Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1568: 5 great powers of angry war alien race!

"too horrible!"

"That devastating wave...Has the power blew up?"

It was those ancient powers in the battle that were shocked.

It was just that soon, they all saw a majestic and slender strong figure on the sky. It was a fighting holy king. If he stood tall in the sky like a god, he would have a supreme emperor's posture on top of the world.

"It's him!"

"Invincible Fighting Saint King!"

There is no shortage of the supreme Tianjiao of the younger generation who followed from the city of Dantian. Seeing this scene is also shocking. I did not expect the fighting king to solve an alien power so quickly, and Ignite the soul and explode the power of the alien race.

It really deserves to be the strongest young supreme who is qualified to attack the overlord of the ancient road, not weaker than the emperor and son-level figures, really terrifying.

Fei Tuo, Danyang and other young sages looked at it with complex expressions. Even if they had grievances, they had to admit the invincibility of the fighting sage king. Even though they were powerful, they felt that they were inferior.

But Danyang snorted coldly: "It's really an act of seeking death. It's too pushy, and it will only be targeted by foreigners here. The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it!"

Sure enough, the focus of the alien party's attention had passed, and all the mighty gazes were revealed.

Especially for such a young Supreme Tianjiao, the combat power is already so extraordinary, if he can grow up, he must be strangled in the cradle as soon as possible.

But Ye Chen was brave and fearless, even proactively attacking.

He raised his fist and shook, and shot out 108 divine light dragons and rushed into the alien army. Each divine light dragon was thousands of miles long, opened the abyss and swallowed a large number of foreign soldiers.

Moreover, he was shocked, and it was full of divine light, with a terrifying road law, burning the heavens, rolling over countless soldiers of the foreign race army, and countless deaths and injuries. It is absolutely infinite.

Then, five huge divine light channels appeared behind him, flowing brilliant five colors, but the world of the five elements emerged. The light of the five elements swept across the sky, completely rolling, killing and exploding. I don’t know how much. Alien creatures.

Among them, they killed more than two-handed alien kings in a row. In front of the strongest Ye Chen, the powerful kings who used to be high in the past are now so vulnerable, if they are easily hit like a chicken and dog. killed.

"Kill him, can't let him go on!"

Among them, there are alien powers rushing forward, and there is not only one person, there are four powers, and one person is the five heaven powers.

Five alien powers rushed forward, headed by the five heavenly powers, launched the most terrifying pursuit against Ye Chen, vowing to kill this terrifying supreme Tianjiao.

But Ye Chen was brave enough to kill the past with the Great Chaos Cauldron on his head, and actively bloomed the golden corporal blood energy, sweeping across the sky, under the extremely flaming corporal blood energy, it seemed that he was restrained by the opponent. Zun Da Neng was stagnant, and he looked at Ye Chen in shock.

"This kind of domineering blood, is it—"

I don't know how many powerful aliens looked in this direction, and felt the innate sense of oppression and disgust from the golden blood, and immediately understood.

"A descendant of the line of fighting saints!"

Only the strong in this vein possesses such a domineering golden blood, and it will make the alien students feel inspired to disgust from the heart.

"It's another descendant of this line. Didn't one kill a person before the Seal of the Universe a hundred years ago? Why is there another descendant of the fighting saints now!?"

Many alien creatures were surprised. A hundred years ago, the universe was sealed with ten emperors. The aliens dispatched seven great ancient kings. In the end, even the emperor and the emperor awakened and took action. Finally, the design opened the tenth emperor. Guan, but in the end it fell short and was blocked before the Emperor Guan.

All this is because the descendant of the line of fighting saints, saintly sacrifices his body, awakens the lost battle spirit of the unphased king, and prevents all this from happening, so I especially remember it.

But now it was discovered that the second descendant of the fighting saint appeared, which had to be shocking.

This is not to blame for the alien races. The news on the Ultimate Ancient Road is difficult to pass back to their respective ancient universes. Even the alien races have nothing to do. Therefore, they did not know that Ye Chen was resurrected from the dead and embarked on the ultimate ancient road.

"It's me, a descendant of the undead fighting saints a hundred years ago, and now it's back against the sky, and it happens to sweep the alien race here, and let your alien race receive a profound lesson."

Ye Chen screamed, he did not hide his identity, his whole body was bathed in bright golden blood, but there was a special red blood and gray chaotic ancient aura in his blood, which was a unique chaotic sacrament. Bloody.

A brilliant golden avenue was born under his feet. Accompanied by the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Xuanwu, there were also ten layers of heaven emerging, and the void blooming with divine lotus, and the whole person emerged with a supreme aura that was unprecedented.

Black hair fluttered, Ye Chen took the initiative to attack, rushing to the five great alien powers, the wild euphorbia appeared in his hand, and the great Chaos cauldron also stood in the air, attacking forcefully.

Boom boom boom -

As soon as Hajime collided, there was a shocking law between the two sides, and the scars were splashing, shining brightly, annihilating the sky, causing a terrible sensation.

"The descendants of the line of fighting saints who were lucky not to die a hundred years ago, but today you will inevitably be killed here, so that the people of your line will be extinct and no longer exist!"

The leading five-layer alien power is called dry box, born with bat wings, transformed into a human form, and took the lead in attacking, waving a trident, and smashing against Ye Chen, and even more terrifying alien avenue rules appeared. The bombardment was terrible.

And here, the other four supernatural powers all came over to assist the dry box to encircle Ye Chen.

It’s just that the other heavenly powers will not allow Ye Chen to be besieged by himself. This is especially true of the Dan Emperor clan, because Ye Chen is the first guest of the Dan Emperor clan, and his identity is extremely important. At the moment, Dan Xu has this other The Wei Dan Emperor Clan rushed over, and the other two great powers rushed over.

"Don't use it, I'll be fine alone!"

However, Ye Chen refused their support. He didn't want to show off, but he had enough strength to be brave and fearless.


When the Great Chaos Cauldron was controlled, it directly blocked the opponent's trident, with a clanging sound, exploded into sparks, turbulent in all directions.

The Great Chaos Cauldron is so extraordinary. It exploded into pieces of ancient Chaos Qi, wiping out the heavens and all paths. The five heavenly powers as powerful as the dry box could not be broken in a short time, and because of Ye Chen, it is now enough to rival the five heavens Because of the power, it is more terrifying than before.

At the same time, after Ye Chen blocked the most powerful person, he stood in the air, facing the other four powerful aliens in the third and fourth heavens, without fear.

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