Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1563: The road to the emperor!

Ye Chen looked at these Soul Forbidden Palace powerhouses coldly, and wanted to take out the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia, directly hit the strongest blow, and directly killed these pesky guys.

However, he stopped the impulse and glanced at them, always feeling that these Soul Forbidden Hall guys have a special taste of conspiracy permeating.

In the end, he also rushed into the passage, but he did not step into the Emperor Gate of the Immortal Pass for the first time, but stood for a long time, staring at the Immortal Pass.

In his impression, every immortal pass was guarded by terrifying creatures, but this immortal pass did not, which made him curious, he also saw many scars of horror, and experienced many terrible battles. There is also the emperor or the supreme immortal who once fought against the world's supreme.

He took a great power pill here, this great power pill lost the roughness under the sacrifice of the small pill cauldron, it appeared much more perfect and rounded, and its power was perfected to the greatest extent. , Let his aura quickly climbed to the peak, the spirit and spirit were all elevated to the extreme, a terrifying aura emerged from all over his body, and then the whole person rushed into the emperor gate.

Unlike imagined, entering the gate of the emperor did not leave and enter another space-time world. On the contrary, what appeared in front of you was a passage, and it was a huge ancient road, somewhat similar to the one leading to the Immortal Pass in the Purple Mansion Holy Land. Ancient road, but it is much more magnificent.

On the magnificent ancient road, there is a majestic gate standing on it. Naturally, it is far inferior to the immortal gate, but it is also majestic enough to be as high as the sky, with the vicissitudes of time, and it is guarded by powerful creatures with great power. Level exists.

After perceiving outside creatures breaking into this world, Xiongguan immediately had a strong power emerging, and the sky trembled. It was a huge tyrannosaurus, a powerful existence of a large energy level, and saw many foreign creatures. , Immediately shouted: "Who are you, dare to trespass here, hurry back!"

It's just that after Lord Yan leaked a ray of energy, the world immediately changed. The tyrannosaurus power, which was much larger than the mountains, fell directly from the sky, smashing the mountains, and was terrified: "Prince King!"

No matter what he did not expect, there would be such a supreme existence to enter this world.

"This is where?"

The Primordial King of the Dan Emperor Clan spoke, with the strong majesty of the Primordial King, every word uttered made the heaven and the earth tremble, various visions appeared, and the sky full of stars was shaking. This is the terrifying place of the Primordial King. .

"My lord, here is the road to the emperor." Tyrannosaurus was very honest and didn't dare to lie, but what he said surprised everyone.

The road to the emperor is the ancient road that suppressed the emperor and the emperor?

The great ancient kings all asked, but the Tyrannosaurus power didn't know much, because too many secrets were lost. It only knew that they had stayed here for generations and had ancestral training and could not leave.

However, there are a total of ten male gates standing here, and no outsiders can pass through, avoiding the liberation of the most terrifying existence of the Supreme True Demon.

Although not much is known about the power of Tyrannosaurus, at the end of this mysterious road to the emperor, it seems that there is a great horror being suppressed, and there are also terrible blood chaos blocked, ten Xiongguans. It is lying on the ancient road, blocking all this life.

Ye Chen was surprised, this point was very similar to the ancient road in the Purple Mansion Holy Land.

Each level of Xiongguan represents a force of terror, and the further behind, the more terrifying the forces on guarding Xiongguan, and even in the eighth and ninth levels, there is no weaker than Danchen and Qin Jiuyou. Existence is amazing.

Such a character can definitely be called a peerless powerhouse. Looking at the entire universe as being dominated by half of the starry sky, he is willing to be responsible for guarding these lords.

Naturally, these majestic gates cannot stop the great Primordial Kings and the powers of the heavens who follow them. Not to mention the invincible existence of the Four Primordial Kings, just the existence of the Great Energy level has many people, but it is a luxury. Could it be a luxurious lineup.

Under the leadership of the great ancient kings, they crossed the Chongxiong Pass unimpededly along the way, and no one dared to block the way they passed, and even those Xiongguans took the initiative to open the city gates.

Because it can be seen that they didn't have the slightest malice, and they couldn't even stop these Primordial Kings who held the complete emperor map and the supreme emperor soldiers.

In the end, all people quickly appeared at the Tenth Chongxiong Pass. There was also an ancient emperor. He was very old and pale, and even his flesh and blood appeared haggard. He was an old emperor in the sunset period of his later life. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years I have lived. There is no such thing as the world-destroying aura of Monarch Yan and other great emperors, and he personally walked out of Xiongguan to welcome them.

However, the great ancient kings did not lightly look down on the old king, on the contrary they were very polite.

Once the ancient king is achieved, even if he is old and weak, he cannot be underestimated. After all, being able to enter the realm of the king is enough to explain everything. Moreover, such old antiques have terrifying methods that can reproduce their peaks in a short time. If they have a mortal heart, they are likely to drag an ancient king to fall here. In this way, the gain is not worth the loss.

However, the old king was obviously very polite, and he didn't have the thought of waiting. He just greeted the heavenly powerhouse with a smile, saying that no one had come here as a guest for many thousands of years, which was slightly startled.

The Primordial King of the Dan Emperor clan looked a little strangely at the old king, feeling a little strange, and the emperor was the same, always feeling that this person had a feeling of deja vu.

The old king invited several great ancient kings and the heavenly powerhouses to board the most majestic tenth level. The tenth level is much more majestic than the previous nine levels. It has completely broken into the sky, and is about to match the immortal level. But it looks extremely has countless battle marks, and several sections of the city walls are ripped apart and are about to collapse.

After the heavenly powerhouses reached the Tenth Grand Pass, they looked outside the pass, immediately dumbfounded, with a strong shock!

Because it was a terrifying ancient battlefield, vast and boundless, I don't know how wide it was, but the whole body was stained dark red with blood, there were countless deep pits, and countless creature bones were all over this ancient battlefield.

There are many corpses that are larger than the stars. They have dragon heads, tiger bodies, and snake tails. There are also other creatures with wings but whole bones. They lie in this mysterious ancient battlefield. Frightening.

What kind of battlefield is this? I may feel that there are too many terrifying existences buried here, and the ancient kings have also fallen into it, which is shocking.

"this is--"

Even the great ancient kings were shocked, not to mention the others, all of them were shocked in their hearts.

The old king's eyes were cloudy, as if he was nostalgic, or sighed, and said softly: "This is the battlefield of the Emperor Perish!"

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