Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1567: No prize for guessing right!


Even more terrifying battles broke out, and the five great ancient kings all showed terrifying world and earth phenomena one by one, traversing the starry sky, raising their hands to grab the stars, and they can even perform amazing visions.

What world shattered, chaos opened up, the universe was born, the Holy Spirit revived and returned, the heavens and gods descended, etc., one after another amazing magical powers were unfolding one after another, the vastness of the mighty battlefield was overwhelmed, and the entire ancient battlefield of Fallen Emperor was filled.

The five great kings actively killed the five great ancient kings of the alien race, but they couldn't smoothly send the five emperor essence and blood of the alien king into the Zhendi Peak, let alone revive the alien king and break the seal.

The terrifying war of Primordial Kings has become even more intense. It has never been before. I don't know how fierce it is. There are even several Primordial Kings who have been killed outside the territory, causing great turmoil.

In Zhendi Peak, the immortal emperor soul of the alien great emperor is quiet again, but anyone can feel an icy air force gradually spreading, and the remnant emperor soul in it is always looking down coldly. The fierce and fierce battle from the outside world seems to have never been in mind.


During this period, an endless army of alien races came to kill. The ancient mighty power led one huge divine ship flying across the air, chariots galloping, battle flags swinging, killing them, endless.

They want to take this opportunity to rush to Zhendifeng and rescue the remnant soul of the emperor!

At the same time, the horn of the Tenth Zhongxiong Pass was sounded, the city gate opened wide, and an endless army was also smashed out, and the army guarded by the Nineth Zhongxiong Pass in the front also gathered and killed.

Because this may be the final battle, both sides will directly fight the whole army.

The heavenly powerhouses who came from the outside world are naturally obliged. They have all joined the ten-fold male pass. The heavenly power is here, adding a vital force that can not be ignored, and there are several peak powers here, which is even more amazing. , Second only to the existence of the Primordial King.

Foreign races naturally do not lack the strongest of this level, and the number of powers is also not to be underestimated. As the strongest ancient Chaos universe in the Chaos Sea, the overall power is indeed beyond imagination.

The war has completely fallen into a white-hot stage, and the endless army is fighting in the battlefield of the perishing emperor. There are figures everywhere in the sky and the ground. At the moment of collision, countless soldiers on both sides directly exploded and died.

This is just the tip of the war.

Here is the biggest meat grinder!

A great power is the strongest person under the Primordial King. It is surrounded by divine brilliance, like a divine battle, with unpredictable power in every gesture, strong collision, and the world collapses.

I even saw the terrifying chariots being driven by the powerful alien races. They turned out to be artifacts of war, not weaker than the immortal ancient soldiers, and even capable of defensive attacks. It was shocking. It cut and killed a piece of human head here, and even had its power Killed, the blood blasted into the sky.

Ye Chen also had to admit that the alien race was indeed an extremely powerful ancient universe. Perhaps in the entire Chaos Sea, only the Primordial Immortal Realm could be compared with it, because this ancient universe had already developed to its peak state, and its background was unfathomable and should not be underestimated.

During this period, he also took the initiative to attack, not only to prevent the birth of the alien emperor, but also because of the grievances between the sealed universe and the alien universe. He must attack, kill the aliens and conquer.

And now harvesting a piece of alien creatures, when the sealed universe faces in the future, there will be fewer enemies, and it must be done!

Ye Chen’s black hair was scattered, and even though he was only the King of Heaven, he exuded a peerless fighter that would make the heart tremble with ordinary power. He held a war gun made of condensed blood in his hand, and exuded Zhan Zhan. The golden light and the ancient chaos.


He rushed over, aimed at an alien power who did not control the chariot, and raised his hand to bombard.

"Huh? The mere peak of the heavenly king dared to step forward, looking for death!"

The opponent's alien power sensed Ye Chen's aura. Although he was a little too powerful, he didn't think the opponent could leapfrog the ranks, go retrograde and slash the immortals, and rushed over with a magic spear.

It was just the moment they collided with each other, this alien power surrounded by magic light was horrified to find that the opponent's ancient chaos had shattered his body's vast Taoism, and the invincible magic spear broke directly under the opponent's fist. , Exploded countless fragments.

I don't know how many fragments flew upside down and rushed into his body, containing terrifying power, so that his alien power broke the magic light on the surface, suffered heavy injuries, and splashed blood!

Just when Ye Chen raised his fist and broke the magic spear of the alien power, his other hand was holding the war spear, with bright golden light and ancient chaos. Under the shocked eyes of the other party, he directly penetrated the alien power. 'S head, pierced a strong soul straight out, and picked it up high, leaving only the empty flesh body falling down.

All this just happened between the electric light and flint. An alien power was solved in this way, the body was penetrated, and the soul was provoked. It looked so embarrassed, but it also showed how powerful Ye Chen was. .

He is like a **** of war, overwhelming heaven and earth!

"who are you?"

Alien Power looked at Ye Chen in horror. He wanted to break free, but he couldn't. That long spear contained special power, and more orderly chains flew out and intertwined with him, making him immobile.

More importantly, he felt a feeling of extreme suppression on the battle gun, as if he was born with a special opposition and suppression to their clan, suppressing his soul, unable to exert much power.

"Do you want to know?" Ye Chen smiled slightly, with a different kind of coldness, and there was a bright golden flame prancing in his so that the alien race could feel the extreme oppression, and a kind of Innate induction.

Soon, Alien Power came to understand and was horrified: "Are you from that same vein!?"

"Yes, you guessed it right, but no prize!" Ye Chen sneered, and at this time he was even more shocked. The chain of order completely trapped the mighty soul of the alien race, and there was chaotic fire emerging quickly The earth ignited the power of the alien race, so that the alien race could feel the incomparable pain, constantly roaring and howling, not wanting to live, but unable to struggle.

"Alien, it is best to completely disappear from this world."

Ye Chen took the ignited alien mighty soul with an immortal golden war spear, and then suddenly projected it out, turned into a bright streamer, and crashed into the dense spot of the alien army in the distance.


The mighty soul of the alien race was directly exploded. First, it suddenly appeared countless times brighter than the sun, and then the destructive power of the gods spread over the world, diverging millions of miles, and turning that direction countless. The army of foreign races was annihilated, with countless casualties, and aroused the attention of countless eyes.

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