Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1566: 5 Emperor blood!


The army of foreign races came to kill, for the five great ancient kings, all of them burly and huge, majestic and terrifying, standing proudly in the world, wearing immortal armor, holding axe, doomsday, double-edged sword, etc. The most powerful and fierce, peerless warrior, blooms the majesty of the king.

The most terrifying Primordial Savage Beasts were all riding under him, and they were all creatures with terrifying blood, and they were called Venerable Beasts.

I have to say that this is a quite terrifying lineup, enough to sweep the sky, it is shocking.

It is indeed one of the most powerful ancient universes in the Chaos Sea, and it has sent five great ancient kings to kill the enemy!

Obviously, foreign races all felt that there was a Primordial King coming on the battlefield of Emperor Perish, and more than one person attacked the remnant soul of the foreign emperor under the Emperor Peak of the town, and wanted to extract the origin of the emperor. This is absolutely intolerable.

"You wait to die!"

The five Great Primordial Kings of the alien race shouted. They rode the Primordial Savage Beasts and directly waved their soldiers. They traversed the battlefield to block the Old King, the Dan Emperor Clan King, and the Yan King.

"Hmph, do you really think I'll be afraid of you waiting?"

The ancient king of the Dan Emperor clan coldly snorted, he is the deepest hostility to the alien race, because in the past, the Dan Emperor suffered heavy losses to kill the alien emperor under the Emperor Peak of the town. Traveling to other places was the culprit that caused the legendary emperor to leave. , How tolerable, full of killing intent.

"With the arrival of all the monarchs and fellow daoists today, it is just right to resolve the grievances between the two parties. Since the great emperor of your ancient universe was suppressed by Emperor Dan, there is only a ray of remnant soul left, unable to break free, so you should send him as soon as possible. Death is better than being so embarrassed and immortal."

The old king said, his eyes flashed with gleams of light, no longer muddy, the whole person's aura seemed to be much stronger, constantly climbing, terrifying combat power was unfolding, and a terrible sight was emerging.


In the battlefield of the Fallen Emperor, a fierce battle is exploding in all directions, and it is the ancient kings of both sides fighting.

Especially the five great ancient kings of foreign races, seeing this scene, were very angry.

Originally wanted to delay some years, the life of the old king was completely dragged away, and the vitality was preserved to the greatest extent, but I did not expect the other party to wait for the arrival of powerful reinforcements, and there were four more ancient kings. Completely balance the number of these levels with them.

Moreover, the old king is not an ordinary king of the ancients, if it is not for old age and weak body, otherwise the scales are likely to tilt in that direction.

The entire battlefield of the Fallen Emperor is shaking violently, and the blood rain is flying, and I don’t know how fierce it is. The ten great ancient kings fought in the battlefield of the Fallen Emperor, sweeping the ten directions, and the world collapsed, and it was almost shattered. All over.

It's just that the battlefield of Perish Emperor is very special. The Emperor Dan's law of the Emperor Dao was left behind, covering this vast battlefield. Both the Emperor Soldier and the Emperor Map were largely suppressed and unable to fully recover.

Otherwise, for so many thousands of years, the old emperor would not be able to stand alone against the alien army holding the Supreme Imperial Army and never die.

This is the prohibition that Emperor Dan left behind to avoid someone in the ancient universe holding the Supreme Emperor's army from attacking the Emperor Peak.

However, the Primordial King is after all the existence second only to the emperor and the immortal. Even if the supreme emperor soldier or emperor map cannot be used, he still has the endless divine power that shocks the ancient and the present. Every sweep of the divine power makes the stars in the sky shake down. It turns into a splendid meteor shower, which keeps falling and hitting the earth.

"You all go to die!"

Some of the five Great Primordial Kings on the alien side roared. Although they were in human form, they were covered in sorrowful red hair. On their heads, they had six eyes. They displayed an incomparable form of heaven and earth. They stood tall and majestic. Between the heavens and the earth, the heavens and stars appeared so small in front of them, holding the peerless warriors in their hands, as if the real Wushuang Great Emperor was born.

It was a doomsday celestial ge, blooming brilliant Tianwei, sweeping the starry sky, sweeping down one star after another, and then completely shattered, it was terrifying, and it was impossible to resist.

However, the Primordial King of the Dan Emperor clan coldly snorted. He holds the Jiuding Emperor map. Although it cannot be used for recovery, the Nine Mouth Pill Ding was created by the Dan Emperor himself. It possesses incredible great power, and he is here at this moment. It bloomed with the radiant power, colliding with the exterminating Sun Tiange.

If the emperor collides, the immense power of destruction will directly soar into the sky, penetrate Xiaohan, break into the starry sky, directly annihilate several star fields, and everything will be empty.

This is just one corner. The ten kings of the two sides collide so powerfully, how terrifying is simply incalculable.

If it weren’t for the battlefield where the emperor fought in the past, it is intertwined with the mighty power of the emperor, otherwise the battlefield of hundreds of millions of miles, even the vast starry sky of the universe would be annihilated. The terrifying might of existence.

They fought around Zhendifeng, and the entire battlefield was turbulent.

The five kings, including the old king, the king of the Dan clan, and the king of the flame, wanted to extract the origin of the emperor in the Zhendifeng, but the five foreign kings wanted to blast off the Zhendifeng and rescue the suppressed foreign emperor's immortal soul .

Now both sides are being checked and balanced, and neither side can achieve the goal.


At this moment, standing in the center of the battlefield of the Emperor of Death, that immortal and stalwart mountain trembled violently, and the magic light of hundreds of millions of meters flickered, accompanied by a sky-shattering roar and roar.

It was the immortal remnant soul of the foreign emperor who was suppressed under the peak of Zhendi. It was the immortal soul of the emperor. It was never obliterated and began to recover. It shook the entire battlefield of the emperor. The horrible influence was shocking, and they all looked in that direction.


Among them, there is a real imperial prestige recovering, as if the power of the alien race is about to break free from the Zhendifeng and completely resurrect. The immeasurable prestige is mighty, and even attracted the ten great ancient kings who have rushed to the outer war.

"It's not good, why is the remnant soul of the foreign race great so strong?"

At this moment, the old emperor suddenly changed his expression. The alien emperor has been suppressed by Emperor Dan for many years. Although his remnant soul is immortal, it has weakened a lot with the passage of time. Now there is a tendency to rise and become stronger. He felt incredible.

Boom boom boom -

The entire Zhendifeng was shaking constantly, and the more it became more intense, there were even a thick chain of gods rushing out, accompanied by the shocking Huanghuang Emperor, it turned out to be the supreme of the immortal emperor under the Zhendi Peak. The emperor was evolving, which shocked the five great ancient kings on the side of the old king.

Is it possible that the suppressed alien emperor will completely recover and be born?

"The Great!"

On the contrary, the five great ancient kings of the alien race are full of surprises. Once the great emperor is born and returns to the alien ancient universe, he will have a chance to be completely resurrected.


Only at this time, Zhendifeng suddenly burst into light of hundreds of millions of meters, accompanied by brilliant fairy lights, and hundreds of millions of emperors circulated, as if the hand of the emperor Wangu suppressed the foreign emperor. The remnant soul was suppressed by the birthplace, and the emperor **** chain that emerged was illusory and shattered.

"Emperor Dan!"

A loud roar, shaking the thirty-three layers of the sky, shaking the sky forever, that is the suppressed alien power is roaring, full of unwillingness, full of anger, roaring, roaring.

It was this hateful Emperor Dan who killed him here back then. Even though it was difficult to wipe out his emperor soul, he placed the immortal Emperor Dao seal, which made him unable to break free. Now he is recovering again and let him. Very angry.

"Emperor, don’t worry, this is the essence of the blood of the five emperors: Capricorn, Canggu, Qiantian, Lan'an, and Borneo. It can revive your remnant soul and get rid of the trouble of Emperor Zhenfeng. !"

Among them, the five great ancient kings actually took out five avenue bottles. Each bottle was crystal clear, which was condensed from the avenue runes, but more importantly, every bite contained a drop of blood the size of a thumb.

However, a small drop of essence and blood possesses incredible powers. Not only is it immeasurable, but it is also visible that there are all heavens and paths, and the world is constantly opened up and destroyed. Everything The profound meaning of the Great Dao is contained in it, full of all the profound meanings.

And each drop of essence and blood represents a different profound meaning of the ultimate path. There are five drops here, which are the essence and blood of the five emperors of the different races. They are refined, so rare and infinite, nothing can compare. .

At this moment, it must be sent to the remnant soul of the alien emperor under the Zhendi Peak, to help him break free at this moment.

"It's the blood of the emperors of Capricorn, Canggu, Gantian, Lan'an, and Borneo!"

Hearing that, the remnant soul of the emperor under the peak of Zhendi was slightly startled. After a moment of silence, he said majesticly: "Although I have to bear some great cause and effect, it's okay to send it over. The emperor wants to swallow, completely leave this town emperor peak, in the future, the emperor will recover, even if the great cause and effect are added, it will still be destroyed!"

The words showed an unparalleled will of the Supreme Emperor, without fear of all cause and effect.


The five Great Alien Kings of the Primordial Kings will pass on the essence and blood of the five alien great emperors to the remnant soul of the great emperor, so that he can swallow them, and can transform and upgrade.

"No, stop quickly, absolutely can't let the alien emperor recover!"

On the other side, the five great primordial emperors, including the old emperor, the emperor of the Dan clan, and the emperor of the flame, were frightened. Once they were successfully released by the foreign emperor, the consequences would be truly unimaginable.

Not only the ten-fold majestic pass on the road to the emperor will be shattered, it will even affect the pill world and the entire ancient universe after the road to the emperor. How can it be recovered?


A more terrifying battle exploded.

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