Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1580: I come!

"To uproot all of his imperial clan, without leaving one, refine the blood of his descendants."

"Also, as long as you blast open this heavenly pass, you can enter the ancient universe, and you may be able to learn the ultimate of the final pass of the ultimate ancient road."

The icy voice of the five alien emperors came out, and they did not retreat. On the contrary, at this point, they had to cross the border.

Behind him, I also saw stars appearing behind the Five Great Emperors, and every star had an immeasurable army of foreign races gathering. It was vast, and everyone was shocked to see.

And now it is the five great aliens who are going to cross the boundary. Once they successfully descend, what about the immortal pass? The five great emperors are definitely likely to break through a heaven. After all, they are all built by the existence of this level.

The four Primordial Kings wanted to stop them, but they were powerless. No matter how powerful they were, they couldn't match the real supreme emperor, not to mention the five emperors, and they were unstoppable.

"Take a shot, as long as this cross-border passage is smashed, then there is no need to worry about everything."

The emperor of the Dandi clan spoke, and was the first to summon the Dandi Ding, and then resumed lifting the Ding to bombard the cross-border passage.

The other three Primordial Kings also took action, constantly bombarding this cross-border passage. In any case, it is absolutely impossible for the five foreign race emperors to cross the boundary successfully, otherwise it would be a huge disaster.

It's just that the alien race also has five great ancient kings here, leading a large number of alien troops to block, and it is not allowed to destroy by the powerful on this side.

"What is good, can you summon the emperor of the ancient universe of our world to come"

There was the Primordial King speaking, unless the Supreme Emperor came, it would be impossible to stop it.

It's just that the great ancient kings frowned, because the emperor was invisible, and so was the emperor's clan. They didn't know their true whereabouts, and hadn't even seen the emperor's trace for thousands of years, how to find it.

"I come"

At this time, a voice came, causing everyone to pay attention to it, and he was slightly startled. It was the Fighting Saint King, who actually rushed directly.

This scene made everyone stunned, fighting the Saint King, is this going to die?

The great ancient kings were frightened and hurriedly transmitted a voice message to call him to stop.

Although the Fighting Saint King is very enchanting and powerful, it is far from being compared with the Primordial King, let alone stopping the Five Great Emperors of other races, there is only one dead end.

Presenting personal heroism at this time is simply meaningless.


At this moment, the most terrifying roar suddenly exploded, overwhelming the sky, flooding the entire sky, not knowing how intense it was, attracting everyone's attention.

I saw that the originally gloomy world suddenly shined with a brilliant light, which was also visible to the naked eye. Just in the sky, suddenly there was a vast and boundless sea of ​​thunder, which was extremely vast, and countless thunders appeared like this. Now, every road is filled with the sun and the prosperous Dao Qi, dissolving the **** aura between heaven and earth.

"Heaven Tribulation"

Both sides were shocked, especially the alien army, many of them were evil and evil, and now they were strongly oppressed.

"Passing the Tribulation"

In the cross-border passage, the five great aliens all saw this scene, slightly surprised.

This is indeed a huge catastrophe, at least in that realm, it can be called a rare catastrophe in ancient and modern times, but they are all existences, and they have truly come from that realm. Those who are fighting over are the most enchanting catastrophes, I have never put it in my eyes, and shook his head and said: "A little ant crossing the catastrophe also wants to stop me. It is really delusional."

Not only the alien side, but even many people on this side frowned, feeling that the Fighting Saint King is indeed a bit paranoid, no matter how evil he is, he should not be so arrogant.

"Killing him is a descendant of the line of fighting saints, a bloodline of disgust"

Among them, the Primordial King of the alien race learned of Ye Chen's Saint Physique bloodline, and he personally shot it. He was not afraid to rob the Lightning Sea, and he directly probed his hand and broke into pieces.


In an instant, the tribulation of the sky was induced, and it was increased many times in a sudden. The terrifying tribulation light exploded directly, and it fell on the hands of the ancient king of the alien race, directly exploding a series of blood lights, thunder light flashing, I don't know how intense it is.

It's just that the Primordial King is the Primordial King after all, the law is permeated, and it is directly blocked, and he still kills Ye Chen.

"Fighting Saint King, hurry up"

Several great ancient kings shut down from the immortal sky, trying to rescue this full-potential fighting saint king, but the next moment their figure stopped, because they saw that the entire battlefield of the emperor was rioted, even Shattered.

That piece of Tribulation Light Thunder Sea suddenly increased many times, and the Nine Tribulation Light Thunder Sea was directly derived. I don't know how much it became stronger, attracting everyone's attention.

And more importantly, above the Thunder Sea of ​​Nine Tribulations, that mysterious Thunder Light Gate reappeared and opened completely. Ten figures appeared one after another, all revealing their true meaning. The air of great terror.

"this is"

Everyone's eyes widened, and such a human-shaped heavenly tribulation appeared in the heavenly tribulation.

But all this is not over yet. Because of this moment, a humanoid celestial calamity suddenly rushed down, and the Qi machine suddenly frightened countless times, and it came before the alien Primordial King who shot it. The Qi machine was at the level of the king. But it was more violent and shot strongly.


The heaven and the earth exploded, and the ancient king of the alien race flew across the blood-stained heaven and earth, and a section of his arm was torn off, and he stayed in the robbery thunder sea forever.


In addition to being stunned, everyone was stunned, because all this happened so fast that many people didn't even react before it ended.

However, the terrifying humanoid Heavenly Tribulation was only seen standing there, revealing an aura that horrified the Primordial King.

In the cross-border passage, the eyes of the five foreign race emperors all gushed out bright light, staring at this place for a moment, shocked: "The special tribulation has revealed such a humanoid catastrophe, and it seems The ten heavens of the sealed universe"

Worthy of being the Supreme Emperor, he could see through Ye Chen's tribulation at a glance, but he was also a little surprised, because such a special tribulation could have come, all this was enough to explain the extraordinaryness of this young junior.

"The descendant of the line of fighting saints, the chaos cultivator, the first young supreme to break through the tenth heaven in the sealed universe"

The five great emperors of foreign races have seen through Ye Chen, and can fully feel the immeasurable potential of this sealed universe junior, truly possessing the emperor's posture, not inferior to the emperor and emperor, and even more terrifying.

Among them, there was the most terrifying Immeasurable Emperor-level Killing Thought along the cross-border passage, transforming into a light of extinction, slashing towards Ye Chen.

This is shocking, the emperor gave birth to killing thoughts, and even the five great emperors, which can be called gods blocking and killing gods, Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas, and the ancient kings will be crushed in the face.


However, at this moment, Lei Tingguang’s door was in front of the most mysterious tenth day, and the other eight incarnations of heaven rushed over in an instant, and descended in front of Ye Chen. The most terrifying coercion was blooming, and the emperor was there Emerging, directly disintegrating these emperor-level killing thoughts. *Like*Chinese*Chinese*

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