Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1581: 9 Great Fighting Soul!

Boom boom boom

The incarnation of the Nine Daotians descended, standing in front of Ye Chen, the emperor-level killing thoughts originating from the five foreign emperors in the passage of the universe were all disintegrated and annihilated.

"how is this possible"

The whole world was shocked, did the fighting sage king summon all the nine emperors and dao supreme sages, otherwise how could it be so terrifying.

And they clearly felt the supreme majesty of the thread from the incarnation of the nine heavens, that is the emperor.


It was the five great alien emperors who were all shocked. They stood one after another in the passage of the universe. They were huge, squeezing every inch of corners. They looked at these emperors in shock, and then showed the color of real thinking. : "Do you really want to summon all the souls of war from the past in the sealed universe?"

Many people are surprised, the soul of heaven

Only a few great ancient kings were surprised and suspicious, and seemed to think of something.

Looking at the incarnation of these days, Ye Chen used to be the biggest difficulty when crossing the catastrophe. Every time he faced them, he would die forever, but now he has become the biggest helper and guardian. Such a sudden change in role has made him suffer. Can't help but trance.

It was just that Ye Chen's eyes quickly became firm. The current Nine Heavenly Incarnations are no longer simply the incarnations of the heavens, but also the incarnations of the heavens with the majesty of the emperor, which is the best help.


He even rushed into the distant sky, rushed into the cross-border passage, followed by the incarnation of the nine heavens, and did not deal with Ye Chen, on the contrary, he carried the immeasurable calamity light thunder sea, comprehensive The ground shock passed, flooding the entire cross-border passage, causing an unparalleled impact.

Among them, especially the incarnation of the Nine Daotians, this moment is more like the nine great emperors manifesting, the aura is too strong, surpassing the past, killing the entire cross-border passage, and even annihilating countless alien races. The army, the five great ancient kings of foreign races, were all seriously injured. They were protected by the Supreme Emperor's soldiers and they all flew backwards, and were torn open with many bone wounds.

Some even had their limbs torn off and suffered extremely severe injuries.

With a stunned mouth, everyone on the side of Shizhongxiong Pass was shocked. The combat power of the Nine Heavens Incarnation was too terrifying, beyond imagination.

"Hmph, even if the battle spirit of the Nine Great Heavens of the Sealed Realm returns against the sky, it will be destroyed."

The five foreign emperors snorted coldly, and the most terrifying emperor-level killing thoughts appeared one by one. There was a light of extinction that passed through the ancient and modern in the sky, shuttled through the cross-border passage, and crashed to the incarnation of the nine heavens.

That was the supreme killing intent of the Emperor Dao, and it was terrifying, and the Primordial King would be crushed in the face, and it was inevitable.

I saw immeasurable tribulation in the thunder sea, and even felt the emperor’s aura. The tribulation was once again elevated, the incarnation of the nine heavens was even more terrifying, almost comparable to the real supreme emperor, walking along the border The channel rushed past.

Carrying the emperor's tribulations, with the Holy Spirit tribulation, as well as the ups and downs of stars, the endless tribulation manifested in the army rushed out, followed the incarnation of the nine heavens and rushed over, killing the alien army overwhelmingly .

It's not like a catastrophe at all, it's more like the entire ancient universe has evolved, with all troops coming out to attack the foreign ancient universe.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the entire army of alien races was killed by annihilation. I don't know how many strong men were wiped out in ashes. That alien might not be spared, and even the solid chariot was directly destroyed.

Under great power, there are countless deaths and injuries, more than millions have fallen, and the number of deaths and injuries continues to increase.

When the Immortal Sky closed, everyone could not help swallowing a drool when seeing this scene, very dumbfounded.

It was terrifying, it was simply the most terrifying weapon of war. It was devastated and decayed. The strongest alien army faced the most terrible thunder catastrophe. It was just so vulnerable that it was directly swept and killed.

Is this the power of the fighting king?

No one thought it would be terror to this point, especially the incarnation of the nine heavens, did not attack the fighting holy king who was a robber, on the contrary, he became the opponent's strong soldier, and even killed the foreign army. Don't know how much.

The alien male gate standing in the starry sky completely disintegrated under the vast sea of ​​calamity light and thunder, shattering the world.

The cross-border passage was also under the thunder sea of ​​robbery, and signs of disintegration began to appear. The five foreign emperors on the other side saw this, but did not make another move. Instead, the five ancient kings of the sound transmission, let them lead the foreign army back. .

And under their control, all the five supreme imperial soldiers fully recovered, blocking the incarnation of the nine heavens, preventing them from rushing over.

In the end, they glanced at Ye Chen in Jie Guang Lei Hai, with killing intent, but not too strong.

Because Ye Chen is very enchanting, but it is too difficult to truly become an emperor. If he does not reach this domain, unless he is a non-phase king, he can only be regarded as an ant, and he will not take it too seriously.

However, they also looked at the incarnation of the tenth day of the Nine Tribulations Lightning Sea, showing a complex expression, and finally looked at the mysterious Thunder Light Gate, and looked into the Thunder Light Gate. Seeing all of them, but did not speak, and left with the foreign army.


Under the most terrible tribulation bombardment The alien universe cost a huge price to construct the universe channel, and finally can't bear it anymore. It completely disintegrated, and it broke down every inch. exist.

The Immortal Sky closed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and a catastrophe was stopped.

The biggest hero is still benefited from the fighting sage king. If it weren’t for his tribulation to block and the manifestation of the incarnation of heaven, they would not be able to repel smoothly, and it is very likely that the five foreign emperors would cross the boundary smoothly Since then, for the entire ultimate ancient road and even the entire ancient universe, it is unparalleled and devastating and unbearable.

It can be said that the fighting king is a great hero, worthy of the praise of the world.

It’s just that no one noticed that at the moment when the passage was completely disintegrated, Ye Chen heard an ancient syllable, traversing the imperial language of the Era era, accompanied by an invisible streamer passing through the disintegrating channel, and fell on Ye Chen's body.

Ye Chen was immediately shocked, feeling a trace of abnormality, and hurriedly swept his body with his spiritual sense, only to sweep his body again and again, but he never found the slightest problem.

But he clearly felt what seemed to be planted in his body.


Before he spent more energy and time on searching, at this time, a more unfavorable situation appeared.

Although Heavenly Tribulation was restored to what it was at the beginning because of the departure of the five great alien emperors, the horror was much more intense.

The incarnations of the Nine Great Heavens all descended backwards, surrounding Ye Chen in the center. Although the emancipation was no longer the emperor's qi machine, they all bloomed with the terrifying emperor-level Tianjiao qi machine. , Surging surging, suppressed to the most central him.

And at this moment, the incarnations of the Nine Great Heavens all shot, and they all slew towards Ye Chen.

The roles are completely changed. *Like*Chinese*Chinese*

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