerful as them, they have witnessed countless years, but they are also shocked at this moment.

"Nine tripods are united, the Emperor Road opens, and the sky is far away!"

"In the end, what kind of backs did the Emperor Dan left behind, and unexpectedly let the Jiuding unite and open an ancient road to the immortal pass."

The great ancient kings were surprised and thought a lot, but the emperor and the emperor are the greatest existence in the world. They run through the past and the present, and can do things that others can't. The left behind must also be shocking the past and the present. thing.

Now the unity of the nine tripods, referring to the Immortal Pass, must be pointed to by the descendants of Emperor Dan.

The ancient king of the Yandi clan was surrounded by immortal fire. He looked at the ancient king of the Dandi clan and said in a deep voice: "Friends, this is--"

He had to be solemn, because Jiuding Heyi was beyond everyone's expectations, and the Immortal Pass was even more so. The sudden change made him worry about the Primordial King.

The emperor of the Dan clan is vague and unparalleled. At this moment, he smiled slightly at the other Primordial kings and said: "The nine tripods are united, and the emperor's road opens. This is the emperor's words left by my ancestor. Now Jiuding has gathered. , As long as this immortal pass is opened, and perhaps the hope of Emperor Cheng can be seen, can several fellow daoists be willing to work together?"

Chengdi hopes! ?

Mentioning this word means that the great ancient kings cannot be as plain as water as they usually do. Those fields are the pursuits of their lives. How can they not hope.

It's just that they are also very strange, why the Dandi clan does not occupy this hope of becoming an emperor alone, but invites them to join the great ancient kings, which is somewhat unreasonable.

As if knowing what they were thinking, the emperor of the Dan Emperor clan sighed lightly: "The heavens are difficult to open, and my Dan Emperor clan dare not pretend that it can be opened for certain. I need to use your power to open it. And my clan hopes to follow the traces of the ancestor. , I suspect that he is still alive, maybe just outside the Heavenly Pass, so I hope that some fellow Taoists will help my Dan Emperor Clan!"

The great ancient kings understood, and immediately nodded and agreed.

It's just that Qin Jiuyou, the deputy head of the Forbidden Soul Palace, looked at the Immortal Pass at this moment, and his eyes flickered, and he sneered in his heart: "Is it finally coming? Very good, just in line with my Forbidden Soul Palace's plan!"

Click ——

Secretly, Qin Jiuyou crushed a jade medallion, and the invisible Dao rune dissipated.

The appearance of the Immortal Pass completely interfered with the alchemy event, and all alchemy stopped. Although the alchemy masters were a little annoyed, they were also attracted at this time, and there was a touch of excitement vaguely.

Because of the unity of the nine tripods, the other side of the Immortal Pass that is far away refers to the Dandi inheritance!


At this moment the Archaic King of the Dandi Clan rose into the sky, and sank into the center of the Jiuding Emperor Map, and took over the Jiuding Emperor Map. Then the whole person was shocked and there was a loud noise. Suddenly shined with the most brilliant light, shining through the ages!


Jiuding Emperor Tu has completely recovered, with the emperor's supreme prestige in the mighty past and present, and it is incredibly powerful.

"Open Tianguan, Dilu Xian!"

The Primordial King of the Dan Emperor clan yelled, and directly soared into the sky, wrapped in the picture of the Jiuding Emperor, rushing to the immortal pass at the end of the horizon, and then violently exploded the most terrifying supreme Emperor Wei, facing the ground. The bombardment is in the Immortal Pass.

The vast expanse of imperial prestige has run through the ages, and the long river of years will be looming.

The Tianmen of the Immortal Pass was blasted into a crack by the ground, you can see a corner!

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