Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1569: Destroyed!

The mighty nine heavens, one layer every day, although a bit exaggerated, but the gap between each layer is indeed not small.

Just like Ye Chen, before crossing the Tribulation, he was comparable to the Four Heavens, and after crossing the Tribulation, he had improved so much, it was only comparable to the Five Heavens, which was enough to explain everything.

He faced the other four supernatural powers, operating supernatural powers.

Baoshan Seal!

This great magical power, which he had mastered when he was weak, is now being used in his hands, and it is undoubtedly maximized.

An immortal divine mountain towering into the sky emerged. It was huge enough to be hugged by him, and then suddenly threw it at one of the alien powers, breaking through layers of void, without knowing how terrifying it was.

That alien power with three silver horns was in the triple heaven power realm, and tried his best to resist this divine mountain, but the whole person was blown away, and it was difficult to completely resist it.

At the same time, Ye Chen shook his body and struck out the ling rhino sword fingers, but they were not billions of epee sword lights. On the contrary, all the sword lights were combined to form a divine sword that reached the sky, which was also tens of thousands of miles long. In, cut to the second alien power.

The golden avenue at the foot shook, and the golden light was billions of meters, and there was a burly figure rushing out, showing the holy law of fighting, rushing to the past, accompanied by the heavens and stars, terrifying.

In an instant, all three alien powers were blocked by shots.

In the end, Ye Chen's deity directly smashed in front of the last alien power. It was the power of the four heavens, and it was considered very powerful, enough to be called the ancestor in a star field and create an immortal tradition.

It is a pity that he is facing Ye Chen, a generation of invincible fighting saint kings, the most powerful and invincible, enough to sweep the world's enemies.

I saw Ye Chen rush forward, the speed can be said to be about to break through the long river of time, penetrate the time, and then immediately descended in front of this alien power, the aura that emerged from his body was overwhelming, like a whole world. Rushing over and smashing the heavens, I don't know how terrible it is, making this four heavenly power feel an incomparable sense of pressure, and the blood in his body seems to be completely cold and unable to flow normally.


Ye Chen's Qi machine suppressed the opponent in an all-round way, causing the opponent to be extremely oppressed, whether it was a divine body or a divine soul, and his actions were much slower.

At the same time, Ye Chen moved, just slammed a punch. It was simple and ordinary, and it seemed slow, but in fact it was faster than normal, and it was surrounded by countless great principles, all roaring, and then transformed into The ancient chaos, there is a whole starry sky being interpreted, pushing it horizontally, and blasting towards the opponent.

"Do not!"

This quadruple heaven alien power was roaring, full of unwillingness, and tried hard to put his immortal ancient soldier divine sword in front of him, and wanted to block it because he felt an unparalleled sense of death.

He felt that if he had received this blow, he would be killed directly.


The fist slammed into the divine sword, and a brilliant light appeared in Beng, and then under the shocked gaze of the alien power, the divine sword suddenly shattered, simply unstoppable.


At this time, Ye Chen's fist smashed into the Divine Sword, and it suddenly slammed on the head of the Alien's Quadruple Heavenly Power. The ferocious head could no longer be stabilized, and then it exploded with a bang, like blood. The light bursts, more like thousands of peach blossoms blooming, very sad and beautiful.

Among them, even the mighty spirits of foreign races were blown away with a punch, almost wiped out.

too strong!

Everyone was stunned, and several other alien powers watched all this happen, but they were helpless.

It is said that it is slow, but it is done quickly. Everything happens between the electric light and flint. In fact, it happens quite fast and it ends soon.

A quadruple heavenly power was solved by Ye Chen in this way, and people breathed a breath of cold air. Is the Fighting Saint King so terrifying? The four heavenly powers are so vulnerable.

Naturally, although Ye Chen is extremely powerful, he still can't easily raise his hand to kill the four heavens. It looks like an ordinary punch, but it is the sublimation of the extreme power, dozens of hundreds of moves combined in one shocking world. Power, the immortal ancient soldier is unstoppable!

Although the alien spirit was reorganized after its collapse, it was impossible to escape, because the next moment he was directly caught by Ye Chen's big hand, sealed with his body, and finally thrown into his great chaos cauldron. Completely suppressed.

Dry box watched all this and roared, the whole person burst out a more terrifying great power, rushed over, and even collided with the Great Chaos Cauldron, trying to rescue that mighty power.


At this time, Ye Chen jumped up into the sky abruptly, and came to the dry box with a brushing sound.

My body is still like a mountain, and the ancient Chaos Qi is spreading, but the dry box is shaken off, and the tiger’s mouth is cracked. The close collision is not Ye Chen's opponent with the strongest battle body, Chaos Eucharist. At a disadvantage.

Ye Chen stood still like a mountain, with scattered black hair, and possessed a world-famous look, which made people look up.

"So strong!"

Everyone should be shocked, is this the true power of the fighting king?

Ye Chen is majestic and windy, like an immortal **** of war, he attacked again, his figure flickered, and Chaos Supreme came out, accompanied by the ancient chaos, and the heavens and stars are evolving, as if encompassing a vast land of stars, straight ahead Crashed into the dry box.

"Dare to block this seat!"

The dry box yelled, all the bat wings spread out behind him, the magic light circulated, and the law of all kinds of signs transformed into a chain of gods of order, constantly in the Chaos Supreme body, to penetrate it, and then support other alien powers.

It’s just that Chaos Supreme’s body is cold, and he smashes directly into the front, and swings the Chaos Great Cauldron, opening its mouth wide, swallowing all the chains of order, and the Chaos Supreme’s body is not weaker than the body at all, driving the Great Cauldron , Suppress Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and attack strongly.


The two are colliding with each other strongly, all the laws are stirring, and there is a flash of divine light, the vast sky and the wild.

The dry box body is the five heavenly power, strong enough, as powerful as the Chaos Supreme Body, it is difficult to suppress the opponent for a while, but it can delay, it is enough.

At the same time, Ye Chen's deity swept the eight wilderness, chasing and killing the other three alien powers alone.

That's right, it's a chase!

He walks along and steps, if the emperor is patrolling the world, accompanied by the four great holy spirits, how majestic, a brilliant golden avenue descends from the sky, rushing to all directions, and the alien power in the sky is a finger point to cover the sky——

Cut the sky!

The huge fingers concealed the heaven and the earth, how huge, it was much bigger than the Optimus Pillar, annihilating the entire universe of time and space, shattering everything, and pointing to the triple heaven alien power.


It was as powerful as the triple heaven and could not bear it. The body disintegrated and almost exploded, because it was a peerless blow from the fighting sage king, and it was also the absolute suppression of the fighting sage's line. It almost killed this alien race. Mighty.


However, under the heavy injury, there was no other combat power at all, and he was caught by Ye Chen lightning, directly sealed, and thrown into the internal space.

At the same time, he projected the Tianhuang Euphorbia violently, pierced the sky with a slam, and pierced another quadruple heaven alien power that was about to rush over, and rushed directly into the alien army. At that moment, the Holy Body's blood energy and immeasurable killing intent contained in the Tianhuang Euphorbia burst out directly.


The Four Heavenly Alien Powers exploded directly, and the devastating aura swept away, killing at least a million alien forces there. There were heavy casualties. There were also several Alien Powers driving chariots. Was affected.

As for the last alien power, at this moment, he has quietly killed Ye Chen's back, and a battle shot quietly pierced the back of Ye Chen's head. The immeasurable killing intent was condensed at one point, condensed but not scattered. , Horror to the extreme, absolutely can kill any power.

This was a fatal blow, and it made many great powers startled to see this scene. They wanted to be reminded, but it was too late, because the opponent was too fast and too fast.

It's just that this shot pierced the back of Ye Chen one inch in front of his head, but he couldn't pierce it anymore, because at this time a warm and slender palm was also silently grasped, letting this shot contain so much The power of horror was held by a mighty power, but he couldn't move.

The palm of his hand was like a chaotic golden pouring.

"Just relying on your trivial Three Heavenly Power to attack me? Ridiculous!"

It was Ye Chen who made the shot. He turned around and looked at each other as equals, but looked down like someone else.

Click ——

Easily, a powerful immortal soldier was broken by Ye Chensheng. It was so devastated and vulnerable to a single blow, it was This unparalleled combat body is beyond imagination and terrifying, even if it is far in the sky. The emperor's eyes flickered, and she seemed to be surprised.


At this time, Alien Power retreated like lightning, because he didn't know that he was the opponent of this fighting sage king, this was indeed a young supreme with the most demon and evil, possessing the most powerful means to fight across the great realm.

It's just that he couldn't escape at all, because at this moment, Ye Chen's palm had firmly grasped his neck, unable to struggle, and was lifted up like a chicken.

How frustrated this is. As a powerful generation, he has never been treated like this before, but now he is so despised by the supreme Tianjiao who is hostile to the ancient universe.


At this moment, Ye Chen opened his mouth abruptly and let out a loud roar, shaking the nine heavens and ten earth, and the heavens trembled.


It was visible to the naked eye that the triple heaven alien might exploded violently, it was broken into pieces, it was roared alive, and the sky was completely collapsed.

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