Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1562: Enter Tianguan

When the gate of Tianguan opened, a gap appeared, and Seta attracted everyone's attention.

Really worthy of being the Primordial King, holding the intact Jiuding Emperor map, can display such a stunning power of the Great Dao, it is like holding the supreme imperial soldier who wants to hold the Great Perfection recovery, at least there is such a power The immeasurable power of the emperor level.

Immortal Tianguan received an unparalleled impact, and the whole was trembling, as if the entire vast world was shaking, shocking, and the terrifying emperor might even overflow along the passage and spread to Dantian City.

Once so, it is the most terrible destruction.

However, the Dan Emperor Clan had been prepared for a long time, the Emperor Formation of the Dantian City was opened, and the Primordial King of the Dan Emperor Clan also successfully controlled all the powers of the Jiuding Emperor Tu, and did not affect everyone in the city.

I also saw the immortal Tianguan at the end of the passage collapsed, extremely violent.

It’s just that the Immortal Tianguan is the imperial gate built by the emperor after all. It is so stable and unmovable for countless years. It will be difficult to turn it on again.

The other powerful men of the Dan Emperor Clan hope to take the Dan Emperor Ding Capital, and the Emperor Daughter will personally control it, and the other Emperor Clan will be able to assist, and together with the Emperor Clan King, they will open the gate of Heaven.

But the emperor stopped and said softly: "Don't worry, Dandian started not only to gather Jiuding, but also to gather a group of powerful enough helpers."

Not bad

On the one hand, the emperor of the Dan Emperor clan continued to bombard the Immortal Tianguan, while on the other side he transmitted his voice: "Friends of Taoism, don't take action at this time, but wait for a while. Please come forward and open the Tianguan Emperor together."

"it is good"

With the light drink of the Primordial King of the Dandi Clan, the three major Primordial Kings from the outside world rushed into the passage.

In particular, Lord Yan brought the supreme imperial soldiers of the clan, and they also recovered. The shocking emperor's prestige is majestic. I don't know how many times the flaming strength is stronger, and it is much more terrifying and terrifying than the bright sun.

Obviously, the other two great ancient kings also came prepared, they also brought the Supreme Emperor Soldiers, three of the Supreme Emperor Soldiers recovered, and there are also the Jiuding Emperor map, the four strongest Emperor Prestige erupted, and it is almost the four Geshi Great Emperors. Chen, shot at the Immortal Pass.


The four supreme emperors exploded violently, turning into the most flaming light beams between the four heavens and the earth, directly bombarding the immortal heaven that stands at the end of the horizon, and the most terrifying power exploded directly. The light of destruction can be described as destroying the heavens and the earth, blasting the Immortal Pass in an all-round way.


After all, the Immortal Pass is the strongest pass built by the emperor and the emperor or the Supreme Immortal. They have their methods here. They are engraved in the emperor mark formation. They are immortal. It is impossible for the emperor to complete the map and the three supreme emperor soldiers to attack. Unless the emperor and the emperor personally take action to destroy this class of majestic gates, but even this is enough, all they need to do is to blast open this majestic emperor gate.


At this moment, the Immortal Pass trembled, and then a stalwart gate in the center was blasted open more gaps, with a brilliant dawn falling through the gaps, attracting everyone’s attention.

It’s just that the Supreme Emperor’s Rule is permeated there, and no one can pass through it, even the Primordial King cannot. But as the four supreme emperors erupted in an all-round way, the emperor gate continued to be opened, opening a growing gap. .

"Everyone, please use your force to fully open"

The Primordial King of the Dan Emperor clan shouted, and his voice shook the sky and the earth. The four major Primordial Kings broke out almost completely, and the immeasurable emperor's might was surging and completely submerged there.

Accompanied by a thunderous bang, the emperor gate was completely blasted open, revealing a brilliant dawn, where there is a splendid rain of light floating out, with a strong vitality, making people suspect that they have entered the longevity The world is average.

"What a rich essence of life, where does the immortal pass lead to?"

Everyone was surprised, that is, the primordial kings had bright eyes, and the horrible runes of the avenue were intertwined, and they wanted to penetrate.

"Nine tripods are united, and the Emperor Road opens, is it leading to a broad road that can become an emperor?"

Among them, the Prime Minister spoke, thinking of the Jiuding rumors, that the strong men of the Dandi clan are all in a trance, but even they don’t know it, because the ancestor Dandi didn’t mention it, but left behind "The emperor's road opens" this sentence is full of fantasy.

But now I finally see a corner.


At this time, the Primordial King of the Dan Emperor clan drank abruptly. In the city of Dantian, a large cauldron soared into the sky, and then fell in the center of the Emperor Gate, where hundreds of thousands of traces of the heavens and thousands of paths fell, and the emperor was surging. .

That was the Pill Emperor Cauldron, and now it was summoned by the Primordial King of the clan, but instead of being brought in as a weapon, it was revived, opened the Emperor Gate, and left a way out to avoid anything happening in the Immortal Pass. You can quit at the first time.

Although many people don't think that something will happen to them, after all, they are all Primordial Kings, who can be called the supreme existence, and they also have the figure of the Jiuding Emperor and the supreme Emperor's soldiers. They can cross the ancient universe and even the chaotic sea, without fear of everything.

But the great ancient kings are all old antiques who have lived long The years are a mess, they know a lot, and they are cautious enough, and involve the immortal Tianguan, and also involve the emperors such as Dandi. Have to proceed with caution.


In the end, the four Great Primordial Kings all held the Jiuding Emperor map and the Supreme Emperor's soldiers, bravely and fearlessly rushed into the Immortal Pass, where the radiance was radiant and the immeasurable law permeated, and no one could penetrate.

After a while, the heavenly powerhouses in Dantian City all rose to the sky one by one. They were curious and longing for the world behind the Immortal Pass, and now there are four Great Primordial Kings to open the way, fearless of everything. , So many people rushed past.


When the emperor's figure moved, she broke through the air directly, and then stood in front of the emperor's cauldron supporting the emperor door, seeming to be telling something, a crystal light spot fell, and there was a mysteriousness in the emperor's cauldron. The light sank into the emperor's body.


The emperor also rushed into the Immortal Pass, and other powerhouses entered one after another.

Those alchemy masters and grandmasters who participated in the alchemy also rushed in one after another, and even their eyes had a fiery glow, because they all suspected that the inheritance of the emperor was in it.

"Ha ha"

Suddenly, a burst of cold laughter came, but it was the great power of the Forbidden Soul Palace.

Especially Qin Jiuyou, with shaggy black hair and dark eyes, swept toward the many powerhouses of the Dan Emperor Clan, and then fell on Ye Chen, saying: "Battle Saint King, cherish it now. For a while you are alive, after all, you will die soon."

After speaking, he took the powers of the Soul Forbidden Palace and went all the way, but those powers stared at Ye Chen coldly, full of joking smiles.

ps: No accident, break through in ten days *same*Chinese*text*

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